Frank Taaffe – George Zimmerman “Racially Profiled Trayvon Martin”

Frank Taaffe

Frank Taaffe

Frank Taaffe, who came into the spotlight early defending George Zimmerman, now wants to clear his conscience. He interviewed withJohn W. Davis, Seminole County Reporter of My News 13. Taaffe now says that Zimmerman should have been found guilty in the shooting death of unarmed, 17-year old Trayvon Martin.

Clearing the conscience is not the same as changing the mind. In other words, Taaffe is now admitting what he always knew was true.

Taaffe told John W. Davis, Seminole County Reporter,

“What I know of George and his tendencies and also my opinion is that he racially profiled Trayvon Martin that night because if that had been a white kid on a cell phone, walking through our neighborhood, he wouldn’t have stayed on him the way he did and that’s a fact and I believe that in my heart.”

Many people knew that as fact by Zimmerman’s references of Trayvon in the plural – “assholes” and “coons.”

Trayvon Martin 1

Trayvon Benjamin Martin

Taaffe told Davis, “I can only ask for the country to forgive me and today I believe that he racially profiled him based on the color of his skin. ”

Taaffe is not working on a book, or a television show, but on himself. He is getting right with God. Well, maybe he reads George Zimmerman’s tweets and realizes what a hypocrite looks and sounds like.

Taaffe’s brother died last month, and he lost his two sons previously; one to suicide and the other to a car accident that occurred in 2012 while Taaffe was advocating for Zimmerman. By his mocking, demeaning attitude on camera, no one would have known that he grieved the death of his son. My condolences to Taaffe. Maybe he now understands that death does not discriminate.

Trayvon Martin did not die from illness. He did not die in a car accident. He did not decide to take his own life. Trayvon Martin is dead because, as Taaffe said, he was racially profiled by George Zimmerman who “stayed on him.” If I may add, he stayed on him until he found, confronted, and shot him in the heart with a hollow point bullet.

A few questions I have for Frank Taaffe to chew on;

1. Why wasn’t he called as a witness at Zimmerman’s trial? In his media appearances, Taaffe spoke about the “perfect storm,” yet Mark O’Mara called Olivia Bertalan as a witness of the “perfect storm,” thereby appealing to the biases of the all women jury. See how bigotry works, Frank?

2. Did he encourage George to be Neighborhood Watch as an attempt to violate the Fair Housing Act by terrorizing Blacks out of the Retreat at Twin Lakes?

3. What does he know about Juror B37 and her influence on the rest of the jury?

4. Are you sorry for calling Oprah a “N”?

5. Where is Don West?

George is protected from double-jeopardy and witnesses and friends are now coming forth saying that George is guilty of murder. That doesn’t bring Trayvon back to life in the flesh, neither provide his family with justice. It puts a scar upon this nation; a deep stab wound that cannot be healed.

Clearing the conscience means not only doing the right thing, but seeing that wrong is corrected.  The Department of Justice’s investigation is ongoing. Jonathan Manalo, John Good, and Frank Taaffe should follow their consciences to see that wrong is corrected.

Justice for Trayvon!

butterfly border

Posted on 05/10/2014, in Justice For Trayvon and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 126 Comments.

    • I make a Motion we get Raul to run for President. That sums up everything I’ve been saying for years…….in 1 perfect sentence.


      • Wish there were a like button like on Facebook


      • Amen Race! Raul knows the meaning of love for all his fellow human beings. So does everyone who posts on this board who supports basic human rights for all human beings of all colors and of all ethnic groups!

        I cannot believe Frank T. He must be truly pissed off at Fogen! Robbie the racist, must be shitting in his pants at this news which we knrw all along! DOJ, do your job and bring Fogen up on charges NOW!!


    • Right on Raul. You have some nerve George Zimmerman, posting a bible quote but psycho paths like yourself, have no conscience and therefore, feel no pain or empathy for anyone else. Even your best friend has turned on you and denounced you, and exposes you for the lying, racist child murderer that you truly are!! Your true judgement day is coming!


      • Yall are right about him always quoting Bible verses….BUT I have never read him quote any of the 10 commandments!! I think he just might have a few problems with those!!


    • Well then Fogen……you would have said “…hey, are you lost, need a ride ? it’s really raining. Oh, by the way, I’m with the neighborhood watch”

      No matter what Fogen says, it can (and will here) be used against you.

      “…the upright seek to HELP them” not stak, profile and shoot them.


    • This Zimmerman is an idiot. He quotes Proverbs 29:10 and a translation that he tries to fit himself into. Lets look at a different translation of Proverbs 29:10 (New American Standard Bible—which is a translation using modern English as it is the language that we are accustomed to. Prov 29:10 “Men of bloodshed hate the blameless, But the upright are concerned for his life.”

      Here we see that men of bloodshed (Zimmerman) hate the blameless (Martin). The next line is not talking about the Men of bloodshed, it is talking about the upright being concerned for the life of the blameless.

      You Zimmerman created this, you caused the bloodshed. Quit twisting the Bible to try to get it to exonerate you. It will never…you have murdered a gift of God.


  1. Xena,

    You make excellent points and give Taaffe great questions to consider.

    Great article!


  2. With friends like Franke Taaffe who needs enemies. He’s such an assclown, maybe some day he will decide who and what he wants to be when he grows up.

    We ALL knew this all along. How much Zimmerman must have dissed him for him to turn on him like this now. It couldn’t have happened to 2 ‘nicer’ fellows.

    Hypocrite racists. Both of them. I can’t even imagine how this is being received by the Orlando Slantinel

    Thank you for this


    • “Hypocrite racists. Both of them. I can’t even imagine how this is being received by the Orlando Slantinel”

      Yep…..I’ll bet Renee Stutzman is still wiping the spewed coffee off her computer screen.


    • Taaffe promised a big story with the Orlando Sentinel, saying he was interviewed 4 days ago by them. So far there has been no story to show up. His only comment was they are still researching it and it is coming.

      He said it was the death of his sons and his most recent death of his brother that made him take a view of his life and that he is trying to make peace with God. While he is now saying what we all believed to be the truth he still has not taken back all the racist comments that he has said.


    • I wonder if Frank got his bail money back from George?


  3. I do not forgive you Frank Taafe. If you need forgiveness, go ask God. I remember all of the racial epithets that you spewed at Trayvon and at Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin.

    I remember the despicable words that you uttered at African American people and how you laughed and taunted the family of Trayvon Martin, their friends and black people in general. You so enjoyed doing this and due to you, you are also complicit in why George Zimmerman roams the earth and continues to wreak havoc upon the country.

    It was your mentality and mentalities like yours that led to the senseless deaths of Emmett Till and Trayvon Martin. Two young boys who were brutally murdered by racist demagogues and got away with it by playing to the fears of white America, so don’t ask me to forgiveness now that you have found God and have lost loved ones.

    Sybrina and Tracy cry every day over the loss of their son and the despicable murderer is free. If you truly want forgiveness, tell the DOJ what you know and testify against George Zimmerman when charges are brought against him on the federal level. Let the world know what an angry and reprehensible violent racist man he truly is. Let the world know how deceitful you were and how deceitful his family, and his friends were at his trial.

    Tell how everybody covered up for George Zimmerman.and how his mother lied for her son and how he stole the screams of Trayvon Martin. Free your mind and your conscience may become clear.


    • “Sybrina and Tracy cry every day over the loss of their son”

      Video by LLMPapa:


      • Thank you for the videio of Sybrina in her grief. Forgive me for the errors in my previous post. I am typing this on my cell phone and it was early in the morning. My eyesight is also dimming as I become older. I am not sorry for Frank T. He has an agenda as all racist do. I remember to well the racist pejoratives used by him on national television. It was hatefill and hurtful to all people of humanity but especially to me, my children and my grand nieces and nephews who I painfully had to explain your despicable behavior and the meaning of your words of derision.

        Fogen must have pissed you off royally for you to now snitch on him this way!! You were his biggest supporter! I also remember the both of you lying, snickering and probably laughing as you both plotted and schemed to beat the rap. What did he do to you, for you to turn on him?? I am not one to forgive anyone to readily. I still do not trust you or your motives.

        Sybrina and Tracy walked out of that courtroom knowing that their son was denied justice, and knowing that Fogen got away with murdering their beloved son who was begging for his life and crying for his Momma! I hope his cries echo in your nightmares every single night!


        • I dont think Zimmerman has nightmares. he looked into Trayvon’s terrified eyes when he pulled the trigger & not only denied Trayvons last pleas but he stole Trayvon’s screams for himself! then he made certain Trayvon would never live to tell as he flipped his body over, and with all his weight smothered the last breath out of that poor boys collapsed lungs.
          and minutes later Zimmerman’s vitals were absolutely normal.
          i have worse anxiety at the sight of a spider.

          Zimmerman was fascinated by the story of the former cop that had killed someone. I wonder how many police shows Zimmerman watched and played out a perfect suspect take down in his sick mind.

          I wouldn’t know how a person could do what he did and it’s hard to articulate it, but I think he’s convinced himself his lies are now truths. no one has contradicted him.
          in fact the verdict was the absolute confirmation in his mind. it’s all unfathomable to us. but everyone who lied, colluded and conspired before &after, have all contributed to making zimmermans delusion into a reality. wow, why?!


        • Deborah,
          Sorry to hear about your eyesight. Don’t worry about spelling errors and such. That’s my job as blog administrator to make sure that participants are comfortable and if that means editing their comments for corrections, I do that — not as the grammar and spelling cop, but so they are comfortable. There are times I do that and never mention it.


    • Let us, who have a grip on reality, also not forget how Frank “The Racist Tank” went to great lengths in his walk through the hood to make outrageous claims of Trayvon being a drug dealer and all that crap. He was making it all up as he went along.

      Then his nights on Nancy Grace and all that crap. He went out of his way……..way out of his way to be………well………way out.

      I’ll bet Robbie the Racist is shitting his pants about now.


      • Robbie isn’t saying much but only said that Robles isn’t a journalist….reference her story via Twitter. He is very quite about the News 13 story. But I bet seeing another big Z supporter turning he is pissed.


    • AMEN to that Deborah, he definitely needs to talk to the DOJ about everything he knows. Perhaps it would help get Zimmurderer off the streets and into a prison cell where we all know he should be.


  4. Gee Frank, thanks for coming clean. (eyes rolling). It doesn’t erase the horrible things you yourself said or bring back Trayvon, but if it makes you feel better and “gets you right with God,” whatever.

    It was all SO obvious that Travyon was targeted, pursued and killed by someone who had a “thing” about black kids in the neighborhood. I don’t see how anyone could question that or not see it. And what bothers me is that aside from Taaffe seeking another run in the spotlight (guess his 15 minutes were up), GZ could now himself stand up and say he went after Trayvon and shot him, not in self-defense and nothing can happen to him now. He is safe by double jeopardy. It makes me sick.

    I will never get over this. It will never go away.


    • @Rachel: The DOJ is still investigating this case and it is declarations like that, they are looking for, so GZ will never make those statements, since he is still being investigated by the DOJ. He thinks they have went away, but they have not.

      “Frank the tank” can still testify or state that GZ violated the civil rights of Trayvon Martin and how he racially profiled him. he is privy to several private conversations between himself and GZ. GZ and Robbie the racist, must be shitting in their pants. I don’t know how they are going to stop Frank T. from speaking out! GZ is a man without a soul. It also sickens me that he cannot be tried again on the state level, however, that doesn’t apply on the federal level.

      This case resonates with me. It hurts and bothers me that this POS walks around free, but his time is limited.


  5. Why the sudden revelation and the desire to ask the country for forgiveness and his attempt to clear his conscious? Could it be that he was completely humiliated on the Nancy Grace Show when she finally outed his bigoted ass and booted him off her show or is he a media whore and can’t live without his fix just like the killer and his pathetic brother?


    • I think it is that he IS a media whore and felt put off by GZ so this is his NEW way to make the media rounds. He makes me sick.


    • taylor4242,

      Could it be that he was completely humiliated on the Nancy Grace Show when she finally outed his bigoted ass and booted him off her show …

      That could be part of it. Imagine exposing yourself as a hateful person, and seeing that it does not attract people to you but rather, makes them avoid you or run in the opposite direction. Then you look around. No spouse. Both sons dead. Brother dead. That should have caused Taaffe to pause and take a look at himself.

      Frank held (and maybe still holds) to racial superior ideologies, but hopefully understands now that death does not care about the color of anyone’s skin, how much money people have, where they live, their age, their career.


      • Could a foreclosure on his town home at The Retreat at Twin Trees Lakes be the reason for his sudden “revelation”?

        Sorry…… I don’t have any sympathy for this bigot or for what he said about Trayvon and how he treated the Fulton/Martin family. He’s despicable.


        • @Taylor: I agree with you wholeheartedly. Frankie went on national television and used racist eptithets and words of derision to describe Trayvon, his mom Sybrina and his dad, Tracy. When he used those words, he used them against all black people. He showed us his true colors, and now this so called change of heart is another phony ploy to garner empathy! He also showed his punk ass and played to the fears of racist whites, all the while stereotyping Trayvon as a ciminally inclined thug, prone to violence. He sat there and did all of that, grining and smiling while Nancy Grace put his ass on blast!! I will never offer him any empathy. He deserves none as far as I am concerned. He has no change of heart. He has an agenda. What it is has not yet been revealed.

          Frank T. has lost two sons. Now he understands the loss of a child. In his case, two. However, he showed a total lack of sympathy for two parents who lost their son, because they were black parents, and he is a racist who hates blacks. Frank T. and GZ are both despicable. Soul-less sub-humans who are both depraved. I am waiting for GZ to get exactly what he deserves one of these days. He is monster!


        • I guess his Racist Radio show & HLN didn’t pay very well!! Guess he shouldn’t have spent his money on the KILLER!!


          • Marilyn,
            If promoting hate was lucrative, Taaffe would not have needed to go to radio. If hate were a popular topic, he would have sold out of T-shirts and started selling bumper stickers. People who hate are like crabs in a bucket. Each one tries to get on top by pulling others down.


          • LMAO racist radio! LMAO remember that shitbag randy haln or whatever his name, he had Robert convinced he was a superstar until it was over!


  6. Yeah.Frances was utterly horrified by the way Nancy outed him. if you watch the footage, you can feel his humiliation in front of Nancy. he knew his TV career was over.
    Another thing is now he can go on Dr.JerrySpringerDrew and claim to be a re-born racist. a whole new persona. drDrew had him on again just a week or so ago.

    he’s not repenting he’s rebranding for his comeback.

    BTW he also said he got inside info on the jury’s deliberations. he told this to Frances Robles, ex Miami herald reporter who now works for NewYork Times. I just hope he has proof. I’d LOVE to see whatever “official” he got it from thrown in jail. Xena, I hope you talk to her cuz she’s not gonna write a story about it.


    • While Nancy Grace hasn’t had him back, Dr. Drew recently had him on. Dr. Drew goes for the shock factor of putting him and Miss Ali together.


      • yep. it’s disgusting. Ms.Ali does know what she’s talking about. it’s insulting to her intelligence to be compared to frances & that’s prolly why she gets so annoyed & says crazy shit. they did the same thing when they’d put Parks or Crump on w.taaffe. it freaks me out to watch actual lawyers having to share space w.such a loser. they’re so far above frances & those networks tried to portray them as equals. MAKES ME SO ANGRY just remembering!!


        • Shannon,

          they’re so far above frances & those networks tried to portray them as equals.

          You mean, like they tried presenting Sarah Palin as the actual presidential candidate challenging Obama rather than McCain?


  7. Hi, I was hoping to use the contents of another of your blogs on this subject with more than fair use and wanted to ask permission. Instead I think I’ll just hype this one as you’ve done a much better job than I ever could.


  8. Two sides to a story

    Holy smokes. I never thought I’d live to hear this coming out of Francis’s mouth. It’s more truth than we’ve ever heard from him previously.

    I’ll believe he’s really getting right with God when he shuts up, gets off media shows and starts working for organizations that promote racial equality.

    Sure would be interesting if he can blow up the jury with inside information.

    Tick tock, George?


  9. Hate NG so never watched him but he knows plenty and so does John Goode and Mark Osterman but they can be charged. Taffe never took stand. Someone, sorry can’t remember, said his family told him to come clean at his brother’s funeral.
    I am so glad he went via Frances Robie and not Rene S.

    Thanks Xena for beginning new thread. It is all coming unwound and Taffe is the only one with both inside knowledge and lack of any criminal charges able to do it.

    Could not sleep last night cause I am so thrilled for Tray’s friends and family!


  10. (Edited by Administrator. On Twitter, 2dogsonly has been attacked and wrongfully accused by the subject person she wrote about who intentionally included her in an exchange for what appears to be to pick a fight.


    • 2dogsonly,
      GREAT discernment and great decision. After 2 years of unsuccessful scheming, they formed a “War Room” and are using the Canadian to do their dirty work. Why are we so important to them?


      • I’ve read that Canadian woman’s twitter and that woman seems to be really manipulating, twisted with a warped sense of reality and without a doubt, more concerned with the US and our citizens than her own country. Has she been rejected by her own country, Canada, and for the reason why she is so obsessed, judgmental and clearly has no impulse control with her running mouth? She’s a real headcase. lol


      • Xena, you ask, “Why are we so important to them?

        It is probably because we Trayvon supporters here are an interracial group of different backgrounds and ethnicities with caring hearts.


        • Yahtzee,

          It is probably because we Trayvon supporters here are an interracial group of different backgrounds and ethnicities with caring hearts.

          Now that you mention that, it must be why they focus on us. We represent people from all races, religions or no religion, and from all over the world.

          The harassers did reveal themselves by sending comments to other bloggers trying to convince them not to associate with me. They really shouldn’t insult the intelligence of those who can read and decide for themselves and do not pass judgment on others based on the vile comments of haters.


  11. In the article is this excerpt:

    Taaffe says he has a message for Trayvon Martin’s parents, “I’m sorry that you lost your son, I know what that’s like and I wish things had been different.”

    I find it to be very similar to what gz said in April 2012:
    “I am sorry for the loss of your son,” he said. “I did not know how old he was. I thought he was a little bit older than I was.
    (Note: We know from his NEN call that gz said Trayvon was in his late teens.)

    and also to what gz said on the Sean Hannity program.


  12. Justice4All

    This is really hard to grasp after Taaffe’s TV rants about how Trayvon was a thug & Porky stepped in to save them all from theft. I see many are standing by FT now, but I can’t give him a pass on this. How many STOPPED watching shows when FT was on because they couldn’t stand his racists rants? Now he suddenly wants to do the right thing? I’d take a guess & say he’s a bit miffed that there was no pay-out for him in all this, but I hardly believe he’s seen the light. Maybe he’s hoping to get back on TV again but I doubt he cares anything about truth & justice & an apology to TM’s family, just doesn’t cut it for me.He’s tried to insert himself in other cases since, but no one seems to want his nasty comments or be linked to him in any way. Maybe karma is scaring him, but one doesn’t change their thinking over-night. He didn’t take the stand, so what could he possibly say that would change anything now or make a difference? If he wasn’t there….he has no hidden info, he’s just blowing smoke to get attention & for all we know, his buddy Porky may be in on it as well. after all, not many are interested in any of them now. Even Porky’s parents are grasping, trying to sue Roseanne & blaming her for their move, which we all know was BS. IMO they are ALL grifters & now they have no steady stream of donations & THAT IMO is the motivation. Time will tell, but Taaffe doesn’t get my support in this. I don’t trust him any more than the rest of that group.


    • Justice4all,
      Do you get the impression that George, Taaffe, et. al thought that if George was acquitted, their lives would be gravy? It’s my impression that the acquittal did not give them the result they wanted and some have come to the conclusion that it makes no sense carrying burdens on their conscience while beating a dead horse.


      • Justice4All

        I think Taaffe expected some form of payment from the GZ camp & never got it. IDT he turned into a nice, caring man over-night w/a conscience. There’s a big difference in defending someone you believe to be innocent VS. Calling the victim names & trashing his reputation. Taaffe could have taken his stand W/O the name calling of every black person he could think of. I’d say Taaffe made a HUGE mistake when he tried to take down Oprah & lost his spot on HLN that he thought would make him “famous” and THAT is what’s making him think twice. IDT He does anything for anyone but himself. Maybe his “conscience” told him no one was going to hit that donate button on his site to hear him trash black people & no one cares what his opinion is.


        • Justice4All

          I think Taaffe expected some form of payment from the GZ camp & never got it.

          For sure. That group encouraged the racist rants just as they encouraged Don West to attack Benjamin Crump. Taaffe no doubt thought that he had thousands of people standing behind him and that the money would roll in to support him as he promoted inequality and exposed the “BGI.” He was betrayed. That group only wants to provoke rather than promote, and they do not support each other.


  13. I think that, in the future, (perhaps in a more formal setting) Taaffe will have more to say.


  14. Xena,

    I agree with you when you write:

    “Clearing the conscience is not the same as changing the mind. In other words, Taaffe is now admitting what he always knew was true.”


    • Frank Taffe is so full of it! “Clearing his conscience? You are so right Yahtzee! He knew back in 2012, that GZ had racially profiled Trayvon Martin, and he knew that he had killed him in cold blood! He knows exactly what an evil man Fogen is! He didn’t change his mind! Frank Taaffe should apologize for the racist epithets that he spewed at black people and at Tracy and Sybrina and inflicting so much pain upon them during their time of intense grief! He behaved like the true racist that he is! I do not feel sorry for his losses at all! You reap, what you sow! He is a very angry, bitter man who now wants to use the deaths of his sons and his brother to gain sympathy. He didn’t care about Sybrina and Tracy’s son?? He played into racial stereotypes and sat right there, patting Fogen on the back. He is just as complicit as Fogen is.

      If he truly means what he says, he should also testify at the DOJ trial when they bring that POS Fogen up on civil rights violations! Why he didn’t testify at the state trial still stuns me! Fogen is still out here, posting on Twitter, taunting people and quoting the bible. Fogen is so full of shit! I am so glad that Shellie got away from him! She knew the type of evil man he truly is and she was not going to stick around for his great downfall! Fogen will get exactly what he deserves one of these days!


  15. Trayvon, I will never forget you. 😥


  16. Sanford Watch video:


    • The scary part is that Fogen is still armed…….sad as that is. If this are really The Tanks sentiments, I’d be real careful and look over my shoulder 24/7.


  17. brownsuga1967

    I knew one day Ole Taffe would have a change of heart before he leave this earth….


  18. Too little, Too late, Frank. You did so much damage to an innocent just barely turned 17 year old kid’s character and to that of his grief-stricken family. Now that I have seen you speak on your guilt in this regard, I want to hear about the jury deliberations and what juror was involved by contacting an officer of the court who in turn contacted you. Blow it wide open if this is in fact the truth.


    • sidewinder,
      I apologize for being late, but welcome to Blackbutterfly7. Thanks for your comments. I’ve taken them off moderation so you won’t have to wait until they are approved and they will post automatically. Sorry for the delay.

      Welcome text


  19. Hi Everybody…..I can just get sick hearing this sick RACIST IDIOT!! Just maybe Zimbo forgot to pay him back for bailing him out of jail!! Remember he was on one of his regular shows when he was arrested for DV on his girlfriend & he was BRAGGING about HIM being the ONE to bail him out?? He hasn’t found God.He just wants Money & attention!!


    • Hey Marilyn!!!
      Taaffe didn’t find the pot of gold previously, which is probably a reason why he decided to come clean. There’s no sense to continue selling something that people aren’t buying.


  20. George “stayed on” Trayvon. It is clear.


  21. O/T but worthy news.


  22. IMO, I think GZ has been steering clear of Frank since he was outed by the media for being a racist. He was probably advised with his lawsuit coming up that it would be a good thing to distance himself from him. Frank is probably as mad as hell that he stood up for GZ, even so far as paying his bail, (which we can pretty well guess was never paid back), knowing all along that George racially profiled Trayvon, and who know what else, is now not going to sit back while GZ ignores him.

    We will have to sit back and see how this plays out, but my guess is Fogen will try and shift the blame game on Frank, as he has with everyone else.


    • dreamer,
      Have you noticed that since his acquittal, we’ve not seen Frank and George together publicly? Actually, I think that George was a bit jealous that Frank was invited to be on HLN, while his brother was not.

      George and Frank talked before 2/26/12, Frank advocated for George, and everyone who listened to Frank knew of his racist superiority ideologies.

      George might be trying to separate himself now from anything and anyone who he feels will not be an advantage in his case against NBC, but it’s not George’s associations he needs to worry about. Rather, it’s his own words.


  23. frances said he contacted the DOJ….


    • Cause I know I’m about to pass out I wanted to post this incase I forget by tomorrow. ;~) but I just heard abt something in criminal psychology called narcissistic in…. omg I forgot already! Anyway it means they don’t care what they say bc they think anything they say will be believed. I’m gonna try to look it up.


    • Justice For Trayvon FB it is indeed Taffe posting that he “has contacted the DOJ”. Not a hacker or someone portraying him.

      The final paper foreclosure isn’t of any significance to him ( blood from turnip thing) he has been long gone but strictly to change title so mortgage holder could get it off their books. Florida had one of the top real estate downturns in US.

      *****But, In reading your court link, can you tell if he was living in the house before the murder? It looks like subpoena was served on unknown tenant so if he had already moved, that entire bs tubs said over and over…” My friend who lived here had his home broken into” was a lie. Yes, we know that wasn’t true. Tubs just called 911 to report garage door open and upon police looking, all was okey dokey.
      Stay with me, warriors, please cause I want to look past the obvious tubs and Ft are liars to the significance of this court paper showing Taffe was no longer occupying the RATL on 2/2/12?

      If he wasn’t even living there, then the odd phone call tubs made : “Mr. Taffe this is George Zimmerman. Just want to express my condolences on the loss of your son” ( which btw had occurred in 2011.)
      My point is if Taffe was NOT EVEN living there but tubs needed to use him, that would be witness tampering.
      That is Federal and he can be recharged for this.

      Rats, I think this is breaking the links but too lazy to insert it in proper place.


      • towerflower

        Taaffe’s lost his son to a car crash in Volusia Co. on 8-17-12, not 2011. I remember when that happened, on a dark stretch of road and he didn’t make a 90 degree turn in the road. He lost another son to suicide in ’08 (I think) and his brother last month. It doesn’t sound like the loss of his last son had much of an impact on him but, to me, it was the loss of his brother that may have made him take a good look at his life.

        Only time will tell if he is truly sorry for his recent change of mind. While he might have recanted on Z, he has yet to make a comment recanting his well publicized comments of hatred toward others.

        If he has changed then good for him, but I’m looking at this cautiously and will wait to see if there really is a change in him.


        • towerflower

          If he has changed then good for him, but I’m looking at this cautiously and will wait to see if there really is a change in him.



      • peni4yothot

        Hi 2dog, I don’t post much but I agree if what you are saying regarding the weird phone message from fogen sending his condolence regarding a son who died 4 years prior. It was later in 2012 that his other son was killed in a wreck; this made several of us scratch our heads wondering what the heck was that message about.


      • 2dogsonly,
        When I looked at the docket, I didn’t see where the mortgage company motioned to sell and have the occupant evicted. Some people live in houses when foreclosure has been filed, until the eviction notice or the Sheriff comes visiting with plastic bags.

        What we do know is that Taaffe’s house went into foreclosure before George killed Trayvon. Also, that George was 2 months behind in his rent when he killed Trayvon. They both should have been more concerned with resolving their financial problems than following young Black men in that community. In fact, it would have been more of a benefit for George to have studied for his classes rather than patrolling on NW — especially since non of his calls to the police resulted in anything.


        • The townhome will be sold at an auction in August, I found that information on Zillow. He bought the home in 2006, here in Florida that was the beginning of the end for the housing bubble. He bought the home at a high price and it is now worth less than half of that. The housing market crashed shortly after that and values plummeted. I’m wondering if Taaffe is just doing what may others, who bought high and lost big, did. They just let it go into foreclosure. On Zillow it shows the bottom out at the same time he is first served. Because of this it, his problems might not be a need for financial dollars as much as dumping a property that is only worth a third of what he first bought it for. He also only had a little more than $12K equity (off from the original selling price to remaining loan balance) in the property according to Zillow and the foreclosure information.

          Like I said, there are many people who did just that and that is one of the reasons why Florida’s foreclosures are one of the nation’s highest. A foreclosure only stays on a credit report for 7 yrs while an overpriced for the market home stays with you for many more and costs you much more in the long run. After the auction, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him declare bankruptcy to get out from the judgment.


      • good investigation there 2dogs! yeah that phone call was code for something. I can’t imagine why you suddenly call someone you’re supposedly neighborhood watch buddies w. to offer condolences for a son who died years before. but I think it was a call he knew wld be recorded and he left the message to let him know he wanted to make contact.

        ive really don’t believe they hung out. I think they were vaguely acquainted, maybe from the HOA meetings. but I’m sticking with oysterman as his little sidekick.
        remember those two had the standing monthly playdates. Zimmerman worked w,his wife and he was definitely a block away at the drive thru at the time Trayvon was walking to 7/11.

        it was weird the way taaffe remembered the exact date of the last time he spoke to Zimmerman before the trial. but he remembered because that’s when Zimmerman gave him the story to say. I just think taaffe saw an opportunity for attention and took it upon himself, and it was only after that that Zimmerman decided to go ahead and put him to use by calling him and giving him the story.

        yes, I think Zimmerman remembered calling 911 on taaffe’s house and thought he could use that story as another lie to add to his bs about robberies. he lucked out that taaffe was a willing spokesman to bolster his lie.
        it would be very interesting to know if taaffe still lived there at the time. but only because the cops and lawyers should’ve known and maybe the lawyers could’ve busted him on one of the TV shows they were on together.. idk really what difference it would make tho, taaffe didn’t testify and neither did the killer. it’s just another lie to add to the bunch

        Zimmerman is a total manipulating user. any little thing he thinks will bolster his lies he uses w/impunity. he lies about anything and in great detail and vaguely. his lies are lies by omission and direct lies that can be easily disproven. he uses semantics just like the I wasn’t following I was just walking the same way. he wld’ve been so easily torn up on the stand because he’s not very smart. he’s uses the 1st thing that pops in his mind and twists it around as if he didn’t say what he says exactly you just took it the wrong way. and he’s used to getting away with that because he surrounds himself w. weak minded ppl who either don’t challenge him on the truth or don’t care. but he works hard to appear soft spoken and righteous so ppl assume that he is what he seems.


  24. Sybrina, I am thinking of you today
    Lifting you up in my prayers and
    Sending you my love and caring thoughts.

    Thanking you for your reaching out to other parents
    To advocate for them and offer them support.
    Thanking you for pushing for the repeal of SYG,
    For equal justice, and for gun control measures.

    You are an inspiration!


    • Yahtzee,
      I join you in lifting up Sybrina in prayers and caring thoughts, along with all the mothers who have buried their children.


  25. “Strange Epiphany: Racist GZ Apologist Taaffe Now Says Zimmerman Should Have Been Found Guilty”


  26. The video.
    Bigoted racist.
    I didn’t hear that being said – about himself. I heard that about “therealGeorgeZ” – as Frank asks for forgiveness. After the video, I watched some of Frank’s interviews again. And I feel deceived, still. As many have said, it’s what we all knew to begin with, it’s what we felt passionate about, the truth – about what George did – he made sure Trayvon didn’t get away. Because he was black. Frank was passionate too, in support of George and denied, passionately, that George profiled Trayvon, because he was black. What would it take for Frank to be forgiven?

    Frank is suing Mother Jones for an article where he claims they stated something that he never said – Frank also claimed that his Twitter account had been hacked, that the statements made were not done by him. Verbal statements he made he claimed he never said – but I heard the recordings. Frank claimed inside information on the jury deliberations. Frank profiled every black individual, with animus.

    I don’t believe Frank is asking for forgiveness. I feel he’s asking to be believed. I don’t believe him. I’m sorry for the loss of his family members. Life is short – when you’re gunned down in cold blood. For no reason.

    As to the DOJ investigation, given everything that Frank has said during interviews and is quoted as having said in articles, I have reservations as to the value of Frank coming forward now. There was a reason O’Mara did not call Frank as an ambassador for George during the trial. I don’t believe the DOJ would place any value in Frank’s desire to “get right with God.” If there were others who knew about George, the prosecution certainly didn’t find anyone to support what Frank purports now. I can only hope that the DOJ has, perhaps, located those who are willing to step forward with solid information.

    Until then, I have nothing to give Frank.


    • Pilcherje, good to see you, and thanks for the comment.

      Anytime that anyone voluntarily goes to the FBI, they can anticipate being under investigation themselves. The DOJ will listen to anyone who wants to talk to them, but they use that as a road map rather than evidence to take before the federal grand jury.

      What they would want to know from Frank, for example, is how does he know that George was carrying a gun the evening when he called the cops about seeing the man outside of Taaffe’s house? When did that conversation take place? Why was George walking his dog by Taaffe’s house when the dog walk is on the other end of that community? Where was Taaffe on the evening of Feb. 26, 2012?

      Taaffe’s desire to get right with God is between him and God, but he can never get right with Trayvon because his demeaning of Trayvon was after Trayvon’s death and Trayvon could not defend himself.


      • If you look at the community at Zillow, you’ll see there are several areas that have the dog walks behind the homes. One of them comes out near Taaffe’s home.


        • towerflower,
          True, but when comparing where George lived to where Frank lived, it appears that he could have walked his dog without going TO THE FRONT of Frank’s house. See what I mean?


  27. kindheart101


    To what category has your recent epiphany to tell the “truth” put you in?

    Through your oscillation between your own racist views, much less lies meant to impact the verdict of a racist murderer, you have achieved NOTHING but to make it impossible for anyone to ever believe a thing you say.

    Is it possible to drag an “innocent, murdered child” through the mud, and come out with clean hands?

    Is it possible for a rotten apple to be baked in a pie, and not have it affect the flavor?

    Is it possible for a rattlesnake to retract its venom once it has struck?

    I take comfort in knowing we were all sickened by your vile, racist comments and lies. I would certainly suggest everyone highly question your motives before considering you as a possible friend.

    And I pray that if only because of your validated, true lack of character in representing Zimmerman to be something we ALL knew he wasn’t……….the ongoing investigation by the Department of Justice will conclude that Zimmerman is brought up on charges.


    • Happy Mother’s Day dear Kindheart! It is so good to see and read your post! You said it all and their is nothing left to say but RIGHT ON to you!! You speak truth, and you are truth! Stay in touch!


      • kindheart101

        Though I’m not on much anymore, I never miss a post of yours Xena. You have proven over the years intimidation will not halt your quest for truth and justice. You have given many people the opportunity to make quality decisions by providing them with up to date information, verified sites, and the law. You have become known as “friend”, to many of us, who cherish the day we stumbled across Blackbutterfly7.

        Thank you


  28. Never once did GZ object to racist Taaffe defending him for two years. So sick.

    Never once has GZ objected to depraved racists with their hatefulness defending him on internet blogs and on Twitter.

    Why does GZ only seem to have racists defending him?


    • Yahtzee,

      Why does GZ only seem to have racists defending him?

      Because they speak for him and if the feds weren’t still investigating, he would join in with their filth.


    • Exactly Yahtzee, as the Z supporters drop Taaffe right and left quicker than cockroaches scatter when you flip on a light, in the 2 yrs since this happened not one time has anyone come out and said that Taaffe wasn’t a friend, Jr. didn’t, his parents didn’t, not even Z himself. If you remember the only person that MOM condemned for “speaking” was Jr. In all his interviews he never once said “I hardly know this man and don’t know why he keeps speaking for me.”

      They like to use his interview with police as proof and the fact there are no photos of him with Z—-then again the only photos of Z with people are the ones who had to pay for it. Taaffe told the police he only knew of Z as an acquaintance but they knew each other enough that Z called him personally to let him know about the prowler near his home that he called 911 about. They both were on the NW so I think he knew him better than he let the cops know. Also since Taaffe posted his bond and started a new fundraiser for him, after his last arrest, I’m inclined to believe he was more than an acquaintance.

      Regardless, it will be a lonely life for Taaffe, Z supporters have dropped him and TM supporters for the most part are suspicious and rightly so.


      • Remember too that before the first organized NW meeting, that Taaffe called Dovial — got her name and number from George. They were more than acquaintances — they shared at least one common interest that Taaffe repeated to the media.


      • Didn’t we see pictures of FT with O’Mara and/or West? And FT referred to gz as his ‘friend’ on TV and that gz gave him ‘talking points’?


        • “Didn’t we see pictures of FT with O’Mara and/or West?”

          No, I don’t think so, sidewinder.


          • Oh. I thought I had a memory of at least one. Thanks.


          • Yes there are photos of him with both MOM and West. They are on his web site and both attorneys are in casual clothing when the photos were taken. The photos are taken individually but at the same time…..Taaffe is wearing the same clothing in both shots.


          • Thank you ladystclaire!!!

            This is much bigger than tubs and / or whether Taffe is / was a racist. It is corruption of the exact people sworn to protect and serve from the Sanford PD, Serino, Singleton, Judge Corrupt, John Good, Jenna, Mark Osterman, Jeramy, Angela Corey, John Guy, BDLR and on up to Gov. Scott who appointed the case to Jax. (very conservative city) ,instead of Miami !!
            Why would Gov. Scott appoint this explosive case to a Republican State Attorney in a very conservative city?? Trayvon was from Miami which is not conservative. I live in Jax. even though we have an AA mayor, we are still a South Georgia right wing city.

            Angela Corey with her huge grin announcing “The System Worked” ( praise Jesus) …tongue in check after losing a huge case. BDLR acting as if he has never prosecuted a case ( even though he has only lost one other) And Judge Corrupt saying : Mr. Zimmerman your business with this court is done. You are free to go!” I have never heard a Judge say this to a defendant. Judge Perry warned the courtroom not to express their feelings!
            Judge Corrupt all but high fived child killer!

            Xena, could you again start a new thread devoted to this. Oh my god Oh my god the dream defenders knew it half way in and Lisa Bloom came right up to saying it in her Young Turks interview.

            For whatever reason, if it weren’t for Frank Taffe coming to god, there is a chance this would have never been exposed. There is irony in a man so consumed with anger and bigotry, exposing the underbelly of this perversion.


          • 2dogsonly,
            I’ll open one titled “Open Discussion Re: Frank Taaffe” and place it on the top menu under “George and Shellie Zimmerman” and “Justice for Trayvon.”


  29. ladystclaire

    Good morning folks. I’ve been reading the comments here and, as usual they are all very good as well truthful. Speaking of Robbie the racist shitting in his pants right now, there are a host of others doing the same thing. The entire judicial system, in the NOT great state of Florida, was against this child. This includes those who were suppose to be speaking for Trayvon. I could see exactly what the prosecution was doing on about the second or third day, of that farce. BDLR questioned people as if he had never been in a courtroom before and, John Guy wasn’t much better. It’s sickening to think of how he walked into that Courtroom, every morning smiling and shaking the hands of Trayvon’s parents, knowing what the outcome was going to be! There are a lot of people who need to go down, for this miscarriage of justice. Jenna, Jeremy, Jon Manalo, John Good, the family of the murderer, LE officers with the SPD and The Air Marshall to name a few. Not to forget Rick Scott and Pam Bondi. Eric Holder needs to do what’s right and, just for this murdered child and his family. I pray to GOD, that he will.


  30. I don’t know why my comment broke thread. Should be under ladystclaire. Sorry folks.


  31. Jimmyjam048

    Wow, I knew that it was just a matter of time before the truth surfaced.
    Let’s hope that DOJ case gets under way soon!


  32. Many thanks for finding my blog. I will be most happy to read your blog of truth and justice, qualities that seem in short supply these days. Blessings, Anne


    • Hi Anne! Thanks so much for your comment. An injustice to anyone is an injustice to everyone, so justice is very, very important.

      I’m sorry that I don’t remember visiting your blog, but I’m glad that you commented here because now I know about Tales Along The Way. I have had problems with some harassers attempting to impersonate me. I don’t want to assume that’s happened but what I will do is post a comment to your blog so you will have information for comparison purpose.


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