Blog Archives

Taking A Break – Open Discussion

Caterpillars, moths, butterflies, and all creatures great and small,

First, I want to apologize for my absence on the blog. Yesterday, my doctor sent me for labs and this morning, I received a call of the results. After taking certain medication, I have to return in 2 weeks for more labs and a CT scan.  The pharmacy had to order one prescription that won’t be in until Friday. That will make it 5 prescriptions, and I don’t like taking medicine (prefer herbs and supplements), so it’s going to require discipline and looking at the clock to take all those pills at the appropriate times.

I’m also having some computer problems. My tech says it’s not worth investing in my laptop computer because the last time that the fan went out, it left many things inside “brittle”. About 99 percent of what I do for the blog is on my laptop. My desktop is an oldie and cannot be brought up-to-date because Microsoft no longer supports it. I cannot afford a new computer right now, so have to limit how much I use my laptop and hope that it doesn’t die on me too soon.

With all of the disappointments however, not feeling well enough to write original articles is the most disappointing. This is where I need your input. Would you like for me to reblog from other blogs, or would you prefer to leave this open discussion as the most recent post for the next week or so? Please let me know.

A message to Butterflydreamer2; I emailed you and there are others also concerned about you. We have not heard from you in weeks. Please let us know how you are doing.

Here’s one of my favorite songs performed by one of my favorite groups from the 60’s.  They were before their time and I’m so happy that they have recently recorded again.