Happy Holidays – Open Discussion

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I probably won’t write anything for the blog until the weekend.

Feel free to use this thread to discuss whatever is on your mind.

Here’s wishing everyone a happy, safe, and peaceful holiday.

And remember, no matter what belief path you walk, smile.

Posted on 12/22/2014, in open discussion and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 40 Comments.

  1. May your days be merry and bright!


  2. such amazing clips and music – this brings joy and smile during the Holiday season!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mihrank,
      Welcome to Blackbutterfly7! Thanks for your kind words — glad you enjoy the music and that it brought joy and a smile. Happy holidays to you.


  3. Happy Holidays and Safe New Year 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Season’s Greetings from me to you ! ! * throws confetti*

    Liked by 1 person

  5. yahtzeebutterfly

    May this season bring peace and wonder!

    Wishing all of you Happy Holidays!


  6. Have a wonderful holiday and a nice break from fighting the good fight 🙂


  7. Love, Happiness and much PEACE to everyone. Hugs from a little country bumpkin!.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy Holidays everyone!!


  9. scrodriguez

    Happy Holidays to all of you, Sorry I havent been around much Xena you know im tied up with my new pen pal LOL…. anyhow should have something new for the blog by the new year 🙂
    until then all of you have a wonderful holiday season,
    With love


  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    Happy Hannukah to all of you celebrating it 🙂

    Peter, Paul & Mary “Light One Candle”


  11. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Cats vs Christmas Trees”


  12. roderick2012

    Xena and all, Happy Holidays.


    • Mindyme,
      I remember that John Goodman’s conviction was overturned by a Florida appellate court, he had a new trial, and was convicted again.


      • I hope this re-trial ends the same way.


        • Mindyme,
          It probably will. Recently, I read a case decision in Illinois where the defendant argued about the jury instructions, and the Appellate Court said that his attorney didn’t bother to argue about the jury instructions on the record so he couldn’t do it on appeal. Funny how the states differ.


  13. yahtzeebutterfly

    This video was created and published on Youtube on this day in 2009 by AngelLove831’s channel. The graphics and selected peace quotations are marvelous!

    “Let There Be Peace on Earth”

    Uploaded on Dec 24, 2009
    Let There Be Peace on Earth
    by Vince Gill


  14. Peace – Comfort – Joy and Love….Happy Holidays to all *****


  15. Feliz Navidad to each and one of you ,family and friends!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. To Malisha,regarding B Lee,he is working for the rubber stamp agency (FDLE) as a lead investigator.


    Click to access email.pdf


    • Hey Joseph! Happy holidays to you! You might have intended the comment to Malisha to be posted on Leatherman’s. I think that is the only blog where Malisha participates. She doesn’t comment here. Still I thank you for that info regarding the FDLE recycling Bill Lee. That action impugns their integrity and betrays public trust.


      • Xena.Happy Holidays!

        Thank you for remind me of my mistake.I hope she can read it, she asked
        about him ,and I was politically incorrect, it should be Happy Holidays!.


  17. Merry Christmas to everyone, wishing a gift of good health, happiness, and peace to all.


  18. For critics wanting to know why my Twitter account is protected, the real question is, if you have something to say about my blog and/or me, why aren’t you brave enough to submit comments here? I already know the answer — because you’re in the cyber-extortion gang and know that your comments constitute harassment. Maybe you can turn over a new leaf this New Year and get a life; do something positive to help mankind; stop being a bully.


  19. kindheart101

    My most heartfelt wishes for a wonderful, happy and peaceful Christmas is sent to each and every one of you.


  20. Merry Christmas to Xena and everyone here. I can’t thank you all enough for “putting up with me”

    My family & I went to a new Church tonight on the recommendation of the new bass player in my Christian band and I have to say the pastor was a scream. His interpretation of Biblical events was just what I needed to hear. He touched on some of the reason we gather here.

    To all the families here, and to all the families who have lost a loved one due to any violence of any kind, my family & I extend all of our love and best. I can’t imagine what pain it must be to have a Holiday without that loved one.

    It may not be much, but our love and I’m sure the love extended by everyone here, will always be there for you and your families.

    So sleep well all, have a very Blessed Christmas, no matter what Faith you have or what you believe in, we are all on this planet and created by the same being for a greater purpose.

    Racer & Family


  21. yahtzeebutterfly


  22. Good Morning! Merry Christmas everyone!


  23. mindyme62.Merry Christmas to you too!


  24. Good evening everyone, and thank you so much for contributing to this thread. Christmas day is winding down, and I hope that everyone had opportunity to put up their feet and relax.

    The dishwasher is on its third round of dishes, pots and pans, but it looks like I won’t have to cook for several days due to left-overs. LOL!

    Tomorrow starts a new day of getting back to fighting the good fight.


  25. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Tomorrow starts a new day of getting back to fighting the good fight.”


    I am so moved by the “Selma” theme song “Glory” :



  26. Happy New Year
    to all of my friends here at Butterfly7.
    Love you all,
    Loly : )

    Liked by 1 person

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