T.G.I.F.: It’s Been A Long Week

Too cute, and too smart. LOL!

Live & Learn


Source: gifak (*This is not our Viszla Zeke. He would have snagged this…)

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Posted on 11/14/2014, in Potpourri, Uncategorized and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Too funny!


  2. Cute cute cute!! Thanks for the laugh! Happy T.G.I.F. to everyone!


  3. yahtzeebutterfly

    Ah, but a DOG’S reach should exceed his grasp,
    Or what’s a heaven for?


  4. I did a little better than the dog in the video today. 🙂 I’ve been trying to stay current with the blogs I follow in addition to catching up on reading from earlier this year. I am almost finished with catching up through May. Once I complete that project, my office needs organizing. I might see you guys next week. LOL!


  5. butterflydreamer2

    That video reminds me of my dog Penny. A couple of years ago I had just finished frying a big plate of fried chicken, when the phone rang. We had to go somewhere and left the plate on the counter. When we got home I went to grab the stuff needed to finish dinner. I went over to the counter and found an empty plate. I thought what the heck, where is the chicken. We went into our bedroom and the dog was all stretched out on the bed just snoring away. Her ears went back but she wouldn’t look at us. That’s her way of saying I know your talking about me and I’m not listening.


  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    Here is a careful dog diner 🙂


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