Hearts As One Drumbeat Award


Hearts as one

Sue of Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary, passed on her Hearts As One Drumbeat Award to Blackbutterfly7. Sue created the award, and the rules for passing it on are;

“Within their posts whether if be through Poem or Word

Caring for others is a must for this Award.

Be it through laughter or Humour

Photograph or Story

Love and Compassion 



Together let us Beat our Drums for Harmony, Peace, Unity, and Equality.

 Let the Beat of your Thoughts Ripple out as we share our Hearts in One Beat of Unity.


The Hearts as One Drumbeat Award is a celebration of unity, love, and compassion. In spite of some subject matters that we write about, I always wear my emotions on my sleeve and it is a humbling honor to be recognized, even on my worst days, for keeping the hope of love and compassion alive.

Thank you Sue.

I now pass it to the following blogs;

Padre Steve’s World


Jan Hobbs


Dr. Rex (Horty)




Posted on 06/26/2015, in Awards, open discussion and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 33 Comments.


    Everyone has probably seen that some changes were made. 🙂 Let me know what you think. You were very helpful in letting me know about likes for comments. Thank you.

    As you can probably see, I’m up late. After I get some sleep, I have 100 things (no, make that 101) to do. Therefore, feel free to use this thread for open discussion. I should be back around late afternoon/early evening.

    Keep on shining,

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Has Charleston shooting suspect Dylann Roof’s defense fund received more than $4 million in donations from supporters? Snopes did a fact check and said the information originated from a fake news site.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    A very well deserved award to BB7. Thank you for including “It Is What It Is” …. honored & humbled!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. yahtzeebutterfly

    Congratulations on your well deserved award, Xena! You do “keep the heartbeat of love and compassion alive”.

    Together let us Beat our Drums for Harmony, Peace, Unity, and Equality.

    Let the Beat of your Thoughts Ripple out as we share our Hearts in One Beat of Unity.

    This was how The Hon. Rev. Pinckney lived his life. Today I believe that thousands across our country will be tying their hearts into that “One Beat of Unity” of a desire for “Peace, Harmony, and Equality” as they watch the funeral for Rev. Pinckney.

    Live streaming at 11:00 a.m. of Rev. Clementa Pinckney’s funeral can be found at this link:


    May he rest in peace in God’s loving arms.

    And may his wife, Jennifer, and his two daughters, Eliana and Malana, be embraced by His Love and Comfort. My thoughts and prayers of support will be with his family today.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. You are most welcome Xena.. and my thoughts are with the family of The Hon. Rev. Pinckney and all who lost loved ones..

    And I like your new look too.. 🙂 Love and Blessings.. Enjoy your weekend..

    Liked by 1 person

  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    The Associated Press ‏@AP 13m13 minutes ago
    BREAKING: Supreme Court says same-sex couples have right to marry in all 50 states.

    MORE: The Supreme Court’s ruling means 14 states will have to stop enforcing their bans on same-sex marriage:


    Liked by 3 people

    • I’m reminded of the Supreme Court’s decision in Loving v. Virginia. They could not go against that binding case decision. Marriage equality has nothing to do with gender or sex, but laws, heirships, beneficiaries, and property rights, which is something that heterosexual couples living together outside of marriage should learn.

      Statue of Liberty

      Liked by 5 people

  7. crustyolemothman

    Xena, Another well deserved award! Congrats…..
    Once again, the system failed the people… Someone should address why this individual was able to purchase the fire arm that he did use, when he was out on bond from a criminal charge…

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Be Proud. You deserve all the awards you have received. Keep up the GREAT WORK!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Doing a drive-by comment with more good news today. The California Fifth District Court of Appeals upheld the trial court’s decision in denying Mr. Stalker a restraining order against Santiago. In other words, Mr. Stalker lost. He has another appeal pending for when the court denied him a temporary restraining order. That should be summarily dismissed on the basis that it is what is called an “interlocutory order” which comes with a different set of Rules before it can be appealed.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. One of the escaped convicts, Richard Matt, has been shot. LE is pursuing the other escapee.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Here’s the eulogy delivered by President Obama.

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  12. kindheart101

    I just got home and learned:

    Fugitive Richard Matt has been shot, and killed.

    NY police officers are now on the trail for David Sweat.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. kindheart101

    Congrats on your newest award Xena. It speaks not only highly of you, but the unity you encourage on your blog.

    “Hearts as one Drumbeat” Yup……….that’s Blackbutterfly7.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Linda Andersen

    Congratulations Xena! I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Speakers after SCOTUS decision approving marriage equality.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s the most beautiful video I’ve seen in years! XOXOXO #LoveWins

      Liked by 2 people

    • Linda Andersen

      Xena, I’ve never understood why some people have such a hissy-fit over things that don’t affect them anyway. It’s not as if THEY are being FORCED to marry a same-sex partner. I had a hetero marriage for 22 years. For Mr. Wonderful, it was just another excuse to cheat. The 2 things he did best: lie and cheat.


      • Linda, so true. The Bible says if a man doesn’t work, neither shall he eat. I wonder if they will start asking if the husband-to-be is employed and if not, refuse to issue a marriage license and/or refuse to conduct a ceremony based on that Bible verse? Hypocrites! If they have a religious conscience that forbids them from doing their job, then they need another job.


        • Linda Andersen

          That’s about the only good thing I can say about Mr. Wonderful. He did have a good work ethic. It was all downhill from there!


  16. Liked by 2 people

  17. Cool. Love the butterfly flag wallpaper too, Xena! 😀


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