8 Year Blog Anniversary

Thanks to followers, visitors, and participants, past and present.

Last month I received notification from WordPress that it was my 8 year anniversary.  My, time does fly.  These past 2 years makes it seem much longer.  The breast cancer treatment journey caused months to fly and at the same time, time slowed down.   I suppose one has to have been or is on that journey to understand, because words are insufficient to describe how time can move slow but at the same time, move fast.

It was a year in March that I had surgery and was declared NED/NEC (no evidence of disease/ no evidence of cancer).  Then there were post-surgical treatments with immunology drugs for 3 months, followed by tests, followed by physical therapy.  July marked my one year anniversary since ending post-surgical treatment.  I’m still receiving treatment for some of the side-effects that chemo left behind.

In 8 years, three of my best friends have died.  We also lost at least one blogger to death, and several disappeared without a word. I miss them all. There are bloggers I met in 2012 who no longer blog, but are on Twitter.

Currently, I follow over 200 blogs which is not close to the number of my blog followers.  I wish that I could follow every blog that follows this blog, and I do plan to get around and visit a few followers each month.  Although not all bloggers publish posts daily (or even weekly), I am finding it difficult to keep up.  Eight years of blogging also means that I’m 8 years older.  (Haha)

Social justice and the presidential race makes this an interesting time.  Along with those two issues, a virus that can be deadly is circling the Earth.  At times I think that we will never know civilization as it was before 2020.

Let us keep hope, faith and love.  If you don’t have faith in a higher power, have faith in your own abilities to make this world a better place because love is powerful.




Posted on 09/17/2020, in Potpourri and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 32 Comments.

  1. You’re a beautiful woman- shine in your truth for another 8 x infinity.

    Just don’t divide by 0
    Still here. Still writing. Still hoping to get to be a better writer, friend, cancer endurer. I hope Trump loses and we have some form of stasis at the least at the worst just a small puff of smoke until a real candidate gets in our purview. You were far more hopeful with Obama. But then again we represent the majority for a change- double entendres intended.
    Much love,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ilene,
      Much love to you too! Here’s sending you positive thoughts for your health, energy, and emotional support. I don’t know if I can continue for another 8 years unless I change this blog to concentrate on senior citizen matters. LOL!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Congrats my dear friend!! Good to see you here … awesome about your health. You are always in my thoughts and my heart!! 💞💞 … to 8+ more years!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hello Horty and thanks for the congrats. Some side effects from chemo have me seeing 2 specialists at the moment. My calendar for appointments for the rest of this month and next month already looks chaotic, but hope is on the horizon. Lots of tight hugs to you.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Congratulations on your 8-year anniversary! Like you, I don’t get around to visit the blogs of more than a handful each day, as I struggle to keep up with my own blog. Stay healthy and keep blogging for at least another 80 years! Hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Jill, and thanks for the congrats! Uh — did you make a mistake and add a zero to the years I keep blogging? LOL! After the November election, I just might take a long vacation from blogging and concentrate more on visiting other blogs. I do miss the comment exchanges. Thanks too for your warm wishes. They mean so much.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nope, no mistake! I figure you’re good for at least another 50, but I decided to be optimistic and say 80! 😉 Like you, I miss having the time to visit other blogs as much as I’d like, but I don’t see a vacation in the cards, even after the election, for this madness isn’t going to end easily or quickly. Sigh.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Jill,
          Let’s see. In 80 years I’ll be —– never mind. That’s too many numbers to add together. LOL! Sad news tonight about Justice Ginsburg.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I hear you!!! I don’t even WANT to be here 80 years from now! Yes, the news of RBG broke my heart. 😥


          • Jill,
            I’d like to live forever with a good quality of life. It would give me opportunity to help others without being boxed into just one or two things. I would never get bored. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ahhhh … the key phrase there … “good quality of life”. I agree with you, that if the body and mind both continue to function and I can continue to be of value in this world, then yes, I’d stick around forever. But, when I look at people in their 80s and older who can no longer be autonomous, who require bathing, feeding, cannot do things for themselves … I refuse to live in that state. And no, I would never get bored … the last time I was bored, I was 10 years old and stuck in a hospital bed! I am always amazed when my young nieces say they are so bored … I tell them to pick up a book! No reason to be bored when there are books!

            Liked by 1 person

          • Jill,
            When I was diagnosed with cancer in Sept. 2018, I received a great and important lesson. The oncologists said that for my age, I was the healthiest cancer patient they ever had. I had not thought about age or aging. Then I also learned that a majority of people over 55 yrs of age are on at least 5 prescription medications daily. Other than an occasional prescription, I am not on one consistent medication. I’ve had 3 personal assistants all younger than me that had ailments ranging from COPD to high blood pressure, diabetes, and morbid obesity. The one thing they all had in common was not eating healthy. When I told them about my food allergies, what I can’t eat and what I won’t eat, (mainly because I closely follow the blood-type diet), they all asked “What is a blood type diet?

            That’s another reason I want to live forever. 🙂 Too many people are not informed about healthy food choices.

            Four years ago, my rheumatologist told me that unless I fell and broke a hip, that I was looking at 25 years of having a good quality of life. Everyone from my friends to family were shocked when I was diagnosed with breast cancer saying they never thought it would happen to me. Well, I’m now a living testimony that eating right helps respond better to cancer treatment. I’ve met and seen young patients who have the hardest time on that journey because they won’t give up sugar nor artificial sweeteners, and insist on eating things that contain ingredients they can’t pronounce.

            Since you mentioned books, that’s another thing I noticed. As a child, there was the library and children and puzzle books were sold at corner newspaper stands. But, starting with my son’s generation came video games and arcades. They weaken to peer pressure because if one in their circle of friends has an Xbox, they want an Xbox. Instead of playing a board game, they wanted to go to the arcade.

            And, I’m totally convinced that one reason people are conned into believing someone like Donald Trump and do not understand the danger he has put America in, is because they lack the basic understanding of separation of powers, the constitution, political and judicial history.

            Liked by 1 person

  4. very good article and provide a lot of motivation for the readers

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello Xena. Congratulations. On your blog and your improved health. I hope both stay well and give you joy for a long time to come. The world is better for your voice speaking up on issues. Best wishes. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Scottie! Thanks so much for your kind words. I’ve not visited blogs lately, and am hoping that you and yours are doing fine. Hopefully I’ll be around to visit this weekend. And, thank you for your voice on issues. At times I don’t know how you find the time and strength. You do a fantastic job.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I am so glad we met on WordPress, Xena. Sending congratulations on your 8-year anniversary and gratitude for your always thoughtful posts, commitment to social justice, and your kindness. 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dreamer9177

    Your friendship is very special to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dreamer,
      Thank you so much. I feel the same. I think about you often and was happy to recently read that you are home and recovering. Reading about your cat reminds me of something a friend often says to me. I crochet and knit, and whenever I drop a ball of yarn, she says it is good I don’t have a cat.

      Big Hug smiley face


  8. Happy blogiversary, Xena! Here’s to more years of blogging. It’s been great following your page and learning so many things from it. I hope you’re having a wonderful day today.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. roderick2012

    Xena, belated congrats on your 8th year anniversary of blogging. May you have many more because you are the ultimate warrior for truth and justice.


    • Roderick
      Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words. With each month, I have hopes of returning to blogging full-time. That includes reading and commenting on other blogs. However, with each passing month, I realize that time gets away from me. I had 2 doctor appointments this week, and have a surgery scheduled for this month. There are pain meds I cannot take because of allergic reactions, but if recovering from the pending surgery doesn’t put me much pain, I can put my feet up and spend time online again. (Thinking of taking lemons and making lemonade.) 🙂


  10. Many happy returns…literally. Stay safe, stay well, stay strong. 🙂


  11. Blessings to you and your beautiful soul. 8 years, and may there be many many more. Thanks for sharing your inner beauty expressed through what you share and do with us.


  12. Situs Promo Judi

    I don’t know what to say. I was expecting to make a happy comment because of the age of your blog.
    but now I just want to say that I hope you recover soon and also be given goodness.


  13. 8 year?? wow.. Congratulations sir,, its a so long time ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤


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