As We Approach The Weekend – Open Discussion

There is so much happening.

We have gotten through the Betty Shelby trial.   Again, a jury looked at video but decided the verdict in favor of Shelby.

There’s daily news and new revelations regarding the White House.

I wanted to write something different today.  Then I remembered that Word Press made some changes to its Reader.  So, here’s a question for Word Press bloggers.  Did you know that if you publish more than one blog post the same day in succession, that the posts no longer appear separately in the Reader?  The titles are listed in a box and there is no summary. 

Months ago, Word Press changed the Reader, eliminating the social media share buttons.  Now, if a blogger publishes more than one post within minutes of each other, the reblog and “like” functions are no longer available. This means that subscribers must come directly to each blog post.  Unless you’re using a theme that lists your most recent posts, and that allows all of your most recent posts to show, those using the Reader have to toggle back and forth between the Reader and your blog in order to access each post.

Bloggers might want to check the settings on the “Recent Posts” widget and increase the number of posts to compensate for the number of posts they publish daily.

This might help some bloggers who do publish more than one blog post a day so they can pace how they publish.

Now, we can get back to writing about those causes that motivate us to make this world a better place.  Cheers!



Posted on 05/19/2017, in open discussion, Potpourri and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 43 Comments.

  1. I didn’t realize that’s what WordPress does.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Carol!
      Word Press makes changes from time to time. If a blogger doesn’t use the features regularly, we won’t know until we do. I think the latest changes are intended to streamline the Reader. They have also added “featured”, suggested blogs to visit to the Reader.

      I don’t complain because after all, it’s a free hosting service and I do appreciate it. When I looked into opening a blog in 2012, I checked out Blogger and Word Press. In my opinion, Word Press offers its bloggers much more than Blogger. For one, we have a fantastic Word Press Community.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I agree about the Word Press community. It’s hard to follow someone on Blogger.

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        • Carol,
          That is true about Blogger.

          When I was researching to select a hosting company, I asked a friend who had a blog on Blogger. She stopped blogging a long time ago. She told me that when she started the blog, she was able to upload her own videos to the blog. Then Blogger changed requiring the uploading first to a Youtube Channel. So, she opened a Youtube channel. That’s the channel I use for videos because it had sat idle for years and she handled the first several uploads until I had time to learn.

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  2. yahtzeebutterfly

    Okay…keeping calm and just breathing 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Dear Xena,

    I am one who posts more than one blog a day only because DDT is the catalyst for so many “breaking news” stories. Thanks for the heads up.

    I am praying that he stays on script during his foreign adventure.



    Liked by 2 people

    • Well, Gronda, chances are that Trump won’t stay on script because he doesn’t know how to neither wants to.

      Keep up the good work, and don’t limit the number of posts you publish daily because of the changes to the Reader. How published posts appear now in the Reader seems to depend on how quickly they are published within minutes of each other. I don’t know how much time to consider before publishing subsequent daily posts.

      I use the Reader often because I follow more than 200 blogs.

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  4. Former writer Santiago Rodriguez won’t leave me, my family, and my online friends alone, so I’m beginning to document my experience.

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    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Dear friend, you have my love and support.

      That individual needs to stop bothering you.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Yahtzee,
        Thanks for your kind words. It’s not only me. Based on some inside info, Santiago plans on going after my son, although he does not know his name, and my son had nothing whatsoever to do with my terminating Santiago as a writer for this blog. And of course, Santiago is using the name for me that harassers put out in 2013 and I dispelled over and over again.

        There’s more that I am not free to disclose yet, but let’s just say that the net was cast and he took the bait.

        Santiago also attacks Shyloh. He accuses her and Supabutterfly of being me. Archangel contacted me about a direct message that Santiago sent to him. In it, in his attempt to discourage Archangel from associating with me, Santiago disparaged VICTIMS that I report on.

        With so much happening in the world and our country, it’s really shameful that Santiago is focused on me. On the 23rd of this month, it will be a year and a half.

        Liked by 4 people

        • yahtzeebutterfly

          Xena, I agree with you when you write:

          “With so much happening in the world and our country, it’s really shameful that Santiago is focused on me.”

          We all need to focus on helping to make the world a better place. We need to shine out love on the world:

          Liked by 3 people

        • yuck, horrible people.

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    • My gawd, they are sick. Both of them. Grown ass ‘people’ behaving in this way. smh

      Liked by 2 people

      • Mindyme,
        They know that I’m a senior citizen and as Soroya tweeted, she plans on continuing her course of conduct to cause me a heart attack. As Santiago has tweeted, his plan is to cause me so much emotional distress that I’ll take my life.

        A woman can carry a baby to term, give birth, conceive again and be close to delivery for the time that this has gone on. In other words, while new life forms and enters this world, there is a person who can’t move on from having his writer privileges terminated. If I respond to his abusive conduct by writing a blog post, he claims that I am the one keeping it going. He fails to acknowledge that he went about his course of conduct for months while I stayed silent. When he attacked the integrity of my blogs, I broke my silence.

        I went back into silence until he started making up lies about my son. I went back into silence again until he started attacking people who associate with me. Now he’s rinse and repeating. He can stop it by — stopping.

        Liked by 4 people

    • Sounds like he needs to have someone “lay hands on him”… if you know what I mean. No threats or anything….. I’m just sayin’.

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      • Hi Roach! I’ve prayed for him and still do. The funny thing (not haha funny) is that each time I pray for him, I receive a blessing.

        Liked by 3 people

        • You must continue to pray for this (okay I don’t cuss, so I won’t call him a bad name) person of interest….lol. Remember, THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!!

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          • Roach,
            After a year and a half of his continual abuse, I think a prayer chain is necessary. 🙂

            Liked by 2 people

          • This person is simply obsessed with your influence… and he is deranged. I will continue to pray for you in this situation and I’ll pray that I don’t encounter him. HOMIE DON’T PLAY THAT……..

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          • Roach,
            Maybe you have touched upon his real motivation for wanting to be a writer for this blog.

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          • Xena,
            Even Stevie Wonder can see that…
            I pray that your INFLUENCE will broaden worldwide and that your WISDOM will increase. I also pray that you will quickly be able to discern the forces of evil that come against you… IN JESUS NAME! I appreciate you so much for being a friend of this blog!!!

            Liked by 3 people

          • Roach,

            Thinking back, and after witnessing what he also does and has done to others, had I cut him off on day 1 he would have still reacted in revenge mode. That is what he does when he feels rejected, or his demands are not met.

            God’s promise is that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

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          • yahtzeebutterfly

            I will pray also, Xena.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            I pray that the Lord will take care of you and provide for you, Xena.

            May every morning be like this song of joy for you, Xena, and may Santiago’s static fade and be overwhelmed by the joyful volume and spirit of this song:

            Some of the lyrics:
            (This morning when I rose),
            I didn’t have no doubt.

            (I know the Lord) will take care of me,
            (I know the Lord) will provide for me,
            (and I know He will)
            lead and guide me all the way,
            yes, all the way.

            (I woke up this morning, I saw a brand new day),
            I didn’t have no doubt.

            Felt like walking.

            Felt like talking.

            Felt like praying.

            Felt like singing.

            Felt like running.

            Felt like shouting.

            (I know the Lord) will take care of me,
            (I know the Lord) will provide for me,

            Liked by 3 people

          • I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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          • Yahtzee,
            Thanks for your prayers and the song! (((((Hugs)))))

            Liked by 1 person

    • Smh… unbelievable

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  5. Grand jury does not indict Columbus, Ohio police officer who killed 13-year old Tyre King. The officer was previously involved in 3 other shootings.


    • “Now, Mason joins Crutcher’s and Scott’s killers—Officer Betty Shelby and Officer Brentley Vinson, respectively—in not being held accountable for the lives they have so violently taken.”

      Liked by 2 people

  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    I love this video:

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  7. Here’s a video about the verdict in Shelby’s case. I’m also posting it and another video on the trial post.

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    • crustyolemothman

      Dear Xena, I had written a lengthy response about the cause of this verdict, but after reflecting on the hopelessness of the political atmosphere that this county is currently engulfed in, I simply deleted it out of anger, frustration, and disgust! This nation simply cannot survive without a change of direction. Imagine for a moment that it is 2017 and yet this nation is still fighting a war that started prior to 1860, and most of the participants don’t even know what they are fighting for or about…


      • Mothman,
        I know the feeling. Recently, I’ve been thinking about the discretion given to law enforcement officers. Last year I began writing a post about that. It requires so much history that I put it aside. Maybe I’ll take it out and complete it soon. The problems facing this nation are layered, and rather than pruning the trees of problems, they need to be uprooted. Where to start? How to start and to do so in peace?


  8. Crocodile tears. She practiced this how many times?

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    • Right, Mindyme. Her words were all about herself as she sobbed.

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    • crustyolemothman

      mindyme62, As she sobbed and whined, my mind was asking, was she fearful for her life or was she angry because this man defied her orders, my guess is the later… I base this partly on the video of the encounter, if she had been fearful would she have continued to follow so closely allowing herself to be an easy target had he pulled a gun? At that range, knowing another officer was there, would a non lethal shot been just as effective at ending the situation? Score: Fear 0, Anger 1!!!

      Liked by 1 person

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