Zimmerman Surrenders – No Sanction Hearing

The Orlando Sentinel reports that paperwork has been filed at the Seminole County criminal courthouse setting forth that Zimmerman says he is giving up his promised fight to make the state pay his legal bills and the hearing on sanctions based on allegations that the State violated rules of discovery.

George Zimmerman CNN

George Zimmerman

The docket sheet provides that on February 20, 2014, a Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of Any Future Hearings and All Pending Issues was filed in Zimmerman’s criminal case.

Richard Mantei

Asst. SA Richard Mantei



On February 25, 2014, Assistant State’s Attorney Richard Mantei filed papers asking the judge to deny Zimmerman’s request and to rule in Corey’s favor, saying that he wants the hearing to resume “to make a complete record and establish the state committed no discovery violations….”

The defense alleged that the State did not provide them with photos discovered on Trayvon’s cell phone.  Subsequently, Judge Nelson denied the defense’s request to use those photos at trial and also denied that text messages from Trayvon Martin’s cell phone be presented as evidence.  There was no witness to testify as to the intent of the photos and text messages to support nor refute the defense’s contentions as to Trayvon’s character.  At least one of the photos, showing only a hand, did not present the individual’s identity.

Judge Nelson

Judge Debra Nelson

If Judge Nelson grants Zimmerman’s request to dismiss all pending matters, she will then proceed in the case of Zimmerman v. NBC.  That case was put on hold by stipulation until after Zimmerman’s criminal trial.  At the last status hearing, Judge Nelson denied that the case proceed because of the matters still pending in the criminal case.

If Judge Nelson denies Zimmerman’s request, then she will more than likely schedule a hearing on the sanctions.  The question then becomes, will Mark O’Mara and/or Don West proceed?  O’Mara has already withdrawn his representation from the lawsuit against NBC.

In the same article, the Orlando Sentinel reports that the judge in Shellie Zimmerman’s divorce case has set aside the default order.  That means that George can now argue for division of marital debts, the dogs, and any future assets he might acquire from his lawsuit against NBC.

Posted on 03/04/2014, in George and Shellie Zimmerman and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 149 Comments.

  1. Why would Judge Nelson deny his request?


    • It would help if I saw the State’s opposition to it. Requests for sanctions against the State impugns the State’s credibility and it appears that is what Mantei is saying for his reason for wanting to defend. Since the verdict, O’Mara does not provide documents filed in the case and I suppose that the media is no longer going to spend money to get copies.


  2. Two sides to a story

    No surprise. Further rage against the machine would be futile. The system had reason to grind a few gears on him and he escaped a long incarceration. Should be grateful for that much.


  3. towerflower

    He is also screwing with MOM by asking the court to drop his request for the State to pay his legal bill (about $350,000 worth). He is only interested in the money that might come to him and is dropping the requests that will pay MOM/West.


  4. “In another legal development involving Zimmerman, a judge has set aside a default entered in favor of his wife, Shellie, in their ongoing divorce.

    That means the two sides are back to equal footing as they fight to divide up property but mostly the overwhelming debt they face because of George Zimmerman’s legal bills.”



  5. Mindy, I’m thinking the state has a right to protect its self from the allegations and support its contention that there wasn’t any intent to withhold evidence. In moving to an end, if Judge Nelson does proceed, which the state wants, it would in effect put the matter to rest, in writing.

    And even though Judge Nelson had ruled on the inadmissibility of what the defense felt was evidence against Trayvon – which I feel was character assassination at the onset and without merit, Zimmerman’s defense leveled a serious charge against the state. I think O’Mara has some explaining to do though I think he’ll be a bit more judicious in his comments about the matter of moving forward with the sanctions as being Zimmerman’s desire.

    In some respects, I feel Zimmerman is forced now to be heard on the default matter in his divorce. It’s rather provocative because Shellie is seeking a portion of known and unknown assets for division and in all likely hood, this includes monies Zimmerman potentially could receive from the pending NBC suit. It will be interesting to see if Zimmerman has a valid reason for not responding within the 20 day response limit which has forced it into default in Shellie’s favor. The question now is, will they allow him to be heard based on his reasoning for not responding. I think there’s a possibility he’ll drop that suit as well – to spite Shellie.

    I wonder how Zimmerman feels now – about being ostracized. What goes around comes around.


  6. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    That Z will be responsible for the debts makes me happy but Trayvon is still dead, he should remember that.


    • towerflower

      Maybe Shellie could use all of this to her advantage, after all George wants her to be solely responsible for all the debt and now he is dropping items that could, if he won, help eliminate some of the bill.


      • Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

        It wouldn’t surprise me for him to try and do that. Shellie did not kill Trayvon. She may not be a model citizen but she should not have to shoulder what is obviously his responsibility.


  7. ChrisNY~Laurie

    Why was the default order set aside in the divorce?


    • ChrisNY~Laurie

      I really don’t understand what setting it aside actually means. Is that good for Shellie or George?


      • Chris,
        A default judgment is entered when the defendant/respondent fails to timely file an answer to the complaint that originated the case. I’m unsure about Florida’s rules in family cases but in some states, a dissolution of marriage entered by default dissolves the marriage but reserves other issues, such as division of property, debts, and assets.

        Setting aside the default judgment allows the respondent to litigate the issues of division of debts, assets, etc. so that the court decides based on the merits.

        For instance, Shellie wants George to get a life insurance policy; she wants both dogs; for George to pay half of the marital debts; and if he prevails on the NBC lawsuit, to give her half of the proceeds.

        George wants to dispute those issues. By setting the default judgment aside, the court can now hear his side.


      • I think I can provide some more clarity on this, if I may be indulged. There are a couple of key fundamental concepts that should be understood:

        First, from a legal philosophy perspective, results “on the merits” are much more preferred – and, thus, much more favored – than results “by default.” Therefore, courts are inclined to set aside defaults whenever a defendant provides any feasible or conceivable (even if weak) justification to do so. So, plaintiffs can rarely rely comfortably on default-related actions.

        Second, the “default” process entails TWO very distinct and different steps (at least in my state and in Florida**).

        >> Step A is the “ENTRY OF DEFAULT,” which is typically a clerical function, although it can also be a court/judge function. It really doesn’t mean much of anything. I picture it as something like a “bookmark” – marking a point in time by which the defendant was required to respond, but failed to do so. An “entry of default” is very easy to overcome by a defendant, and – as I understand it – this is as far as Shellie had gotten before CAC appeared in their divorce case.

        >> Step B would entail filing a motion for a “DEFAULT JUDGMENT.” The motion requires a hearing (as far as I know) and also invokes other requirements necessary for the judge (1) to evaluate the appropriateness of a default judgment and (2) to determine what the contents of such a judgment should be.

        It’s my understanding that there was no “default judgment” or “order” to be set aside in the Zimmerman divorce case. There was merely an “entry of default” – and those are worth about as much as the paper they’re written on. (CAVEAT: I haven’t seen the actual court filings to confirm my understanding.)

        ** For the Florida Rules of Court Procedures, see:


        On that page, you can select the “Family Law” link on that site, but you’ll find that Family Law Rule 12.500 simply states that:

        Defaults and final judgments thereon shall be governed by Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.500.

        So, you might as well just select the “Civil” link, and then find Rule 1.500 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure.


  8. Jueseppi B.

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.


  9. Tears for Trayvon by Ashley Mintz by Ashley Mintz

    Published on July 21, 2013 by leighash15


  10. Reblogged this on idealisticrebel and commented:
    One word… Karma


  11. towerflower

    Frank Taaffe is now claiming Z kicked him to the curb and wants to fight him in the ring.


    Will these idiots ever go away?


    • ” This is the way to settle this legally…in the ring,” Taaffe said.”

      Legally……what law was broken Frank and listen real carefully……just because someone ignores you, it doesn’t give you the right to beat them up. Ya know, just like you been saying about Trayvon.

      “I am the white Al Sharpton. I love everyone and I am just very out spoken. I plan on knocking Zimmerman out for what he did and for turning his back on me”

      Excuse me ?? the white Al Sharpton ?!?!?!?!?! Not on a good day. The only thing truthful in that statement is “…I am just very outspoken…” add “and a racist” and it would be real accurate.

      Soooooo, in a nutshell a Zidiot of Biblical Proportions is out to beat someone up for, let me get this right….”turning his back on me”

      If Fogen turned his back on me I’d throw a party……


      • towerflower

        So wish wordpress had a thumbs up button.


        • towerflower,
          Racer hit the proverbial nail on the head, didn’t he?

          How about this?

          Word press provides comment ratings. I don’t use that option. For one, I’m not sure if anyone can come along and rate. If so, then it gives power to harassers and others who do not support our interests. As the saying goes, people only have as much power as you give them.


          • towerflower

            Xena, Understand. At least your following doesn’t have to be embarrassed about what they post that they have to have a separate, password only, anything goes, secret side site. LOL.


          • towerflower,

            At least your following doesn’t have to be embarrassed about what they post that they have to have a separate, password only, anything goes, secret side site. LOL.

            LOL. Oh, you mean the secret KKK meeting to discuss race? I don’t think she learned how to do that.

            Blackbutterfly7 does have a private chat blog that’s by membership only. It’s not for discussion of issues but a lounge where people kick back. They can talk about what they had for dinner or where they visited without lurkers trying to dox them or use the info to mock and demean their personal lives.


          • I sit humbly and say….Thank you for the sentiment. The truth……well…..I like to put my comical spin as you know and have defended me in the past for.

            Still haven’t gotten that letter from The O’ Mara Law Group (God was that great..or what!!)


    • From the linked article:

      And Taaffe tells Radar, “I feel like I was used and not treated fairly by George.”

      “I was always there for him,” Taaffe continued. “I backed him through this whole fiasco and now he is nowhere to be found. I put myself on the line for this guy.”

      Jeez, Louise…. Join the ever-expanding “Club of Used and Abused Zidiots”! WHAT on Earth were you all expecting?!!

      You wanna “get back” at The Zociopath, FranKKK? Contact Shellie’s divorce attorney.



      • Somehow the word “fiasco” seems to have a meaning we don’t normally use in a case like this.

        Fiasco ?? Hmmmmmm


    • roderick2012

      This is interesting that Taaffe was sucked into George’s warped world and believed that their relationship was genuine and reciporcated.

      I always thought that Taaffe like Jr and Papa Zimmerman were using Piglet to get their 15 minutes of fame.

      Of course Nancy Grace has allowed Taaffe’s face on her show more times than she should have, but I thought that Taaffe was on to himself promote his racist organization and not defend Piglet.

      I guess Piglet’s cousin was correct that Piglet is a charmer at least to some low-lifes.


  12. I live in Florida and most default judgements filed due to tardy responses in divorce cases are set aside. Actually, most default rulings in all cases are set aside. There is one exception and this is ironclad. If an appeal is filed one second after the 30 days allowed it is always denied. No exceptions to this. Answer an appeal within 30 days or don’t bother.

    So Mr. Sims had told Shellie to expect this. Now, the big question is, whom will tubs find to represent him pro bono. Because it is clear he doesn’t pay anyone ever. And I don’t believe any attorney will take his case to gain credibility. Jane weintaub has already withdrawn from his DV case involving honey pot. And on twitter he seems pissy at her…telling his followers to tell her to go to bed. We woman so love having our boyfriends treat us like children especially in public.;-)

    So, now Taffe has been tossed, expect honey pot next. ( honey pot is samamtha_khope on twitter.


  13. Recognition for some Trayvon advocates!

    Natalie Jackson ‏@NatJackEsq 14h

    Funny thing abt @LisaBloom’s book is that months b4 the trial bloggers like @LLMSPapa & @bcclist had already complied the damning evidence.

    Crick ‏@bcclist 1h

    @NatJackEsq Thanks for the tweet! Looks like an interesting book. @LisaBloom @LLMSPapa

    Natalie Jackson ‏@NatJackEsq 1h

    @bcclist @LisaBloom @LLMSPapa You are welcome. Thanks for all the work that you and others put in to get justice :-).


    • These are good questions that LLMPapa asked in this video:


      • I still fall over when I red / hear Robbie the Racist go the “…copious amounts of blood…” route.

        Note to Robbie : Up yer ass.


  14. towerflower

    Now Z is going to attend a gun show.

    March 5, 2014

    Gladys and I would like to take this opportunity to express our support regarding George’s decision to attend a local gun show.

    We asked George about his motivation for attending, his explanation reinforced the great pride we have for George. George explained that the show’s sponsor had supported him and his rights immediately following his acquittal. George felt a debt of gratitude to the sponsor and feels he should appear in person to thank his supporters.

    It is my understanding this is a private event closed to the press, with absolutely no media availability. This event will simply provide George the opportunity to meet and greet those who stood with him during the most difficult time of his life. We understand George’s perspective and appreciate that he maintains the morals and values we have instilled in our children.

    George’s attendance will not be compensated by the event’s sponsor.

    Our love and support for George (@therealgeorgez) could not be stronger.

    GAG…..What Z doesn’t realize is that not all gun owners or visitors to these gun shows support him or his actions. I for one would tell him what I thought of him to his face.


      • towerflower,
        A private gun show — yeah — people who GZ would like to thank for their support. Now, if those same people provided him with housing and employment, he would have a place to store his arsenal that they gave him money to purchase.


      • “We asked George about his motivation for attending, ….”

        Actually even Papsi probably said “What the fuck are you thinking shithead ?”

        But……..that’s just me.


        • Racer,
          He will have us believe that he wants to personally thank those who gave him money for guns. That group was out of where — Ohio?

          He can hold a show and tell, showing them what he purchased and how the guns operate. He can share which gun he will use if those threatening him are 1000 feet away, and which gun he will use if he is pinning the person’s arm while on his back.


          • Ohio for 100 points would be correct !!

            I’m sure as you say, he’ll be a real key note speaker. In all honesty, as despicable as they are, he’s hoping to get patted on the back by Klansman and the like for being a “&^%%#$ killer” and nothing more. I’ve got his number……maybe, just maybe Taaffe will show up and kick his ass, and they will both SYG and when the smoke clears…..a wild cheer will be heard.

            Taaffe…..”the white Al Sharpton” My ass still hurts from the 1st round of laughing at that one. What did he call Rev. Sharpton about 22 months ago…..then Mr. Crump, who has at least 10X the intelligence as Taaffe will ever have, not to mention scruples, earning power, ethics, common sense, a sense of fair play, and persistence.

            I won’t go into what he’s called others involved……yep Taaffe, a legend in no one’s mind.


          • racer,

            Taaffe…..”the white Al Sharpton” My ass still hurts from the 1st round of laughing at that one. What did he call Rev. Sharpton about 22 months ago…..then Mr. Crump, who has at least 10X the intelligence as Taaffe will ever have, not to mention scruples, earning power, ethics, common sense, a sense of fair play, and persistence.

            That is why Taaffe and the rest of the White Supremacists denigrate Al Sharpton, attorney Crump, and all successful Black men — because they are successful and have a voice.

            I’ve said it before — no matter how educated, financially lucrative, or talented Blacks are, they are never good enough for White Supremacists who will always find a way of trying to put them in their place.

            Just think of Taaffe’s comparison. First and foremost, Al Sharpton is an ordained minister. Taaffe probably can’t find the Book of Ruth in the Bible, much less preach a sermon.


          • towerflower

            He’ll be appearing at the Orlando Gun show this weekend. I put the details below.


      • Isn’t there some law we can invoke to get the American Flag yanked as the backdrop for those assholes ? I swear, which is unusual for me, that using the flag the way they do is beyond sickening.


        • The Book of Ruth….he’ll be at the 7-11 looking for Baby Ruth, who are we trying to kid.

          Wouldn’t an actual sermon by Frank the Racist Tank be a hoot ?!?!?!?!?!?!

          Probably be enough to “piss off the Pope” as my grandfather would say.


          • racer,

            The Book of Ruth….he’ll be at the 7-11 looking for Baby Ruth, who are we trying to kid.

            I guess that means that he might think the Book of Esther is a movie starring Esther Williams. Hey! That’s a good book for him to read, being that it teaches what happens when people build gallows but then ….


      • ARE THEY EFFN NUTS????!!!! What a stupid question for me to ask. They make me sick, the whole lot of them.


    • How disgusting!

      So, he will thank all of his gun-nut supporters at a gun show. Will his racist-vigilante-type supporters be there also?


      • Maybe, the promoters of the gun show will have some glass tables available so that GZ can demonstrate how to break the glass with a rifle as he did at Samantha’s.


    • Oh perfect. This is like Hitler attending the Grand Opening of a Synagogue.

      I’ll harken back to my days on Huff Poop when I riled up a few Zidiots when the spewed that racist crap. Just pretend I’m directing the lines at said gun show……

      Racists to the right please…keep to the right….racists only please……stay to the right……. racists over to the right……only the right….racists please keep to the right……don’t stray to the left…..to the right please……racists to the right……..


      • “Oh perfect. This is like Hitler attending the Grand Opening of a Synagogue.”

        Couldn’t have said it better myself.



        • towerflower

          You would have thought he would have learned from the public outcry when he appeared at the Kel-tec factory shortly after the trial ended. But it’s obvious that Z doesn’t think about his actions and only about himself.


      • “Racists to the right please…keep to the right….racists only please……stay to the right……. racists over to the right……only the right….racists please keep to the right……don’t stray to the left…..to the right please……racists to the right……..”

        OMG I laughed so fuckin hard! I just can’t!


    • Hate to say it, but If I went there could be an “accidental discharge”


    • “George’s attendance will not be compensated by the event’s sponsor. ” LOL, now that he’s a big celebrity and all. I’m sure he’d have no problem accepting donations and signing autographs.

      Pappa Z, about those morals and values you’ve instilled, you should be very proud. Not every father and mother are lucky enough to have a son that likes to slap his women around alittle and threaten them. And just think, a son who cheats on his wife. And what about that niece of yours he molested for over 10 years, way to go. Knowing how you feel about black people and all, I’ll bet your proudest moment was when he stalked and killed that black kid after he cooked dinner for his wife that night. Georgie’s got such a big heart, only a decent American would go on national tv and state he has no regrets and isn’t haunted after taking a life. Good job instilling those values and morals, we should all be so lucky with our children.


      • Wow, you said it all……except that kicking a dog part. That’s the only thing posse has a problem with….but slap a girl around some. That’s real “He Man” stuff.


  15. Racer,
    I’m still waiting on a lawsuit from the Beasley Law firm, one from O’Mara, and several from GZ. If the Beasley law firm knew how harassers present them as GZ’s enforcers, bullies, and assassins, they would probably drop GZ as a client.

    At one point, harassers were telling other bloggers that I was BEING SUED and if they commented here they would be sued too. Fear tactics that only work on the ignorant and the fearful.

    What planet do they live on?


    • They live on that planet Hisanus. It’s in the Right Cheek Fatass Galaxy. BUT, it’s billions and billions of light years from the system we know as Common Sense where the Planets Intelligence and Responsibility are located.

      Somewhere in that system as I recall is the Planet Hate Monger, with a small moon named SYG. Needless to say, this is a system where no real men would ever venture, being intelligent and all.


      • LOL@racer.

        You’re on a roll tonight.


        • I try…and some days I have my moments. I can’t wait for that Fogen vs Taaffe bout to come around……picture this

          “And in the retarded corner wearing a silk Pointed hat and Kokapellis Gym shorts and combat boots with the wet toes. …….FoooogggeeennnnPHoooooollleeee !!!!

          In the Racist corner, wearing shorted sighted vision and holding 4 traffic summonses and a suicide note from his son Frank the Racist Tank Taaffe

          Okay boys, center ring and here’s the rules. Well, lets have a good fight since neither of ya follows any rules. I wanna see lots of sucker punches, head bashing, copious amounts of blood swallowing, holding of the nose and mouth and calls to the police. Stalking is okay. and make sure you look for an address. Extra points for a quick draw, now to your corners and come out wimping.


          • racer,
            And the winner receives a bottle of mouthwash so they can wash the taste and foul smell of blood from their mouth — just like Georgy DIDN’T DO the evening of Feb. 26, 2012, and no one noticed his foul breath from swallowing all that blood O’Mara said drained from his nose to his throat.


        • I can just hear PhucingFogenPhole at the gun show thanking everyone who supported him …….like this maybe ??

          I doubt it however.


  16. Yahtzee,
    Yeah — at least an out-bound call center offered Maddy a job. The same guy evidently will not employ GZ.


    • Yep !! No work for old FogenPhoole. Probably to many people who “don’t act white enough” for him. Hey, maybe Achmed can call Fogen !?!?!?! and mentally torture his ass.


    • Yep…..the always lethal “copious amounts of blood”


  17. /large


    • ALL pf the Speakers on here are trying to make this world a BETTER place to live,then I have to read that GZ is speaking to his buddies at a GUN SHOW!! Smooth move as usual.Oh I forgot…its closed to the media…every person with a phone now days is the media! His parents are so proud of him….are you serious?


      • Marilyn,
        Know what’s hypocritical about it? Papa Zim says that it’s a PRIVATE gun show and that George wants to thank his POST-VERDICT supporter. Obviously, that’s the guy who arranged to get money to give to George to buy guns.

        Since it’s private, why announce it?

        But then, George is the one who likes to video private times with Samantha too, but not keep them private and send stills to her 10 year old daughter.


        • The Zims know nothing about privacy. They thrive on attention. When GZ ends up in prison – which he will, of that I have no doubt, for something – let’s see what he thinks about private then when wanting a private cell.

          Yeah, for someone who just wants a nice quite life now (which he actually did say), you sure wouldn’t know it. And like you said, why announce “private” matters?

          I think even worse than a prison sentence for Z would be no attention. He would die in a matter of months.


        • towerflower

          It isn’t a private gun show but a public one, only they don’t want the media. The gun show group advertised it on their FB page:

          The Arms Room

          Join us this weekend, March 8-9, at the New Orlando Gun Show and meet and greet our friend George Zimmerman! We will be at the Majestic Event Center at the Northeast corner of John Young Parkway and Highway 50. See you then!

          I have a commitment this weekend or I would have loved to traveled there for the opportunity to tell him what I thought of him. I find it funny how some are wondering how this got leaked when Z himself posted the link to his parents page talking about it and now the gun show is advertising it. The group that sent him money was from Ohio but they might be there as a vendor and helped arrange it.


          • I went to your link and got:

            This content is currently unavailable

            The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.

            ◾Return home

            “leaked” my ass. I’m sorry, but they thrive on public drama.


          • towerflower,
            Thanks for the info. This is on Papa and Mama Zim’s website;

            It is my understanding this is a private event closed to the press, with absolutely no media availability.

            Maybe what he means is that the show is open to the public, but George’s thank you portion is private.


  18. Wrong, D.P. Nettles said what she said. She wanted a discussion on race where the comments would not be posted on the public board. She was looking for how to make the thread private and password protected.

    Now, find one comment anywhere on this blog where I introduced a topic for discussion and wanted it private.



  19. And according to mothers, only a woman who has gone through labor pains can describe the pains.



    • And according to mothers, only a woman who has gone through labor pains can describe the pains.

      So true, Xena.

      One of my cyber friends wrote this:

      BTW, one of the best ways to communicate about race with me or other black folks is to just LISTEN and VALIDATE first. Some white folks don’t listen, they jump in and go on the defense, as if they’re being accused. That reaction speaks volumes.

      When you jump and defend the very actions by questioning whether it’s racist is the epitome of myopic whiteness. No clue about how black folks feel or what they think about repulsive, bigoted, racist behaviors.

      One African American woman who lived through the Jim Crow period of our history and also has faced job and housing discrimination wrote:

      Until you have walked or lived our lives being hated and treated horrible (even still) because of the color of our skin, you won’t understand.


      • Yahtzee,
        Thanks so much for sharing that. “Listen and validate” — that is important.

        In all other things, people look to others with experience to support what they teach, lecture, witness to. However, we have folks who have absolutely no experience wanting to be experts in race and race relations. In essence, it turns out to be nothing more than their opinion about Blacks as a race.

        Here is a college student who took pills to turn his skin Black. He was only able to endure the experience for one week before returning home.

        Abagond posted a piece about Josh Solomon and provides links to his article in the Washington Post.

        Joshua Solomon


        • Thank you for posting this video, Xena.

          In all other things, people look to others with experience to support what they teach, lecture, witness to.

          However, we have folks, who have absolutely no experience, wanting to be experts in race and race relations. In essence, it turns out to be nothing more than their opinion about Blacks as a race.

          Well said and TRUE.


  20. Soooooooo as I understand this, and I’m a big boy so I can take any corrections, there are tributes and memorials to the victims of gun violence. Trust funds and education scholarships, not to mention march’s. Trayvon, Jordan and all the true victims are remembered and the families and friends we pray for.

    We support, admire, and defend them for what they lost and stand for. The victims parents have shown unassailable class and dignity and have thrown their entire being into stopping gun violence for all of us……us white people as well. Tirelessly they go forward to get the word to all with public appearances with nary a thought to their own safety.

    And Fogen goes to a gun show to pander handshakes from out and out, not to mention closet racists ??????? Really now…..??

    I’m pretty sure this is a pretty accurate assessment, but I can take any corrections.


    • racer,

      I’m pretty sure this is a pretty accurate assessment, but I can take any corrections.

      I totally agree. When we look at the victims, we see Chad Oulson, Kelly Thomas, Ethan Saylor, Claire Davis, Ronald Westbrook and others, right along side Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, Sean Bell and others. Death does not discriminate.


      • Damn !!!! I stand corrected !! Fogen is now, not allowed to attend the gun show.

        I wonder when that discrimination based lawsuit will be filed.


        • Racer,
          So, his seeking to be a celebrity backfired on him again.


          • towerflower

            The Zidiots are all up in arms over it. Claiming his civil rights have been violated. I find it totally amusing. First they are complaining about people posting about the event when it was Z and his own family, who first posted publicly about his appearance at a gun show….not to mention the gun show itself. Then they are calling the PD in Orlando to complain that his safety has been compromised and that people are inciting violence. Now when the building management pulled the plug on his appearance they cry about his civil rights being violated.

            Yet not one has questioned his mentality about wanting to appear at a gun show, except his own father.


          • towerflower,

            Now when the building management pulled the plug on his appearance they cry about his civil rights being violated.

            Geez. He was not being compensated. He was not cancelled because of his race, religion, gender, sexual preference or physical disability. He was not operating under any constitutional amendment because all he was going to do was thank a supporter or supporters. He didn’t even plan the event!! But his civil rights were violated?!?!

            The more his supporters try to defend him, the more ignorant they sound.


          • As I used to say on HP “Must suck to be Fogen about now” I’ll bet you remember me saying that in fact.


          • Racer,
            I remember you saying that on Leatherman’s. I was not on HuffPost.


          • Ditto what Xena just said, Racer.


  21. I just received a H/T from someone that a GZ tweet is being interpreted to say that his cousin did not testify at trial because he threatened to expose that she had been Baker acted.

    I suppose that any 8 year old sexually molested for 10 years would need mental health treatment as an adult. Unless — unless she was mentally ill at the age of 8 and that is why George sexually molested her.

    On the other hand, if George is saying that his cousin lies because she is mentally ill, then he should sit back and think — if lying is a mental illness, what does that make him?


    • “… if lying is a mental illness, what does that make him?”

      Can I take a stab at that one. You may ban me for my language, ya know, having hung around racers, football players, musicians and well…..real men pissed off at a pile of shit like Fogen.


    • towerflower

      I always thought she was never called because the state said she only gave generic examples of his family being racist but she never recalled anything specific about him. They also said when the tape was released that they never could bring in the molestation accusations since it had nothing to do with the events of that night.


      • towerflower,
        In the State’s case, the only thing that the cousin could probably testify to was what she first told investigators about GZ being capable of killing. The State did not put on a rebuttal case to challenge the defense’s character witnesses, so we won’t know.


    • I’m sure he probably did threaten her as well as the others. He belittles them into thinking they will not be believed, after all it’s their word against his. I’m sure in his relationships he know things they would not want to made public, and they back down. I don’t for one moment believe they are all liars, and i’m quite sure we haven’t heard it all. Remember, the cousin said there was someone else he did the same thing to, and I have an odd feeling it’s someone related as well. The physical and mental abuse go hand in hand. I believe I read that 75% of children whose parents were in abusive relationships will grow up and abuse others.


      • dreamer,

        I’m sure in his relationships he know things they would not want to made public, and they back down.

        Bullies are emotional extortioners. They make up things and threaten to present their lies as truth. Or, they take the truth and present it in a false, bad light. GZ worked in a job where he could obtain the personal and financial information of others. There’s no telling how many people he threatened with emotional extortion unless they did what he wanted.

        It would not surprise me if Juror B37 did not do Maddy the same way — talk friendly to get some of her personal info, then use it to mock and demean her, then brag about who she knows giving Maddy the impression that if she made Juror B37 mad, her gang would do her harm.

        I believe I read that 75% of children whose parents were in abusive relationships will grow up and abuse others.

        Yes. Adults who were abused as children often do abuse their own children and partners. That’s because children learn that pain and fear controls them, so they grow up to use the same in effort to control others.


  22. Joseph Norton

    Karma! That is why the link is showing ” This content is currently unavailable”


  23. Thanks so much for this, Joseph!

    From the tweet by the General Manager of the Majestic Event Center:

    “I assure you that Mr. Zimmerman will not be permitted on Majestic’s property for the gun show.”


  24. Joseph Norton

    Yahtzee You Welcome,the child killer is reduced to whining about Majestic, directing his zombies fans to flooding phone lines and report users in Twiiter for suspensions.


    • Thanks for the update, Joseph.

      It is my guess that he doesn’t have many fans OR friends.


    • Thanks for the document, Joseph.

      I just went to Google News and found this article:

      “Judge clears way for Zimmerman v. NBC to proceed:
      The former Neighborhood Watch volunteer is suing, alleging he was defamed.”

      By Rene Stutzman, Orlando Sentinel
      4:04 p.m. EST, March 6, 2014

      A Sanford judge has signed an order, clearing the way for George Zimmerman to move forward with his defamation suit against NBCUniversal Media.

      The former Neighborhood Watch volunteer sued the network, accusing it of falsely portraying him as a racist in the weeks after he shot Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black 17-year-old, in Sanford, an event that set off civil rights marches across the country.

      Zimmerman filed suit Dec. 6, 2012, but four months later, the two sides agreed to put it on hold until his criminal case had concluded.

      He was acquitted of second-degree murder in July by a Seminole County jury.

      At a hearing Feb. 6, Zimmerman attorney Lorna Truett was unable to say conclusively whether the criminal case was over. There was one major official pending issue: a motion by Zimmerman’s criminal attorneys to sanction prosecutors.

      But two weeks ago, Zimmerman filed paperwork, saying he wanted to dismiss that motion and stop that fight.

      In the civil case, Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson lifted the stay at the request of all the parties.

      NBCUniversal is being defended by Thomas & LoCicero, which also represents the Orlando Sentinel.


    • Good! Now he can stay off Twitter and concentrate on his forthcoming deposition and divorce case.


      • towerflower

        No such luck, he has gone into overdrive over the cancelling of his event. Encouraging all of his supporters to constantly call and now some are calling for them to boycott recommended wedding vendors.


        • towerflower,

          Encouraging all of his supporters to constantly call and now some are calling for them to boycott recommended wedding vendors.

          Geez. They don’t understand. It’s Zimmerman plus guns that causes the controversy.

          For such a boycott to work, Zimmerman would need numerous, engaged supporters living in Orlando who can also afford to have their wedding and/or reception at the Majestic.


  25. Joseph Norton

    The zombies are euphoric and the child killer himself is showing a cockiness trait.
    Karma will set things straight soon.


  26. Like

  27. Looks like the entire gun show has been cancelled. I checked out the domain name and it’s registered to a Michael Piwowarski in Orlando, FL,, The New World Dog and Gun Show. Thus, I think what is posted at the following link is legit.



  28. George is really upset with being cancelled. He tweeted to Hannity conveying that he wants Hannity to do some demeaning.



    • Soooooooo, let me get this right……Fogen dumps Frank “The Racist Tank” Taaffe as his (big) mouth piece and wants Hannity, who he regards as his BBF now, to do his bidding.

      Where will this end. How does a chronically un / under employed criminal like Fogen get this far.

      Note to Fogen : Nobody violated a single right of yours. Anyone in this world, let alone the USA has the right to say………….Go Away…….and Stay Away.


    • Why is he writing Sean Hannity? Are they close. Is Sean involved with GZ?


  29. Piers Morgan ‏@piersmorgan 5h

    America has a choice: become the insane modern day Wild West that Wayne LaPierre wants… or put the lives of its children first.


  30. Organizers say they are going to court to see if they can keep the event running. It was Majestic who cancelled.



  31. It looks like the ZIM ZAM got FLIM FLAMMED


  32. It is pretty much every 2 weeks, like clockwork. He cycles. His bipolar manic sociopathic cycling. He just cannot stay out of the public (that he is so afraid of?) for more than 2 weeks at a time. It’s coming. It is coming.


  33. George and gun:


  34. As far as past GZ rage issues:

    “Usually he was just a cool guy,” said the former co-worker, who the newspaper didn’t name. “But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When dude snapped, he snapped.” The Daily News said Zimmerman earned $50 to $100 a night for the parties. He was fired for being too aggressive with patrons.

    “He had a temper and he became a liability,” the newspaper quoted the former co-worker as saying. “One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted,” he said. “It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.”


      • None of that is new – it was originally from the original article of Mar 30, 2012 and again in July 2013 – and I’ve been printing and quoting that article for 2 years now. Nothing is new, there isn’t anything there than no one knew (or should have) before. Maybe people are starting to believe it though.


        • Like I said though, every 2 weeks it is something – fight with Shellie’s dad, fight with his girlfriend, the painting, the second painting, the celebrity fight – and traffic tickets all in there somewhere.

          He is a VERY sick man

          Oh – Has anyone heard anything more about the young girls who were grabbed and a composite pic looked very familiar? I wonder if those have stopped. Or if they ever found the guy.


          • And I always wondered why that Daniel Osum wasn’t questioned regarding his “meeting” with GZ. So many things that are messed up. I will never “just get over” this.


          • towerflower

            I didn’t see in the news if they found the guy. It was tried a couple of times and each time a different vehicle was used.


        • been printing and quoting that article for 2 years now

          I have, also…..and we should NEVER stop quoting it.


          • No, we never should – but I don’t understand why it was ignored to begin with. Why??? WHY???!!!


  35. towerflower

    Z has also posted an incorrect number saying it was to the owner of the Majestic building when in fact it is to a Super Savor Pharmacy in Kissimmee. His “followers” started to constantly call the pharmacy to complain about Z’s “rights” over their cancelling of the event. I wonder how much business was lost due to his actions….lost manpower dealing with the calls, delayed prescriptions, etc. He still has the incorrect number up in a couple of his postings and when people tell him it’s a pharmacy he replies “that’s cute” as if they are playing games by denying who they really are.

    A simple internet search of the phone number shows it is assigned to the pharmacy and his supporters talk about doxing…..lol.



    • towerflower,
      I’m sorry your comment went into moderation. Sometimes Word Press gets hiccups when links are included. Also, I apologize for the delay (working on a special project). You are now free!! 🙂


      • towerflower

        No worries, was the project the watercolor? I contacted the Pharmacy via email and told them who was responsible for their phone problems and gave a screen shot of Z’s tweet. They emailed me back thanking me for the information and to ask that we pass the word letting everyone know that they have nothing to do with GZ.


        • towerflower,

          No worries, was the project the watercolor?

          Joe Bradshaw is a blogger. http://artisticlyxpressedthoughts.wordpress.com/

          Blackbutterfly7’s monthly Blogger for Peace acknowledgement honored him. https://blackbutterfly7.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/bloggers-for-peace-loving-thy-neighbor-as-thyself/

          I had no idea he was doing my portrait — a butterfly in watercolor. 🙂

          I contacted the Pharmacy via email and told them who was responsible for their phone problems and gave a screen shot of Z’s tweet. They emailed me back thanking me for the information and to ask that we pass the word letting everyone know that they have nothing to do with GZ.

          GREAT!! Someone posted on Twitter that the Pharmacy is owned by the same group or person as the Majestic. I suppose that means in the lawsuit, that Majestic will be able to defend based on how one of their company’s was harassed due to Zimmerman tweeting the phone number.

          He really did make a mess of things but as I’ve said previously, George Zimmerman is toxic.


  36. towerflower

    Xena….I went into moderation 😦


  37. Joseph Norton

    The last travesty,child killer is planning to publish a children book,http://nationalreport.net/george-zimmerman-set-release-childrens-book-series/ about instructing children to be safe. https://twitter.com/BarbAtlinburg/status/441937534571270144


    • OMG, I’m left speechless about this. This is as bad as OJ’s “If I did it” book.


    • Joseph, this isn’t true. It’s a satire site, here is the disclaimer:


      *DISCLAIMER: National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental . The views expressed by writers on this site are theirs alone and are not reflective of the fine journalistic and editorial integrity of National Report. Advice given is NOT to be construed as professional. If you are in need of professional help (and you may be if you are on this page), please consult a professional. National Report is intended for a mature audience and not for children under the age of 18.

      Thank God, I think it was over the top and had to do more investigation.


  38. There are no words. I’m sharing on my FB asking folks to send Nancy Gearheart (founder and cheif editor of Magic Island Publishing) a note letting her know how disgusting this is.


  39. I think more appropriate titles would be…..

    The Big, the bad, and the ugly
    The Devil walks amongst us
    Alien Creation
    Family Affairs, Family Ties, and Close Encounters
    It’s Our Little Secret
    Sleeping with the Enemy
    Decent American Psycho
    I Didn’t Do it, Tag you’re it
    The Bad Seed, My weapon of Mass Destruction


    • dreamer,
      You are so creative!!!

      It’s hard for me to choose a favorite from your list, but think this one is running for first place:

      “Decent American Psycho”


  40. /large


    • “Guest Editorial… Remembering Trayvon Martin”
      Mar 7, 2014


      In the 22 states with Stand Your Ground type laws, the justifiable homicide rate has risen by an average of 53 percent in the five years following their passage, according to a report issued last September by the National Urban League, the nonpartisan Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition and VoteVets.

      In just Florida alone, justifiable homicides have increase by 200 percent since the law took effect in 2005.



  41. Here is a link that will take you to videos of the 100 Cities Rally that took place last summer. You can click on various videos and listen to the speeches at the various locations across our country.
