What Students Remember Most About Teachers

I remember my 8th grade teacher making a strong impression on me. She encouraged me to run for class president. Not only that, but it was her shirtwaist dresses and well kept appearance in which I established my impression of what it is to be a “lady” and not just a woman. I love Mrs. Pettigrew to this very day!

My Good Time Stories

Photo Credit: www.audio-luci-store.it Photo Credit: http://www.audio-luci-store.it

As most of you know (or don’t know), I am a teacher and coach. I have been doing both for 28 years now and I have loved every second of it. I really enjoy teaching my students in an atmosphere where they can have loads of fun, learn concepts, exercise and get rid if some stress. 

The most annoying thing about things about my job are the meetings, political decisions and other stuff but honestly, just about every other workplace has the same thing going on. Just give me my kids and my gym or field…and I am happier than a meadowlark!

One of the great joys of teaching and the most fulfilling, is knowing that I a making an impact on some child’s life…one that they will never forget and use it throughout their lifetimes. That’s why, when I read on my friend’s site, “Pursuit of…

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Posted on 05/20/2014, in Potpourri, Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. I see you up there Cielo — thought about you when I read the article. 🙂


  2. More than my own teachers, I remember the awesome teachers my children had. My oldest son’s kindergarten teacher taught ME so much. So much of what I learned from her, I carried with me through years of raising children and caring for OPKs. She had this way of being proactive with restless children, allowing them a way to get their ‘wiggles’ out when they had sat for too long.

    Teachers in this country are severely underpaid and under appreciated.


    • Thanks Crazy. Another child’s life taken; another child who will live with the consequences; another hurting family. Bullets do not have a mind of their own. They do not discriminate.

      From the article:

      In another tragic accident, a Florida father faces charges after his 3-year-old shot herself with his gun.

      This recent case is yet another glaring example that kids are not safe around guns. According to a Yale University study, a child is injured by a gun every hour in the U.S.


  3. yeseventhistoowillpass

    Teachers deserve only the best wages and Benifits. We send our children to be with them for 6 hours of the day. I saw less of my sons for all those years they were growing up. Three cheers for teachers!


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