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Video From Shellie Zimmerman’s iPad Cannot Be Recovered

After filing for divorce, Shellie moved out the house she shared with George Zimmerman.  On September 9, 2013, George Zimmerman appeared at the home that he and Shellie rented from Shellie’s parents as Shellie was moving out her belongings.  An altercation took place.  As Shellie was recording the altercation with her iPad, George took it from Shellie, bent it across his knee, and using a pocket knife, took it apart and threw it to the ground.


George Zimmerman points and laughs after destroying Shellie’s iPad while still holding his pocket knife.
(Photo obtained from

George Zimmerman told police that he took the iPad from Shellie because she was using it to hit him on his back.

Although video captured George taking the iPad apart, Lake Mary police gave no statement on whether they asked George why he felt the need to destroy the iPad after it was no longer in Shellie’s hands.

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Trayvon Martin’s Cell Phone – How Did It Get On the Ground?


Trayvon Martin’s cell phone at crime scene

Has anyone wore a hands-free headset for their cell phone, but carried their cell phone in their hand?

When I first heard George Zimmerman’s NEN call when his tone changed and he asked the dispatcher if the cop would call him and he would tell him where he was, I concluded then that he was alerted of or knew Trayvon’s whereabouts.


When Trayvon’s phone log was released and I saw that he received a call at 7:12 p.m., my first thought was that George Zimmerman heard Trayvon talking on his cell phone and began following his voice.  I am still under that impression.

Crime scene photos were subsequently released, and Trayvon’s cell phone was on the ground, the location indicated by Marker 7. Read the rest of this entry

George Zimmerman In Contempt of Court?

Since the Lake Mary police can’t see the truth of George Zimmerman’s actions, it’s up to Kelly Sims, Shellie Zimmerman’s attorney, to bring George’s destructive actions before the court in the divorce case.



iPad Video Could Be Key To Charging George Zimmerman

Fox News reports that video from Shellie Zimmerman’s iPad may be crucial evidence in determining whether to charge George Zimmerman.

Lake Mary Police Department spokesman, Zach Hudson, said that the iPad is badly damaged and needs to be examined in a lab.  If it provides evidence to support Shellie’s story, George Zimmerman could be potentially charged with destruction of evidence.

Yesterday, Shelly Zimmerman said that George snatched the iPad from her hands, smashed it, and used a pocket night to open it up destroying parts on the inside.

George Zimmerman with Lake Mary police yesterday.

George Zimmerman with Lake Mary police yesterday.

Funny thing — Rachel Jeantel testified to hearing a man’s voice ask, “What are you doing around here?” followed by a “bump” indicating disconnection of Trayvon’s cell phone from his headset.  Physical crime scene evidence supports that Trayvon’s cell phone was on the ground, disconnected from his headset when the cops arrived.  Seems as though George Zimmerman has a pattern of destroying, or attempting to destroy communication devices  that might record his actions and/or words.

iPad destroyed