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Get On The Bus

Christmas Eve, while the cornbread was in the oven, and the smoked turkey boiling in the pot waiting for the green beans to be added, I turned off Christmas music and tuned on the television.

GET ON THE BUS, Roger Guenveur Smith (second from left), director Spike Lee, Ossie Davis, Charles S. Dutton, Richard Belzer, 1996, (c)Columbia Pictures

GET ON THE BUS, Roger Guenveur Smith (second from left), director Spike Lee, Ossie Davis, Charles S. Dutton, Richard Belzer, 1996, (c)Columbia Pictures

The movie, “Get on The Bus” was on. Get on the Bus is a Spike Lee film, released in 1996 on the one-year anniversary of the Million Man March. In the film, there are 12 Black men from Los Angeles on a bus bound for Washington, D.C.   The only thing that the men have in common is their race. They are various ages and their careers range from petty thief to police officer.

There is a scene in the movie that takes place when the bus is pulled over by State Troopers in Knoxville, Tennessee.   Getting out of the police car with a dog, the Trooper, played by Randy Quaid, tells the men that they are checking for drugs. Gary, who is bi-racial and a Los Angeles police officer, introduces himself to the Trooper and shows his badge. It means nothing to the Trooper, who has the Sherman Shepherd dog brought on the bus.  As the dog sniffs each row of seats, the Trooper shines his flashlight into the face of each man, asking them if they wanted to confess to having drugs before the dog finds them. The men shielded their eyes from the blinding flashlight as the Trooper calls them “boys.” Read the rest of this entry

Daily Kos :: Cliven Bundy wants to tell you about ‘the Negro.’ I want to tell you about Cliven Bundy

Cliven Bundy believes in sovereign citizenship. It is an offshoot of White Supremacy and very dangerous because they attack the government and they will use anyone to “test” their theories. Actor Wesley Snipes got trapped in tax problems and went to prison because of listening to sovereign citizenship theories about federal income taxes. The men who screwed him went to prison too, but they had nothing to lose.

Spirit In Action

Apologies to all those who will surely be offended-one way or another- by this but I believe it is important to tell the whole truth.

And I am tired of trying to laboriously explain the sociopolitical background and facts associated with this and other recent events.

It sickens me that good people I have associated with in spiritual community support not only this self absorbed idiot but also the idea that people bringing guns to “defend” this criminal from justice is the start of a positive change.

It is not. You cannot tear down the master’s house using the master’s tools!

You engage in the same low frequency negative attitudes and behaviors as the cabal/current criminals in charge and you perpetuate the system if violence, power over and greed that causes so much suffering.

It takes real courage to use nonviolence as a tactic because you are placing your faith…

View original post 431 more words

Busted For Shopping While Black

Barney'sTrayon Christian, a 19-year-old engineering student from Queens, NY, purchased a $350 Ferragamo belt from Madison Avenue store, Barney’s.  He returned the belt a few days later for a refund. “I’m not shopping there again. It’s cruel. It’s racist.”

The following is how Christian came to that conclusion.

During the Spring Semester, Christian worked a part-time work-study job at the New York City College of Technology.  Christian said his paycheck had just been direct deposited into his Chase bank account, so he went straight to Barneys on the afternoon of April 29 to buy the pricey Ferragamo belt with a silver buckle and a reversible black and white strap. “I knew exactly what I wanted,” Christian said. He’d seen the belt on a lot of his favorite celebrities, including rapper Juelz Santana. Read the rest of this entry

Racist Bigots and Thugs Are Clairvoyant

The following are comments posted on the internet by George Zimmerman (GZ) fans:

“It is shameful what we are doing to this man. He took out a thug before the thug could kill him, AND prevented all the future crimes (rape, assault, drug dealing) that Trayvon would have done in his life. George deserves our thanks for helping to keep us safe!”

“The only good black is a dead black just like trayvon.”

“He was black, wearing a hoodie, and his name was Trayvon. HE WAS A FELONY WAITING TO HAPPEN.” 

“The stupid baboon chimped out, circled back, stalked and followed Zimmerman as he was walking back to his vehicle, then combatively and belligerently confronting Zimmerman, then brutally attacking Zimmerman. Furthermore, Zimmerman demonstrated restraint by only firing once and only after being viciously and brutally attacked by the chimped out wild uncivilized monkey. “

These types of comments are common among GZ fans.  You see, they are clairvoyant — bigotvoyants, (bi-got-voy-ants).  Bigotvoyants can look into the future of every young Black male and predict what crimes they will commit unless they are murdered before their future begins.  Bigotvoyants have recently used their gift to explain what happened the evening of 2/26/2012 when GZ killed unarmed, 17 yr old Trayvon Martin.   Their crystal brains showed them that it could have only happened one of two ways;

  1. Trayvon had time to get to his dad’s house but instead, laid in wait or circled back to attack GZ.
  2. Trayvon went home, changed pants, then left out again to attack GZ.

Not only are GZ’s fans clairvoyant, but in order for things to happen the way they describe, it requires that Trayvon also be clairvoyant. You see, before GZ got out of his truck, Trayvon would have to know that he would.   According to the bigotvoyants, when Trayvon ran, he didn’t run to get away from GZ.  Rather, he ran because he knew GZ would follow him and then he could attack GZ.

According to bigotvoyants, Trayvon knew that GZ did not know the name of the street he was on, and would need to walk all the way down the dog path to get an address on the next street over.  Bigotvoyants know that Trayvon knew that GZ would not stand in front of that address, call the police and wait at that location for the police to arrive.  Bigotvoyants know that Trayvon foresaw that GZ would make a roundtrip, walking back to his truck to call the police with that address, although GZ would not be at that address when calling them.  Yes!  Bigotvoyants know exactly what Trayvon would know about GZ’s movements.

Oh wait.  There is a good portion of bigotvoyants who do not believe that GZ walked to the next street over.   That in fact, they don’t believe anything he said other than Trayvon attacked and intended to kill him.  They don’t believe GZ’s re-enactment, neither what he said in his interview with Sean Hannity.  You see, they know that GZ doesn’t have the gift, and not having the gift to see into the future, that he doesn’t live in the reality of the present neither remember the past.

Actually, some bigotvoyants have not seen GZ’s video-taped re-enactment, read his written statement to the police, listened to his recorded interviews, neither watched his interview with Sean Hannity.    They have no interest in what GZ said and did.  The only thing that matters to them is that they have the gift of knowing everything that Trayvon said and did.

For theory number 2, Trayvon would know that GZ continued to look for him long enough for him to go into the house and change from dark-colored pants to light-colored khakis.  Bigotvoyants did not watch the 7 Eleven video so cannot explain how Trayvon had on light-colored khakis in the store.  The gift only allows bigotvoyants to see in black and white without shades in-between in convenience stores, malls, banks — places like that.

Bigovoyants have looked into the past and know that without seeing GZ through the windows of the house, Trayvon knew that GZ would not be on Retreat View Circle and was returning to his truck.   Trayvon knew that if he flew through the air, ran across rooftops and leaped over patio furniture, that he could make it back to the T at the right moment to ambush GZ as he approached it.   One bigotvoyant that posts regularly in comments to Yahoo articles about the GZ case uses the handle “Superthug” with a likeness of Trayvon in a cape, and speaks in first person, as a tribute for seeing everything that Trayvon did that night.

Bigotvoyants gave Trayvon pre-knowledge of everything he needed to attack GZ other than knowledge that GZ had a gun.  You see, when the gift of clairvoyance was handed out to mankind, only bigotvoyants received ability to know when others have a gun.   It’s this knowledge that makes them superior to others.

Bigotvoyants believe that GZ did not need the gift to know that Trayvon looked like he was on drugs or something and that something was wrong with him.  Bigotvoyants argue that this is not foreknowledge but fact since all Black males, with the exception of Bill Cosby, look like they are on drugs or something — they all look like they are up to no good.

With their gift of knowing everything that Trayvon would do and say, they hope to place Trayvon Martin on trial for being a thug in exchange for GZ tried for murder.
