Category Archives: Awards

9 Year Anniversary On Word Press


I received this last month.   Nine years!  It seems like yesterday, but it also seems like 9 years ago.  I’m 9 years older now and just had the third year anniversary of being a breast cancer survivor.   I’ve not consistently blogged since 2018.  With each month, I intend to get back to a schedule so I can read blogs I follow; so I can comment on them; so I can continue making new blogging friends.  Each month goes by and rather than finding more time to spend on Word Press, there is less time.  However, I’ve not given up hope.

Currently, I’m working on something that if resolved, should help thousands of senior citizens in the State of Illinois.  Since May, it has taken up much of my time.  More and more, I lose faith in the powers that be. They are only as good as their gatekeepers. We have come to a time when those holding positions with government agencies, including agencies headed by an elected official, do not provide email addresses to anyone specific in their office.  It’s a general email account and if you do get a reply, it’s from someone who is anonymous. 

At times I’ve considered they don’t want to give their name because if the elected official runs for re-election and the matter they disregarded is made public, they can deny having any knowledge.   

Don’t worry.  After I’ve exhausted all options, I will write a post about it naming names, giving credit where it is deserved, and those who failed to do their jobs.   

I think that I have PTSD after four years of Trump’s lies.  There are also times when I know I feel too deeply and try too hard to understand people who disrespect the lives of others.  Yes – I’m talking about people who rebelled against Executive Orders by Governors to wear masks in public.  They argue with store clerks, (and even killed at least one), and get in the faces of those wearing masks.  I hurt for nurses, doctors, and hospital staff overall.  They need a break and not only that, but people who need surgery and treatment for serious health matters have waited over a year, while hospital beds fill-up with people who won’t wear masks in public and won’t get vaccinated..

Getting off that soap box and back on the subject of blogging, it hasn’t helped that Word Press changed to a block editor. I really wish that Word Press would have given us a choice to keep the classic editor without having to work-around the block editor.  Much of my hesitation to write a blog post is because of getting around the block editor.

I do not know if the block editor is the reason I also have problems reblogging others.  Most times, I have to go to the reader, search for the post, and click to reblog from there because the button doesn’t work on the actual blog post. 

Overall, I’ve had a wonderful time blogging and I miss communicating with so many of you.  Here’s looking forward to having more time to spend with you.




Blogger Recognition Award


Curtis of Iridiumeye has nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award.  His tag line is

“Reviewing the best movies and series you’ve never heard of.” “

In making the nomination, Curtis wrote;

“No, I’m not talking about the Warrior Princess. I’m talking about the owner of We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident. She’s been amazing these past few years and has been encouraging to me even when I would be open about some of my moments where I felt bad. Xena makes posts about current events, some autobiographical posts, political situations, and does multiple posts upholding anti-racism.”

This is a humbling honor.  This past year I’ve not been very active blogging, so knowing that encouraging a fellow blogger makes me “amazing” is more than an uplift.

Here are the Rules;

Say thanks to who nominated you and leave a link back to that person’s blog.

Thanks again, Curtis. You’ve put lots of time into your blog and deserve Blogger Recognition.

Give the story or history of your blog

It began in August 2012 as a place to put information and discuss the George Zimmerman trial, and in support for justice for Trayvon Martin.  Coming to the internet and being involved in following that case woke me up to a world of racial hatred and inequalities.  After the trial, I began reporting on cases involving police shootings and killings, and any trials resulting.  Along the way, I also posted music and messages for encouragement.  My blog turned out to be one that contains my various interests, including some movie reviews.  Beginning toward the end of 2018 I began blogging about cancer. I also reblog posts that might be of interest to my blog followers. Read the rest of this entry

Mystery Blogger Award

Ilene of the Cancer Bus has nominated me for the Mystery Blogger Award.

Thank you so much Illene.  This is truly an honor.  Illene discovered this blog when I wrote about insurance companies making decisions for cancer patients. In our communications, I feel as if I’ve known Illene for a very long time.  She is an amazing person who shares her journey living with metastatic breast cancer on her blog, Cancer Bus.

The Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto, who describes the award as;


I created the award because there are a lot of amazing blogs out there that haven’t been discovered, yet. And, most of these blogs deserve recognition. For that reason, I decided to create my own award; and nominate people who can also nominate others; and so on. This is one of the best ways to create a friendly community and build a link between bloggers in the blogosphere; as everyone gets nominated and they too can spread the fun by nominating more people for the award.

I decided to call the award “Mystery Blogger Award.” Why? Because the meaning of my name, “Enigma” is “mystery.” So basically, it’s named after myself; the creator. Plus, I think it’s cool because there are so many blogs that are still a mystery to us; and when we get to know them, it’s divine! And we find friends where we least expect.

Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.
– Okoto Enigma

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Seven Year Anniversary on Word Press

At times it doesn’t seem that long, and at other times it seems to have been longer.  I’ve seen many changes in the blogging community since 2012.  We’ve lost some bloggers to death.  Others have blogs that are no longer active, and no reason has been given.  I miss them.

Still yet, some bloggers and participants have had life-changes that have taken them from the internet.  Family, children, grandchildren, change of jobs, family illness, etc. take priority.  I miss them too.

Thanks to all followers and visitors.  Some have been with me since 2012 and others are new.  I appreciate all of you.   If you are new or haven’t yet commented, feel free to introduce yourself in the comment section below. Read the rest of this entry

Blogging Chums Award

Suziland has nominated We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident/blackbutterfly7 for the Blogging Chums Award.  Thanks so much!   This means so much to me because I’ve not been able to get around to all the blogs I follow, much less participate in a manner that I used to and enjoyed.  It is inspiring to know that I’m still considered a blogging chum.

The “logo” for this award was created by Robert’s blogging chum Dressing To Impress  and the award was named by beams19 of Crave the Unknown. Robert created the “rules”.

The Blogging Chums Award is given to particularly brilliant bloggers who are really providing something special to the community, either through their writing or the way they engage with other people: they’re just brilliant!  Read the rest of this entry

Sunshine Blogger Award

What better way to start Autumn than with a gift of sunshine?


Petrel14 of Dearkitty1 blog has nominated me for the Sunshine Award.  I am very thankful for this nomination. This is my third nomination and I humbly accept because it gives me another opportunity to pay it forward.

This also gives me opportunity to thank followers and participants.   Words cannot express my appreciation for you. Read the rest of this entry

Anniversary Achievement

Has it been 6 years already?

Thanks to followers and those who have been my inspiration and encouragement.



Versatile Blogger Award and Blue Sky Tag

Thanks to Studiotj and Barclay Dave for their nominations.

Thanks to my dear friends for this humbling honor.   I also want to take this opportunity to thank followers, visitors,  and participants.

We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident has been nominated for Versatile Blogger previously,  so I’m not repeating the Rules here, which are similar to the Blue Sky Tag.


Read the rest of this entry

Sunshine Award

What better way to start the year than to offer a gift of good cheer?


Second nomination 1/2017

StudioTJ/Roach59, has nominated blackbutterfly7/We Hold These Truth To Be Self Evident,  for the Sunshine Award.  Roach has a very inspirational blog and also posts some current news and human interest stories.

This is our second nomination for the Sunshine Award, and I humbly accept it because it gives me the chance to pay it forward again.

“The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who inspire and bring sunshine into the lives of their readers and fellow bloggers.”

The only rule that Roach has is that I answer one question.  His question is:

“Without using your name or your occupation, tell us about yourself.”

I told him I would answer his question in one sentence, and in fun, he kinda dared me to do that.  So, here is my answer;

I once was young, and now am old; yet I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.  Psalm 37:25

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Sunshine and Brotherhood Awards

We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident has been nominated for two awards.  Because some of the rules are the same, I’m combining this acceptance.  First, I want to apologize for the delay in accepting these awards.

Our Word Press community is awesome, and I want to thank all of our subscribed followers and participants.

butterfly thank you 2


Here’s a special shout-out to Roach59 for nominating us for the Sunshine Award.  Thank you, my dear friend Roach59.  It’s with much appreciation that I accept this award.

sunshine award

The Sunshine Award is a peer to peer award given to bloggers by other bloggers. It is given to “bloggers who are positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”.

Here are the rules to accept the Sunshine Award; Read the rest of this entry

Blogger Recognition Award



Blogger Recognition


We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident/Blackbutterfly7, has been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by two different bloggers.   Each one has different rules.  One does not require nominating 15 other blogs, and the other does, so I’m going more than half-way and nominating eight.

Thanks to Studiotj/Roach59, and Micheline Walker for paying us this great honor.  Read the rest of this entry

The Respect Award

The “Respect Award” is a personal award, made by Robert Goldstein for fellow bloggers who consistently reach out to other bloggers, offer support, are kind, struggle to understand differences in people, and who treat themselves and other people with kindness and respect.  We Hold These Truths to Be Self Evident/Blackbutterfly7, has received the Respect Award from Horty of It is What it Is.  Thank you, my dear friend.  I am honored. This award is very special.


Clarion Alley 2012

You can choose to copy the Award Picture and give the award to the people who have earned your respect or you can do nothing. This is a way of saying thank you. I am truly honored to receive this award and it gives me joy to pay it forward.

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Dedicated Blogger Award

Barbara Mattio, of Idealisticrebel, has nominated We Hold These Truths/Blackbutterfly7 for the Dedicated Blogger Award 2016.  In creating and nominating the award, she wrote:

“Blogging, some say, is losing ground on the Internet.  Many people are now using Twitter or Snapchat or Instagram to convey their thoughts, leaving the more ‘old-fashioned’ blog behind.

But there are those who understand that, sometimes, a long form is best.  Who know that it takes time, and craft, and WORDS as well as images to convey a thought, and to start a conversation.

This Award is dedicated to those bloggers who consistently provide wisdom, inspiration, kindness, gentleness and truth to the world through their blogs.

This is a my “thank you” to you.  Please, pass it on!”


Read the rest of this entry

Real Neat Blog Award


Dearkitty has nominated Blackbutterfly7, We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident, for the Real Neat Blog Award. I am grateful and humbled by this nomination. Dear Kitty is a real neat blogger, real neat person, and real creative person. In creating the award, Dear Kitty wrote: Read the rest of this entry

Creative Blogger Award

Blackbutterfly7 has been nominated by Micheline Walker for the Creative Blogger award. Micheline posts on arts, music, history and current events. She does fantastic research. Her blog is a work of art. No wonder she has over 1,400 followers. To be nominated for this award by Micheline is a true honor.


The Creative Blogger Award Read the rest of this entry

Hearts As One Drumbeat Award


Hearts as one

Sue of Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary, passed on her Hearts As One Drumbeat Award to Blackbutterfly7. Sue created the award, and the rules for passing it on are;

“Within their posts whether if be through Poem or Word

Caring for others is a must for this Award.

Be it through laughter or Humour

Photograph or Story

Love and Compassion 



Together let us Beat our Drums for Harmony, Peace, Unity, and Equality.

 Let the Beat of your Thoughts Ripple out as we share our Hearts in One Beat of Unity.


The Hearts as One Drumbeat Award is a celebration of unity, love, and compassion. In spite of some subject matters that we write about, I always wear my emotions on my sleeve and it is a humbling honor to be recognized, even on my worst days, for keeping the hope of love and compassion alive. Read the rest of this entry

Premio Dardas Award


Barbara of Idealisticrebel has nominated Blackbutterfly7 for the Premio Dardos Award.

I am humbled and appreciative for this nomination because Blackbutterfly7 was nominated by a blogger who runs a very incredible blog. As a “prize dart” it means that I get to “hit” 15 other blogs with recognition.


In accepting this award, I would like to thank Barbara, our followers, visitors, and participants.  There was a time when I visited bloggers who came by for the first time and said “Hi” by clicking like, and also went to blogs of new followers to thank them. Time does not provide for me to visit each individual blog now, so please receive my collective, appreciative “Thank You”.

butterfly thank you 2

The Premio Dardos Award exists to acknowledge the values that every blogger shows in their effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web. Read the rest of this entry

Power of Words Award

Barbara of Idealisticrebel created the Power of Words Award and nominated Blackbutterfly7. This is a humbling honor that words cannot describe. In presenting the award, Barbara wrote:

I have designed this award because so many feel they can’t change the world. They can. You can. Your words, your blog can educate, raise awareness, change opinions and raise spirits. Through your blog you are reaching people you may never have effected any other way.

So this is for all who click away on the computer with a heart full of love, kindness, compassion and caring. For all of you who write to correct wrongs and injustices. For all of you who work to bring light into our world and hope to people’s lives. You are all heroes in my book. Please accept this heart-felt award and pass it on to those in your WordPress family who deserve it. Let’s keep it going for the entire year. May it inspire all with light, words, and love for the human family.

You all know how much I hate rules, so please just:

  • post the award on your blog

  • thank the person who gave it to you

  • pass it on to those whom you deem worthy

  • let your nominees know


Read the rest of this entry

Community of Bloggers Award

The beautiful and talented Just Patty has nominated Blackbutterfly7 for the Community of Bloggers Award.

Community Award

Community of Bloggers Award

This is truly an honor. The community of bloggers that I’ve come to know this past year are diverse, talented, and informative.   There are times that I feel guilty not timely keeping up with them all, including not visiting the blogs of new subscribers and new visitors to thank them. I hope that they accept my apology and this group acknowledgement of thanks.

I would like to pay this forward by nominating the following for the Community of Bloggers Award: Read the rest of this entry

Bloggers Who Care, Community Heart Award

Bloggers who care

Kev has nominated Blackbutterfly7 for the “Bloggers Who Care, Community Heart Award.” Horty also nominated Blackbutterfly7 for the same. I thank both of them. It’s an honor.

A very talented man, Kev wrote in making the award:

“This award is one I made myself for All members of my community. You deserve it and I love you all.”

I love you too, Kev.

In the past 4 months, the number of subscribers to Blackbutterfly7 has grown. I’ve not yet been able to visit all of the blogs of new subscribers yet, and for that I apologize.  I see you, and thank you for following and your support. Read the rest of this entry