Blog Archives

Blogger Recognition Award


Curtis of Iridiumeye has nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award.  His tag line is

“Reviewing the best movies and series you’ve never heard of.” “

In making the nomination, Curtis wrote;

“No, I’m not talking about the Warrior Princess. I’m talking about the owner of We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident. She’s been amazing these past few years and has been encouraging to me even when I would be open about some of my moments where I felt bad. Xena makes posts about current events, some autobiographical posts, political situations, and does multiple posts upholding anti-racism.”

This is a humbling honor.  This past year I’ve not been very active blogging, so knowing that encouraging a fellow blogger makes me “amazing” is more than an uplift.

Here are the Rules;

Say thanks to who nominated you and leave a link back to that person’s blog.

Thanks again, Curtis. You’ve put lots of time into your blog and deserve Blogger Recognition.

Give the story or history of your blog

It began in August 2012 as a place to put information and discuss the George Zimmerman trial, and in support for justice for Trayvon Martin.  Coming to the internet and being involved in following that case woke me up to a world of racial hatred and inequalities.  After the trial, I began reporting on cases involving police shootings and killings, and any trials resulting.  Along the way, I also posted music and messages for encouragement.  My blog turned out to be one that contains my various interests, including some movie reviews.  Beginning toward the end of 2018 I began blogging about cancer. I also reblog posts that might be of interest to my blog followers. Read the rest of this entry

After Stealing My Word Press Identity, Former Writer Threatens To Have This Blog “Shutdown”

I’m cross-posting here from the flightattendant blog because the threat made by Santiago Rodriguez pertains to this blog.

Santiago Came To Me Asking For Help

In May 2014, a man named David Piercy filed for a restraining order against Santiago Rodriguez.   The court granted Piercy a temporary restraining order against Santiago.   There was a hearing scheduled for a ruling on the permanent restraining order.  As I understand it, there were exchanges on Twitter where Santiago became aware that bloggers and others had allegedly been harassed by Piercy.  Someone pointed Santiago in my direction and he reached out to me.

Subsequently, Santiago asked that I put his name on the border of my blog, We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident, as a writer.   This is how it happened …

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