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Frank Taaffe Testified Before Federal Grand Jury

It happened today around noon EST.  Before entering the courthouse, Frank Taaffe spoke with reporters.

Frank Taaffe is a former vocal supporter of George Zimmerman, who felt no shame using racial slurs and denigrating the Black race.  Today, he appeared before the federal grand jury.


Frank Taaffe

The FBI began investigating George Zimmerman in or about April 2012.  To the State of Florida, they released interviews of individuals, some of whom testified of Zimmerman’s racial animus and others who did not.   Because of that George Zimmerman’s supporters assumed that the FBI closed its investigation.  However, pre-trial, Zimmerman’s defense attorney, Mark O’Mara, attempted to get the FBI’s file on Zimmerman and was told in open court that the investigation was ongoing.

In September 2013, I posted an article on how the Department of Justice prosecutes hate crimes, supported by the statements and experience of Benjamin B. Wagner, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California. Read the rest of this entry

Federal Grand Jury Scheduled To Hear Evidence On George Zimmerman


Frank Taaffe

The other day, a photo of a subpoena made its way around Twitter  from Frank Taaffe to Nancy Grace. I decided to wait for confirmation before reporting it. Today, Orlando Sentinel reports that the federal grand jury is scheduled to hear witnesses, and that Frank Taaffe has indeed, been subpoenaed to testify.

For those not familiar;

Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin

On February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman killed 17-year old Trayvon Martin, shooting him in the heart. It started with Zimmerman making a “suspicious person” call to the non-emergency number (NEN) of the police department.   While Zimmerman was on the phone, Trayvon ran. Zimmerman got out of his truck and followed Trayvon. Minutes later, Trayvon was dead with Zimmerman claiming self-defense.

Frank Taaffe became the main advocate for Zimmerman, alleging that Zimmerman had rights to racially profile Trayvon because there was a group of Black teens in the community committing crimes.

A jury of 5 White women and 1 Latina acquitted Zimmerman. The initial aggressor part of self-defense law was omitted from the jury instructions. During deliberations, Taaffe told Nancy Grace where the jury stood on voting, and it turned out to be true. Taaffe did not say how he obtained the information. Read the rest of this entry

Frank Taaffe To Talk With The FBI?

120323-Frank_TaaffeTwitter is buzzed with news allegedly from Frank Taaffe that he is scheduled to meet with the FBI and DOJ. When going into Taaffe’s history of his advocating for George Zimmerman, we should keep in mind that such an interview with federal investigators might not be limited to Zimmerman’s state of mind when he stalked, followed, and killed 17-year old, unarmed Trayvon Martin.

During jury deliberations, Taaffe did not keep it secret that he knew what was happening in the jury room. That might be something in which the FBI wants more information.

The nation awaits and while waiting, if Frank Taaffe is sincere about his change of heart, the least he could do is post retractions for his racist ideologies on his Facebook page and website. Otherwise, Frank’s “come to God” moment appears to be something personal between himself and George Zimmerman, rather than repentance for his disparaging of minorities.  How about it, Frank?





Open Discussion – May 20, 2014

Caterpillars, moths, butterflies and all creatures great and small,

I’m buried in paperwork; have a graduation to attend and need to get a present; the front yard needs mowing; and we have a severe thunderstorm watch.

It’s about that time when I call the wildlife guy to spray around the property to keep the snakes out but first we need a week without rain.

Did I say that I don’t like snakes?

A few people have said that they would like to continue discussion about Frank Taaffe’s most recent statements. If you haven’t heard his most recent interview, click here.

Peace quoteThere are other subjects worth discussion also.  (Just please, don’t discuss snakes. Haha!)

This is open discussion where you can discuss anything.  I’ll be checking in but don’t suspect having time to blog any specific articles until after tomorrow.




Open Discussion Re: Frank Taaffe

2dogsonly has requested that we start a new thread to continue discussion about Frank Taaffe’s latest revelations.

The previous thread is


Frank Taaffe – George Zimmerman “Racially Profiled Trayvon Martin”

Frank Taaffe

Frank Taaffe

Frank Taaffe, who came into the spotlight early defending George Zimmerman, now wants to clear his conscience. He interviewed withJohn W. Davis, Seminole County Reporter of My News 13. Taaffe now says that Zimmerman should have been found guilty in the shooting death of unarmed, 17-year old Trayvon Martin.

Clearing the conscience is not the same as changing the mind. In other words, Taaffe is now admitting what he always knew was true. Read the rest of this entry

Zimmerman Defender Blamed “Hacked” Twitter Account For Racist Comments, But Here’s The Audio

It’s about time that HLN accepted what others have known about Frank Taaffe since he first came on the scene defending George Zimmerman. His interviews then were filled with dog whistles and it was only a matter of time before he became emboldened to unzip and expose himself all the way. Thanks for writing this.

The Fifth Column

Zimmerman defender, Frank Taaffe

From where I’m sitting and having watched Frank Taaffe on Nancy Grace during the Zimmerman trial, this lying creep is actually projecting, when he talks about Black people…

Media Matters – Oliver Willis

Frank Taaffe, who has been an outspoken defender of George Zimmerman and Michael Dunn in the media, told HLN’s Nancy Grace that racist comments attributed to him were “not true” and were a result of his Twitter account being “hacked.” But previously, Taaffe justified the comments and audio evidence of those comments are available online.

On the February 14 edition of HLN’s Nancy Grace, host Nancy Grace asked Taaffe to explain his comment that “the only time a black life is validated is when a white person kills them.” Taaffe said it was “not true” that he had made the comment and claimed he had a “pending lawsuit” against Mother Jones magazine, which first…

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Cancel George Zimmerman’s Fake (Celebrity) Boxing Match

“Make a living.”  Those words were spoken by Frank Taaffe Wednesday night on Nancy Grace’s program in response to her saying that George Zimmerman’s celebrity boxing match is disrespectful.

People who make a living by killing another human are called assassins, not celebrities.

celebrity boxingHere is a recap of George Zimmerman’s living before he killed Trayvon Martin, while awaiting trial, and since his acquittal.

In August 2009, while in Kohl’s, George called the police on his Landlord, saying that the Landlord was trying to take his money for rent.  George told the police that the house was in foreclosure and he didn’t have to pay rent.  Over two years later, George was living in that same residence on February 26, 2012, the day he killed Trayvon Martin.  Read the rest of this entry