Michael Brown’s Funeral Live Streamed

May he rest in peace.  May his family be comforted.



Posted on 08/25/2014, in Michael Brown - Ferguson and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 40 Comments.

  1. Just like Trayvon’s Family…….Class & Dignity.

    I pray for healing and comfort for his family and friends.


  2. Class, dignity!!! Qualities that African Americans also have. Who ever doubted this? Peace for them …..


  3. yahtzeebutterfly

    Rest in peace, Michael, in His loving arms of peace, comfort and joy.

    “The Holy City”


    • Good morning, Yahtzeebutterfly!


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        Good Morning, Xena.

        Michael’s Homecoming today is deeply moving and inspiring at the same time as heartbreaking as I feel the pain of his loved ones and the tears.

        I am praying for comfort for Michael’s family.


  4. Reblogged this on MrMilitantNegro™.


    • Jueseppi, good morning dear friend. Thanks for the reblog.


      • Jueseppi B.

        There is so much wrong with this entire case, and I have become a non fan of Barack Obama and his administration over how they have handled this murder. I have changed the name of my blog and have officially dropped out of the Obama fan club. He has turned his back on America and Black Americans specifically.

        This makes me so very angry.


        • Jueseppi,
          I wondered why you changed the name of your blog, and I understand your anger, but it’s that darn Civil War that gave the state’s rights and constitutional separation of powers that are reasons why the Obama administration cannot take over these type of situations.

          I was happy when Eric Holder actually put his feet on the ground in Ferguson, because the DOJ in Washington, D.C. is actually ran by a bunch of gate keepers who impugn the integrity of that agency. I had a gate keeper say to me that if I did not want to be called a “nigger” in comments to my blog, to stay off the internet. Well, that wasn’t cool, and I eventually got through the gate using other means. Hate-speech is a crime, and conspiring to interfere in the free associations of others regardless of race is also a crime.

          What I am trying to say is that there are employees of federal agencies who don’t like working under bosses of color, and they fail to do their jobs hoping that their stupidity reflects on the head of the agency.


          • Jueseppi B.

            While I appreciate your thoughts & opinions, we disagree on this issue. OUR President is President of ALL America and while he runs to Jersey to comfort after Hurricane Sandy, or to Aurora after the theater massacre or to Newtown after that horrific shooting, he avoided Ferguson. No excuse for that and it’s unacceptable.


          • Jueseppi,
            I understand. It’s that healing mode that I like extending to others, but the saying “Physician heal thyself” applies to me at this time because I’m overwhelmed with the injustices and double-standards. Please forgive me.


        • roderick2012

          J, I agree with you about Obama’s (non) response, but remember Obama is a product of American racism having been raised by two white grandparents who were natives of Kansas and probably had never met a black person before their grandson.

          Add to the that fact the president’s father was the ‘stereotypical’ black man who not only abandoned his son and wife but was later found to be a bigamist.

          Then Obama was raised by his grandmother who became afraid of him because she thought he was scary black not her grandson.

          I believe not only are racial issues political landmines for the first African American president but they are personally painful for President Obama due to his upbringing.


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Roderick, just for clarification:

            Crisis: How do you feel to hear people say mixed-race children are children in limbo?

            Obama: In a society as divided as we are, there are certain problems you can confront if you know your white side of the family. If I’m looking into the face of my mother, those kinds of differences do arise. Take my grandmother, while she loves me, she still has a fear of strange black men. For her, her suspicions and fears are real. We all confront that to varying degrees along the spectrum . . . It’s on the nightly news.


  5. I must. I must.

    There are comments on the live stream from someone who claims being Christian, and who desecrates and disrespects Michael Brown by referring to him as a thief. Hypocrite! Jesus Christ came to save sinners. Jesus Christ died for the sins of “the world.” That includes everyone.

    My Bible tells me that Jesus Christ was crucified between two thieves. He gave one promises, but did not condemn the other. Somewhere within the hypocrisy of so-called Christians, they have to decide whether their standard of perfection is acceptable to their God.

    How dare people call themselves Christian but believe that God created only some men in his image based on the color of their skin, and all others evolved from animals. Hypocrites! Do not celebrate in the death of anyone, because death does not discriminate.

    I speak to the hypocrites as a Christian, and I proclaim to them that they bring reproach upon Jesus Christ.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Tell it!

      Shine the light on their darkness….make them scatter in shame and fear of the light of truth!


      • Don’t get me started. A troll by any other “handle” is still a troll. Using the title “Christian” in their handles only tells me that they intend to impugn the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are disrespectful, filthy, self-righteous hypocrites.


  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    Michael is going home to be with God and His love.


  7. Preach it, Natalie.


  8. Michael Brown’s family could not have an open casket because Darren Wilson decided to shoot Michael in his face. Darren Wilson’s actions deprived Michael of his life, and Michael’s family from visually being able to say good-bye.


  9. Remarks of Attorney Benjamin L. Crump at the Funeral of Michael Brown, Jr.:

    That’s why the parents of Mike Brown are calling on YOU, the people who have been with them from day one, crying, praying, and marching: to help them stop another Mike Brown,
    stop another Amadoud Diollo from happening in NY,
    stop another Martin Lee Anderson from happening in Florida,
    stop another Sean Bell from happening in New York,
    stop another Oscar Grant from happening in California,
    stop another Jonathan Farrell from happening in NC,
    stop another Chavis Carter from happening in Arkansas,
    stop another Kendrick Johnson from happening in Georgia,
    stop another Robbie Tolan from happening in Texas,
    stop another Leon Ford Jr. in Pennsylvania
    stop another Howard Morgan from happening in Illinois,
    stop another Alesia Thomas from happening in California,
    stop another Jordan Davis for Jacksonville
    stop another Trayvon Martin in Sanford
    stop another Emmitt Till, Money, Mississippi
    and all the other young nameless men of color who have been victims of senseless gun violence and police brutality.



  10. sidewinder50

    I am not black. I am not an American. I feel this. I am so very sorry and heart-broken for Mike’s mother. For Mike’s father. For Mike’s family and friends.

    Hands Up. Hoodies Up. Music Up. Stand Up.


  11. Like

  12. yahtzeebutterfly

    Memorial of Mourning, Reflection, Identification, Hope for Change

    Roses marking the

    Dash for safety
    Dash for life

    An officer’s
    Path of wrath
    Path of inhumanity
    Path of insanity

    Trail of tears
    Trail of fears
    Trail for years

    Road to justice?
    Road to change?


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