Category Archives: Happiness and Kindness

Personal Update

Friends, followers, visitors,

I haven’t published a blog post since December, 2022, and I apologize for that. Additionally, for several years now, I’ve missed not keeping up with my favorite bloggers, visiting, commenting on their blogs.  I’ve always looked forward to putting more time into doing that, but always seem to fall short.

In April, I was assigned a home care assistant who is wonderful.  As of January 2023, I had been without an assistant for over a year.  One agency had an influx of applicants from surrounding towns that are known as Trump country.  They were not vaccinated and refused to wear masks.  I wondered why anyone with that attitude would want to work in home healthcare.  In my opinion, working in the homes of seniors with chronic illness with that attitude is the same as committing 1st degree murder by proxy.  They were no good to the agency because clients with chronic illness don’t want such disrespectful people working in their homes.

By the way, I get my 5 year breast cancer survival check-up this week.  Other than some neuropathy as a side-effect of one of the chemo drugs, and an occasional phantom pain, I’m doing fine on that side of the coin.  The other side is tinnitus.  My ENT physician resigned from that specialty and now practices skin cancer surgery.  The new ENT said there was nothing he could do and walked out of the room.  My primary care physician is resigning at the end of the month so I have to start over with a new physician. Well — don’t get me started on my experiences with the medical system.

Question; has anyone switched from Twitter to another platform?  If so, please share your thoughts.  Some old friends are no longer on Twitter and I would still like to keep up with them. WordPress no longer automatically posts blog links to Twitter.   This might be why I no longer see recently published posts on Twitter from those bloggers I follow.  We now have to manually post the links to Twitter.

Meanwhile, since my dog went to the Rainbow Bridge in November 2021, I’ve pondered whether I am able to raise a puppy.  It’s been 12 years since I raised a puppy which means, I’m 12 years older.  In April, I adopted a puppy from a shelter in Woodstock, IL.  That shelter had her since she was 6 weeks old, but did not put her up for adoption until she was 12 weeks old.  After having her 2 weeks, I returned her.   That shelter is unlike other shelters I’ve adopted from.  They did not conduct any temperament tests, nor train her to do basics such as sit.  The puppy behaved like a feral cat.

Gracie at 7 weeks.


In June, I got an 8 week-old German Shepherd puppy that I picked out when she was 6 weeks old.  She is gracious, which is why I named her Gracie.  She’s growing really fast, learning fast.  She was housebroken in 3 weeks.

In another week or so, I should be able to get her into the car without her being anxious so I can take her for professional training.  Right now, I call her the Ghostbusters dog because she slimes when riding.  A professional trainer gave me instructions on how to alleviate her from the anxiety, and it seems to be working.

One thing I’ve learned is that studies have been conducted on breeds that have propensity for hip dysplasia, and vets now recommend not having them altered until they are a year old.

Gracie at 3 months old

Study results suggest that hormones may have an influence on the risk of hip dysplasia. There are certain hormones that are necessary for their bones to mature, so altering them before they are a year old depletes them of those hormones. I’ve not had a girl dog previously that was not sprayed before her first heat cycle, so this is going to be new to me.  Wish me luck.

My crochet of caps for cancer patients has slowed down since Gracie came home.  I used to complete 3 caps a day.  Now it’s a good thing if I can get 1 cap completed in 3 days.  But, Gracie won’t be a puppy forever.


Happy Resurrection Day

Dear friends and visitors,

Here’s wishing all a safe and blessed holiday.

This year is special.  It really tasks us to think about life.  Many of us, worldwide, are ordered to stay at home.  There will be no physical church services.  That brings us to the reality that the “church” is not a building but the people.  We need God in and with us no matter where we are, or where we go.

The following was originally posted in 2016.  It doesn’t seem that long since I first saw the movie Risen.  It is one of my favorite movies. Read the rest of this entry

Our Primary Purpose — Eddie Two Hawks

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them. Dalai Lama XIV Eddie’s Garden Photos

via Our Primary Purpose — Eddie Two Hawks

THINK ABOUT THIS — theutopiauniverse

Keep this with you during your week, four great points to be kept in mind………………. Brooke, Universal Life Coach

via THINK ABOUT THIS…………………………………………… — theutopiauniverse

True Leadership

Catching Up But Still Behind

Friends, followers, and visitors!

It’s been a week since I published a post.  My, time does fly.  It’s not that I can’t think of anything to write.  In fact, there are about 10 different posts I want to write.  Several are results of trials.  There is an award I need to accept, (thanks, Ilene), and I can’t leave politics out of what is on my mind.

Yesterday, I managed to catch-up on 5 days of blogs that I follow, but there are over 400 Word Press notifications of blog posts in my in-box.  I might not be able to catch-up on those, but try to start fresh this week.  Please forgive me if you’ve not seen me on your blog recently. Read the rest of this entry

Happy Resurrection Day

Dear friends and visitors,

Here’s wishing all a safe and blessed holiday.

The following was originally posted in 2016.  It doesn’t seem that long since I first saw the movie Risen.  It is one of my favorite movies.

Risen is about a Roman Tribune named Clavius who is tasked by Pilot to find the body of the crucified Jesus Christ that is no longer in the tomb, and before the three days predicted that he would rise from the dead.

Clavius sets out to find the followers of Yeshua for them to tell him where they have hidden the body. Instead, Clavius finds more than he anticipated — a man who he ordered killed and saw dead, alive again.

Below is a video interview of Cliff Curtis who played Yeshua in the movie.  When asked about his preparations to play the role of Jesus the Christ, Curtis said that he didn’t want to talk about or preach love and peace  —  he wanted to be love and peace.

Following that video is a scene from the movie that I enjoy, and hope that you will too.






Quotes For Overcoming

Here’s another previously published post.  Hopefully, it will minister to someone.  Also hopefully, I’ll be back to writing new posts in about a week.


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Some Encouragement To Start Your Week

This was originally posted long ago.  Hopefully, it will bless someone again.


Good People Doing Good Things — After The Fire

Filosofa's Word

Y’know … sometimes it takes a catastrophic event, a tragedy, to bring out the best in people.  The devastating wildfires in California earlier this month seems to have brought out an awful lot of good in some people and it is those stories I’m bringing you today … those good people who gave of themselves to help others.  None of these good people are millionaires with money to spare, they are all just people like you and me, working every day just to pay the bills.  But they gave of whatever they had, be it food, information, love … they just gave.  These are the real heroes …

The spirit of the team …

The Cougars is the name of the Paradise, California, Adventist school’s volleyball team.  Sadly, as you might expect, they lost everything – equipment, uniforms, their school – in the wildfires that literally burned Paradise to the…

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Quotes and Venting

Hello good people.  It’s a cloudy, rainy day in my neck of the woods.  Today has been a day of lots of thoughts and I hope you don’t mind me sharing some of them with you.

Don’t you just love when prescription drug companies include in their patient pamphlets for you to tell your doctor if you have certain conditions or allergies, when your doctor has not tested you for those conditions and allergies?



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How My Insurance Company Is Deciding My Breast Cancer Treatment

Last week I had my first cycle of chemo for Stage IV breast cancer.  The results of the PET Scan were not as bad as expected.  I do have Stage IV breast cancer, but that’s because it has moved to the lymph nodes underneath both arms.  No cancer cells were found in my organs nor bones.

That doesn’t mean it won’t spread because my insurance company is denying my oncologist the drug that stops division of the cancer cells.

Also this week, as friends and families educate themselves to help me get through this, I’ve found that I have to keep reminding them that there are different types of breast cancer cells. As my friends and family talk to cancer survivors and read things online about breast cancer, survival rates, etc. it’s important for them to remember that breast cancer has different cells.  The type of cells are important for diagnosis and treatment.

The parasites that are trying to give life to themselves by eating my body from the inside out are HER2-positive cancer cells.  They are aggressive.  Four days after the biopsy, the tumor had grown 2 inches.   By the time the PET Scan was taken and the results in, the MUGA Scan was taken, and the first chemo scheduled, that parasitical, invasive tumor was even larger.

If you’ve been reading this blog for years, then you probably know that I’m one who trusts in vitamins, herbs and other supplements.  I do not reject traditional medicine.  I also follow Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s Blood Type Diet as close as possible.    It all seemed to pay off for me because in order to start chemo, I needed a MUGA Scan score of at least 50.  My MUGA Scan score was 72.  My blood pressure and blood work were all fine.

I had been taking supplements all along, but after my diagnosis, I looked for specific supplements.  I want my body to heal in between treatment cycles.  But first, I needed to know more about my enemy.  I tried reading reputable websites, and found

“When you have a breast biopsy, the tissue is tested for hormone receptors (HR). It’s also tested for something called human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). Each can be involved in the development of breast cancer.”

“HER2 is a gene that creates HER2 proteins, or receptors. These receptors help control growth and repair of breast cells. An overexpression of HER2 protein causes out-of-control reproduction of breast cells.

HER2-positive breast cancers tend to be more aggressive than HER2-negative breast cancers. Along with tumor grade and cancer stage, HR and HER2 status helps determine your treatment options.”

My insurance company tossed a wrench into the battlefield.

Without naming my medical providers, staff, or other identifying features, I will name my insurance company.  It is Humana.  This week, my first chemo cycle was delayed for about an hour as my oncologist informed me that he had been on the phone with a doctor with Humana who first denied one of the drugs to be used in my chemo.

The drug, Taxotere and cyclophosphamide (TC) destroys quickly dividing cells. It can be given either to shrink the size of the tumor before surgery to remove it, or after surgery to kill any cancer cells that may be still present in the body.  The goal of TC is to cure.   But there are only two sites where I was able to find that it’s the drug’s goal.  One site is guess what?  That of trial attorneys.  More on that later. Read the rest of this entry

Quotes For Overcoming


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Judge Spends Night In Jail With Man He Sentenced

Cumberland County, North Carolina Judge Lou Olivera, is a veteran.  He served in the Army as an intelligence officer.

Judge Lou Olivera

In 2014, Cumberland County opened the second veterans’ treatment court in the state. Judge Olivera became the presiding judge of the court, which had its first graduate in April 2016. Olivera explains the court in the second video below.

Cumberland County includes Fort Bragg, and a real need was recognized to understand combat veterans who get into trouble breaking the law.

Joe Serna is also a veteran.  He served three tours in Afghanistan as a Sargent First Class in the Green Berets.  Joe has two Purple Hearts.   Joe received such injuries that he was not allowed to return to the battlefield and was placed on desk duty.  Joe began drinking alcohol to numb the pain.

Joe Serna and Judge Lou Olivera did not meet under the best circumstances. They met because Joe had been convicted for drunk driving.  A condition of his probation was that he not drink.  Joe had to take a urine test and he lied about the results.

To hold him accountable, Judge Olivera sentenced Joe to one night in jail. Read the rest of this entry

To Start Off The New Year

Rejoice in hope. Be Encouraged.


Have A Joyous Sunday

I Had To Laugh – Black Jeopardy

At first, I was somewhat offended with the stereotypes, but then Tom Hanks really made me laugh.  I don’t know how Tom Hanks kept a straight face.


Good People Doing Good Things — Small Acts of Kindness And The Homeless Mayor!

These are heroes. Thanks so much for sharing these stories.

Filosofa's Word

This week I am shining the light, once again, on ordinary people who are giving of themselves and their time to help others.  Sometimes the smallest act of kindness, just something as simple as picking up a dropped object for an elderly person, or helping someone across the street, can make someone’s day a little brighter.


Never Too Old For A Bike Ride …

Elderly people sometimes don’t get out and about as much as they might like.  Visual and mobility limitations may keep them from enjoying a walk in the park, or even just a trip to the grocery store.  Imagine the feelings of loneliness, or isolation that these people experience. And young people are often busy with their own lives, wrapped up in the drama of school, relationships, sports, etc.  But in Scotland, there is one young man who is helping bridge the gap between young and old…

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Encouraging Music To Get You Through The Week

The song, Keep on Pushing, was written by Curtis Mayfield and originally recorded by the R&B group The Impressions.  It was released in 1964.   It is a song about perseverance and finding strength to get through tough times.

This song took on a new meaning for Mayfield after he was paralyzed in 1990 when a light tower fell on him during an outdoor performance in Brooklyn. In a 1997 interview, Mayfield said,   “I think my spirits are maybe even higher,” It’s like I died and woke up to see this wave of love from so many people I knew and people I didn’t know.”

Kirk Whalum brings a jazz version of the song. I hope it encourages those who need a lift-up.



Other People Do Not Define You

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.


If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish motives.


If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.


If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you.

BE HONEST AND SINCERE ANYWAY. Read the rest of this entry