Blog Archives

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Open Discussion

Caterpillars, moths, butterflies, and all creatures great and small,

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


There are a few announcements …

This blog has disengaged ping backs. This is why. The other night, I received a Word Press notification for approval for a ping back. It happened to be from one of the White Supremacist cyber-extortionists.

In general when bloggers ping back, they use the title of the post on the blog that they are linking to. For example, in using a ping back for this post, it would be titled “Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Open Discussion,” followed with a link to their blog. The White Supremacist did not use the title of the Blackbutterfly7 blog post. Instead, he used the title of the post on his blog which contains the name of another blogger and calls him a monkey.

I will not voluntarily subject myself to seeing that filth, and there is no way I would approve that filth to be posted to verbally vandalize this blog with a link to his slanderous, hate-filled blog. Read the rest of this entry