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Did Zimmerman Jeopardize His Appeal Against NBC

gz southparkWritten by scrodriguez.

Here we go again same (expletive), different toilet. George Zimmerman is playing the blame game again. This time he has pointed the finger at President Barack Obama stating that our president is to blame for racial tensions surrounding the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

Of course we expect the typical “I am not to blame” campaign headed by Zimmerman. after all his past clearly proves this right? I mean it wasn’t his fault that he was following an unarmed teen in the middle of the night first by car then by foot he didn’t create any scenario at all that would leave a kid to feel threatened no not good ole Georgie.

George follows the book, respects the law. (snark) I mean that is retardedevidenced by him disregarding the neighborhood watch handbook guide in which the Director of neighborhood watch clearly stated, time and time again, not to follow anybody. The handbook clearly states you are the eyes and ears for law enforcement — not the vigilante.  George’s actions remind me of a statement made at his trial by Rachel Jentel.

In fact, George was even reminded this on his non-emergency call when he reported a suspicious looking black teen walking through the Retreat at Twin Lakes. And of course, after several neighborhood watch meetings, after having read the handbook given to him and being reminded on the non-emergency call not to follow, George did not follow those instructions. In the end, he said it was Trayvon’s fault for his own death.

Oh wait – maybe it was the dispatcher’s fault for asking if he wanted to meet the arriving officer at the mailbox. Maybe it was the day of the week’s fault because he and Shellie always grocery shopped on Sunday evenings after he cooked dinner for her – although Shellie had left George the day before and was at her dad’s. Read the rest of this entry