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The 10 Most Under-reported Black Stories of 2015

Ebony has published “The 10 Most Underreported Black Stories of 2015.   The list is long, so the following are several that I found quite interesting – things I did not know.

Black Lives Matter throws support behind police shooting victim, Zachary Hammond, who was White.

Zachary HammondThe Black Lives Matter movement is serious about the message that police violence is epidemic in America. So race didn’t factor in when they took up the cause of Zachary Hammond, an unarmed, White 19-year-old South Carolina man, who was shot to death by an officer on July 26, 2015 in Seneca, South Carolina.  Black Lives Matter publicly cried out for justice for Hammond, just as they did for so many other cases where Blacks were killed by cops. And just like so many others, the officer in Hammond’s case was not charged. While his family has vowed to continue to fight for justice,  Black Lives Matter has included Hammond’s name in the long list of victims of excessive police brutality.

As Lincoln Blades commented in The Grio, acknowledging the systemic causes of Hammond’s death means “admitting that black folks haven’t been lying or exaggerating when we’ve said that there is a real problem with policing in America.”

Bomb explodes outside Colorado Springs NAACP office Read the rest of this entry