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Roseanne Barr

It seems as if we’ve gone from dog whistles, to outright, in-your-face, bigotry.


(ABC/Robert Trachtenberg)

Roseanne Barr (1952- ), US comedian and conspiracy theorist, is best known as the star of “Roseanne” (1988-97), a US television comedy on ABC about a White working-class family. The show made a comeback two months ago, March 2018, quickly becoming one of the most watched television shows in the nation – only to be suddenly cancelled yesterday on May 29th.

Barr destroyed her show in just 53 characters on Twitter:

“muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj”

This was so racist that even Sean Hannity of Fox News found it “appalling”.

“VJ” is Valerie Jarrett, a long-time adviser to President Obama and an object of right-wing conspiracy theories. Jarrett is also a Black woman.

Blacks as apes: Barr said it was a “joke”. Ha ha. It plays on and pushes the profoundly racist idea that Black people are like apes, less than fully…

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