Cyberharasser’s Court Action Backfires On Him

cyberstalkingMost of you who read this will know the experiences I am about to share with you as some of you reading have also been victimized by this individual. I am not sure exactly when the subject person started harassing others, but my point of reference starts with the George Zimmerman Trial.

I’m referring to the individual as my accuser.   It never occurred to me that by exercising my right to freedom of speech, that a series of events would lead to being threatened, stalked, harassed, defamed, and eventually led to court. But, this is what happened and it happened as a result of my advocacy for Trayvon Martin.

During the Zimmerman trial, I became familiar with an individual over social media. I had blocked several of his twitter and Facebook accounts due to the racist comments, racist memes and threats of violence. As time went on and the verdict was announced, and in protesting the verdict, the subject harasser stepped up the memes. They were more disturbing as if this was his method of a victory parade essentially rubbing salt in the wounds.

But that was expected. I mean when you look at the blatant racism in his memes, in his tweets and on his Facebook pages, who would not expect anything different. His postings make it that he a person who believes in white supremacy ideology.

Shortly after the verdict, there was a 911 call made by Shellie Zimmerman, wife of George Zimmerman. Shellie’s 911 call was aired. Twitter is on fire with the current events. George Zimmerman, a man whose entire defense was that he was too weak to fight off 150-pound kid and that he had no other choice but to use deadly force, could suddenly fight, as it was reported he assaulted Shellie’s father, then threatened them both with a gun.

Concerned that this man, in my eyes, just got away with murder, I decided to write the Chief of police in Lake Mary FL. I did not expect a response whatsoever, but one came. Chief Bracknell confirmed Shellie’s story; confirmed there was a gun in the car; but gave a laundry list of excuses as to why they could not and did not arrest George.

Shellie subsequently recanted, and in Florida, if there is no victim there is no crime. To me that doesn’t mean the crimes were not committed and in reality, it simply means the law is written in such a way that it allows criminals to manipulate their victims into recanting which is what took place here.

After several emails between myself and Chief Bracknell, I began to share what he told me on Twitter. Shortly thereafter, Judd Legum of Think Progress reached out to me, wanting to see the emails, and was considering doing a story on them. I had no problem with Legum doing a story on those emails provided he redact my personal information, such as my email address.

Legum stated he would redact my email address and the story ran on Think Progress.

Just as this story ran, suddenly Zimmerman supporters were enraged. In particularly enraged was the disturbed individual who I experienced earlier.  The Zimmerman fan base obtained my email address from the email and because I was posting on Twitter that I wrote the email, I began getting harassed.  I received a tweet from a Zimmerman supporter in a threatening manner with the individual stating “I Have your e mail address”.

cyber crime 2Before I knew it, this group of people ran an IP trace on my email address and found my location to be in Southern California. From there, things took a turn for the worse. The individuals responsible for this have confided in a man in the Fresno area to dox me. (Doxing is searching for the personal information of others for bad-faith purposes, such as using the information to intimidate.)

By early January of 2014, the subject person was creating Facebook pages that had Google earth pictures of our house, the homes of those following me on Twitter, and also posted our addresses and pictures of our family members, our phone numbers etc.

Why would I say “our”? I am not his only victim. Over time I have learned there are dozens of people who support Trayvon Martin that have been victimized by this man in the same manner. The problem is that the subject man knows how to manipulate the system, and knows that since most of his victims live in other states, he believes there is very little that can be done to hold him to account.

During this time his harassment stepped up. He continued to make threats of violence and stated that he gave George Zimmerman our addresses. At this point, a fellow Trayvon Martin supporter who was also victimized along with his wife at the hands of this man, reached out and informed me that this person has a social worker and he is mentally disturbed.

I was able to obtain contact information for his social worker and did speak with him expressing my concern. However, the social worker is limited as to what he can do. I also called the subject man to ask him directly to stop, but he decided to allow the call to go to voicemail. I left a message informing him that he needed to stop doing what he has been doing or I would pursue my legal options.

Of course, he didn’t stop. Trying to be reasonable with someone who is mentally disturbed and who holds to White Supremacist ideologies, is like trying to get water and oil to mix. It’s just not going to happen. From January through April, his harassment and doxing continued. Suddenly out of the blue, and unexpectedly, I got a Facebook message from his estranged wife as she saw him harassing and threatening me on Facebook.

His estranged wife informed me that she too was a victim of his harassment and that some of his friends have been harassing her on his behalf. The subject man filed for divorce, but while his estranged wife was communicating with me, he told his friends that he and his wife were still together. I told his estranged wife that there is nothing I can do, and that she would have to be the one to call him out on it.

I never imagined she would call him out and confront him on his behavior, but to my surprise she did, and as a result this man decided to take it one step further and threaten me with a restraining order.

On May 2, 2014, the subject man posted what appeared to be a PDF file of a declaration for his petition for a restraining order, threatening to file it that afternoon. A friend of mine quickly reached out and sent me the screenshot of his post, and pointed out that one of the window tabs he had opened read “Santiago Rodriguez TRW Credit Score (Secured)”. In other words, the subject man had somehow acquired my private credit report.

I immediately contacted law enforcement in Fresno, CA. It took four days for the police to return my call to finalize the report. During those four days, the subject man filed for a restraining order and was granted a temporary retraining order (TRO) until a hearing scheduled for June 2nd 2014. Using the TRO as a means to intimidate, he sent a comment to this blog threatening to go after Xena unless she deleted this blog.

During the time leading up to the hearing on June 2nd, I received threat after threat with jail time from the subject man. Of course not knowing what this man’s capable of and knowing he has lied on his declaration in order to obtain the TRO, I knew for sure I had to hire an attorney and fight this.

In the back of my mind the entire time, I was grateful he brought it to court because this was my best chance of getting this behavior to stop. My attorney eventually forwarded me copies of his declarations and claims, and this is where things took a turn down crazy lane.

This man out right lied up and down. He claimed that I called him when I did not; claimed I called and harassed his estranged wife (but they have not lived together since 2010); claimed that I made threats to harm her 3-year-old daughter; and to top it all off, he went all in on a bit of insanity by claiming and naming Benjamin Crump, Natalie Jackson and John Phillips as lead conspirators who send people out to harass Zimmerman supporters.

He also alleged that about 12 Trayvon Martin Supporters are co-conspirators to the harassment. I was in shock at how someone could blatantly lie on sworn statements and just get away with it. Upon my attorney’s research, we discovered that the subject man has a history of abusing the legal system. During the subject man’s divorce that he filed, we learned that he attempted to obtain custody and visitation of his wife’s daughter that he knows is not his child. When his request for custody and visitation was denied, he then advanced his attack on the father of that child by attempting to obtain a restraining order against him.

Once that tactic did NOT work, he then appealed the court’s ruling regarding the custody and visitation of a child that he did not father. His appeal was also denied and to sprinkle a little more insanity on this, the subject man then made a 2nd attempt to obtain a restraining order against the father of that child.

The motions were so baseless, so frivolous that his estranged wife had to motion the court to rule him a vexatious litigant. Going into the hearing on June 2nd it was clear that my stalker had a history of abusing the system .

June 2nd quickly arrived. I met with my attorney at his office at 8 am. We had a quick prep sifting through some of our evidence and a short walk to the court house. A little nervousness kicked in as it appeared we may get there late. As we walked into the court room I noticed my accuser tucked nicely in the corner. He poked his head forward after hearing the doors open and looked at me and my attorney. He then sat back and faced forward. Reality set in.

He had talked about how I was some bum on welfare living in section 8 housing, having an EBT card etc, that I couldn’t afford an attorney. He was suddenly faced with the reality that I did not meet his stereotype. In his mind, there was no way that a supporter of Trayvon Martin would not be on public assistance. He assumed that no one he is against has the means and know-how to face him in court.

As our case was called, the most bizarre series of events began to unfold. The Judge asked my accuser to state his case. To my surprise, he asked the judge “well you didn’t get it? I filed a motion this morning.” What he had filed was a motion to disqualify my attorney. I was mind-blown like who the heck does this guy think he is?! He lacks standing to ask the court to disqualify an attorney who does not represent him.

The judge responded that the motion was denied. My accuser then asked about the Motion to exclude screen shot evidence. The judge replied that he was not the prejudiced party and also denied that Motion. Obviously, my accuser wanted those screen shots out of evidence because of the dirt he has on his hands. He knows that the evidence shows the truth as to what is really going on.

Suddenly, my accuser started making a laundry list of claims. The judge asked for evidence to support that. Words cannot describe what the accuser did next. Imagine a man with OCD, and suddenly someone drops a box of toothpicks. My accuser fumbled “umm well it appears I have temporarily misplaced it.”

Before I knew it, the case was thrown out. I didn’t even get a chance to present any of my evidence. In fact, my attorney leaned over and told me “You’re about to win. Do you still want to speak to the judge?” I told my attorney I sure did because I needed this to be heard.

I explained to the judge exactly what was going on, and stated that my accuser is not a victim of any sort of harassment nor is his ex wife, who he claimed that I harassed, but who did not appear in court. I went further and explained that it was I, and many others, who are victims of harassment, stalking and threats of violence. I told the judge I came to court because it was my best chance to get this to stop. I hired an attorney because I am facing an habitual liar.

My accuser then said, “Well he is unhappy with the Zimmerman verdict in which a court agreed he was justified in self-defense.”

The judge looked at him and said, “Well that sounds like freedom of speech to me. Even some of the police officers who took your reports said it sounds like they are exercising their rights to freedom of speech.”

Here is the guy’s attitude in a nutshell. He believes that he is justified to demean, defame, harass, and stalk any person who voices an opinion contrary to his opinions about George Zimmerman.

In a last ditch attempt, my accuser said to the judge, “I’d be okay with a mutual restraining order if Mr. Rodriguez is okay with that.” The judge looked at my accuser and told him that his request would not presented and was denied.

As we walked out and walked back to my attorney’s office, (keep in mind it’s a two block walk), before I got there I received calls that this man was at it again. Nothing could prepare me for his next move. One would think that after having gone through something like that,  he should let it go and move on, but he did not.

(Next time we will talk about his appeal and the need to restrain the accuser by court order as a result of his continued harassment)

About scrodriguez2

Former writer for We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident

Posted on 09/04/2014, in Cyber Abuse, Cyberharassment, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 95 Comments.

  1. SCRodriguez,
    Your accuser is suppose to be in college to be a paralegal. He must have missed the classes that taught about standing and evidence.


  2. SRodriquez ,how long until next time talking about tubby fan?


  3. Linda Andersen

    Good Lord, Xena! Zimmerman is just plain dumb. This moron sounds like pure evil. I hope you are okay. Gook luck with your case.


    • Hey Linda!
      It’s actually SCRodriguez’s case. He’s an author here. I just realized that I had not introduced him. Please forgive me.

      As far as myself, the same goon tried having this blog deleted by Word Press by filing 4frivolous copyright infringement complaints at the same time he filed for a restraining order against Rodriguez. Word Press denied 3, and my attorney in CA filed a counter-response and complaint of racial harassment. The lunatic had a certain number of days to sue me on the counter-response but he didn’t.


      • scrodriguez

        You know those DMCA claims he filed confirmed to the court that those memes belong to him why? because he claimed them as his property in which he used the same e mail address for the DMCA claims as he did for his court docs no way he could deny it then again he never showed up to face any of it probably the best move for him


        • Yep. He failed to understand how he was putting evidence into your hands. When he filed the copyright infringement complaints, it confirmed to the court, his Twitter acct and handle, his name, address, email, and his racially based harassment. Then, he was crazy and ignorant enough to send a comment here boasting about getting the TRO against you and threatening me with the same unless I delete this blog.


          • scrodriguez

            it was like the gift that kept on giving, but he wasnt no gift his ignorance and arrogance was and still continues to be


          • Scrodriguez,
            He reads here and learned something about legal procedures, but refused to understand that he cannot cite federal bankruptcy cases to support a stay in a state, civil restraining order case. Additionally, there can be no “stay” in a case that is dismissed and closed.

            He also refused to understand that he cannot cite federal rules of evidence to support an argument for a state, civil restraining order case. And mainly, he failed to understand that affidavits are not substitutions for the personal appearance of witnesses at trial.

            Being a paralegal is not searching for case decisions based on certain words — it requires knowing jurisdiction in addition to the issues that were before the court in that case decision. If he wanted to argue Civil Rules of Evidence, he should have gone to the California Civil Rules of Evidence rather than searching for cases involving social media evidence and copying and pasting the citations from federal cases and cases decided in other states.

            I don’t know whether to feel sorry for him, or just have a good laugh.


          • Xena says DP reads her blog for legal info and being a paralegal does not ….

            DP is on disability. He’s not a paralegal. He lives in section 8 w/ a social worker because he’s on disability,either due to seizures or dx as being mentally ill. Also. Xena, why would he read your blog for legal info? Much more apt to read leatherman’s blog or just pull stuff out of his ass. There are hundreds of lawyer blogs written by licensed attorneys and sites like Nola and the newest ( lisa Bloom’s blog) and hundreds more on you tube showing how to write a motion, etc

            If he reads here, he knows this isn’t a legal blog and no one who posts here says they are knowledgeable in law or are licensed attorneys or even paralegals.

            There is a new twitter parody which is very clever called @ the trial vile psychonellie.
            .Hilarious pixs poking fun at nettles and DP. I copied and pasted one’ll have to tap to enlarge but if anyone wants to see all the parody pixs just go to twitter and in mag. Glass put@ the trial vile


          • If he reads here, he knows this isn’t a legal blog and no one who posts here says they are knowledgeable in law or are licensed attorneys or even paralegals.

            He doesn’t read here for legal advice, and his challenges are his effort to try to re-define me. I’ve posted about them previously and have no desire to re-visit the history, which is quite extensive.


          • scrodriguez

            I am past feeling sorry for him, I mean honestly when I saw him up close and personal I did feel sorry I mean just looking at the man you know he isnt all there. Not only that but the way he speaks on social media like he is some beast of a man who can hurt you psychically but when you see him up close words can not describe it.

            Look at it this way I am the same age as he is 39, the difference is he looks like he is pushing 60… I mean its sad to see that he actually believes the people who have encouraged him to engage in this behavior he really thinks they are his friends.

            Not one of them showed up for court not a single one of them….. So much for friends as since that hearing they are the reason he ended up getting slapped with a restraining order himself basically they put him in a position where he may wind up in jail if he keeps messing around.


          • I mean its sad to see that he actually believes the people who have encouraged him to engage in this behavior he really thinks they are his friends.

            5 followers on his blogs in over 2 years, and he thinks he has supportive friends or can gain friends with his insulting, hateful personality?

            I have something in the works regarding his defamatory Youtube videos about this blog but am not free to say more about it.


  4. What a nut job!! And I’m not referring to his mental illness.


    • Mindyme,
      I’ve said all along that mental illness does not mean, nor justify, being hateful and bigoted. That cyber-extortioner mocks and insults others inferring they are gay. He uses racial slurs. He uses sexually offensive language. He even mocks and demeans the mentally ill. “Retard” is one of his favorite words to use to insult.

      That’s not a mental illness — it is hate. There is no pill that helps or cures that.


      • Xena,
        Anyone that belongs to the kkk or other hate groups like the WS all have a mental illness, but they shouldn’t call it a mental illness. Llike you said it is hate therefore none of them should have a license for a gun OR should be allowed in the police force or military.
        You can see the hate in them and it is something that they can change. They don’t want to change, they like living in hate.
        Those who are mentally ill wish it could go away as easy.
        That guy in court sounds just like george z.


        • Lolypop,

          They don’t want to change, they like living in hate. Those who are mentally ill wish it could go away as easy.

          You said the proverbial mouthful.


          • It’s so true Xena and I can’t figure out WHY they like living like that. Looks like one morning they would wake up, look in the mirror and see it, say that they don’t like looking like hate and their world could and would change in a second.
            They wouldn’t have that stressful load of hate baggage and would feel free and it would change and they would like that much better,
            Like Michael Jackson’s song ” Start With The Man In The Mirror”
            I love that song.
            If only!!!! Right?


          • Lolypop,
            There are many racial bigots, but not all go out of their way to intentionally hurt others. We’re looking at a different breed with the cyber-extortioners. The “accuser” is one of a group of people who go out of their way to deliberately violate our civil rights to freely associate with others because of race or what they think is race. While the case was pending between SCRodriguez and the “accuser,” another member of the conspiracy group tried interfering with our relationship by alleging he gave her personal information about me.

            To say it another way, after the conspiracy group failed to achieve their agenda, they attempted to plant seeds of betrayal and doubt to divide and conquer because for one, they knew of the “accuser’s” racial derogatory and threatening comments sent to this blog, some of when he named Rodriguez and boasted that unless I deleted this blog, he would get a restraining order against me.

            The “accuser” voluntarily submitted himself to the jurisdiction of the courts, and he might now regret doing so.

            This is the same person who has numerous Facebook pages, some alleging that he works for the CIA, Dept. of Homeland Security, FBI, and the IRS. And yes, he has tweeted and commented to people that they cannot do anything to stop him because he works for the federal government. No matter how much he might change the info on those pages, or even delete them, they are never permanently erased and the evidence has already been gathered. It’s a federal crime to impersonate being a federal officer and using that impersonation to threaten and harass others.


          • Article from ACLU about how we are tracked and everything leaves a trail. Even using “tor”
            Here’s legitimate article, not from a conspiracy site.



            This is from ACLU about how everything we post, even under “Tor” is tracked.nothing is ever actually deleted even if you delete it. Space is so cheap, it’s cheaper now for companies just to leave them in cyber space.

            For instance,and I know no one here would ever order an ill-legal substance , never have it mailed to your home address.

            One day and this was a few years back, I googled myself and a address I lived at for 6 mths back in late 70’s showed. I never even had a phone there….moved in with a friend while waiting for home to be closed on. . I had not signed a lease, it was my friend’s home. No phone in my name. Guess it was the post office forwarding card I signed. 😉

            But there it was listed under addresses for me. Imagine what they do now.


          • 2dogsonly,
            There are attorneys and bankruptcy trustees that use paid subscription services for background checks that do not compare to the general background check websites used by the general public. In fact, to subscribe to the professional services requires verification that the subscriber is a professional who uses the services for legal purposes.

            The background check sites that are common to the public are not factual and they also allow ANYONE to enter or edit a background. When the harassers came after me, they made up a name and alleged lies such as, that I worked for attorney Crump and had numerous aliases. They made the mistake of sending a mocking comment here showing their dirty work. So, I checked out the link. They posted a fake profile under the name they purported to be my real name, and had the person living in the State of Florida among other states.

            What they actually did was commit identity theft. It matters not whether the information was true of even the name as long as they presented to others that it is true.


          • Well, they probably said oh shit! Did not mean to alert her. 😉 a hint on how to stop an email you didn’t mean to send, is go to settings and tap airplane mode. This stops email and then you or me or anyone can return to email and delete it.
            Of course, they are paid. The article didn’t say you.could get anything you want for free. I background my potential tenants, buy one month for very little.
            I have a site on my home page called ” verify me ” that costs next to nothing to check a potential tenant.

            I am sorry you got so much hate. Bcc.list never had a troll although it ended with one. ;-(. And I don’t think Whonoze diaspora had one either. Not as sure about Whonoze ‘s diaspora blog but bcc.list never had one. Just one at the verdict .


          • 2dogsonly,
            No one knows when a blog has a troll, harasser, or cyber-extortionist unless the administrator approves the comments for public posting or shares that info publicly. I don’t know how Whonoze and Bcclist manage their blogs. They don’t seem like the type of persons who would give harassers any attention nor acknowledgement, and I know that is true for many other blog administrators.

            I endured over a year of harassment until I decided to post about it. My reason then was because Miss Filth posted a comment on a blog that was allowed, while my response was in moderation and the administrator could not be immediately reached.

            Since that time, I was told by LE that if I see defamatory comments posted about me, (and particularly claiming to “out” my personal information), to not ask that they be removed but leave them as evidence. Most of us blog administrators now know that when and if receiving comments that disparage and defame another person, to forwarded it to that individual so they can file complaints with the proper authority while the receiver does the same.


          • Two strong women together. The young Arab lady who stood up to threats of death, saying ::” you can kill my body but not my soul” she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize ( damn can’t remember her name but you’ll know who she is)
            And Gabby Gifford.


          • scrodriguez

            @Xena Nettles sure was reaching for straws there considering I knew not a single thing about you other than your twitter handle and your blog yet I was supposed to have given all this personal information pfft…

            Anyhow im on twitter yall, follow me @TM_Warri0r


          • The entire lot of them made a huge mistake when they thought their agendas would divide when in fact, they brought more people together.


          • scrodriguez

            @Xena it did work for those who were too afraid to fight back I mean the good that came out of all this is that I was able to sift through the ones who were not real with it the ones who simply wanted to engage with them on this level there are those types of people on both sides the ones who love the drama live to log into social media and just spend their entire day messing with someone.

            While there are few that are or were willing to stand up to these people and fight them off legally im so glad we were able to work together in getting this taken care of. and it just goes to show you that the loudest man in the house is usually the weakest and he was pretty darn loud until he was before a judge knowing he had to some how prove his lies to be true….. I will never forget the moment our hearing started the moment the judge asked him for his evidence.

            you could sense that reality had hit him square in the chin, he began to stutter sift through about 12 pages of nothing and just kinda go umm well umm


          • The “accuser” is a pretender and when he was confronted to being in a venue with real attorneys, a real judge (and not a court TV arbitrator), and having to defend his petition according to real rules of evidence, he buckled. His friends know that he buckled but wanted to see him pick a fight with appellate court judges in which they donated $515 to him for costs, although the appellate court waived the costs of the appeal.

            I wonder if his friends know that his wife finalized the divorce, and that the appellate court dismissed his notice of appeal without hearing the appeal because the order for him to pay his ex-wife’s legal fees is an un-appealable sanction?


  5. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    Xena, you are amazing! That crazy nut needs to be put where he can never do this to another person – ever. I think if it were me I would have turned around and gone back into court so the judge could see just how bad he is.

    You go, Girl! I am so proud of you! ❤

    PS: Loved the toothpick analogy. 😀


    • Hey Jackie! I just commented to Linda with an apology. The article was written by SCRodriguez, another author here on the blog and I apologize for not introducing him before publishing his article. But, it does involve the same person that I wrote about previously. His effort to defame and harass are criminal.


      • Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

        I am happy you will be able to put this behind you. ❤

        Congrats to SCRodriguez, no problem. 🙂


        • This’s is from a twitter account.
          (Administrator’s note. I don’t want to fan flames particularly with people who are not the subject person . Thanks for your understanding.)


          • @2dogs, your comment that i’m replying to is above but doesn’t have a reply button so I’m replying here.

            Not only were your comments inaccurate but they were really irritating to me personally & I wanted to correct you out of the goodness of heart 🙂

            Since you asked “Xena, why would he read your blog for legal info? Much more apt to read leatherman’s blog or just pull stuff out of his ass” i’ll answer it.

            (BTW Sorry if it’s already been answered but I won’t see it until i read the rest of the comments tomorrow)

            But because I’m not going into personal detail, but you could get your first clue on your own If you go back and take a look at leatherman’s blog.
            for months before the kangaroo court trial you’ll see Xena was assisting leatherman by answering many of the commenters’ legal questions. and that would be because Xena actually does have great knowledge of the law and shared it with us constantly over there and then came here and did the same in lots of her own posts on her own blog.

            i witnessed DP come here and try using what he read to his advantage.
            especially when she wrote about specific legal issues that where used against him.
            he’s just a failure because he doesn’t have the education & experience, much less the intellect that Xena has. that and he’s an idiot.


          • Shannon,
            I appreciate your comment so very much. To lay people, they don’t see the difference between legal procedures and legal advice. What I share is on legal procedures. People know whether I’m right or wrong by the way the courts decide and therefore, I find no need to post my resume publicly on the blog.

            A few things that I remember during Zimmerman’s pre-trial days;
            1. O’Mara issued a subpoena for Trayvon’s school’s records that the school did not honor. I looked up the Rule he cited in his motion to compel the school to comply and found that he cited and was proceeding according to Civil Rules rather than the Criminal Rules. Criminal Rules require that a court issue subpoenas to non-parties.

            2. When Crane was researching cases and stated that they did not have a paid subscription service, I pointed her in the direction of scholar Google. She was ever so grateful for that.

            3. When O’Mara wanted to enter texts and photos from Trayvon’s phone into evidence, I said that Judge Nelson would deny that request because there was no witness to testify to the content. Sure enough, she denied their request that those be entered into evidence. I also predicted that O’Mara would not proceed on his motion for sanctions against the State for not turning-over the photos. My basis was because Judge Nelson ruled that the photos could not be entered into evidence. I was right — he subsequently withdrew the motion for sanctions.

            There are other things also, and none of them have to do with giving legal advice — they are discussion of legal procedures. Right now, there are people who want Darren Wilson arrested for killing Michael Brown. They want to know why the wait for the grand jury. It’s because Missouri is a grand jury state. Any alleged felony must go before the grand jury for indictment. It doesn’t help that the grand jury only meets once a week and when they meet, they are presented with evidence for more than one case. But, at least we know that during this waiting time, Wilson is also waiting. It cannot be paradise for him and that’s enough to give me patience to see what the grand jury decides.


          • A conservative blog has uncovered hoft’ spite/ of him flashing gang signs and guns. For your Saturday evening pleasure.(-)



          • 2dogsonly,
            That’s not the Hoff that you defended previously for attacking Racer. Or, maybe you know that and want to distract from the person who has sworn to silence us by using defamation and divide and conquer tactics?


          • scrodriguez


            One thing I have learned through out all of this is there are people who are in this because they believe in Justice and there are others who are on social media because they love the drama.

            I believe we have that right in front of us, I have seen this person pander to David Piercy while he was filing this BS. To me the way I see it I dont believe this persons motives are genuine I believe this individual has her own agenda for what ever reason she has.

            But isnt that the same with Ms. Filth? and Miss Filth from Canada along with my stalker? if you think about it, they spend all their time on social media doing what? Attacking people.

            Heck Ms. Filth has spent hours attacking Natalie Jackson and Ben Crump while having both blocked I find it very odd that a person like her with no type of career feels that they are with in their right to question how either of these two are practicing law. lets be real they hate because they dont have the things we have in our lives they want that.

            Sure racism is a huge part of their hate and agenda, but I am sure it bites more for them to turn on CNN or Fox and see these well respected attorneys speaking on behalf of victims…. knowing that not only are they servicing their communities but they are making a good living in doing so

            Liked by 1 person

          • scrodriguez,

            One thing I have learned through out all of this is there are people who are in this because they believe in Justice and there are others who are on social media because they love the drama.

            I agree. What I’ve noticed are those who support victims, but they have a competitive spirit about them that dislikes others — just because. I see that with TheObamaCat attacking TheObamaCrat. It’s not the issue that they support, but a dislike for others that they see as competitors.

            I knew from the beginning that 2dogsonly, aka puffytuffy on Twitter, did not personally like us. It mattered not. What mattered was that she gave the impression of loving Trayvon. She was never a consistent contributor to this blog, but she wanted to join private chat. I accepted her request, and she immediately began trying to be a know-it-all. What she doesn’t know is that I never gave her full privileges in private chat. She could only read and reply to comments. She could not see the emails nor IP addresses of other members. She offered to exchange email addresses with other members but no one responded to her.

            She was very disappointed that people did not share their personal info in private chat. The most she got was the names of pets.

            Even after I closed private chat, she tried getting back in. I suspect that she also “suggested” to other bloggers to join private chat (after it was closed), leading them to believe they would find some evidence there of what she purports to be the personal info of members. Stupid her — I had removed the link to private chat long before those requests to join came. Private chat is now deleted — not just closed.

            I believe we have that right in front of us, I have seen this person pander to David Piercy while he was filing this BS. To me the way I see it I dont believe this persons motives are genuine I believe this individual has her own agenda for what ever reason she has.

            She tried to tell me to tell you to not go to court. She warned me that Piercy is dangerous and would try to follow me home. I told her that what you do is your business, and as far as Piercy following me home, I took that as a bait to tell her something about where I live. It’s not her business.

            But isnt that the same with Ms. Filth? and Miss Filth from Canada along with my stalker? if you think about it, they spend all their time on social media doing what? Attacking people.

            I’m not a psychologist, but observe that there is something wrong with people who only have counters and countering lies and no original opinions of their own. They stalk on Twitter, Facebook, and blogs, to find someone to pick on and talk about. There is something dysfunctional about that.

            Heck Ms. Filth has spent hours attacking Natalie Jackson and Ben Crump while having both blocked I find it very odd that a person like her with no type of career feels that they are with in their right to question how either of these two are practicing law. lets be real they hate because they dont have the things we have in our lives they want that.

            It’s rather amusing to see their desire to have certain attorneys disbarred, when all it does is show their ignorance. They don’t know the difference between a Bar Association and what authority actually issues law licenses. An attorney never has to be a member of any Bar association, and Bar associations do not generally get involved in complaints against THEIR MEMBERS. But, the harassers spend time on Twitter trying to encourage people to file complaints with a Bar association against Benjamin Crump.

            Sure racism is a huge part of their hate and agenda, but I am sure it bites more for them to turn on CNN or Fox and see these well respected attorneys speaking on behalf of victims…. knowing that not only are they servicing their communities but they are making a good living in doing so

            I agree, but in their ideology, even a White attorney, such as John Phillips, is a “white guilt idiot” because he represented Jordan Davis’ parents. In other words, under White Supremacy ideology, a White person who assists minorities in seeking justice is also a ni–er.

            There is definitely envy in their make-up, and a fear that equality means power and power means that it will be taken from one group and transferred to another, turning the tables. They have a skewed view on what equality means.


          • scrodriguez


            Your post is 100% spot on, and lets be real she didnt want you to go to court not because of any fear she had of what he may do to you she was trying to help him as best she could.

            Sorry but 2dogs only is a 2 faced dog IMO


          • scrodriguez, My immediate impression was that she was in Piercy’s corner, but not necessarily because of Piercy. Rather, she simply wanted to see if she could take influential control and earn brownie points so they won’t attack her like she has seen them attack us.


          • scrodriguez

            Your initial impression is spot on everybody who has ratted him out his own facebook friends have told me that is the reason that they continue to be involved with him they fear he will dox them the way he has everybody else.
            I am sure She was in his corner for the same reasons, either way I dont care I dont pander to that bunch of losers and if I see someone two faced like that well they best get stepping cus I aint about to let some stranger from social media try and run game on me

            Liked by 1 person

          • Well scrodriguez, you and I know that bullies mistake being nice to them as a form of weakness. They construe silence and not engaging as a form of traumatizing their victims. Since she has been active on blogs that supported justice for Trayvon, they construe her as a “tin foil hat idiot” to use for their benefit.

            What I find two-faced the most is that she came here posting comments as if she liked participating here, then unzipped and exposed herself all the way by misrepresenting my words in an attempt to pick fights. When she failed to respond to comments is when I drew the line. In other words, I was not going to let her come here, pick a fight, ignore responses, then return as if she had done nothing wrong. She needed to woman-up to the antagonizing she attempted.


          • I dont understand how a couple of days ago you ask me here to unblock you and follow you on twitter and when I do I see that your telling other people that I am potentially a Zimmerman Nutter? because you heard this from Nettles18 a known liar who will lie to stir up drama did you not just read Xena knew automatically when Nettles told her that I gave up her personal info she knew then and there Nettles was full of it? why? Because I dont have her personal information well I didnt back then.

            However one more thing I wanted to address with you when you DMd me you also stated the person who sent the Chief of Police those E mails lives in Tubs Town umm I have every single original e mail still in my inbox along with E mails from crump in which he and Jackson referred me to a federal agent to monitor the death threats that started to come in as a result of that e mail

            Your accusations and your noisiness is a slap in the face considering what me and my family have gone through and I have personally witnessed you talk to them about what I was saying on my TL when there was a case pending in Fresno which is exactly why I unfollowed you and blocked you which is exactly why I was apprehensive about following you again and before I even get any chance to tweet to you this time around when I do un block and follow you what is it I see you saying about me to others behind my back?

            Through out this entire experience and im not going to lie allot of people shown their true colors. there are allot of people who I thought were willing to step up and take action and stand up for what they believe in but what I have found is that the majority of them even though they stand for Justice as we do, the majority love the drama love the back and forth love to trash talk dox etc….


  6. yahtzeebutterfly


    Your article which you have posted here on Blackbutterfly7 shows what can happen to a harasser like yours when those harassed do not back down.

    Congratulations on pushing back successfully!


  7. The above was done by Santiago. He Had to go after DP as he has a boxing profession and that didn’t need any mentally ill person filing RO. Absolutely, the correct thing for Santiago to do.
    Reading comments, I think some are thinking it was Xena who wrote the above and took DP ( not Zimmerman) to court.

    Of course, Santiago won, too bad he had to pay a lawyer but I am thrilled he got to say his piece and have it on the record.

    Also, DP never came after me. ;-( guess, I’m not worth harassing. 😉

    Thanks for posting this, Xena.


  8. crustyolemothman

    scrodriguez, There are more than a few of us on here who have been victimized by DP, and do not have the ability nor the resources to deal with him as you have. I commend you for having the courage to accepting this mans challenge as you did. Perhaps in due time this man will force the legal system to take steps to fully stop his harassment, but until then I suppose all that many of us can do is simply wait for the next attack…


  9. Thank you all for reading the first half I will be sure to get the 2nd half done by tuesday or weds, I am still dealing with this not as much as I was when this all started but there are still things he is trying to do through the courts to continue his harassment and stalking.

    Reality is it didnt stop after the hearing, it continued to elevate in which he then focused his sites on my wifes career and messing with her job and this is where it gets a bit funny remember those assumptions? DP and his click assuming that I met the stereo type, once they realized my wife has a PhD and is a college professor reality started to set in.

    However his friends encouraged him to interfere with her job and that left me no other choice but to petition for a restraining order against him and trust me if you think some of his claims for our hearing on June 2nd were out right crazy wait until the next piece is posted…. Two Scoops of Crazy on its way….

    Again thank you all for reading and for your kind comments 🙂


  10. BTW quick question to the readers interested in the follow up would you like to see screen shots of his sworn declarations that he submitted to the courts?


    • Canadian lady probably falls under free speech.,what Santiago was able to do is quite remarkable. The law is slowly catching up to cyber bullies but that mostly has to do with children.

      He went after her in civil court which means either you hire a lawyer or do the work yourself. is free to research a lawyer and ask a question of one. Ignore reviews by other lawyers and look for ones by previous clients. Was very helpful,to me actually. And it’s free!

      Santiago, you ask if we would like to see his sworn statements? Silly man,we are all waiting with a worm on our collective tongues ( baited breaths ) 😉


      • 2dogsonly,

        Santiago, you ask if we would like to see his sworn statements?

        I would love to make that information public here on the blog because they are court records, but it’s almost impossible unless they are in a format that can be converted to pdf then linked. Embedding them results in very small pics that cannot be read.


        • Santiago, when I was married, our neighbor was an Appellant Judge, he had lots of funny stories but when he receives a copy of bible, ( usually it was the first part) retribution will be mine kind of foolishness, he would put them on notice not to do that again. He showed us an entire appeal based on the bible being copied as their appeal. 😉

          I had a lawyer very recently try to use the law as a battering ram. Sent me multiple threatening emails. I was frightened until I realize he, the lawyer, can’t do anything. A judge can but he was emailing how he was going to take my rental property and everything I owned unless I sent him money. I finally calmed down enough to stop being so scared of him and emailed him not to contact me further. It was up to a judge to make those decisions not him.

          I went to Avvo .com and searched for landlord/tenant lawyer in my city and found one with 14 highly favorable comments. Went to see him and he said, this lawyer has changed your contract. You can do two things, hire me and I don’t write those 200.00 letters so it will cost you 2k or let it go. When I got home and calmed down enough to think rationally, I asked him to tear up my check but my recommendation for him on the site would bring him business as I was so grateful. What lawyer says, a choice you have is to do nothing. A good honest one. I really didn’t hold anything against my tenant as she was an unmedicated bi-polar and I had done what she wanted which was to return her money and she would leave my building . She refused my check and said she would kill me. Called 911.

          2 police cars came. I went to pick up report just in case I would need it, there was no report.

          I kind of think the police got confused as why is the tenant screaming when the landlord is here to return all her money and cancel her lease. They said if you want to evict her, you have to go through the court. I said I’m not here to evict her, I’m here at her wish and showed them the message. She took the check but they told her she had to give that back if she wanted to stay in the building.

          One week later, her attorney started with the threatening emails. Lawyers are very hungry these days as they have high student loans, most companies only hire on contract, and if there is a case not already on their computer they use a Chinese service, I believe it’s Lexus Nexus for their research.

          DP can threaten you with criminal complaints but with a RO, he is the one breaking the law.
          He’s like 2 yr. old pitching a temper tantrum. You are the adult with a wife and business. Don’t give him power over you. He has none and that’s why he screams and blusters. ( I’m a retired LCSW) .


    • Annie Cabani

      I would, but only if Xena wants to “go there.”

      I salute you, scrodriguez, for standing up to that terrorist (which is what he really is, when you think about it) and for managing to keep your sanity throughout this horrible ordeal.

      I hope that when you finish writing about your experience – or should I say, Chapter One of your experience – maybe you could find some news organizations interested in publishing it and maybe even going deeper into the topic.


      • I just e mailed the 2nd half to Xena for review, I would love nothing more than to bring this to the media. However the media is what put me in their cross hairs in the first place if you saw the think progress link.
        When I e mailed Legum to explain that he did not redact my e mail and that they now have my home address all I got was “im sorry those are the times we are living in these days”
        I kept all the e mails between he and I for legal purposes when this did start to go to court I e mailed him not a response from them what so ever they got their story they made their money who cares who they put in the line of fire.


  11. you can view what he has submitted on his idiotic Go Fund me page. He is also making snarky comments about you there. I’ve been following his tirades via this blog and I used to be a friend of your’s on twitter, before you locked it down.

    I would like to see the docs here as well, just because he is not a trust worthy person.

    And for the record….if you need to pursue this further legally, I for one would be happy to donate to your go fund me, should you set one up, of course.


  12. oh, and any chance you can take down that crazy from Canada?


  13. after re-reading this story, I came to the conclusion that there should be a go fund me account where money can be raised to help the others who were harassed by DP seek legal remedies. I was not harassed. But I have been following Fred Leatherman and this blog long enough to see what the Canadian woman and her minions, DP among them, have done.

    Please consider a donation page. I will donate. Anyone else?


    • Or we should start a donation page to get him the psychiatric help he needs


      • you are a much better person than I am. I was thinking more for those who are being victimized by him but cannot afford an attorney.


        • scrodriguez

          I believe most who are victimized by him have a harder time to hold him to account because most do not live in California. I live in California he knew that but he assumed the stereotype in me, which I am confident they are all scratching their heads I mean ever since beating him twice, its as if they are all saying to themselves “we done messed with the wrong cat”

          I am a fighter grew up in the sport of boxing, opened a gym here in So Cal to help at risk youth in hopes to keep them off the streets out of gangs away from jail.
          But being a fighter comes a mentality, I live for the win not just in the ring but in life and when someone like this does you wrong you stand up and you fight back because 9 times out of 10 as in the gym as in the ring its the same in life the loudest man in the room is the weakest….


  14. Donnadellis: Anyone can set up a ” go fund me page”. For any reason. Site takes 5%, I think that’s their take but there are thousands and for any legal cause.


  15. Honestly I would love to set up such a page I have had a rough summer financially not just because of this but due to life kicking me in the rear un expected home and vehicle expenses However my wife insist on not taking any donations.

    reason being is She doesnt want us to owe anybody, we will be okay though I do think it may be wise to set up a gofund me in the event I need to motion the courts again I mean my attorney charges 200 per hour, and a 1250.00 fee to appear in court.

    I guess it may be wise to talk to her again about this, however the idea is to break him down to the point in which he can no longer use the legal system as a means to continue with his harassment and believe me when you read the next piece you will know exactly what I mean.

    as far as his friend in Canada that will be a bit more difficult to deal with but there is a trail that connects them all together and there is a Detective in Fresno I have been working with regarding all of this.


  16. Santiago, does California have laws against filing frivolous suits. Did judge not order him to stop? If she/he did include this, I would alert the Judge. Florida has what is called laws against Slapp suits. These are suits usually filed by other lawyers, not filed to win, but to cause vexation against suing party.
    Once a person is known by Florida courts as a frivolous suit filer, they are entered into a data base that keys when they try filing again.

    Any chance you will unblock @puffytuffy , me, on twitter?


    • We do have the Anit Slapp statute in fact when I had to petition for a restraining order against him he tried to use that to get it thrown out, reason being is in my evidence he noticed on one of the screen shots there was a windows tab I had opened regarding the Ca Anti slapp statute.

      Reason being is we were prepared to motion the court for the june 2nd hearing when he filed because it was he who he targeted because of that article with think progress in other words he targeted me harassed stalked threatened intimidated invaded my privacy infringing on my 1st amendment rights.

      But we didnt have to motion the court, the judge knew and told him I was exercising my 1st amendment rights to freedom of speech even stated that the parody video I made about him was also freedom of speech.

      So yes we do have that statue here…. the reason why he was not granted that motion when he tried to get my petition for a restraining order thrown out is because Hate speech is not protected speech, threats of violence are not protected speech, invasion of privacy, obtaining my credit report is not protected speech.

      and he tried to argue that all of my personal information he posted is public information and yes I did have to argue all of this in court on July 24th in LA when I petitioned for the RO, The judge did say well your information is public record, I countered by stating he doesnt work for any public information company he isnt At&T he doesnt work for the post office etc…

      if the public needs to find me there is a place they can go to for that, However he is taking this public information and using it as a means to harass the judge looked at the evidence and agreed with my argument…


      • scrodriguez,

        … Hate speech is not protected speech, threats of violence are not protected speech, invasion of privacy, obtaining my credit report is not protected speech.

        Exactly! The sites that provide public information do not do so to allow people to stalk and harass others. It is also a violation of federal law and the constitution to racially harass, and also criminal to use personal information as a form of extortion.

        I still have the comment that was posted by the head/chief of the doxing crew on his blog that plainly stated that his intent was to “silence” certain people. And, I still have the comment that was sent here that warned me that the subject individual, (“accuser’) had joined their gang. IMHO, they know that he has mental problems, among them, getting attention, so he has no problem coming to the forefront to do their dirty work for them.


        • yahtzeebutterfly

          Quite a gang, isn’t it?

          I imagine that at some point a plug will be put on the whole hive and that then they will put the sting on each other in order to survive.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Caption by photographer:
            “After fighting on the nest for three to five minutes, they would usually drop eight feet to the balcony, clinging to each other on the way down.”


          • Yahtzeebutterfly,
            The “accuser” has at least 3 blogs, but they have been inactive since late 2012. Although there are people that use him, they didn’t support his blogs — he only had 5 followers. He has asked for $3K on his GoFundMe page. In 4 months, he was donated $515.00. That tells me that even those who spur him on to do their dirty work don’t really like him.


  17. Santiago, file pro se or whatever it’s called in California. With his previous crap on the record, you can cake walk thru this.

    I am so glad you insisted on having your say in court. Really, can’t believe your attorney even asked if you wanted to since ” looks like you’re going to win” but thinking ” I’m late for lunch”.

    Either re-file yourself if there’s a need or at least check out the web site for one with good client reviews.


    • There is no need to re-file I have won both cases beat his frivolous BS and was granted a permanent restraining order against him… Now he has both cases in the court of appeals siting the court ruled in error


      • Great! Courts rarely overturn lower courts decisions. Can you ask your wife , if she would object if someone set it up to donate to you? I’m happy to do that for you even if you don’t unblock me. 😉


        • I am keeping my account tightened down for a bit until this is over over its just a safety measure reality is there is a user who looks just like you so I get mixed up and they try to follow me to get information so i have tightened down a bit the idea is to win this thing


          • My avi is black with Trayvon ribbon but my pix on my twitter is a white grandmother in front of green flowered curtains. But it’s fine, I totally understand.
            By the way, I think it’s over. He had 15 days to file another document and he didn’t. I looked at his go fund me.. Only raised 715.00 in months.
            He filed that notice to appeal and court accepted but informed him he had 15 days from 8/1 to file another document. That time is strict and his site doesn’t show update so it’s done and no donations to his go fund me in one month.

            It cost money to file appeals, court cost, copies, etc. So relax, he’s done and over.
            Stay Strong For Trayvon. 😉


  18. I cannot begin to imagine the stress put on Santiago and his family. From having a threat to your career and your wife’s, to the countless harassment. I also admire his strength in dealing with this person.

    I hope that one day I will have the pleasure in shaking your hand.


    • The stress I cant even explain it was like every single day I was getting another motion in the mail from him. and most were demanding criminal charges etc… very stressful indeed.


  19. Tear them up. Any criminal charges have to be served in person.
    Even civil in Florida have to be served in person within 120’days.

    Use, put in your state and subject.


  20. If he’s violating a RO, file that yourself in court. He’s in trouble if he violates a RO.
    You should be able to do all that on line now.,
    Include copies of his harassing letters as proof of RO violation.

    Forget I said tear them up, just know if he’s in violation of a RO, and you notify the court,they can arrest him. is free also


    • scrodriguez

      I could motion to hold him in contempt you are correct, However we are working on what I believe is a more important motion we want to limit this mans ability to use the system as a means to harass people so my focus is on that as a priority however I have enough evidence to submit the motion to hold him on contempt as well so both will be filed in the next couple of weeks.
      I was given specific instructions when filing a motion for contempt due to the distance he has to travel so I am following what I was told.
      as far as filing on my own keep in mind this man is a habitual liar with someone like that you make sure you have an attorney who knows the laws to make sure all of your i’s are dotted and your T’s are crossed.


  21. Santiago, my favorite quote
    Edward Snowden : technology is the great equalizer. is law for us common folks. Not legalize


  22. He’s an idiot. His appeal says the sociopath blah blah
    Courts get crap like that all the time. But I think it’s dead cause I don’t see any follow up to his one page 8/31 and he had 15 days.

    It’s the intelligent liars that cause harm, not the ones who can’t write a reasonable sentence but refer to the appeallee ( you as you won) as the sociopath. 😉


  23. Thanks for sharing this ordeal! Many of us who support Trayvon Martin and know that he was the victim of racism and the obvious lies of George Zimmerman know who this “person” is. He filed a frivolous copyright claim against me when I posted one his racist memes. He claimed that he was an artist, LOL! Well propaganda is a an “art” form! He is part of a cabal of twitter and blog idiots who think that any non-AA person’s word is better than any black person or teenager regardless of how ridiculous it is. If a non-white person says its not raining, they would walk outside and though water was cascading off their face, rushing to the ground, they would still try to tell you that it wasn’t raining! Unfortunately, there are people who would believe them even as they switched on windshield wipers. The “person” you speak of is infected with a psychological disorder that dates back to the beginning of humankind. In its latest mutation, it stands “color-blindness” on its head so only non-AA benefit from the phrase. “Post racial” is a Utopian fantasy. What does it say about George Zimmerman that this “person” is one of his champions… Granted he is probably more demented that most, well only slightly. No, racism did not just up and bounce like a rubber bullet of a wall with the election of a bi-racial President. It appears as if it is worse. If you don’t get it all, it just comes back stronger!


    • mysteryquest,
      So, after Word Press determined that he had no copyright on photos posted on his Twitter acct., he filed yet another frivolous copyright infringement complaint against you? That’s kinda like what he did claiming that he is the father of his ex-wife’s daughter after the court determined he is not.

      Not only is he a champion of George Zimmerman, but he jumped on the Ted Wafer bandwagon because he believes that Wafer was only arrested because of Rev. Sharpton and Rev. Jackson. So, anytime a Black person is killed by a White person, the “accuser” and his minions want law to fly off the planet so there is no arrest and if there is, they blame it on the “BGI.”


  24. Yep! You nailed it! He is one of the conjurers of the fictional tale of the loathsome super villains called the “Black Grievance Industry”! Stan Smith and Marvel’s imagination goes wanting when compared to these band of delusional cyber morons! Who would think that blacks has anything to grieve about really! There is no such thing as a non-white person killing a black person by any kind of mistake or abuse of power! Why such occurrences simply never occurred!. And if they do or did, why the “Black Grievance Industry” was at fault! Why they actually created slavery and Jim Crow you know! They want back into the past and did it! They created the KKK also! That’s why they wore masks you know, to hide the fact they were black while they were burning crosses and lynching! Yep, they are a tricky lot!


  25. Reblogged this on Modesty Avian and commented:
    Thank you for sharing this Santiago!
    This comment by Mysteryquest1 says a lot:
    “What does it say about George Zimmerman that this “person” is one of his champions”
    I feared the day that Shellie would no longer be in George’s life
    I feared the people that would empower him and who he would empower as friends
    It is normal to be acquitted and be thankful
    But whoever heard of threatening the wife who helped you, thanking those who shame & bully supporters who stood by you, and harassing and intimidating those who speak against the acquittal – George’s freedom has cost us all our freedom!


  26. chuquestaquenumber1

    Good that you won this battle. However,you are the victim.Are criminal charges coming?


    • scrodriguez

      I did file a report for him obtaining my credit report, and also recently filed a report regarding about 8 plus false police reports he filed when he had his Temporary restraining order in attempts to have me put in jail.
      in fact about 2 weeks ago I did get a call from an investigator at the District Attorneys office in regards. they are also investigating his donation site, as he has no attorney had his court fees waived yet is collecting donations for his appeal…
      time will tell


      • 8 POLICE REPORTS!?!?! that POS is insane! I’m so glad you’re going after him for that shit! nowadays dealing w police is infact 8x likely to get ppl killed & some douchebag making false reports is akin to threatening your life & anyone with you at the time of police contact! I hope he’s heavily sanctioned if not criminally charged for lying.
        I know you don’t always win.
        who am I kidding. yes you do.



  27. This post is about two construction workers who witnessed Darren Wilson shooting Mike Brown.


  28. Yikes, how scary for Santiago! As if it’s not bad enough that GZ got away with murder, now anyone looking for the truth gets victimized by the trolls as well…disgusting.


  29. Eurobrat, , troll messed with the wrong person. Santiago took care of business. Called his bluff , took him to court, obtained a permanent RO and now is reporting him for other infractions. Santiago, as he says above, is a fighter ( and also owns a boxing club). 😉


  30. Reblogged this on Mysterious Observations and commented:
    This is an example of the spewing of a typical George Zimmerman worshiper!


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