Officer Who Killed Terence Crutcher Used Illegal Drugs and Had Restraining Order Against Her


Betty Shelby; Terence Crutcher

On September 16, 2016, Terence Crutcher was shot dead by Tulsa Police Department Officer Betty Shelby.

Shelby was hired by the Tulsa Police Department in 2011 after working for the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office from June 2007 to November 2011.

In the 5 years that she’s been on the police force, Shelby had two excessive force complaints.  Authorities say that both were unfounded.

The following information is from Betty Shelby’s application for employment with the Tulsa Sheriff’s Department, which you can read at this link.

When she applied for a position as a deputy sheriff in 2007, Shelby had been married twice before she married Dave Shelby, her current husband, who also works for the Tulsa Police Department and was in the helicopter that captured video of Shelby killing Terence.

Based on her 2007 application for employment, Shelby had not worked since 2002.  Her last job before being hired as a deputy sheriff was as a teacher’s assistant.  She wrote on the application that she quit that job to attend school full-time.

On her application for employment, Shelby answered “yes” to the question, “Ever possessed or used illegal drugs?”

She also answered “yes” to having a protection order filed against her, or pending action.

Some sources are reporting purported letters that Shelby wrote explaining the orders of protection and her drug use, but those letters have not been publicly released.

NBC reports that the 42-year old officer’s work history and past conduct are now under scrutiny as authorities examine if she acted within reason in killing 40-year old Terence Crutcher.

Posted on 09/22/2016, in Cases, Cops Gone Wild, Terence Crutcher and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. And the police were trying to indicate that Terence Crutcher was high on something. When you view the video, he is acting carefully and deliberately. Officer Shelby is the one with issues. I wonder if she had to give a urine test.


    Liked by 7 people

    • Gronda,
      Of course their first defense is to demonize the victim. They also use bigotvoyantcy to justify that the victim didn’t deserve to live. Betty’s perception that Terence was on some type of drug justifying pulling the trigger is very dehumanizing. It’s like saying she thought he was a rabid dog so killed it. Those are the dog whistles of bigotry that Black Lives Matter has brought to this nation’s attention.

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Once again, the one with the criminal background, not to mention, a killer, is being made the victim. Do ya think since her husband is a cop as well, and was filming all of this from the helo, maybe………….just maybe, some pillow talk, or dinner time talk, maybe watching a movie on TV they could have said “…..yeah, well, maybe we need to be real careful and exercise restraint and well………….not shoot anybody……..’specially if they’re hands are up”

    But Nooooooooooooooo, once again, for no reason someone dies and their lawyer says she was concerned about his left hand moving GTFO

    Liked by 7 people

    • Racer, it’s Tulsa, the city where the likes of Robert Bates could pay to play; the city that goes down in history of burning down the thriving section called Black Wallstreet and lynched more than half of the Black population.

      I thought that maybe Betty would need to go into hiding like Darren Wilson, but Yahtzee just posted that she has been charged with 1st degree manslaughter.

      Liked by 5 people

  3. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

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  4. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    This can’t be made up …. “On September 16, 2016, Terence Crutcher was shot dead by Tulsa Police Department Officer Betty Shelby.”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Disgusting. I guess her only qualification was being white.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Preacher,
      Welcome to We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident.

      There are people who apply for jobs who have had restraining orders filed against them, and employers do not give them any opportunity to explain what happened. It seems that Betty was given favoritism. It is Tulsa where Robert Bates paid to play cop and ended up killing Eric Harris. Bates was found guilty of manslaughter.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. No words, no words 😥

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Two sides to a story

    Wow. Clearly we need better pre- and post-employment screening of cops. And consequences for bad decisions. Most people in civilian jobs would be fired over the stuff that just gets noted in cops’ HR files.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. yahtzeebutterfly

    Liked by 3 people

  9. I just watched the youtube videos of this. I have these questions for now

    How many times was he shot ? It looks like at least 3 wounds by the blood stains on his shirt.

    Was he tazed ?? Doesn’t look like it to me.

    If he was, why did anyone shoot him ?

    His hands were up and against his SUV.

    Why didn’t any of those cops approach him to cuff him ??

    It seems like none of the cops was asking him anything such as stop. Did one of them tell him to get his registration and ins. card ?

    Why the hell is there a local FM rock station on the radio in the dash cam car…..talking about Metallica and James Hetfield ???

    Why didn’t any of them make any attempt to aid him. In some states if a civilian does that, they can be charged.

    Why is the helo cop saying he looks like a bad dude……from 1/4 mile away ??
    (my bad, the helo cop is the shooters husband)

    Clearly you hear “Shots fired” hey there is no mention of any warning.

    When is Fogen going to make a statement about how he supports this action, yet never called 911 when he was shot at because all the cops are corrupt ?? So what Fogen is saying is, these cops are corrupt.

    When is the (dumbass) Donald going to say this is a rush to judgement and he has the solution to all the crimes committed by blacks ??

    At least this cop was indicted and even though there is video proof of a murder, only God knows what BS will emanate from this one.

    Liked by 5 people

  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    Liked by 1 person

  11. The press conference is playing live now on Youtube.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. yahtzeebutterfly


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