Blog Archives

8 Year Blog Anniversary

Thanks to followers, visitors, and participants, past and present.

Last month I received notification from WordPress that it was my 8 year anniversary.  My, time does fly.  These past 2 years makes it seem much longer.  The breast cancer treatment journey caused months to fly and at the same time, time slowed down.   I suppose one has to have been or is on that journey to understand, because words are insufficient to describe how time can move slow but at the same time, move fast.

It was a year in March that I had surgery and was declared NED/NEC (no evidence of disease/ no evidence of cancer).  Then there were post-surgical treatments with immunology drugs for 3 months, followed by tests, followed by physical therapy.  July marked my one year anniversary since ending post-surgical treatment.  I’m still receiving treatment for some of the side-effects that chemo left behind.

In 8 years, three of my best friends have died.  We also lost at least one blogger to death, and several disappeared without a word. I miss them all. There are bloggers I met in 2012 who no longer blog, but are on Twitter. Read the rest of this entry