Archie Andrews One of 2014 Gun Statistics

Excellent information.

Nel's New Day

archie diesArchie Andrews, 73, died from a gun shot today because he protected his friend Sen. Kevin Keller from an assassination attempt. Anyone who has read comic books for the past seven decades knows Archie, from DC Comics Life with Archie. In this way, Archie Comics and co-CEO Jon Goldwater brings the issue of senseless gun deaths to entertainment media.

The first gay character in the Archie Comics series, Keller is a married military veteran and newly elected senator. He pushed for more gun control after his husband, Clay, was involved in a shooting while trying to prevent a robbery. Today’s #36 shows the killing; #37 will show Archie’s friends paying tribute to his legacy one year later.

Goldwater said that the comic’s plotline was not a publicity stunt but a way to educate readers about gun violence.

Superheroes such as Marvel’s Spiderman and Captain America have died, but Archie has…

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Posted on 07/18/2014, in Conceal Carry & SYG and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. yahtzeebutterfly

    Excerpt from the Archie article:

    Exactly how many people die from gun shots each year in the United States is impossible to know because the NRA and the gun industry have coerced Congress into preventing the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from compiling national statistics on gun-related deaths and injuries. To overcome this ignorance, Jennifer Mascia, assistant editor for the New York Times, has attempted to collect these statistics by gathering the information state by state for Joe Nocera’s The Gun Report.

    In examining over 40,000 deaths from guns since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School that Mascia could find, she discovered that half the shootings came from arguments, frequently fueled by alcohol, among friends, neighbors, family members, and intimate partners. More and more, people solve their problems with guns, not fists. Loaded guns are easily accessible, many times to children who shoot themselves or each others. Suburbs are the new magnet for gun violence.

    Mascia also discovered:
    • In Iowa, it’s easier to sell a gun than lemonade.
    • In Arkansas, it takes less time to buy a gun than to qualify for food stamps.
    • In Arizona, you need a permit to cut hair, but not to carry a concealed weapon.
    • In Florida you’re fingerprinted to be a substitute teacher, but not to buy or carry a gun.
    • It’s easier to buy an assault weapon than it is to vote.

    Mascia’s article:

    “Who gets shot in America: What I learned compiling records of carnage for the New York Times”
    By Jennifer Mascia


    • Yahtzee, As the article stated, it is now too easy for people to solve a simple argument with a gun and avoid close and personal contact. Who would possibly want to get up close to another individual and risk getting a big bad bruise when it is much simpler to grab a gun and kill them instead…. Human life is no longer nearly as important as it was in the past, or at least to too many people, and IMO it is due in part to TV and violent computer games, where the person who is shot by a gun, simply gets up and walks away at the end of the show and or game. Too bad that same game plan does not work in the “real world”, where when you are shot you bleed, and possibly die, never to be able to walk, breathe, or love… Too many gun owners and too many guns for this country to actually resolver this issue in a realistic manner… all that really matters at this point is to start thinking and saying very loudly: NOT ONE MORE… NOT ONE MORE.. NOT ONE MORE… At some point, when enough of us start saying that phrase, people will start to hear and listen…


      • yahtzeebutterfly

        crazy1946, thank you for expressing so well what I have been feeling.

        and I so agree with your observation that

        “Human life is no longer nearly as important as it was in the past, or at least to too many people, and IMO it is due in part to TV and violent computer games, where the person who is shot by a gun, simply gets up and walks away at the end of the show and or game. Too bad that same game plan does not work in the “real world”, where when you are shot you bleed, and possibly die, never to be able to walk, breathe, or love.”


  2. Wow! Definitely an interesting article. In the early seventies, when my ex-husband was in the Army and stationed in Germany, I worked on base at a job that sometimes required me to work late at night. I either walked or rode my bicycle to and from work. The only time I ever worried about my safety was on New Year’s Eve. Then I had the Military Police drive me home. It wasn’t the Germans (or even the Gypsies) that I worried about. but other Americans! It’s amazing how America’s violent culture even follows us overseas. It’s a sad commentary how the gun-nuts have hijacked our Constitution.


    • Linda Andersen

      Oops! Finally figured out how to correct my name! It would help if I didn’t do this in the middle of the night!


      • Linda,
        Thanks so much for taking the time to register so you can continue commenting. That means a lot to me.

        It can be fun figuring things out in the middle of the night but a times, figuring things out at anytime when it comes to computers is by trial and error for me. 🙂



        • Xena, When one changes their online name, does it remove the old messages posted by that person? I know you would know the identity of the poster, but would one need to announce the name change in a post as well? I did change my pic that shows, but was contemplating a name change as well, not because I need to, simply to change things up a little bit… I normally don’t make changes, but decided to try to turn over an new rock, or at least break the routine. Somehow I suspect that what I wrote will make absolutely no sense at all, oh well, that’s nothing new, right? 🙂


          • Crazy,
            Is that a crusty old bat I see? 🙂

            Below is a link about changing user name on Word press accounts. I’m unsure how that works with comments posted after changing handles but if I’m not mistaken, it will change the user name on all comments you’ve posted on Word Press blogs where you’ve signed in with your Word Press account.



          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Actually, If you check one of my comments from an earlier article (before I signed up for a WordPress account), you will still see my old “Yahtzee” name but now with my new gravatar picture.


          • crustyolemothman

            Xena, I have changed my name to “crustyolemothman”! I had used crazy1946 for a long time, and decided to make a change… and no, while I may have a few bats in the belfry, that is not a bat it is a rendition of the mythical creature the “mothman”… complete with glowing (red) eyes!


          • Crustyolemothman! I can’t stop laughing! Love your sense of humor.


          • yahtzeebutterfly


            What great fun this is! Love it!

            Those who lurk in the dark had better watch out for you….you will flush them out for us so that we can shine the light on them!!!


          • yahtzeebutterfly

            The cyber harassers had better leave their dark ways.


  3. Marinade Dave’s father died. He’s on FB Dave and his blog marinade Dave is re activated. His Dad died peacefully early Wed and he and his mom were with him. His uncle, who must be already gone was a well known scifi writer. Apparently, was very well known and wrote tons of books, like a hero at the comic con conventions.

    Anyway, he’s received like 90 or more expressions of sympathy. Must know many many people.


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