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White Supremacists Enter Houston’s 3rd Ward Carrying Confederate Flags & Racist Slogans

I can’t help but question — if they are pro-cop, then why weren’t they carrying signs with the names of those cops killed, regardless of the race of the killer? I think that one officer out of New Mexico was buried this weekend.

United States Hypocrisy

Armed with assault rifles, confederate flags and white supremacist slogans, a group of the extreme fascist right-wing calling itself ‘white lives matter’ stood on the grounds of the Houston Chapter of the historic civil rights organization – the N.A.A.C.P. – to sing the praises of police officers who’ve killed unarmed Black people and decry activists who’ve spoken out against police abuse. They claimed to be exercising their “second amendment right to defend ourselves”, despite their going into the overwhelmingly black third ward to spread their toxic agenda.

Perhaps not surprisingly these white supremacists with their stated pro-cop agenda were barricaded and protected by police officers. It goes without saying that the response to this demonstration on the part of police was completely different from their response to Black Lives Matter demonstrations. Imagine for a moment organizers of a #BLM march carrying assault rifles and wearing bullet proof vests! You can’t imagine it…

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The 10 Most Under-reported Black Stories of 2015

Ebony has published “The 10 Most Underreported Black Stories of 2015.   The list is long, so the following are several that I found quite interesting – things I did not know.

Black Lives Matter throws support behind police shooting victim, Zachary Hammond, who was White.

Zachary HammondThe Black Lives Matter movement is serious about the message that police violence is epidemic in America. So race didn’t factor in when they took up the cause of Zachary Hammond, an unarmed, White 19-year-old South Carolina man, who was shot to death by an officer on July 26, 2015 in Seneca, South Carolina.  Black Lives Matter publicly cried out for justice for Hammond, just as they did for so many other cases where Blacks were killed by cops. And just like so many others, the officer in Hammond’s case was not charged. While his family has vowed to continue to fight for justice,  Black Lives Matter has included Hammond’s name in the long list of victims of excessive police brutality.

As Lincoln Blades commented in The Grio, acknowledging the systemic causes of Hammond’s death means “admitting that black folks haven’t been lying or exaggerating when we’ve said that there is a real problem with policing in America.”

Bomb explodes outside Colorado Springs NAACP office Read the rest of this entry

Steal $90K, Get 6 Months In Jail And Other News


Jeffrey Daday

New York – Between January 2009 and May 2014, Jeffrey Daday, 36, stole more than $90,000 from parking meters. Daday was formerly the parking inspector officer for Mount Kisco, New York.

It was the bank workers who alerted police. They found that the depositing of quarters, dimes and nickels in large amounts to be suspicious.

Daday was subsequently caught in a sting operation. In September, he pleaded guilty in Westchester County Court in White Plains to second-degree grand larceny and first-degree offering of a false instrument for filing. Daday faced a 15-year jail sentence, but he paid the money back and was sentenced to 6 months and 5 years of probation. Read the rest of this entry

Trayvon’s Law


The NAACP has released a Bill Summary for Trayvon’s Law.

The introduction reads:
“In light of the tragic death of Trayvon Martin and the overwhelming national awareness around numerous issues surrounding this case, the NAACP advocates for creating a set of
laws called “Trayvon’s Law” which embodies legislative responses that will greatly reduce the likelihood of another tragedy like the Trayvon Martin incident. Trayvon’s Law is a set of bills that focus on ending racial profiling, repealing stand your ground type laws,creating law enforcement accountability through effective police oversight, improving training and best practices for community watch groups, and mandating law enforcement data collection on homicide cases involving people of color. Some of these policies can be pushed on the state level; others may lend themselves well to more local campaigns. The NAACP will continue to advocate for these policy changes on the federal level as well. Advocates across the country can push for any combination of these policies that makes the most sense for their city, state, or local jurisdiction.”
The Bill Summary includes repeal of Stand Your Ground Law.  The NAACP writes:

“Repeal Stand Your Ground Type Laws & Restore Sane, Sensible use of Force Standards in Self Defense.

“Although many have tried to promote stand your ground type laws as self-defense measures, the reality is that these laws do nothing but provide cover for vigilantes and hate groups who often choose to take the law into their own hands. Laws like that of Florida have contributed to a 300% increase in so-called self-defense related homicides, and people of color seem to always get caught in the crossfire. The Tampa Bay Times found that defendants claiming “stand your ground” are more successful if the victim is black. A study by the Urban Institute also found that in states that have stand your ground policies, nearly 36% of cases where a white person killed an African American were deemed justifiable homicides, compared to only 3% of cases where an African American killed a white person. Hence, the NAACP proposes that “stand your ground” and other laws that provide immunity for vigilantes be repealed and replaced by common sense, self-defense measures.”

Click here for the entire Bill Summary: Trayvon’s Law