George Zimmerman Blames President Obama For Stirring Racial Tensions After Trayvon Martin’s Death

Reblogged from News One. (Not directly reblogged because of the size of a photo that might be a trigger alert for those traumatized by the face of George Zimmerman.)

In a newly released video, George Zimmerman — the former neighborhood watchman acquitted of murder in 2013 — blames President Obama for stirring racial tensions following the fatal shooting of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012.

Zimmerman, who pursued and approached the 17-year-old as he walked to his father’s house, can be heard on the March 8 recording saying he was victimized by Obama and wrongly accused of being a racist by the media.

The Orlando Sentinel writes:

“…he faulted the media for portraying him as a racist and the criminal justice system for bringing him to trial but saved his harshest criticism for Obama, whom he accused of trying to prosecute “an innocent American.”

“For him to make incendiary comments as he did and direct the Department of Justice to pursue a baseless prosecution, he by far over-stretched, over-reached,” Zimmerman said. The president, whom he referred to as “Barack Hussein Obama,” should have told the public, ” ‘Let’s not rush to judgment,’ ” Zimmerman said.”

The recording, released by his Tampa divorce lawyer Howard Iken of Ayo and Iken PLC, marks Zimmerman’s first public comments since the DOJ announced in February that he did not violate Trayvon’s rights. Since his acquittal and even during his numerous run-ins with the law following the trial, Zimmerman has remained mum and “still tightly guards his privacy,” according to The OS.

But the interview between Zimmerman and Iken takes a darker turn when he discusses the shooting of Trayvon — at one point the 31-year-old tells his lawyer that he has a clean conscience and doesn’t feel guilty about surviving the encounter. He also tells Iken that the American judicial system failed him when they sent him to trial, adding that only because of his acquittal, the “jury process succeeded.”

“Only in a true life-and-death scenario can you have mental clearness to know that you cannot feel guilty for surviving,” Zimmerman said. “Do you have a clean conscience at this point?” the lawyer asked about the shooting. “Yes, sir.” “Are you the same person right now that you were five years ago?” Iken asked. “Absolutely not,” Zimmerman said. “I have to have my guard up. … I still believe that people are truly good at heart, as Anne Frank has said, and I will put myself in any position to help another human in any way I can.”

Zimmerman still maintains that he acted in self-defense when he shot and killed Trayvon. The case sparked a national debate about self-defense laws, mainly Florida’s controversial Stand Your Ground legislation.

You can watch Iken and Zimmerman’s interview here.

Posted on 03/23/2015, in Cases, Conceal Carry & SYG, George and Shellie Zimmerman and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 94 Comments.

  1. scrodriguez

    Of course the typical shift of blame move by GZ when doesn’t he blame everybody else for his own doings?
    Obama is not at fault, George is at fault I know what I heard on that NEN Call and it sure wasn’t punks.
    1) George was told time and time again by the Neighborhood watch director NOT TO FOLLOW ANYBODY, DO NOT BE THE VIGILANTE
    2) George was reminded that by NEN dispatch
    3) George had no right to follow that kid the way he did and not once identify who he was it was George who created a scenario that could only lead Trayvon to fear for his safety.

    George Zimmerman needs shut his fat mouth he has enough idiots that are brain washed into buying his BullS**t he will never convince me that he acted in self defense he cant even convince himself


  2. As soon as I’m done vomiting and washing the bile from my mouth, I will try to respond.


    • It’s good to see you Rachael. If there’s a next time reporting on Zimmerman, I’ll put up a warning that triggers might include vomiting. 🙂


  3. (Not directly reblogged because of the size of a photo that might be a trigger alert for those traumatized by the face of George Zimmerman)



    • Mindyme, I won’t take credit for the trigger warning. It actually came from someone who said that seeing Zimmerman’s face triggers trauma, nightmares — stuff like that. 🙂


  4. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  5. “Not Me, It’s Obama’s Fault!” lol


  6. This shit head has to be kidding. ………So lets all sing along with one on my favorite bands.

    Heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who
    Heard it from another you keep followin’ people around
    They say you’re just a shithead, , you’re out there every weekend
    You’re talkin’ more shit and it’s bringin’ us down

    But I know the neighborhood, and talk is cheap when the story is good
    And your tale grow taller on down the line. But I’m telling you shithead
    And I don’t think it’s true, babe, and even if it is keep this in mind

    You’re livin’ on the run baby, but that’s the way you want it baby
    Then again we don’t want you around,
    We don’t believe you, not for a minute.
    You carry a gun so you live life on the run

    They’re not even white lies, you’re spouting all of those horrible lies
    You’ll never have a home and all you do is offend
    But we can see it coming, so just leave and keep running
    And you need never look back again

    You’re livin’ on the run baby, but that’s the way you want it baby
    Then again we don’t want you around,
    We don’t believe you, not for a minute.
    You carry a gun so you live life on the run


    You’re livin’ on the run baby, but that’s the way you want it baby
    Then again we don’t want you around,
    We don’t believe you, not for a minute.
    You carry a gun so you live life on the run

    You’re livin’ on the run baby, but that’s the way you want it baby
    Then again we don’t want you around,
    We don’t believe you, not for a minute.
    You carry a gun so you live life on the run

    Heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who
    Heard it from another you keep followin’ people ’round.

    And since FogenPhoole likes to cite the Law according to Fogen” I have the right to say whatever I want about him”


    • So, while I’m in the mood, here’s another great sing along.

      As soon as we are able, ‘cuz we are willing
      To make the break that we are on the brink of
      Our cup is on the table, and your hate is chilling
      Waiting here for you to take and drink of

      So we’re all tired of the same old story
      Ohhhh, turn some pages. And we’ll be here when you are ready
      To roll with the changes Ye – ah, yeah.

      We knew it had to happen, felt the tables turnin’
      Got us through our darkest hour. we heard the thunder clappin’
      You’ll rot in hell ‘a burnin’ when you’re convicted it’ll be like a sweet sun shower

      So we’re all tired of the same old story
      Ohhhh, turn some pages. And we’ll be here when you are ready
      To roll with the changes Ohhhhhh, ohhhh

      Ohhhh and we’re all tired of the same old story
      Ohhhh baby, turn some pages. And we’ll be here when you are ready
      To roll with the changes, baby, roll with the changes,
      Oh, ya know, ya know, ya know ya got to,
      keep on rollin’ oh yeah, keep on rollin’ ohhhh, roll with the changes
      keep on rollin, keep on rollin’ oh yeah, keep on rollin’
      ya got to, got to roll with the changes
      Oh baby, keep on rollin’ oh baby, keep on rollin’ ya got to, got to roll with the changes
      Got to, got to got to, got to, keep on rollin’ got to keep on rollin’
      Got to, got to keep on rollin’


      keep on rollin’ keep on rollin’ ohhhh
      keep on rollin’ keep on rollin’ ohhhh
      keep on rollin’ keep on rollin’ ohhhh
      keep on rollin’ keep on rollin’ ohhhh


    • Racer,
      Love those re-writes. 🙂


      • Of course there are some other songs that fit Fogen spot on. Like…….

        What a fool believes.
        Don’t fear the reaper
        Fool for the city
        I fought the law
        They’re coming to take me away
        Ship of fools
        American fool
        Fooling yourself
        The idiot song

        Yep……the possibilities are limitless.


        • Racer,
          I’d like to add Prison Bound. I think Muddy Waters recorded it.


          • I’ll get around to it. Folsom Prison Blues will work. Then again there’s “The Devil in You”

            But the b est one to rewrite will have to be “Chain Gang” No bout a doubt it!!!!


          • Can’t find Muddy Waters version, but John Lee Hooker has this……

            Early one morning, the blues came fallin’ down
            Early one morning, the blues came fallin’ down
            I was all locked up in jail, and prison bound

            When they had my trial, baby, you couldn’t even be found
            When they had my trial, baby, you could not be found
            I was all locked up in jail, and prison bound

            Owwwwww, hmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmm,

            But it’s too late to cry, baby, you’re daddy’s prison bound

            When they had my trial, baby, you know you couldn’t be found
            When they had my trial, baby, you could not be found
            But it’s too late to cry, baby, your daddy’s prison bound

            I guess I’m out, baby, I ain’t got no more to say
            Bye, bye, bye, baby, your daddy ain’t go no more to say
            But I am all locked up in jail, and prison bound

            And we can add this sing along as well…………

            It serves me right to suffer, It serves me right to be alone
            It serves me right to suffer, It serves me right to be alone
            I’m livin’ I’m livin’ in the memory, of a day that has passed and gone

            Every time I see a hoodie now
            You know it makes me think about the time yeah babe !
            Everytime i see a hoodie
            You know it makes me think about the time
            You see I’m living in the memory of a life I’ve left behind
            And the life I took of that baby child

            Ohhhhh !

            The doctor put me on, milk, cream and alcohol
            The doctor put me on, milk, cream and alcohol
            Whoooo, now I feel so bad, yeah, can’t sleep at night (I’m with ya)
            Ya toss and ya turn, in you’re dark room, blinds closed down
            Every night yep, (talk to me) three or for weeks, can’t go to sleep
            The doctor And its’ so bad (so bad) ya can’t go outside
            (can’t go outside) your front door

            (Ad lib verse about mental torture)

            It serves me right to suffer, It serves me right to be alone
            It serves me right to suffer, It serves me right to be alone
            Now I’m living in the memory, of a kid that has passed and gone


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Love the piano in that first John Lee Hooker one!


      • Two sides to a story

        Me too!


  7. crustyolemothman

    Some of the reporters that wrote about this speech (interview) called it what it actually was a “Faux” interview. I personally find his refusal to accept responsibility for his actions abhorrent! If it was not such a serious matter, it would have to be considered satire, but it obviously is not a subject that he feels any remorse about… At some point Karma will have her way with this murderer and he will feel the wrath created by his actions… Hopefully I will still be around to see it happen…


    • Hey Mothman! Well, a person would have to respect life before they can have remorse for taking life. George had delusions for his future but it didn’t work that way for him. Trayvon’s parents were not going to shuffle along, and neither was this nation. Over 2 million signatures were on that petition to arrest him. Why? Because people heard his NEN call and knew that he intentionally followed and hunted down Trayvon.


  8. yeseventhistoowillpass

    What do you bet he made that statement in an exclusive interview with Fox News….


  9. kindheart101

    Never been responsible for a thing in his whole VILE life.

    RIP Trayvon……… will watch him sentenced to an eternity in hell.

    Anyone remember the song: “Burn Baby Burn” 🙂


    • Hey Kindheart! Is this the song you’re thinking about?


      • kindheart101

        If you pull up the Lyrics, foremost, they are deceitful. (Which is Zimmernut 100%)

        But mainly I said “Burn Baby Burn”, because I truly believe he will spend his life in hell because of the way he has lived his life. Though the jury acquitted him….(1 hold out) he can live the rest of his life screwing up on earth……..but he will answer for his crimes, and lies, and burn in hell forever.

        Just my opinion.


        • Kindheart, Zimmerman has been in hell for a long time, and the fires are getting hotter. He didn’t make that video for the fun of it. Everyone already knows that he has no regrets and makes excuses. Why would he go to his divorce attorney to “interview” him on video? Hmmm.


          • kindheart101

            Evil my friend. pure evil.

            Take a look at Durst.

            Some will not pay the price for many years………yet the wrath will follow them, and justice will be done.


          • No print or online news source interviewed Zimmerman for a statement after the DOJ’s announcement. When you are a person of such character that the only person you can get to give you a taped interview is your attorney — well ….. that speaks volumes.


  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    Sending my prayers and love to Sybrina and Tracy at this time.


  11. It was a racial thing long before the President said anything. I mean people were already stating that it was a racially motivated crime. George Killerman loves to point out other people’s wrong, but sees nothing wrong in what he did that night. Please stop with the blame game and look in the mirror!


  12. The only I can about this nameless heartless killer is that he is a sociopath. There’s only one person he should blame for what happen on February 26, 2012, HIMSELF! He thinks he the victim. He knew what he was doing that night. He only seeking attention and sympathy for himself. He will never find peace for the rest of his life.


    • Dara, I was wondering why his divorce attorney held the interview? Maybe his attorney is actually auditioning for a job as an interviewer — kinda like O’Mara but as a reporter.


  13. I still remember Witness 22 testimony who was of Arab descent. He and GZ worked at Home Depot. GZ tormented this poor man , day in and day out. He made skits designed to embarrass witness 22 in front of others. He mimicked him, told horrible jokes etc.This torment went on for months until, Witness 22 complained to management. Of course, GZ denied everything. GZ did this for no good reason. He is a cowardly bully who is not worth commentary.


    • kindheart101


      Oh Lord, look at what he did to Trayvon. Is there any doubt at all that he would harass a fellow worker? And, I have to say, I’m sorry, but of a different nationality? Just look at everything he has done since the trial.

      This animal is sick! He is vile! He is prejudice, a racist! Homeless! A Liar!

      May God watch over anyone in this devils path!


  14. I haven’t watched his stupid ass interview yet, i always end up waiting some days before watching or listening to his stupid BS. i never know how it could effect me so i’ll have a friend watch it with me so i don’t lose my temper.
    I’m still stunned just by hearing about it. smh


  15. I can’t even mention his name anymore! It nauseates me to the fullest!


  16. I KNOW! IknowIknowIknow. I now know why Zimmerman blames President Obama. Zimmerman is going to run for president.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      That’s it!!!

      Great video creation! 🙂


    • Brilliant Work !!!

      I always loved the “…I really haven’t had time to reflect……..obviously I was in solitary confinement (like that’s something to just bring up) and I had a lot of time to think about it and reflect……”

      in short……….can he really be that freaking stupid and that was not a live broadcast and Moron O’ Mara just sat there with his horse teeth in his mouth. No editing, nothing.

      Hey America I’m a friggin’ moron !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  17. For years to come Trayvon’s ghost wil come to visit him. He will never be happy. He will always be known as a killer of an unarmed teen. He will contune to beat and threaten his women.He will never be happy.The day will come when he relalize he killed more than Trayvon.


  18. Zimmerman is his own worst enemy.
    This is a guy who claims he gets death threats, yet gives interviews
    that only fan the flames !
    He is an instigator. He was an instigator when he assaulted a cop, and the night he shot Trayvon.
    He’s not going to stop until he’s forced to stop. . And all it would take is someone who has nothing to lose and is as unbalanced and crazy as him.
    I wonder if his lawyer tried to talk him out of this interview going public? If he didn’t he is stupid in my opinion. and not looking out for his clients best interest.


    • Hey Bonnie. Welcome to Blackbutterfly7. There’s a possibility that Zimmerman felt so shunned by the media after the DOJ’s announcement, that he searched far and wide for someone to interview him. But, that’s what he gets for suing NBC.


      • I just can’t help but seeing this exchange typical of Fogen and prospective lawyers…… must be me.


  19. Two sides to a story

    Typical narcissistic drivel with a racist slant. Zero will keep talking until the world, including the DoJ, can see he’s really the twisted racist twit we’ve always known he is.

    If this was truly a case of a clean kill of a thug, then that would have been obvious to the world from day one. What was obvious and still is, is that an unarmed kid minding his own business was walking toward home and that Zero followed him against the advice of a law enforcement agency. Zero created an encounter that could have been totally avoided, and that makes Zero, at the very least, liable for manslaughter in the sane world outside Floriduh.

    Zero is getting nothing more than the blowback that he created for himself and every time he opens his mouth he’ll only create more hell, except for the support of his 99 remaining followers who have been busy getting themselves kicked off social media venues right and left with their nonsense.

    And RZero Jr. – you’re not far behind on the path paved to hell. Prayers that the Zero family wakes up and apologizes for their errors.

    Oh dear, my tea is getting cold . . . thanks, Obama!


    • Two sides,
      99 remaining Zimmerman followers? I estimated about 7. That’s about the number of subscribed followers any of them have ever had to their blogs. On Twitter, I discovered a game that they play. The majority of their followers over 10, if you check their timelines, have not tweeted for years and you will see the same followers for all of them. There’s another high percentage who follow who are not supporters but opposers.

      I agree about the blow back. There are people who say they will not repeat his name because they don’t want to give him attention. IMHO, he needs to stay in the news. We will never forget Trayvon and for that reason, we cannot forget the person totally responsible for taking Trayvon’s life. Each time that Zimmerman opens his mouth, he gives us opportunity to revisit what happened on Feb. 26, 2012 and Zimmerman’s life thereafter. He should not be allowed to forget.


      • Two sides to a story

        Down to only 7, Xena? Yay!

        Clearly Zero has a guilty conscience and can’t escape it, or he wouldn’t keep trying to gain attention that actually stirs the pot and creates more misery. He wants vindication he will never have except from the lunatic fringe or his divorce lawyer, who is probably more concerned about using him for a leg up in the legal profession, like O’Mara.

        You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results . . .

        If he were really and truly comfortable about killing Trayvon, he’d stay out of the public eye and we wouldn’t hear a peep out of him. It wouldn’t bother him in the least what anyone thought. Despite the fact that he got the legal results he wanted, he’s still whining. Only a narcissist would continue to try to force public opinion in his favor. He can’t stand to be thought of unfavorably, one of the number one traits of narcissistic personality disorder.


        • Two sides, I think that Zimmerman is trying to convince people that he is a choir boy in order to get new supporters and thus, money.

          Down to only 7, Xena? Yay!

          And, 2 of them are citizens of and reside in other countries.


      • Fogen……… have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you.Please, remain silent. You have the right to leave the country, please do so at any time. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford one, and we’re damn sure you can’t, one will be appointed by the court for you.A lawyer will not, however be appointed in any civil, that is, frivolous and without merit lawsuits you choose to file.

        I think even 7 is a high number, but hey……….we all know you are fair and always give the benefit of the doubt.


  20. I can’t believe it!!! CNN on 3/24 around 645 pm is actually giving GZ airtime to spout off as to how President Obama has made racial tensions, worse.


    • Gronda, I caught a small Wolf Blizer blurb about it around 5:49 my time. He said something about it being aired at 10 p.m. EST. If I understood the part I caught, Don is going to interview Zimmerman. At least it shouldn’t be a monolog from Zimmerman without any feedback.

      Zimmerman should make the media rounds so that people who are unfamiliar with his ignorance and dysfunctional thinking will know it now.


  21. I watched and the commenters including Don lemon agreed that GZ should not been included in the discussion of Black men being shot by police. He should go away and be quiet because he had no business in confronting Trayvon Martin with a gun shootings.

    There is supposed to be a DOJ report on the Philly police that dwarfs the Ferguson report. There has been a study done showing that the Philly police shoot black men at a higher rate than NY police when NY has 5x the population.


    • It seems to me that if Zimmerman had good intentions, he would have sincerely apologized for his actions on Feb. 26, 2012 without interjecting any defense. He would have thanked the jury in his state case, and the DOJ, for not finding him guilty, and he would state that he doesn’t want to carry a gun anymore under any circumstances because all it takes is one bullet to end a life.

      That is what I think Zimmerman does not understand. Respectful human beings do not place the life of one person to be more valuable than the life of another person. Let me flesh that out — even if a person finds themselves in a situation to use self-defense, the person killed is still a human being. The value of their life is not up for judgment by any man. The source of all life is the same. Most people in self-defense situations would be shaking and crying at having to pull the trigger of a gun — except for Zimmerman, who was cool and calm just minutes later, and not concerned about his own wounds.

      Oh — I had to kill that guy in self-defense, but I don’t want to go to the hospital to have my life-threatening wounds seen by a doctor. That was Zimmerman.

      And now, he doesn’t think that his actions should have been investigated. He was suppose to walk away, open a website with Paypal and use the money from enablers to escape to the clouds and answer to no one.

      He’s mad. Too bad.


      • Two sides to a story

        Course you notice there’s never any real discussion of what actually happened that night . . .


      • “…..Oh — I had to kill that guy in self-defense, but I don’t want to go to the hospital to have my life-threatening wounds seen by a doctor. That was Zimmerman.”

        I have to revisit this topic. Many of you here may have experienced a similar event. I can say this and remember some of them like it was yesterday. When I played football in HS and for a semi-pro team and would get hit going across the middle of the field on some pass routes I’d get what we call “my bell rung” And that’s with full gear and a helmet. No concrete was ever involved, I can say that. However, there were times when I’d get hit so hard by a safety who had a bead on me on the dead run, that I didn’t remember the call, the pattern, the catch nor the hit. I remember my team mates looking at me with that “uh oh” look then the team Dr. asking some silly question, then the ammonia capsule snapping.

        Fogen contends Trayvon smashed his head on the sidewalk over 20 times. I know you all keep saying he doesn’t live in a world where reality prevails, but come on dude. Of course we did get some comic relief with that “Maxi Pad Flash” on the stairs of the police station.

        Shit……….I’ve fallen off my bicycle in the street when I was a kid and had more injuries than Fogen had.


        • Racer,
          Had Zimmerman developed a story that he was on his back, pinned down, and went for his gun as his head was “about to explode” it would have sounded more believable than the jacket raising up because he moved his body so his head would not be on the concrete, and then he pinned Trayvon’s arm, then went for his gun, aimed, and fired. At his trial, O’Mara omitted the chronological order. According to Zimmerman’s story, when he pulled the trigger, it was Trayvon who was pinned and unable to retreat.

          I don’t know how O’Mara sleeps nights. I know how Zimmerman does — probably doped up on pills washed down with a bottle of wine.


        • you’re right. couple years ago my body slammed into the pavement when I was doing wheelies over speed bumps in my parking lot (cuz I was a lil tipsy & forgot to make sure the handles bar was securely latched ) on a Razer-type Scooter ( kinda like skateboard with handle bars for adults & modified to go faster)
          I hit the concrete ONCE not 20X and besides what happened to all my joints 2days later, the scraps & bruises were clearly visible the second I got into the light & obviously worse the next day!
          that idiot couldn’t even conjure up a single bruise, even for his pics 4weeks later! and he didn’t even have bruises in the video the next day.
          I wish Sybrina & Tracy would sue his fatass so he has to explain himself under oath with the threat of perjury!!! I wonder how they could catch him perjuring himself and criminally charge him with that alone?
          but at least then he’d be exposed for the big fat lying child murderer he is and couldn’t continue playing the victim like he is.


  22. He did do his monolog for about a minute before 600 pm your time.


    • I think it’s going to replay at 10 p.m. After dinner, I’ll see if CNN has it posted on their website.


      • Shit…………and I’m all out of barf bags.


        • Looks as if they played excerpts from the video and not that George actually “appeared” in the studio, but I’ll keep the TV on and watch to see if it’s re-played.


        • kindheart101

          Passing one over my friend. I’m into using grocery bags because every time I hear about that ass I feel sick.

          I can’t even stomach to see his ugly, beady eyed face anymore.


  23. yahtzeebutterfly

    Hey Racer,

    Perhaps “Runaround Sue” needs to be reworked to “Runaround Suing” 🙂


    • Okayyyyyyyyy And a 1 and a 2…….

      Here’s a story, it’s sad but true. It’s about some people who love to sue
      They told those lies and ran around, with every single guy in town

      Hurt, hurt ohhhhh hurt, hurt ohhhh hurt, hurt, ohhhhh hurt, hurt
      Hurt, hurt ohhhhh hurt, hurt ohhhh hurt, hurt, ohhhhh hurt, ahhhhhhhh

      Ah, I should have known it from the very start
      These lies would leave them with a broken heart
      Now listen people what I’m telling you
      They’ll be runnin’ round a suing you

      We saw the show and the things that they said
      Then they went and said that he was no good
      So if you don’t wanna cry like they do
      Stop running around always tryin’ to sue

      Hurt, hurt ohhhhh hurt, hurt ohhhh hurt, hurt, ohhhhh hurt, hurt
      Hurt, hurt ohhhhh hurt, hurt ohhhh hurt, hurt, ohhhhh hurt, ahhhhhhhh

      Ah, Fogen likes to travel around
      He’ll lie to you then I’ll put you down
      Now people let me put you wise
      Fogen……will only tell you lies

      Here’s the moral and the story from the guy who knows
      Fogen tells those lies like none ever will
      Ask any fool that he ever knew, they’ll say
      He’ll be around a suing you

      Hurt, hurt yeah, keep away from these fools
      I don’t know what they’ll do
      They always try to sue

      Ah, Fogen likes to travel around
      He’ll screw you then I’ll put you down
      Now people let me put you wise
      Fogen……will only tell you lies

      Here’s the moral and the story from the guy who knows
      Fogen tells those lies like none ever will
      Ask any fool that he ever knew, they’ll say
      He’ll be around a suing you

      Yeah, stay away from that guy….don’t you know what they’ll do…….


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        Wow…amazing, Racer! You really have poetic talent!


        • Somehow the wrong song linked.

          Sing along with the correct one now.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Thanks, Racer!

            Wonder how many times this egocentric, man of twisted tongue can repeat this tongue twister:

            ego echo…ego echo…ego echo….ego echo……….


          • Who knows. it’s only 2 words but he can’t hold a job so he should have the time to memorize it.

            Here’s another one to sing along to. I wonder when he’ll claim I’m causing him all this emotional damage by posting these songs ??

            When the night has come, and the land is dark
            And the moon is the only light we’ll see
            No I won’t be afraid oh, I won’t be afraid
            Just as long as you don’t, don’t stand near me.

            So Fogen, Fogen don’t stand near me, don’t stand near me
            Ohhh don’t stand, don’t stand near me, stand near me

            If the sky that we look upon, should tumble and fall
            All the mountains should crumble to the sea
            I won’t cry, I won’t cry no, I won’t shed a tear
            Just as long as you don’t stand, don’t stand near me

            So Fogen, Fogen don’t stand near me, don’t stand near me
            Ohhh don’t stand now, don’t stand near me, stand near me

            (Beautiful Orchestral Instrumental)

            So Fogen, Fogen don’t stand near me, don’t stand near me
            Ohhh don’t stand now, don’t stand near me, stand near me

            Whenever you’re in trouble don’t you stand near me
            Don’t stand near me, oh don’t you stand near, stand, stand near me


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            “don’t stand near me”

            That seems to be the sentiment now of many people who used to be close to him.


        • It’s more fun when you clap along with the “Hurt, hurt ohhhhh, hurt, hurt” part.

          Seriously, it’s therapeutic.


          • yahtzeebutterfly



          • Well……since I’m in the mood, here’s one that fits almost unaltered.

            Carry on you wayward son, there’ll be peace when you are gone
            Lay your weary head to rest, don’t you whine no more

            Ahhhh, ahhhhh

            Once we rose above the noise and confusion
            Just to get a glimpse beyond his illusions
            He was soaring ever higher, but he flew too high

            Though his eyes could see he still was a blind man
            Though his mind could think he still was a mad man
            He hears the voices when I’m dreaming, he can hear them say

            Carry on you wayward son, there’ll be peace when you are gone
            Lay your weary head to rest, don’t you whine no more

            Masquerading as a man with a reason
            His charade is the event of the seasons
            And when he claim to be a wise man,
            Well, it surely means that he don’t know

            On a stormy sea of moving emotion
            Tossed about, he’s like a ship on the ocean
            He sets a course for winds of fortune,
            But he hears the voices say

            Carry on you wayward son, there’ll be peace when you are gone
            Lay your weary head to rest, don’t you whine no more NO !!

            Carry on, you will always remember
            Carry on, nothing equals the horror
            Now your life’s it’s surely empty
            And no heaven waits for you

            Carry on you wayward son there’ll be peace when you are gone
            Lay your weary head to rest, don’t you whine, don’t you whine no more

            No mooooorrrreee !


  24. George Zimmerman you are a hypocrite! You say it was all God’s plan and you had no choice in the matter. You say that any other action by you would have put a burden on your shoulders because it would have been against God’s plan. What you are saying is we have no free will, that all actions by us are controlled by God.

    Now based on your thinking than why are you blaming anyone? If God controls our actions then it was God’s plan to have the media portray you as they did. It was God’s plan to have the POTUS make his statement……which by the was included a lot more than “if I had a son”. It was God’s plan to have the DOJ investigate you. It was God’s plan to have you arrested and stand trial for the murder of TM. It was also God’s plan to have NBC edit out a question.

    You can’t complain that you had no free will because of God while crying everyone else did.

    Sorry but God also gives us free will, the ability to know right from wrong and with that knowledge follow his commandments. If we had no free will and God controlled everything then why the need for his commandments……..after all he decides right Georgie?

    Sorry Georgie, if you want someone to blame for your situation all you have to do is look in the mirror.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Excellent logic, Towerflower!


    • Well said. I’m sick of his Gods plan line of thinking. His pathetic spew of not feeling guilty for living is just as sickening.

      What his brain dead logic misses is feeling anything at all about Trayvon not living. That is, he treats a murder like a minor event in his life.

      The stupid “….hey, what’s a guy gonna do..” shoulder shrug in his “reenactment” said it all.


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