Category Archives: Potpourri

Train My Puppy, Please. Watch Out For Scammers.

Shea Quinn is a full-time professional dog trainer, located in DeKalb, IL.   In approximately 4 months of seeking a local trainer, hiring then terminating a trainer, then seeking another trainer, Shea is the only full-time trainer that I’ve met.  He has been the most helpful although he has not personally met my puppy. His patience and advice to me is greatly appreciated.  This post includes an interview with Shea. Of the ten or so dog trainers that I’ve spoken with or hired, Shea is the only one who did not attempt to b.s. me.

The following is pertinent parts of my experience with dog trainers.

In August, a friend posted an inquiry on a website for a dog trainer for my puppy, Gracie.  Shea phoned me the next day.  He gained my respect by giving me respect.  I had spoken with a few other trainers who I think I intimidated.  See, I’m a senior citizen now, but got my first dog in 1959.   I was a daddy’s girl and as my dad trained Roscoe, I was right by his side.  Roscoe was my friend, protector, and playmate.  He was a Boxer/German Shepherd mix and lived so long that I forgot he was going to die someday.  Roscoe lived long enough to see my son born.

I developed a love for dogs and often went to the library and checked out books on dog training.  I’ve had dogs for approximately 64 years of my life.  Miss Z was the first who had professional training to learn to walk on leash at Dave’s Doggie Den, and that was in calendar year 2010.

My Miss Z went to the Rainbow Bridge in November 2021.  I was unsure if I had the energy to raise another puppy.  Along with that, because of the surgery I had due to cancer, (all tissue was removed down to my breast plate), my upper body strength is not what it used to be.  My physical therapist said that my weight limit when using both hands is 25 lbs.  Well, I’m a big-dog person so if I got another dog, I was going to need help training, especially in walking and not pulling on leash.   I’m not a professional dog trainer. I know my limitations.


My friends and family encouraged me to get another dog and in June of this year, I brought Gracie home.  I figured I would hire a trainer to help me beyond the basic commands.  Gracie grew fast.  She went to sleep one night as a 20 lb. puppy and woke up the next morning weighing 50 lbs. and 5 feet in length.  Okay. I’m blowing it out of proportion, but she is growing really fast.

I had planned taking Gracie to the same trainer I had for Miss Z, but his classes are in the evening.  I don’t drive at night.  Then too, it turned out that Gracie has salivation anxiety each time she was put in the car.  Notice I said “put in the car” because she would not get in the car on her own.   I called her the Ghostbuster puppy because she slimmed all over her front paws and legs.  Even her eyes ran with slime.

Her obedience training was hindered in August when I developed edema in both feet.  No.  It’s not my heart.  I walked for 4 hours in the wrong shoes.  For 3 weeks, I could not get shoes on my feet.  My home care assistant took on the project of teaching Gracie to get in the car and ride without slime.  Now, we can get her in the car and she barely salivates.  However, getting her back in the car after she’s been out is a problem.  She plants her feet as if in concrete and has to be picked-up and put in the car.  I cannot physically pick her up.  Once in, she does not salivate at all on the trip home.

My friend who posted the inquiry for a dog trainer was trying to help me.  I had spoken to some trainers but they only talked about training to sit, stay, lay, come, and heel.  What about counter surfing?  What about jumping up on visitors?  What about learning to place?  And, what about getting Gracie’s paws out of the concrete setting? Read the rest of this entry

Personal Update

Friends, followers, visitors,

I haven’t published a blog post since December, 2022, and I apologize for that. Additionally, for several years now, I’ve missed not keeping up with my favorite bloggers, visiting, commenting on their blogs.  I’ve always looked forward to putting more time into doing that, but always seem to fall short.

In April, I was assigned a home care assistant who is wonderful.  As of January 2023, I had been without an assistant for over a year.  One agency had an influx of applicants from surrounding towns that are known as Trump country.  They were not vaccinated and refused to wear masks.  I wondered why anyone with that attitude would want to work in home healthcare.  In my opinion, working in the homes of seniors with chronic illness with that attitude is the same as committing 1st degree murder by proxy.  They were no good to the agency because clients with chronic illness don’t want such disrespectful people working in their homes.

By the way, I get my 5 year breast cancer survival check-up this week.  Other than some neuropathy as a side-effect of one of the chemo drugs, and an occasional phantom pain, I’m doing fine on that side of the coin.  The other side is tinnitus.  My ENT physician resigned from that specialty and now practices skin cancer surgery.  The new ENT said there was nothing he could do and walked out of the room.  My primary care physician is resigning at the end of the month so I have to start over with a new physician. Well — don’t get me started on my experiences with the medical system.

Question; has anyone switched from Twitter to another platform?  If so, please share your thoughts.  Some old friends are no longer on Twitter and I would still like to keep up with them. WordPress no longer automatically posts blog links to Twitter.   This might be why I no longer see recently published posts on Twitter from those bloggers I follow.  We now have to manually post the links to Twitter.

Meanwhile, since my dog went to the Rainbow Bridge in November 2021, I’ve pondered whether I am able to raise a puppy.  It’s been 12 years since I raised a puppy which means, I’m 12 years older.  In April, I adopted a puppy from a shelter in Woodstock, IL.  That shelter had her since she was 6 weeks old, but did not put her up for adoption until she was 12 weeks old.  After having her 2 weeks, I returned her.   That shelter is unlike other shelters I’ve adopted from.  They did not conduct any temperament tests, nor train her to do basics such as sit.  The puppy behaved like a feral cat.

Gracie at 7 weeks.


In June, I got an 8 week-old German Shepherd puppy that I picked out when she was 6 weeks old.  She is gracious, which is why I named her Gracie.  She’s growing really fast, learning fast.  She was housebroken in 3 weeks.

In another week or so, I should be able to get her into the car without her being anxious so I can take her for professional training.  Right now, I call her the Ghostbusters dog because she slimes when riding.  A professional trainer gave me instructions on how to alleviate her from the anxiety, and it seems to be working.

One thing I’ve learned is that studies have been conducted on breeds that have propensity for hip dysplasia, and vets now recommend not having them altered until they are a year old.

Gracie at 3 months old

Study results suggest that hormones may have an influence on the risk of hip dysplasia. There are certain hormones that are necessary for their bones to mature, so altering them before they are a year old depletes them of those hormones. I’ve not had a girl dog previously that was not sprayed before her first heat cycle, so this is going to be new to me.  Wish me luck.

My crochet of caps for cancer patients has slowed down since Gracie came home.  I used to complete 3 caps a day.  Now it’s a good thing if I can get 1 cap completed in 3 days.  But, Gracie won’t be a puppy forever.


What I’ve Been Up To – Update

As many of you probably know, in September 2018, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer; Her2 positive cancer cells.  It’s a progressive cancer, but thankfully there are two immunology drugs for treatment.  As of March 1, 2021, I am now 2 years NED (No Evidence of Disease). 

Sadly, my heart hurts for those still on the journey, and those whose journey ended.

Some of you might know Michael Hulshof-Schmidt.  His blog is Social Justice For All.  Michael’s husband is leaving the blog up, and I am grateful for that.

I don’t quite remember when it was that Michael and I met. It may have been in 2013 or 2014, but we became blogging buddies.   Michael went through chemo for colon cancer, a massive heart attack, and then the cancer recurred in his liver.  He put up a courageous fight, but on January 30, 2021, he transitioned. 

Then there are other courageous people on the journey who find time to encourage others, such as Ilene of the Cancer Bus.

 Now, I’m on conservative follow-up of every 6 months.  My cancer marker tests have consistently scored 17 for over a year now.  Any score under 30 is good.  Meanwhile, I had surgery on my left foot in February and currently have sterile-strips on my big toe.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to wear a closed-in shoe in a week. Read the rest of this entry

8 Year Blog Anniversary

Thanks to followers, visitors, and participants, past and present.

Last month I received notification from WordPress that it was my 8 year anniversary.  My, time does fly.  These past 2 years makes it seem much longer.  The breast cancer treatment journey caused months to fly and at the same time, time slowed down.   I suppose one has to have been or is on that journey to understand, because words are insufficient to describe how time can move slow but at the same time, move fast.

It was a year in March that I had surgery and was declared NED/NEC (no evidence of disease/ no evidence of cancer).  Then there were post-surgical treatments with immunology drugs for 3 months, followed by tests, followed by physical therapy.  July marked my one year anniversary since ending post-surgical treatment.  I’m still receiving treatment for some of the side-effects that chemo left behind.

In 8 years, three of my best friends have died.  We also lost at least one blogger to death, and several disappeared without a word. I miss them all. There are bloggers I met in 2012 who no longer blog, but are on Twitter. Read the rest of this entry

No Donald Trump. The Cure Is Not Worse Than The Problem.

Regarding the coronavirus sweeping across the United States, on March 22, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump said in a tweet;



During his briefing on March 23, 2020, Trump made it clear that his perception of a highly contagious virus with potential to kill is a “problem” rather than a public health issue. Rather than avoid the spread of the virus, he wants people to return to work.  He wants the stock market to go up.

According to Politico, the prospect of resuming typical business has horrified public health leaders.

“At a White House briefing Monday night, Trump seemed adamant that the economy would come back to life “very soon,” insisting that the government can fight the viral spread while also going to work — ‘we can do them both at the same time’.”

Let’s be clear about something.  The White House recommended “social distancing” but Trump, neither anyone in his administration, gave stay-at-home orders. He can’t rescind nor change orders that he didn’t issue.

As of March 24, 2020, Governors of 16 states have issued stay-at-home orders. The mayor of Atlanta issued a stay-at-home order for that city.

Donald Trump lacks jurisdiction to order Governors and Mayors to cancel their orders. Read the rest of this entry

Trump on the coronavirus

Yesterday when asked about mask shortages for medical personnel, Trump responded about “past administrations”. SMH


Here is some of what President Trump in the US has been saying about the coronavirus disease (covid-19) for the past two months:

22 Jan 2020 (1 confirmed US case): “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

02 Feb 2020 (11 cases): “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China. It’s going to be fine.”

10 Feb 2020 (12 cases): “Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape, though. We have 12 cases, 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.”

24 Feb 2020 (14 cases): “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

26 Feb 2020 (15 cases): “We’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we…

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Coronavirus Question

If Covid-19 (Coronavirus) is spread by coughing and sneezing, how are people getting it from others who are not coughing and sneezing and have no symptoms?

From the CDC;

How COVID-19  Spreads

Person-to-person spread

The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.

  • Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
  • Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.

Can someone spread the virus without being sick?

  • People are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic (the sickest).
  • Some spread might be possible before people show symptoms; there have been reports of this occurring with this new coronavirus, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

Spread from contact with contaminated surfaces or objects

It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

What are they not telling us? 

U.S. tourism drops, GOP to cancel primaries, Trump coerces NOAA, Dem controversy, and health concerns

Thanks for the updates.

The Secular Jurist

By Robert A. Vella

Tourism to the U.S. is declining due to international concerns over mass shootings, xenophobia, trade wars, and foreigners’ dislike of President Trump.  The loss of revenue to American businesses is estimated to be in the tens of billions from 2018-2020.  GOP officials in several states are planning to cancel their presidential primary elections in order to protect Trump from challengers to his reelection campaign.  Embarrassed by his contrived, inaccurate, and illegal publicized “weather forecast” for Hurricane Dorian, Trump apparently coerced the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) into rebuking its own National Weather Service (NWS) agency for having the temerity to tell the truth.  NOAA’s statement was suspiciously authorless and the timing of its release suggest that the White House ordered it as an act of retribution and to protect Trump’s prodigious yet fragile ego.  The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is involved in another internal party…

View original post 1,122 more words

Mueller to testify, government secrecy, Supreme Court news, China-Canada tiff, NRATV, and ICE insight

The Secular Jurist

By Robert A. Vella

He didn’t want to, but former Special Counsel Robert Mueller will comply with a subpoena to testify in public before the House Judiciary and House Intelligence committees next month.  Whether or not Democrats will ask probing questions about his truncated prosecutorial decisions, as well as about his reluctance to investigate leads implicating President Trump in criminal behavior, will reveal how serious they really are about impeachment and their constitutional duty to check abuses of power by the executive branch.  Government secrecy, a trademark of authoritarian regimes, is obviously increasing under Trump as Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests are being undermined by administrative actions and policies on top of Monday’s egregious ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court.  Addition of the contentious citizenship question to the 2020 census has run into a logistical obstacle which can now only be overcome by overt intervention by the Supreme…

View original post 981 more words

Catching Up But Still Behind

Friends, followers, and visitors!

It’s been a week since I published a post.  My, time does fly.  It’s not that I can’t think of anything to write.  In fact, there are about 10 different posts I want to write.  Several are results of trials.  There is an award I need to accept, (thanks, Ilene), and I can’t leave politics out of what is on my mind.

Yesterday, I managed to catch-up on 5 days of blogs that I follow, but there are over 400 Word Press notifications of blog posts in my in-box.  I might not be able to catch-up on those, but try to start fresh this week.  Please forgive me if you’ve not seen me on your blog recently. Read the rest of this entry

It’s Time To Spring Forward, Daylight Saving Time

Thanks for the reminder. It’s a real pain re-setting clocks and watches.

The Tony Burgess Blog


In many places in America it’s time to move your clocks forward one hour before turning in for bed on Saturday night. Daylight Saving Time begins on March 10th at 2:00 AM. Don”t forget to do this so you won’t be late for appointments and other things.

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The people who try to make you feel bad and/or afraid are those who are addicted to the pain and fears they cause themselves.

Don’t let them treat you like a cigarette; as their enabler, to fulfill their addiction to fear.

When you draw boundaries, they look for another Brand and forsake you.

Forgive them anyway and keep going without them.

To the friends of Buffalo Tom Peabody

We in the Word Press Community, as well as his family, have lost a great, talented person. My heart hurts.

Is Soy In Our Food Making Us Sick?

Earlier this year, an itchy rash appeared on my left arm, then my right arm.  The appearance of the skin indicated to me that it was an allergy.  I had not eaten anything unusual, so was very puzzled what could be causing the reaction.

Then, my doctor placed me on an anti-biotic.  The rash went away.  Also this year, I’ve had recurring sinus infections more than usual.  The rash on my arms reappeared about two weeks ago.  It was worse than the first time.

Last week Friday while getting ready to take my second dose of Vitamin D3, I happened to read the ingredients.  Mostly, I order vitamins and supplements from a company that advertises no preservatives, artificial coloring, etc.  In fact, I’ve ordered from that same company for years and trusted their products.  Such it was with Vitamin D3 which I began taking this year.

For those unfamiliar, Vitamin D3 contains vitamin D, calcium which is necessary for the body to process vitamin D, and magnesium.

On the label of the Vitamin D3 was “calcium source; oyster shells”.  I am allergic to shellfish!  So all year, I’ve been consuming something in the Vitamin D3 that I am allergic to and didn’t know it.  It’s been 6 days since I took that brand of Vitamin D3.  The rash is clearing.  My breathing is no longer shallow.  Then I noticed another ingredient in my vitamins.  Soy.

That caused me to start researching soy, and I was shocked by what I found.  I stopped taking those vitamins that contain soy and since doing so, my sinuses have immensely improved.  I began to check the ingredients on other things in my cabinets and refrigerator.  A short list of what I discovered contains soy, or soybeans, or soybean oil includes:

Canned tuna in water; Green Giant brand frozen broccoli, including with cheese, and with carrots; Three different brands of salad dressing; Miracle Whip; Worchester Sauce; bread, including hamburger and hot dog buns.

It’s all in the garbage now.

Since part of my reason to learn about soy is to decide on what is best for me as a cancer patient, I began by researching soy and breast cancer.  Is soy safe or not?  That depends on what you read.   The Mayo Clinic says:

“Studies show that eating a moderate amount of soy foods does not increase risk of breast cancer — or other types of cancer. A moderate amount is considered one to two servings a day of whole-soy foods, such as tofu, soy milk and edamame. Soy contains protein, isoflavones and fiber, all thought to provide health benefits.”

“So where did the idea come from that soy increases breast cancer risk? Isoflavones, which are found in soy, are plant estrogens. High levels of estrogen have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. However, food sources of soy don’t contain high enough levels of isoflavones to increase the risk of breast cancer.”

Read the rest of this entry

This Medication Can Kill You

This is difficult for me to write.  Occasionally, I’ve written about health issues, such as sinus infections.  This time things are more serious.

Last week, my ENT specialist prescribed a different medication for an ear infection that appeared in December and doesn’t want to leave.  I picked it up the prescription from the pharmacy and after getting home, began reading the 9 pages; 5 titled “Medicine Information Sheet” and 4 titled “Medication Guide”.

In the third paragraph of the “Medication Guide”, in bold letters it says, “Some of these serious side effects can happen at the same time and could result in death.”

I’ve not started taking this medication and honestly, don’t know if I will.  Only, it doesn’t stop there.

Yesterday, I got the frightening news from a diagnostic surgeon that I might have malignant cancer.

Now, out comes the soapbox.  I miss the old days when there were neighborhood physicians who took care of mostly everything.  Back then there was only hospitalization insurance.  Doctor visits costs $20 to $50.  If the neighborhood physician decided surgery was needed or tests, he would admit you into the hospital so the insurance would pay for it.  All providers would be together, and staff made sure that you received the proper diet and medication on time.

Now, patients might have several doctors.  Indeed, I have 6, and if we count the nurses who take vitals and asks questions, that doubles the number of times that I have to repeat the same thing.  Shall I add in the physician assistants who I see me more than the actual physicians? Read the rest of this entry

Anniversary Achievement

Has it been 6 years already?

Thanks to followers and those who have been my inspiration and encouragement.



Taking a Break

Hello everyone.   There are no words sufficient to express my appreciation for followers, old and new.   Will you accept flowers instead?


As most if not all of us know, things are hectic in the United States.  Everyday, Trump has said or done something that stresses the masses.   Remember to vote.  Read the rest of this entry

Temporarily Disengaging Likes For Blog Comments – Spam “Likers”

There are things that happen with Word Press that the public does not know unless they visit the forums or read blog posts about certain issues.  Earlier this year, some Word Press bloggers were attacked by email followers with weird email addresses, all from the same domain.  Word press does give blog administrators ability to disconnect followers, and they also worked to prevent the fakers from following. That issue seems to have been resolved.

Now, me and others find loads of comments in the spam folder.  The only content is “what ?” and they seem to come in bunches of 20 to 25 at a time.  Since they never make it to the public board, people are not bothered by them.

The most recent game played by whomever it is, does expose their activity to the public.  The spammers are using “likes” to comments to make themselves publicly known.  They are taking time to actually open Gravatar accounts in order to perpetrate this nuisance.  I noticed that on some blogs that I recently commented on, “likes” were clicked to my comments by the same nonsensical and in some cases, obscene handles. Read the rest of this entry

Revolutionary Daily Thought

Preach it!

Vanessa Williams and Melania Trump. Why The Comparison?

Vanessa Williams, 1983

It’s not a comparison between Vanessa Williams and Melania Trump as persons but rather, that they did the same things but were treated differently.

In 1983, Vanessa Williams was crowned Miss America 1984.  She was the first Black woman to receive the title.  In July 1984, directors of the Miss America pageant asked Vanessa to relinquish her title and crown. Vanessa resigned. Here is why.

A free-lance photographer named Tom Chiapel remembered taking nude photos of Vanessa in 1982.  He pitched them to Playboy, who refused his offer.  Eventually, he sold the photos to Penthouse magazine.  Vanity Fair reports that Penthouse paid more for Vanessa’s photos than they had ever previously paid for a spread.

The Washington Post archived a 1984 article about the story, stating

“For 10 months Vanessa Williams has served the pageant and the title of Miss America well,” said the statement released by pageant directors, “but we must make it clear that we cannot and do not condone her actions either in posing for the photographs or in failing to reveal the facts at the appropriate time in the selection process that led to her being awarded the crown.”

“The pageant celebrates the whole woman and its spirit is intrinsically inconsistent with calculated sexual exploitation,” the pageant’s statement said.”

Vanessa called the experience her “rock bottom.”  She was 21-years old when she resigned her Miss America crown and title. Read the rest of this entry