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Mueller to testify, government secrecy, Supreme Court news, China-Canada tiff, NRATV, and ICE insight

The Secular Jurist

By Robert A. Vella

He didn’t want to, but former Special Counsel Robert Mueller will comply with a subpoena to testify in public before the House Judiciary and House Intelligence committees next month.  Whether or not Democrats will ask probing questions about his truncated prosecutorial decisions, as well as about his reluctance to investigate leads implicating President Trump in criminal behavior, will reveal how serious they really are about impeachment and their constitutional duty to check abuses of power by the executive branch.  Government secrecy, a trademark of authoritarian regimes, is obviously increasing under Trump as Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests are being undermined by administrative actions and policies on top of Monday’s egregious ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court.  Addition of the contentious citizenship question to the 2020 census has run into a logistical obstacle which can now only be overcome by overt intervention by the Supreme…

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Knowledge of Automatic Guns When The 2nd Amendment Was Ratified Is A False Hypothesis

While watching the CNN townhall meeting last night, I became interested in how Dana Loesch, spokesperson for the NRA, said that there was knowledge of automatic guns when the Second Amendment was written, so the Second Amendment included ownership of automatic guns.

I’m one who often says that when the Second Amendment was ratified, that the guns of that time consisted of muskets.   Loesch’s rebuttal of that caused me to research today. Loesch named the Belton and Puckle guns as automatic weapons that existed when the Second Amendment was ratified. Read the rest of this entry

Archie Andrews One of 2014 Gun Statistics

Excellent information.

Nel's New Day

archie diesArchie Andrews, 73, died from a gun shot today because he protected his friend Sen. Kevin Keller from an assassination attempt. Anyone who has read comic books for the past seven decades knows Archie, from DC Comics Life with Archie. In this way, Archie Comics and co-CEO Jon Goldwater brings the issue of senseless gun deaths to entertainment media.

The first gay character in the Archie Comics series, Keller is a married military veteran and newly elected senator. He pushed for more gun control after his husband, Clay, was involved in a shooting while trying to prevent a robbery. Today’s #36 shows the killing; #37 will show Archie’s friends paying tribute to his legacy one year later.

Goldwater said that the comic’s plotline was not a publicity stunt but a way to educate readers about gun violence.

Superheroes such as Marvel’s Spiderman and Captain America have died, but Archie has…

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“All it takes is one good man with a gun….” – ‘When May I Shoot a Student’?

The Last Of The Millenniums

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‘Greg Hampikian is a professor of biology and criminal justice at Boise State University and a co-author of “Exit to Freedom.”

BOISE, Idaho — ‘TO the chief counsel of the Idaho State Legislature’:

‘In light of the bill permitting guns on our state’s college and university campuses, which is likely to be approved by the state House of Representatives in the coming days, I have a matter of practical concern that I hope you can help with: When may I shoot a student’?

‘I am a biology professor, not a lawyer, and I had never considered bringing a gun to work until now. But since many of my students are likely to be armed, I thought it would be a good idea to even the playing field’.

‘I have had encounters with disgruntled students over the years, some of whom seemed quite upset, but I always assumed that when they…

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