Open Discussion Re: Frank Taaffe

2dogsonly has requested that we start a new thread to continue discussion about Frank Taaffe’s latest revelations.

The previous thread is


About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 05/12/2014, in George and Shellie Zimmerman, Justice For Trayvon, open discussion and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 65 Comments.

  1. I have yet to see anything on the Orlando Sentinel. On this. I wonder if what he had to say is worthy of FBI investigation…


  2. I think Taaffe said that he interviewed with the Orlando Sentinel about 4 days ago and they wanted to research some things, but he expected them to have a big story, if my aging mind is not confused about this.


    • Two sides to a story

      That’s what I read. I’m finding it hard to concentrate with all this new commentary swirling around the internet! Hopeful this will make a difference to the DOJ case.


  3. Part of this could be the old “..if ya can’t beat (convince) ’em…….join ’em” line of thinking.

    I just can’t get the Marinade Dave walk through the hood with Taaffe out of my head where he called Trayvon every name in the book.

    Maybe it’s just me………………


    • Two sides to a story

      Malisha mentions that on Fred’s blog. I had some interesting thoughts and shared them there – don’t have time to share them here too right this minute. *nosetogrindstone*


    • Marinade Dave is a journalist who behaved as impartially as he could on film in order to give us information. Taaffe knows where Dave stands but he was willing to take him on a tour of the Retreat at Twin Lakes anyway.

      IMHO, there were two significant things that we, including Dave, were trying to figure out. One was how GZ got his head boo-boo’s. The other is where he encountered Trayvon. Because of Dave’s video, I was able to see what GZ meant when saying that Trayvon was running towards the back gate. After hearing Jeantel’s testimony and comparing it to GZ’s statement that he was on Retreat View Circle when told “We don’t need you to do that,” the pieces of the puzzle started coming together.

      Then, when hearing Shellie say that she left GZ that Saturday night and went to her dad’s, it raised questions about GZ’s head boo-boo’s. It was Dave who posted on his blog close-ups, and they show that there were scalps on those boo-boo’s when GZ was in the police station.

      Add Adam Pollock to the situation …..


  4. I am certain the DOJ already knows GZ racially profiled Trayvon Martin. With the FBI saying there is no evidence of racism, it makes it very hard to make a charge stick. Also, there is the politics of the situation as well.


    • Hi Gina and welcome to Blackbutterfly7.

      With the FBI saying there is no evidence of racism, it makes it very hard to make a charge stick.

      The FBI conducted a limited investigation based on interviewing people. They are the investigating arm of the DOJ. The FBI never closes an investigation or makes a firm decision based on interviews with people unassociated with the actual crime. On this blog, I reported on an FBI investigation into the violation of civil rights. It took them 5 years. The FBI will wire, infiltrate, video tape, and do whatever is necessary until they have covered every base and looked under every rock. Once they find that evidence, they contact the accused to talk about plea. If the accused does not agree to a plea, the U.S. Attorney takes the evidence before the federal grand jury. If the grand jury indicts, the FBI then makes the arrest and unseals the indictment.

      I’ve known of cases where the accused went back and forth with the office of the U.S. Attorney for a year or more before the evidence was presented to the grand jury.


    • Two sides to a story

      Racial profiling as well as other forms of discrimination are hard to prove.


    • don’t you know the fbi report that you’re referring hardly scratched the surface? they never stated those findings were conclusive nor do they have a requirement to release their findings, much less those that would implicate the defendant. there’s several examples of Zimmerman’s expressed racism that we know now and/or knew then. and there’s been more evidence since the trial.
      but they don’t charge someone with racism. they charge someone for violating another’s rights. and there are a lot of rights and lots of charges to consider. Zimmerman could be charged with multiple crimes. hopefully he is charged, along with a shitload of others who conspired to deprive Trayvon of his rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


      • Shannon,
        I agree. Months ago, I wrote an article based on the FBI’s criteria for finding a violation of civil rights. It looks for the perpetrators frame of mind prior to and when committing the crime. Before he followed him on foot, and while following him on foot, GZ clearly referred to Trayvon in the plural. He did not see Trayvon as an individual.

        His excuse of using plurals to refer to those committing crime in the neighborhood, and that they were all Black, is false, because when Burgess was arrested, one of the guys with him who actually had a stolen laptop in his backpack, is White.


  5. FYI to everyone – The Trayvon Martin Murder Cover-Up Book will be published very soon. Visit and follow on Twitter at @ginamcgi I am hoping this will also help to get things rolling.


    • Gina, I don’t mind you pitching your book, but don’t think this is the blog to do so. Blackbutterfly7 was launched around September 2012. Most of those who participate here also participated on other blogs and had been doing so before 9/12. Actually, I was the late comer.

      We went through discovery, researched issues, broke-down the clubhouse video, examined all witness statements, etc. LLMPapa produced outstanding videos. Although Trent Sawyer has now made the videos of the case private, he also did outstanding work. It as Trent who discovered that the time on the clubhouse videos was off even before that was provided in discovery material.

      We were like a body with each member doing its part.

      You’re more than welcomed to join us, but might not find interest in your book going over what we already know.


  6. Any news about the progress of George/Shellie divorce?


  7. Interesting that this guy was a ‘stand up guy’ to many of the Zimmerman supporters at the time. It takes something to hit home for people to act right.


    • John,
      Welcome to Blackbutterfly7 and thanks for your comment.

      Yeah — they thought Taaffe was a “stand up guy” for advocating for Zimmerman. As I understand it, Taaffe’s brother died from lung cancer. That’s not a pleasant thing to watch. One of Taaffe’s sons took his own life. The other died in a car accident. His brother saw his death coming and had no power to stop it.

      That is like Trayvon. He screamed for help, saw his death coming, had no power to stop it and no one came to help him.

      Maybe that was Taaffe’s wake-up call.


  8. Frank Taaffe, along with gz, also had been a NW volunteer at the Retreat at Twin Lakes.

    Let’s not forget what Taaffe said about Oprah:

    “Revealed: George Zimmerman ally called Oprah a ‘N**ger’ on white supremacist radio show”

    Beginning at timestamp 1:41


  9. See, that’s my point. Frank said awful things. For months. For YEARS. In his “apology,” he never said he was sorry for any of the things HE said, only that he was sorry for having stood up for GZ. He NEVER takes responsibility for ANYTHING HE did, yet people are impressed with his change of heart. There is no change of heart, just a change of blame. And as far as losing his sons and brother, well, the brother was recent, so maybe that woke him up, IDK, but he lost one of the sons (to suicide) before this all happened, the other during this, but he didn’t have a change of heart then. He didn’t tell Trayvon’s parents then the he knew how it felt. Oh, he knows how it feels, no doubt – but why NOW? Why so long after the fact?

    I’m not buying it. When he apologizes for HIS racist BS, maybe I will listen. I still won’t necessarily believe, but I will listen. But as of now, he hasn’t taken back anything but his standing up for GZ.


  10. Is the DOJ empowered to unseal Zimmerman’s phone records? I am thinking they would reveal much about his attitude and state of mind on 2/26/12, and even before the execution,


    • From the article;

      “They were told (the previous Wednesday) that if they come back there, they would be cited and they could risk going to jail,” Chitwood said. “There is a segment of the homeless population that is homeless by choice. I don’t want to impugn them all. But some are homeless because they are sex offenders, substance abusers and bank robbers. That’s why we ask (Good Samaritans) to coordinate with our social service agencies, because they know who needs to be served.”

      Offenders are fed in jail and prison, but after serving their time and if they become homeless, citizens are not allowed to feed them!?!?!?!. What hypocrisy!!



    You can stop sending comments here. You cannot control what we discuss. Your comments are not allowed here and if I do post them, it shall be by screenshots to demonstrate your continual harassment because of race. We are not interested in your filthy name-calling, your use of racial derogatory words, nor your misrepresentations.


    • Get lost, DP!


      • He is using another source in effort to circumvent Word Press’ blocking procedures. It has now been blacklisted but that never stopped him previously. He continues disrespecting rules in effort to force his filth before my eyes.

        Shut the door on him, and he comes to the window. Close the blinds, and he stands in the street and shouts out profanities and false accusations hoping the neighbors will hear and form a critical opinion of his target victim rather than himself who is breaching the peace.

        His latest comment came as “Sovereign Citizen of America.” That speaks volumes about his motivation.


        • Anyone seeing what DP writes can EASILY peg him for what kind of person he is and what he stands for.


          • He should be ashamed of what he writes. He is


          • He should also accept that the continuation of sending electronic messages to recipients who have indicated that he/she does not wish to receive them, is evidence of intentional, direct, harassment.


          • Yeah — a sovereign citizen who calls others racists and is unable to backup his accusations in any form other than to say that the person or people report what Zimmerman says himself, and what his friends, wife, and girlfriends say about him.


          • White supremacists and sovereign citizens might as well give up now.

            Here is what is REAL: we are a nation of wonderful diversity which I LOVE!

            God Bless America!


  12. I’m providing the screenshot here as evidence that I’ve been threatened, once again, by David Piercy.


  13. Looks like Crusty needs some anger management classes. Perhaps a visit to his doctor to see if his meds need adjusting, or check himself in for a 72 hr watch.


    • dreamer,
      From what I can tell, DP is disappointed that his claim of copyright infringement did not get the result he wanted. He first threatened that if I didn’t delete this blog, that he would file a restraining order against me. For what? Because he thinks that reading his public Twitter is “stalking.” If that’s true, then what shall we call what he does here?


    • Where’s the like button on this blog? lolol


  14. Xena, here is link to report him. They probably already have him on their radar but I would send them what you have. They are a wonderful group. Monitor left or right extremists groups. Today, extremists operate as lone wolves …not like the KKK of the past.

    The background : The KKK put out a reward to anyone for killing the founder, Mr. Dees. They were tried but govt. messed up case so much, no one was convicted. The man whom plea bargained in return for no charge was the man who killed the 3 Christians at the Jewish center.(sorry can’t remember wackos name) These trials served to educate them to the need to only operate singularly,as lone wolves as groups were too easily infiltrated by FBI.

    Anyway, here is link for you! So sorry you have had to endure this but send SPLC all your screen shots to alert them.

    So sorry but you do not have to bear this alone. There is real help through the SPLC for you.


    • 2dogsonly,
      I so appreciate the information. Also, I apologize to you for your being attacked on Twitter. If you did not participate here, it would not have placed you on their radar.

      Maybe this is a good time for me to say to everyone that I do not recommend posting here your Twitter handle, nor the URL to or name of your Facebook pages. You will be stalked, demeaned, and threatened.


  15. I dedicate this song to you, Xena, and to all of our friends here who advocate for justice and equality for all:


  16. If you have proof to support your accusations, send them to the proper authorities and let them do their job. There is no need to continue threatening and harassing me.

    You, David Piercy, are hereby put on notice to immediately cease and desist.


    • Pay attention, DP: Xena has put you on notice to cease and desist!

      Begone and take your foul mouth with you!


  17. Nothing like putting a credible threat in writing. He’s a gift that keeps on giving. 🙂


  18. Where is Don West? LOL!


  19. Sharon Burney

    Good Afternoon everyone, Xena please keep up the good work, and ignore ignorant cowards that try to distract from growth, intellectual dialogue and change. Hatred and extreme anger is solely a manifestation of complete lack of self love, what a sad existence. I fear nobody, i speak my mind, and will continue to do so with the last breath of my body. After reading the blog, and the comments, i followed one of the links to Frank Taffee’s FB page, what is evident and disgusting is yet another person trying to continue to capitalize off the hunting and murder of this young boy. On April 29th Frank Taffee speaks about being ready to go on the air to sound off against Ms Ali on the Dr. Drew show regarding Donald Sterling, whom of course he feels said nothing racist and should receive no punishment, On April, 30th another post about another taping, again racist comments and he writes a post about “abating the hate” then the very next day posts about getting a pitch for a reality show with Ms Ali. Frank has not done anything to show any fundamental value change in his belief system, nor made any public declarations of independence from his linkages to hate groups and organizations. What is very disheartening, are all the people who are now using the change of heart disguise to promote their professional endeavors and opportunities off the blood of Trayvon. If a person truly had been changed by God to do the right thing(even though its ridiculous that these same God loving people did not have the value system to initially speak the truth in and outside the courtroom) it would be done so in the privacy of their relationship with God, humbly, remorsefully and devoid of capitalistic profit.


    • Sharon,
      It’s always good to see your fonts. Thank you, so much, for your support and words of encouragement.

      One thing I know about bullies is that they attempt to define or re-define their target victims. I define myself. As my mom used to tell me when I was a little girl about gossip and bullies, “They lied on Jesus Christ.” In his wilderness experience, Jesus did not respond to “If thou be the Son of God, then ….” He did not take the bait and the tempter left him.

      If a person truly had been changed by God to do the right thing(even though its ridiculous that these same God loving people did not have the value system to initially speak the truth in and outside the courtroom) it would be done so in the privacy of their relationship with God, humbly, remorsefully and devoid of capitalistic profit.

      I’m in a wait to see mode regarding Taaffe. Maybe he had the revelation that in spite of his racial supremacy ideology, that his sons and his brother met the same fate as all people, regardless of the color of their skin. Death doesn’t care about race. It does not discriminate.


      • Xena, you may already know about tub’s latest fiasco.
        H/T to justice calls for the video cause it was pulled.


        • 2dogsonly,
          Great minds think alike. We must have been posting about it at the same time. 🙂


          • And honey pot posted a beach pix,” my love and I at the beach”. Oops!, she posted it while he was in LA w/ Wes “stealing” the fight club’s rental car to hot foot it out of there.

            So now she looks like a conniving moron and his cover is slowly revealing itself. A whiny coward that really thinks he would be paid 200k for a faux fight by a fight club. Tubs, it’s not wrestling, it’s an undercover fight club….they want to see blood, moron. Not pretend punches.

            The promotors pulled it but not quick enough.;-)


          • Here’s the write up where fight club says tubs jumped in rental car and hotfooted it out of Ca. Effectively stealing the rental car.


  20. Sharon Burney

    Xena, it is always a pleasure to read and participate on your blog. Regarding the issue of Taaffe my prayers are always that transformation occurs in regards to hatred and racism and oppression, in that aspect I hope you are correct in this situation. It is interesting I had a conversation the other day with a friend and outside of participants of extreme hate groups, KKK, Neo Nazis etc, we observed that most racists never admit to being racist. Therein lies the obstacle that keeps us from being able to move forward.


    • Sharon,

      we observed that most racists never admit to being racist. Therein lies the obstacle that keeps us from being able to move forward.

      What I see are 3 levels. The first is racial prejudice. There are two-sides to that. Racial prejudice can be overcome with knowledge and experience. Many people are racially prejudiced because they don’t know people of other races, and the second level is not knowing whether people of other races will be accepting of those who are not the same race.

      It’s like walking into a room, being the only White or Black person, and not knowing if you’re be accepted, and thinking that you have to prove yourself to be accepted. There would be no assumption or anticipation if the thought of racial difference was not already there.

      Then, there is racial bigotry. Racial bigotry looks for reasons to hate others. Racial stereotypes falls under the category of bigotry. It says that all Blacks are the same, all Whites are the same, all Asians, Latinos, Native Americans are the same. It gives no consideration to individuality. It places evil on every race other than the person’s own race.

      The third is racism, and that is within institutions such as schools, jobs, and organizations whose decisions effect an entire group of people. It includes racial biases of those in decision making position such as banks, LE, judges, city councils approving business licenses, etc. It’s institutional racism that oppress entire groups of people.

      While some people see individual racial bigotry, they don’t see institutionalized racism. Still yet, some people who are privileged because of their race or financial status, never think that they are racially prejudiced because their lives simply did not take a direction exposing them to diversity.


  21. H/T to Rachael.

    Remember Alki David, the fight club promoter who wanted to arrange a fight for George Zimmerman? Well, he’s at it again. This time, he’s put up a video showing George arriving, discovering that it was not a “fake fight,” getting scared, and walking away from a $200,000 purse.

    The video is at the following link. Only the first minute or so is about George. The rest promotes the Fight Club.

    Read the story behind it here:


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