Steal $90K, Get 6 Months In Jail And Other News


Jeffrey Daday

New York – Between January 2009 and May 2014, Jeffrey Daday, 36, stole more than $90,000 from parking meters. Daday was formerly the parking inspector officer for Mount Kisco, New York.

It was the bank workers who alerted police. They found that the depositing of quarters, dimes and nickels in large amounts to be suspicious.

Daday was subsequently caught in a sting operation. In September, he pleaded guilty in Westchester County Court in White Plains to second-degree grand larceny and first-degree offering of a false instrument for filing. Daday faced a 15-year jail sentence, but he paid the money back and was sentenced to 6 months and 5 years of probation.


Chad Martin Stall


Brandon, Florida – 21-year-old Chad Martin Stall shot and killed his 23-year old friend, Kadin Thomas Koehler. Stall said that he saw the 7.62 mm caliber assault rifle was loaded, but he told the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office that he did not think the rifle would fire when he pulled the trigger. Stall has been charged with manslaughter with a weapon, trafficking in stolen property, giving false information to a pawnbroker, and multiple parole violations.


Ariel and Nicole Kornegay

White Springs, Florida – My God!  These are babies.

A 15-year-old girl and her 11-year-old sister were arrested in Florida and charged with the murder of their 16-year-old brother.

A 3-year old was also in the house. The parents, Keith Kornegay, 37 and Misty Kornegay, 33, were out of town at the time. They have been arrested for child neglect and are currently held at the Columbia County Detention Facility on no bond.

The Columbia County Sheriff’s Office said that Misty “Ariel” Kornegay, 15, grabbed a handgun from her parents’ bedroom and fatally shot her brother, 16, sometime before 10 p.m. Monday in the living room of their home, and that Ariel’s sister, 11-year-old Nicole Kornegay, helped in the crime. There are no details into the how Nicole was involved. Ariel and Nicole are charged with premeditated murder.

NAACP Office Bombed – The FBI is looking for a man in connection with an explosion outside the Colorado Springs chapter of the NAACP. A device was detonated against the wall of building at 603 South El Paso Street shortly before 11 a.m. The explosion charred the exterior wall of the building, but no one was injured. The FBI is looking for a balding white man in his 40s who may be driving a dirty, 2000 or older model, white pick-up truck with paneling, an open tailgate, and a missing or covered license plate.

On a lighter note, dog adopted by family saves baby’s life.


Posted on 01/07/2015, in Potpourri and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. Dang! It must be nice to be able to come up with $90,000 to avoid a prison sentence.


  2. Here’s a little bit more on the story from White Springs


    • That’s a sad situation. Looks like the older girl had problems before the parents left town and the parents didn’t use good, common sense. It also goes to show that locking up a gun does no good when someone really wants to get at it. If there had been no gun in that house, maybe the 16-year old would still be alive.


  3. Okay……I can just see this call to the police………

    “State your emergency please”

    “Ummmmm yeah……there’s a real suspicious guy here…..and, ummmmmm he’s just looking about…… all the tellers”

    “Okay, what else is he doing?”

    “Ummmmmm, he’s got his hand in his waistband………”


    “….and he’s got a big bag”

    “Where is he now?”

    “He’s at the coin exchange machine, and um……he’s just staring…….and it’s not even raining out”

    “Okay, and……….”

    “…..he’s wearing a hoodie……like a gray hoodie…and he’s a white male…… he’s staring at me”

    “Are you in your car sir?”

    “…….I don’t know what his deal is……….ummmmmm yep”

    “Can you send an officer over”

    “………Now he’s dumping the bag…….he looks like he’s up to no good”

    “…………is this you again George ??”

    “……and there’s a pothole he drove over and…….hello……..hello……”

    And this begs the questions……did he pay them back in dimes ??? does he know Peter Pan ? did his lawyer demonstrate the crime using a dummy and an uprooted parking meter ? does he have a big mouth PR brother doing interviews ? did he avoid contact with his lawyers ? was he hiding out in MD ? any death threats ? where does one buy a bullet proof vest for that fat ass……my bad, Fogen will hook him up, any contact with Barbra Walters ?

    Inquiring minds want to know !!

    I can just imagine going out to dinner with him and his wife and he bucks up in quarters……

    And Stall thinks a gun he knew was loaded wouldn’t actually go off when the trigger was pulled, and expects anyone to believe that !!!!!

    And those 2 girls were thinking what ?? Mom & Dad would come home and never say “By the way girls……….where’s your brother……….and what are these stains from?” Now an entire family is destroyed and a 3 year old will suffer the most…….what role models.


  4. yahtzeebutterfly

    Thanks for posting the video about the dog rescuing the baby. Beautiful and amazing!


  5. peni4yothot

    OT: Police who killed Tamir Rice applied @ Sherriff’s Dept. several years ago.
    70% is passing on entrance exam, he got 46%


    • You’d think a passing score would be 90 % since they should have the best of the best, not a grade less than 50%.


      • After that failure shot Tamir, he would not allow Tamir’s sister to get near him. The police department just released the extended video.


        • Sickening. Now I see it’s not just one dept who refused to hire him, it’s a handful not to mention the one he was forced to quit last year.

          I’d say he really wasn’t about “… protect and to serve” in any way, shape or form.

          Back in the day when I was young, all my friends and my dads cop buddies, not to mention my dad, who was a cop, said I’d be a great cop. Now, having a connection in the dept and him being a sgt by then I was a shoe in. I took the civil service exam,m which I admit, I didn’t study as well as I should have and still got a mid 90 (96 as I recall) I was accepted but declined to apply as an officer (race cars are cooler and I was making more money as a mechanic and playing in my rock band) Take a pay cut… 18 ??

          How does this guy with a 46 on the exam get hired by…….well…….even The Fogen Phoole Security and Patrol Co. ???????

          I didn’t know he “slipped” and shot Tamir. I swear it looks like he shot him through the car window because it happens so fast. 2 seconds……..Come on man……….


      • peni4yothot

        You’d think, remember years ago they claim they’d start hiring college grads……..sheese.


  6. I’ve read a lot of comments about the sisters who shot their brother and no one has mentioned the fact the girls left a 3 year old with a dead body… There’s more wrong here.


    • Lady2soothe, there is something dysfunctional with that family. The locked up the girl for a month in a room with only a blanket and pail to use as a washroom. That’s not punishment — it’s abuse. Then they leave the 16 year old to supervise in that environment, with a gun in the house and a 3 year old. Those kids’ lives are ruined.

      Liked by 1 person

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