Awards – Holiday Presents


Blackbutterfly7 has been nominated for three awards.  Rather than posting them separately, I am accepting and paying all three forward in this post.

Kev is giving away Christmas presents, nominating his entire Word Press community.  Along with Kev, Petrel41 has nominated Blackbutterfly7 for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

The rules:

  • Pick your award (s)
  • Share it/them and this post with your blogging community
  • Promote one blogger by sharing a link to their website and at least one way in which they have been an inspiration to you this year.


I’m paying this forward to Dr. Rex. Her heart is an inspiration, and she has inspired me with her commitment. I can barely post 3 times a week, but Dr. Rex is committed to posting several times a day, and her posts to start the day are truly inspirational.

Barbara nominated Blackbutterfly7 for  The Harmony & Peace Award. Barbara says of the award:

I created this new award to celebrate all those who promote Harmony & Peace, and who add Love & Beauty to the world through their Blogs and through their lives.  Their Positivity makes the world a better place for all of us.

The rules:

  1. Give this award to seven bloggers who have added Harmony & Peace, Love & Beauty and Positivity to the world you live in.
  2. Let them know that you nominated them.
  3. Acknowledge the blogger from whom you received this award
  4. Display your award on your blog, because you have earned it!
  5. Continue to live in Harmony & Peace


Barbara also nominated Blackbutterfly7 for the One Lovely Blog Award.

The Rules:

Nominate and notify 15 bloggers, and tell 7 things about yourself.


Here goes ……

1.  I knit and crochet and play violin, although I’ve not played in years.

2.  I was married to the same man for 39 years until his death.

3.  It has been said of me that I’m so far to the left that you can’t wedge anything between me and left.

4.  Music is on in my house most of the time. I enjoy all music – it depends on my mood.

5.  Although I’ve been on Twitter since August 2013, I’m still learning it, and still have problems dealing with acronyms.

6.  I wish that I could speak, read, and write in three languages other than English. Did I say that I don’t like acronyms?

7.  My patience level is long except with ignorant people.  For 2232146463_3aa3230414example, those who write in acronyms and assume that everyone knows what they mean.


These nominations are humbling, and motivating. Thanks to everyone who nominated, and thanks to those supporting Blackbutterfly7 and who also have fantastic blogs.   The three awards are paid forward to:

I cannot accept these awards without acknowledging the many people here who post comments and stop in, and/or read and click “like.”  There are also people on Twitter who support this blog and for that, I am grateful.

Please allow me to also thank people who support this blog by linking its articles on their Facebook page.   I see you.  For example,  the article “He Can’t Breath,” was sent to 40 Facebook pages.  Thank you.


Thanks again for this humbling honor, and remember …


With appreciation and love,

Xena, BlushedBrown, Towerflower and SCRodgriguez

Posted on 12/17/2014, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 37 Comments.

  1. Congratulations!! Thank you for paying the award forward. That means more than I can tell you. I will do my best to fulfill the requirements! I am most touched!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. yahtzeebutterfly



  3. “3. It has been said of me that I’m so far to the left that you can’t wedge anything between me and left”

    Love this!!


  4. Whoa ! My name is there ! ! ! Thank you ! ! And happy Holidays ! Cheers ! ( sorry for the exclamation marks, XD )


    • Ren, your name sure is. (I still have to make the rounds. Getting around to it.) I love the way you share your life with your readers. It makes me feel part of it; seeing your educational accomplishments as well as your personality, which is so amazing, open, and caring. I am so happy that we met.


  5. Ah shucks, very kind, thank you 😀


    • What would Word Press be without charisma? Not just any charisma, but Don Charisma! Thanks for sharing your talents through your blog.


  6. Thank you, I am honoured and humbled!


  7. Congratz! 🙂
    And thank you so much for the nomination.
    Love & Hugz ❤


  8. Xtra- ordinary Xena, you deserve all three and then some! Congrats.


  9. butterflydreamer2



  10. Annie Cabani

    Congratulations to Xena and all the others!

    I don’t know what they heck this all means, but it sounds like it means a lot and that you all deserve kudos. So, HIP-HIP-HOORAY to all of you!


    • Hey Annie! It means that we, as a blog, (writers, commenters) are loved by others in the Word Press community. I love them back. For me, it’s a humbling honor.


  11. Two sides to a story

    So kind of you, Xena! Congrats to you and all who work to bring justice and peace to the world!
    -Two Sides, aka katerwriter


    • Hey Two Sides. Your site might not be hosted by Word Press, but you are family. Your participation here is most appreciated and your talent, as represented on your site, is outstanding!


  12. Congratulations! 🙂


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