Friday Roundup: Oil Prices, Mueller investigation, Trump, Clinton, N.C. Election Fraud, and a Bomb Threat

Thanks for the updates. Today I learned that yet another Trump appointee might resign. The revolving door makes my head swim.

The Secular Jurist

By Robert A. Vella

Here’s the news roundup for another busy Friday:

oil prices

Russia has negotiated a deal between bitter rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran to raise crude oil prices on the world market by implementing across-the-board production cuts (with exemptions) which have been long-desired by OPEC nations and which have been vociferously opposed by President Trump.  However, the cuts may benefit U.S. shale oil producers who struggle to compete when market prices are low.  OPEC’s move also boosts Vladimir Putin’s prominence on the world stage as the Russian strongman appears to be abandoning his close relationship with the weakening American president.

Mueller investigation

Later today, Special Counsel Robert Mueller will submit disclosures in the court cases involving Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen and his former campaign manager Paul Manafort.  Although the information will likely be redacted, as was evident in the court case for Trump’s former national…

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Posted on 12/07/2018, in politics, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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  3. Talk about a big news day!!!


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