Category Archives: Michael Tyree

3 Correction Officers Found Guilty of Second Degree Murder

Michael Tyree was 31-years old when he died on August 26, 2015.   He was bi-polar and was arrested for misdemeanor theft and drug possession. Tyree was jailed in a section of the Santa Clara County Correctional facility that is reserved for inmates with special needs.  There, he was beaten with the coroner finding the cause of death as internal bleeding due to blunt force trauma.  There were lacerations to Michael’s liver and spleen, which was nearly severed in half.  Michael was found in his cell naked and covered in vomit and feces.

Three guards, Matthew Farris, Jereh Lubrin and Rafael Rodriguez, were charged with second degree murder.  Jereh Lubrin was also charged with assault under color of authority and the three guards were charged with assault under color of authority for allegedly beating inmate Juan Villa. Read the rest of this entry