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Don West and His Lack of Knowledge of Other Ethnic Groups

What Don West fails to realize is the history of Black America.  Chronologically;
In the 1600’s slaves were being shipped.
1787 The writers of the United States Constitution decide that slaves will count as three fifths of a person.

1863 Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation didn’t actually free any slaves because it related only to areas under the control of the Confederacy.

1954 In the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, KS, the Supreme Court rules that separate schools for black and white students is unconstitutional.

1955 Rosa Parks is arrested for refusing to give up her seat in the front of a bus, helping begin the Montgomery Bus Boycotts.
1964 Civil Rights Act guarantees that all people will have equal access to hotels, restaurants, and other public places.

1968 Martin L. King is assassinated.

2003 In Grutter v. Bollinger, the most important affirmative action decision since the 1978 Bakke case, the Supreme Court (5–4) upholds the University of Michigan Law School’s policy, ruling that race can be one of many factors considered by colleges when selecting their students because it furthers “a compelling interest in obtaining the educational benefits that flow from a diverse student body.” (June 23)

2008 Barack Obama, Democrat from Chicago, becomes the first African American to be nominated as a major party nominee for president. On November 4, Barack Obama, becomes the first African American to be elected president of the United States, defeating Republican candidate, Sen. John McCain.

While this history is not included in everyday schooling in America, it is not forgotten by those who have endured Jim Crow and who lived in the time of Martin Luther King and other civil right leaders.
By looking at the timeline, Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese, and Native Americans have not been afforded the same rights as Whites. They were born with those rights no matter what. We had to fight for those rights.

Don West, his daughters and people on the internet who have tried to diminish Rachael Jeantel’s education, looks, and use demeaning comments that are cruel, choose to ignore this history.
We are not that far removed in time of the 60’s. While certain laws may have been passed to level the playing field, that doesn’t mean it is done and enforced. Most of America went kicking and screaming thru the Civil Rights era —- and still are.
While education was taken as a right to whites, it was a privilege for minorities. While voting was a God Given right to our counter parts, it was a fight to get the same privilege.
We have been playing catch up to more then 230 years of adversity in a relative short time span of 53 years. (1960’s to the current year of 2013)

While we may have a bi-racial President, it does not change racism.  Bigoted racists only see the color of his skin.  It does not change how people feel about minorities.

The case of Florida vs. Zimmerman proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that people still feel hatred. Still spew hateful language. Even still, think a black young teenager had no right to walk in the dark at 7pm in the rain, in a hoodie, along, carrying some snacks and a drink.

This case highlights all that is wrong with the system, laws, attitudes, and the so called rights of gun owners versus human rights and civil rights.

Don West

Donald R. West

While Mr. West may have tried to make Rachel Jeantel look inferior, he only made himself look like a fool.  He is the person with no class.

Dedicated to “DeeDee”

” To all the sisters who cried for a brother …”

“Sister sister, respect is due, and from the bottom of my heart, I feel good about you”

Lyrics from Heavy D & The Boyz “Sister, Sister”




Using Deadly Force in 40 Seconds

Phone records provide evidence that the numerous actions and words as told by George Zimmerman that caused him to use “self-defense” took place in less than one minute, and that time includes un-holstering his weapon, aiming, and making sure his left-hand was not in the path of the kill shot when he killed unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.   Possible?  No!

George Zimmerman is not adding in actions to his story.  Rather, he is completely making it up; from being approached 40 feet from where Trayvon’s body laid, to forensic evidence that provides Trayvon did not bash Zimmerman’s head in the sidewalk, neither place his hands over Zimmerman’s nose and mouth.

Deflection and Misdirection – the Strategy of the Defense Team

The latest hearing in the State of Florida vs. George Zimmerman was quite the circus to say the least. In my opinion the hearing was not just for O’Mara’s ludicrous sanction motion against the state for getting rip to shreds in Bernie de la Rionda’s response, but to put on a show for the dwindling support group for the Zimmermans.

I say Zimmermans to include the family as well. Their actions speak for themselves.

The hearing was yet another attempt to get at Mr. Crump, Ms. Sabrina Fulton and Witness 8, aka Deedee. This is the misdirection.

Misdirection is a form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another.

Counsel for the defendant keeps failing to realize this is a murder trial with witnesses, forensic evidence, the defendant’s multiple statements, the defendant’s Hannity interview, bullet casing location, GPS data, phone records, text messages and DNA evidence.

Mr. Crump has done everything he can and will do legally in helping his clients Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, for the senseless shooting death of their son Trayvon Martin. Anything garnered by Mr. Crump’s efforts are protected by work product/attorney privilege.

What part of that statement/ruling made by the judge in the black robe do they not understand?

Don West starts off with his ongoing complaint of attorney Crump’s interview of Deedee. If the Sanford Police Department would have done their due diligence in finding her,  they could have questioned her themselves. Law enforcement commonly obtains permission from the parents and or through a warrant to access data on phones. This case has been fouled from the very beginning. Many things were done wrongly and some rightly. More often than not the Sanford Police Department is responsible for a lot of the wrongs.
West continues to go on and on about the non-hospital visit of Deedee.  It is a non-issue. Big deal! So what! What does that have to do with a man with a record of domestic violence, and anger issues, menacing Trayvon first by car, then on foot, chasing him in the dark, and ultimately killing him with a gun that is registered to his wife, Shellie.

What does Deedee making an excuse, (not a lie of not attending the funeral of a person she was in love with),  have to do with the murder case filed by the State of Florida?  Most human beings do not like facing the death of a loved one, let alone one that was murdered.

The other thing I noticed from the hearing was both attorneys, Mr. Mark O’Mara and Mr. Don West, used the hearing, not only to attack the State for their hurt feelings from the response by Mr. Bernie de la Rionda, but to also discuss, at length, depositions taken of Ms. Sybrina Fulton and Deedee.

Depositions are never a part of the case record. Not being a part of the case record means there is no requirement to seal or unseal. The court never sees depositions. Depositions are solely for discovery and not intended to address the facts of a case neither legal conclusions. They are maintained by the attorneys. Some depositions are never reduced to transcripts – that is, written out, because attorneys do not find any information in them that has merit in the case.  When that happens, if opposing counsel wants a transcript of the deposition, they have to pay for them to be transcribed.

In essence, we the public, do not get to see transcripts of depositions because they are not a part of the case record.

The attorneys for the defendant found a way to talk about the depositions without getting in trouble with the court. For example, would we have known that the letter that was presented from Deedee to Ms. Fulton was not written in her own hand but was dictated by her and written by a friend named Francine? It doesn’t make the letter any less authentic because she did not pen it herself; they were her thoughts written by her friend. She signed the letter. By signing the letter she made it hers. The content of the letter could have not come from her friend, because she was not on the phone with Trayvon. Deedee herself was describing as best she could for Ms. Sybrina Fulton what happened that night. The audacity of the defendant’s attorneys to actually make this woman take a personal letter out of her Bible to prove she had the original goes beyond the limit of human decency.

It goes to show us the only strategy O’Mara and West are using is to keep attacking witness 8, aka Deedee, and Ms. Sybrina Fulton. This will not work. We have viewed the available evidence and data to date and all of it points to the absolute guilt of George Zimmerman.

Quite a few bloggers have painstakingly taken apart evidence, timelines, DNA data, police timelines, videos etc. that can put any experts that O’Mara employs to shame.

By the way we never have known the friend’s name if it weren’t for Mr. West’s big mouth either. This is why the identity of witness 8 is taken with the utmost care by the State. The lengths that some blogs (they know who they are) and the attorneys themselves have gone through to get information about her are enough to scare any person.

Bernie de la Rionda cross-examination of West was outstanding! He got Mr. West to answer when the existence of the letter to Ms. Fulton was discovered.  There was no withholding of discovery.  Bernie de la Rionda also revealed how long the defense team deposed Ms. Fulton – 7 hours; really, they actually asked her about her employment, and how much money she made in previous years. How relevant is this? The amount of time spent on witness eight and Ms. Fulton borders on witness intimidation.

I also noticed that Bernie didn’t fall for their crap either; he didn’t do a tic for tat by revealing any of the juicy details from his interviews.

The lawyers for the defense were trying, very badly I might add, to deflect from the real issue of the immunity hearing. O’Mara wanted nothing more than to crawl back under the rock he slithered from, than to have that taken right off the table. He had to eat those words previously said at interviews and in court that his client welcomes an immunity hearing. O’Mara said “His client wants to take the stand and plead his case”.  When did Mark O’Mara know that he would not proceed with a pre-trial immunity hearing?  Please see the video below.

Weren’t those the days, Counselor? (LOL)

As previously stated by Judge Lester, the case against George Zimmerman is strong.

There aren’t many days left till June 10th. We are already in the first week of May.  As my good friend Lonnie says, Tick, Tock George, Tick Tock.



Clubhouse Videos – Discovery By The State

In discovery released to the defense, the State entered videos for the Retreat at Twin Lakes where accused murderer, George Zimmerman, killed Trayvon Martin.   Many have questioned what the videos show, and some doubters who support Zimmerman say that the videos show nothing.  Prosecutors however, apparently believe that the clubhouse videos have value in proving the State’s case against Zimmerman.

The value in the clubhouse videos cannot be understood without first being familiar with Zimmerman’s interview in the police station for the voice stress test, his re-enactment the day after he killed Trayvon; and his interrogations.   For a short summary, Zimmerman said that he first saw Trayvon standing by a house, which was later identified as Frank Taaffe’s house.  Zimmerman also said that he drove to the clubhouse where he pulled in and called the police non-emergency phone number.

The timing in the videos, and analysis of headlights, compared to Zimmerman’s non-emergency call to the police, tells us his locations.  Do they agree with his statements, re-enactments, and answers when interrogated?

One thing that we found very interesting, is that those who analyzed the clubhouse videos also speculate that Zimmerman cut-off Trayvon’s path to Ms. Green’s house, where Trayvon was visiting with his dad. We wrote Why Retreat View Circle, posting it on December 2, 2012.

The following video is a little over 45 minutes.  Spending the time watching it is well worth it.  Those who prepared the video are  invaluable.  Our thanks to them.

We Give Our Support to “DeeDee”,Her Family and Friends.

DeeDee has been blogged, caricaturized, blogged about and taken apart as much as Trayvon Martin.Hoodie-back

She stated to Bernie de la Rionda that the relationship was getting serious between the two.

Remember your childhood sweetheart? Remember how you use to pull her ponytails in school? Or you kicking him in the shins? Then you got older and there was none of that. It was the googly eyes. It was, “Can I walk you home”, “Can I carry your books”, “Call me”.

Remember those days…….

We were all that age once. All we could do was talk on the phone. We would talk about school. We would talk about our parents. We would talk about what we were going to wear. We talked about what kind of car we wanted to drive. We talked about silly things.  The point is, that is what teenagers do.

It saddens me greatly that she will not have the opportunity to see if the relationship would flourish.

If they would have gone to Prom together? What pictures would have been taken? What corsage would he had bought her? If he would have made some moves on her? Ahh, but he was a Mama’s boy, and I don’t think DeeDee would of let that go.  But yes, this is what teenagers do. Testing the waters before them.

It is without a doubt this young lady needs the constant support of her family and friends and by her internet family as well. We can only imagine the horror she felt when she heard of her childhood friend being killed.  The agony of not letting anyone know who she was; the thought of people trying to hurt her; the constant supervision by her parents; the inability to use her FaceBook and Twitter; a big no-no for teenagers. That can actually cause them physical pain if they are not connected to the internet.

I am not naive. She will find someone else to talk to, be with, even marry.   But there will be no other person who will be like Trayvon for the rest of her life.  This I know for sure.

She is under our cloak of protection against those who seek to harm, discredit, name call, and cyberbully her for no other reason than she was the last person to talk to Trayvon before he was killed.

The family here at Blackbutterfly7 extends our heart, our minds, our support to DeeDee, her family and friends.

Little Sister, we have your back.

10-26-2012 Court Hearing – Open Discussion.

On Oct. 26, 2012, the State v. George Zimmerman was heard in court on two motions.  In layman’s terms, Zimmerman wanted State witnesses not to talk to State Attorneys before O’Mara, his attorney, deposes them.  Presiding Judge Nelson said “no’ denying Zimmerman’s motion.

The other motion was filed by the State for a gag order against all attorneys and their staff using the media to promote their positions.  Judge Nelson is to rule on that on Monday.

Attorney West for Zimmerman, approached the podium in effort to regurgitate the statement of Witness 8, who is commonly known as “DeeDee” or Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend.  Judge West refused to hear the matter re-argued as she entered order regarding the recorded statement last week.

Judge Nelson also set a Case Management calendar.

Originally, we presented videos of the hearing that were recorded by Trent Sawyer, (stateoftheinternet), and posted to his YouTube channel.  Since the verdict, Trent has made the videos private and they are no longer available.