The Week In Review – Open Discussion

What a busy week this has been.

The Supreme Court of the United States has made marriage equality the law of the land.  Within hours of the decision, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued a statement directly challenging the decision for instigating a battle over “religious liberty.”

Whoopie Goldberg on gay marriageI wonder how he feels about heterosexual couples who co-habitate together outside of marriage, or has he erased the word “fornication” from his Bible? Marriage equality is not about sex. It’s about same-gender spouses having the same rights as heterosexual couples as beneficiaries and heirs. As Judge Judy often says on her program to heterosexual couples who live together outside of marriage, there is no law for the courts to divide property and order one party to pay bills “because you decided to play house without being married.”

Bristol Palin attends" The Harsh Truth: Teen Moms Tell All" Town Hall Meeting sposored by The Candie's Foundation at Lighthouse International Conference Center on May 5, 2010 in New York City.  (Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images)

Bristol Palin who was pregnant during her mom’s VP campaign in 2008, spoke out against birth control and supported abstinence. She is pregnant again.


Speaking of holier-than-thou believers and sex, Bristol Palin, who went on speaking tours to support abstinence, is pregnant again.

Earlier this year, she cancelled her wedding to Dakota Meyer.  Neither have said whether is the father of the expectant child.

Also this week, the SCOTUS also kept key housing discrimination protections intact, along with the Affordable Health Care Act.


Although funerals for the victims of Dylann Roof’s hate are reminders of their tragic deaths, and the purported free speech that influenced Roof’s murderous plans and actions, the victims’ homecoming services have been uplifting. Reverend and State Senator Clementa Pinckney, Ethel Lance and Sharonda Coleman-Singleton were laid to rest this week.

Meanwhile, as of the time of writing this, 6 predominately Black churches have been set on fire, including in the states of Georgia and North Carolina.

Dylan Roof and Michael Slager have neighboring cells in jail. Slager is the Charleston former cop who shot Michael Scott in the back 8 times killing him. Roof is being held in cell 1141B. Slager is in 1140B.

This morning, 30-year old Brittany “Bree” Newsome dressed in climbing gear and a helmet, shimmied up a 30-foot flagpole on the grounds of the South Carolina state Capitol, and removed the Confederate battle flag. She, along with another activist, James Tyson, were arrested, charged with defacing a monument, a misdemeanor. Filmmaker Michael Moore has offered to pay Bree’s legal fees. The ColorofChange has launched an online petition calling for the charge to be dropped and donations to pay legal costs. As of this writing, it has raised over $60,000.

Richard Matt, a fugitive, prison escapee, was killed yesterday. The other fugitive, David Sweat, is still on the run.

Three Baltimore police officers are on administrative leave pending investigation into answering a domestic disturbance call, forcing themselves into the home, and firing at least 19 rounds of bullets, killing 41-year old Spencer Lee McCain. The officers who shot McCain said that they feared he had a weapon, but no firearms were found.

Mr. Stalker lost his appeal to the order of the court denying him a restraining order against one of our writers, Santiago. Towerflower, another of our writers, saw a program on HBO and provided us with the link to the video. Although it’s posted on another thread, I will post it again in case you missed it. It’s a bit over 16 minutes, but is very good showing the true experience of victims. It also confirms what I’ve been sharing here for a long time, which is that the internet became a haven for mean people, criminals, and stalkers, with the introduction of AOHell. AOL introduced unlimited use for $19.99 per month, and the use of “handles.”

Here’s a big “HEY” and thanks to all new subscribed followers and our old timers.  Your support is appreciated.

butterfly thank you 2



Posted on 06/27/2015, in Confederate Flag, open discussion, Potpourri and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 58 Comments.

  1. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    Now if we can get the churches to stop spontaneously combusting…

    Liked by 5 people

  2. scrodriguez

    Good things have happened this week Obama Care upheld by the higher court equal Marriage rights and the confederate flag is being taken down…. The Republicans many of them have had an aneurism over this last weeks rulings no worries Obama care will cover that even if it comes with a pre-existing condition.

    Got a bit of good news myself from the 5th district court of appeals im reserving comments for the time being but it went as expected. 🙂

    Great video there with John Oliver regarding Cyber harassment I watched that on HBO and heard my story through other victims.

    and my hats off to Bree for having the courage to do whats right that Flag represents one thing and one thing only its time that the confederate flag be banned nation wide!

    Liked by 5 people

  3. scrodriguez

    Also on a side note I want to send thanks to the few who have donated every little bit helps and has help we appreciate your kind gesture during this time even if you think well its only 10 dollars that 10 dollars helps.

    So I want to send a special thanks to the subscribers here at BlackButterfly7

    Liked by 2 people

  4. That’s amazing ! She’s a brave one.

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  5. yahtzeebutterfly

    There is no question in my mind that the recent burnings of the predomoninately Black churches are hate acts with the intention of terrorizing the church members and shutting down not only worship but community organizing and activism.

    Here is an excerpt about the Black church from President Obama’s Eulogy:

    The church is and always has been the center of African American life… a place to call our own in a too-often hostile world, a sanctuary from so many hardships.

    Over the course of centuries, black churches served as hush harbors, where slaves could worship in safety, praise houses, where their free descendants could gather and shout “Hallelujah”

    … rest stops for the weary along the Underground Railroad, bunkers for the foot soldiers of the civil-rights movement.

    They have been and continue to community centers, where we organize for jobs and justice, places of scholarship and network, places where children are loved and fed and kept out of harms way and told that they are beautiful and smart and taught that they matter.

    There’s no better example of this tradition than Mother Emanuel, a church built by blacks seeking liberty, burned to the ground because its founders sought to end slavery only to rise up again, a phoenix from these ashes.

    When there were laws banning all-black church gatherers, services happened here anyway in defiance of unjust laws.

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    • There is no question in my mind that the recent burnings of the predomoninately Black churches are hate acts with the intention of terrorizing the church members and shutting down not only worship but community organizing and activism.

      Agree, and I would add to it that it’s to stop prayer and God.

      “If two or more are gathered in my name …”

      “If two or more agree as touching anything ….”

      Those are promises. They are powerful promises. The arsonists forget that God is not limited to a building, and “the church” consists of believers, no matter where they are located.

      Liked by 2 people

      • yahtzeebutterfly

        What you write is the profound TRUTH, Xena.

        I believe that unfolded during Rev. Pinckney’s funeral…ALL of it…reflects the involvement of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is present.

        The arsonists forget that God is not limited to a building, and “the church” consists of believers, no matter where they are located.


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      • yahtzeebutterfly

        A comment by a friend:

        “God’s grace is working even now, even in the mist of this storm God’s Amazing Grace will not let evil triump.”

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  6. kindheart101

    I live in Charleston, and three more of our special God’s loving people were buried today.

    I feel many emotions. Hurt, loss, anger, and yes…..forgiveness. We must forgive.

    Search your hearts, for it is there you will find what you look like without having to look in a mirror.

    I wish you equality, peace and love.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Search your hearts, for it is there you will find what you look like without having to look in a mirror.

      It deserves repeating —- and remembering. Profound.


    • @Kindheart: How are you doing? It’s been a long time since I last wrote to you! I had no idea you resided in Charleston, SC?? That is the home of my parents, and grandparents! I spent many summers there as a kid, and so did my siblings! I now visit my Mom, who resides in North Charleston along with her younger sister. Yes, it has been such a sad time down in Charleston. My mom said she has witnessed so many tragic things in her 78 years, but this was the most horrible! Peace and blessings to you now.

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      • kindheart101

        Hey Deborah!

        There is such a profound, obvious cloud of hurt looming over Charleston this past week. Everywhere you go, everyone you talk to feels pain. No one understands why nine innocent, God loving people were brutally murdered in the House of God. Many of us talked at services yesterday, and we all agreed on several things.

        First, for our own spiritual health, we must forgive, and turn it over to the Lord.

        Second, this was not solely about race, this person was driven by hate and stupidity. He feels better than everyone else of any color, or nationality. By waving (what he thought was the Confederate flag, which is actually the Battle flag) while standing on, and burning the American Flag, he showed his stupidity to history. When he told them: “You rape our women, you’re taking over our country” he proved he is a history idiot! It was the plantation owners who bartered, and purchased, the slaves that were brought, unwillingly, to our shores! The males were abused, while their Mothers, Wives, Aunts and Daughters were put to work, and often that meant warming their Masters Bed.

        Third, we agreed to never speak his name again. He is Evil, Vile, Cold and Calculating, and these are the only names we will associate with him.

        If you would like to, we can set a place to meet for lunch the next time you come to visit? 🙂


  7. Liked by 3 people

  8. Really good news with several courts rulings on many of the issues we’ve been concerned with.

    Happy that Santiago’s issue w/the stalker’s BS appeal was DENIED!
    Hopefully the stalker’s dumb ass see’s his latest loss in court as a reminder that he’s got a RESTRAINING ORDER against him, cuz he seems so forgetful at times 😦

    Xena thanks for this blog, thanks for the friendship & community you’ve provided for me personally. Even when things aren’t going so great I always know your here. you make the world a less angry, lonely & depressing place.


    Liked by 6 people

    • yahtzeebutterfly

      I cosign = X2


    • Shannon, I owe you thanks — thanks for several things. I remember when I found your blog. You were in the trenches long before Blackbutterfly7 was opened. Words are hard to find to describe how I feel. After the verdict in Zimmerman’s case, you found us here, and your presence and participation is like having a family member for dinner who brings the meal! There were other bloggers from that “era” who we no longer see on any blogs. They are more like the long lost family members who we might hear from once a year at a special time, but you make everyday special for me/us here.

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  9. yahtzeebutterfly

    “The Supreme Court of the United States has made marriage equality the law of the land.”

    I am so glad of this and happy for the LGBT community!

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  10. One thing I loved about that video outside the supreme court, was the remarks by the lawyer who argued the case. she didn’t forget racism is still a ‘thing’ & the court’s ruling on the gay marriage is one step, a big step, towards equal justice for everyone.
    I’m so glad she said that because it speaks to fact that the country has decided what may have been ‘ok’ last year isn’t ok anymore & legally things are changing to reflect that.

    during all the excitement after the ruling, there was a minute there I stopped & thought hey what about the voting rights? what about Trayvon’s right to walk freely home without a loser stalking & killing him then using racism like a real legal defense??
    for just a moment I felt resentment, like gay marriage got pushed forward while Trayvon was still left behind.
    But although I want & EXPECT justice for Trayvon & everyone else who’s still waiting for it,
    I also want & EXPECT everyone to enjoy all the miseries of marriage if they want, because that’s justice too 🙂


    • But although I want & EXPECT justice for Trayvon & everyone else who’s still waiting for it,
      I also want & EXPECT everyone to enjoy all the miseries of marriage if they want, because that’s justice too 🙂

      LOL! I could see divorce lawyers licking their chops when they heard the news. They might be surprised however, to find that same-gender couples have lived together for so long waiting for marriage equality, that they will be looking for attorneys for Trusts and Wills rather than divorce.

      There are so many injustices in so many areas, that it requires advocates within particular areas to address them.


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    Liked by 3 people

  12. My son is gay. And it took place on my birthday. WOOO HOOO. I was so happy for him and everyone Gay or Lesbian or (((((NOT))))))

    Liked by 5 people

  13. Linda Andersen

    David Sweat has been shot and taken into custody. Condition unknown.

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  14. Like

    • kindheart101

      Horrific. When will we learn hate only intensifies through the generations.

      Love, Equality and Understanding should be recognized as the foundation of our country.

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    • Linda Andersen

      Xena, it’s two steps forward and three steps back, isn’t it? I guess that, in this age of instant gratification, we all expect progress to happen faster. (heavy sigh)

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      • Yes, Linda, but there’s a funny thing about those who do evil. They’re like rodents. They leave signs behind and eventually, when they get hungry enough, show themselves.


        • Linda Andersen

          Xena, in Florida, they call those huge roaches “water bugs”. As far as I’m concerned, a roach is still a roach. Shudder! Rodents and Roaches. Lends new meaning to the term R&R, doesn’t it??!!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Linda Andersen

            When I lived in Tampa, we had a cable (electrical wires?) that ran from the corner of the roof out to the utility pole. At night, you could see huge rats traversing the length of the wire. Double shudder!

            Liked by 1 person

          • kindheart101

            OH……..Yuck yuck yuck!!!!!!!

            I had one of those nasty things in my house last week Linda! Ewwwwwwww

            We call the water bugs “Palmetto Bugs” This thing was so big I told my neighbor I was sure it found a key and let itself in, because there was no way it came in through any crack.

            NASTY! Thank heavens I have 3 cats that were happy to corner it for me until I was armed with a rug, pillow and fly swatter to put it out of MY misery!

            Liked by 1 person

          • Linda….I live in Florida too but never called them water bugs, I call them Palmetto bugs too like kindheart101. I also consider them to be kamikazes…..spray them with roach spray and they go airborne and fly at you….last great act of defiance. I can handle a lot of creepy crawlers but hate those things.


    • The Greater Miracle Apostolic Holiness Church in Tallahassee, Florida…which you do have pictured……has been determined to be accidental. A tree limb broke off and severed some electrical lines to the church which caused the fire. In a premonition of what was to happen, the Church had the message “Call 911, This Church is on Fire” on its sign to promote a revival that had taken place earlier but the pastor left the message up due to the feedback.


  15. White Supremacists in Warsaw, Indiana were investigated for running a meth lab when authorities discovered evidence that they were planning a “hit”.

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  16. Gov. Cuomo holds a press conference on the capture of David Sweat, and recaps on how the escape was made and others involved.

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  17. OOOOOOO This is going to be very interesting. Will he talk? I know they will all turn on each other like a pack of dogs after a bone. Hope Sweat, Sweats a lot after this.

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  18. Liked by 1 person

    • yahtzeebutterfly

      The media should be emphasizing these church burnings.

      LE should assign as many officers to find the arsonist/s as LE did in NY to find the 2 escaped murders.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh Yahtzee, I smiled when reading “LE should assign as many officers to find the arsonist/s as LE did in NY to find the 2 escaped murders.” Had a cabin owner not contacted LE about a break-in, those guys would have probably made it into Canada.

        Regarding arsons, there are dogs that can sniff out flammables.

        Liked by 1 person

        • For those churches determined to be arson, I hope they find the guilty party/parties soon before an innocent party loses their life. The news should be talking more about this, putting it out there might bring out a witness.

          I don’t think I’ll ever understand the hatred that some have.


  19. David Sweat and Richard Matt originally planned to go to Mexico, but their ride backed out. They changed their plans then to go into Canada.


  20. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Evidence in Freddie Gray case is vast and varied”

    •Statements made by 15 civilian witnesses.

    •44 CCTV videos and four cell phone videos.

    •Photographs of a knife.

    •Images of suspected blood found in the back of a police van.

    •More than 8,000 pages of the accused officers’ emails.

    •Two binders detailing the Baltimore Police Department’s investigation.

    •Gray’s autopsy report and photographs.

    •Cell phone data connected to four of the officers.

    It also includes a list of 32 state’s witnesses, including detectives, doctors and civilians. The latter includes Kevin Moore, a West Baltimore resident who taped part of Gray’s arrest, helping to draw national media attention to the case.

    The evidence itself is not included in public court files, and prosecutors have asked Judge Barry Williams, who is presiding over the case, to impose a protective order that would prevent defense lawyers from sharing the evidence publicly. Williams has yet to rule.

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  21. Bree released a statement about why she scaled the pole and took down the confederate flag. She also addressed some of the criticisms such as being an outsider and doing it for money.

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  23. kindheart101

    Another fire in SC Church,,,,,,,,,God help us

    Please, Praise God.

    Love, Please Love

    Please stop this


  24. kindheart101

    Stop, Please Stop!


  25. Love the Whoopi quote! 😀


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