“Suspicion Nation” – Addressing the Critics; Re: The Gun

In her book, Suspicion Nation, Lisa Blooms writes:

“Two weeks into the three-week trial, I used the opportunity to take another look at the important evidence that had already been admitted in the trial, as I would if I were trying the case myself for either side.”

“That’s when I noticed some critical evidence about the placement of Zimmerman’s gun.  That black KelTec 9mm PF-9 semiautomatic handgun was holstered not only inside his waistband (that is, inside his pants, concealed), but behind Zimmerman, on his backside.”

George-Zimmerman-re-enactmentLisa goes on to write about learning this from Zimmerman himself, as she watched his reenactment video several times.  Like many of us who studied Zimmerman, not only in words, but his re-play of actions, noticed that he reached behind his pocket when reenacting where he wore his gun.  We concluded that there was no way that Trayvon could see, much less reach, for that gun.

The anti-Trayvon Martin camp criticizes Lisa Bloom for her keen perception.  They say that Zimmerman did not carry his gun on his backside.  They make excuses for why Zimmerman reached behind his pocket when showing detectives where his gun was when he reached for it.

So the question is, where did George Zimmerman carry his gun?

The answer comes from his own mouth; i.e., his “hip.”

The hip is not the waist and George demonstrated what he believes to be his hip.

Lisa Bloom questions what many of us also questioned, which is why did the detectives allow Zimmerman to demonstrate from a standing position, those things that he said happened on the ground while he was on his back.

I remember during the trial that Vinnie Politan on HLN had  Zimmerman’s advocate Frank Taaffee, demonstrate how Zimmerman went for his gun with Trayvon’s knees on each side of him.  Frank was only able to reach his waist by pushing Vinnie’s knees back, and Vinnie told Frank that Zimmerman said nothing about getting Trayvon’s knees out-of-the-way.

While Vinnie caught that, he missed two other things.  First, Zimmerman’s head was not on the concrete when Trayvon purportedly went for the gun.  That in fact, Zimmerman said it was because he shimmied off the concrete that his jacket raised, exposing the gun.  Second, Zimmerman said when Trayvon reached for the gun, that he pinned Trayvon’s arm.

Zimmerman demonstrated that while holding Trayvon’s arm under his right upper arm close to his body, that he had enough arm left to still reach back to get his gun.

Lisa Bloom writes in her book,

“On a very dark, rainy night, Trayvon saw through Zimmerman’s body to a gun holstered behind him, concealed inside his pants?  Did Trayvon have X-ray vision?”

“What shocked me most of all was that the prosecution had failed raise this point at trial.  Not in the opening statement.  Not in the questioning of any of their witnesses.  Not in cross-examination of defense witnesses.”

I too awaited for the prosecution to question Detectives Serino and Singleton as to why they did not require that Zimmerman get on the ground to reenact what he said happened while on his back.

I wanted the prosecution to ask how Zimmerman could sit comfortably and drive with his gun so far back, and I anticipated that Shellie would be called as a witness to testify where George kept the gun in the truck while he was driving.

The public, nor the jury, got that on the record, but we know.  We know.  Remember when George was stopped for speeding in Texas, where he told the officer his gun was?

On May 29, 2012, LLMPapa uploaded the following video.  Some of us knew a year before trial, that Zimmerman’s story was not true.






Posted on 03/26/2014, in Evidence, George and Shellie Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 77 Comments.

  1. We’ve always known his story was BS. The whole thing, start to finish.


    • mindyme,
      Yes, we have.

      It always bothered me that Serino and Singleton were not asked about GZ saying that when he was told “We don’t need you to do that,” that he was standing on Retreat View Circle. Those are his words. He saw Trayvon go down the dog path, but he went to RVC. He was “going in the same direction” but not following. In other words, GZ was headed to the back gate where he thought Trayvon was going, only he was taking a route that would get him there without being seen by Trayvon.

      Compare to Jeantel’s testimony. Trayvon was by his dad’s house. Trayvon had to go onto RVC to enter the front of the townhouse. He sees the creepy guy again.

      Compare: GZ tells detectives that when he “walked back towards him,” he saw Trayvon coming towards him. That’s because they were both on RVC. Trayvon was going to the front of his dad’s house.

      Trayvon isn’t going to run because being by his dad’s house, there is no where for him to run to.

      Trayvon turns around and walks to the back of the townhouse with GZ following him because Jeantel says he told her that the guy was behind him.

      It’s a continual sequence.

      The prosecution never brought up that there were no keys on Trayvon. They didn’t ask Tracy how Trayvon was to enter the house. They didn’t ask Chad how Trayvon was going to get back into the house.

      Had Bernie, or Guy, or Mantei been a Juan Martinez (prosecutor in Jodi Arias trial), they could have taken GZ’s statement and Jeantel’s testimony and shown the jury on the map what happened, just as Martinez told the jury what Travis did while Jodi was stabbing him.

      Also, just as Martinez showed the jury that Jodi was lying about being attacked by Travis, Corey’s team could have used GZ’s words and Jeantel’s testimony to show the jury that there was no way the altercation started at the “T” and not starting there, GZ was not punched in the nose.

      I thought the state would have an expert to explain the recoil from the gun resulting from shooting with one hand, because that is how GZ’s nose was hurt.

      I don’t think it would have changed Juror B37’s agenda, but at least the rest of us would understand that the prosecution actually took time to connect the dots.

      Remember this?


  2. Jueseppi B.

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat™.


  3. Lairdbearly aka schoolover13

    I have to admit that when I first heard of this case in March 2012.. It was few days after the shooting, the facts was diverse- people said it was 2 am and the kid was high on powerful drugs.. I was oringally netrual then in March 2013- I believed that people had a right to protect themselves.. My opinions changed when I got a link from my cousin on FB; the petition by TM’s parents- I read the facts from them on change.org, I was disgusted that it was 7pm and the victim was in same grade and my age then in 2012- that hit my heart.. Plus more disgusted when I read the part about the shooter was not arrested, I signed the petition to arrest the fat killer.

    I knew his story was BS when the discovery came out in April 2012- I read his statements and transcripts of recorded interviews- I noticed that he had 3 different stories about how he was “attacked” that was when I became a team TM from April 2012- still going strong for TM! I watched his reenactment- I watched his body language since I’m deaf- from his actions: I could tell he was lying about what happened that horrible evening of 2/26/2012. I hope the Feds/DOJ shows his bs stories to the Feds grand jury.


    • Lairdbearly,

      I watched his reenactment- I watched his body language since I’m deaf- from his actions: …

      You are magnificent! There is a woman named Renee, better known by her nickname “Eyes for Lies.” She wrote a piece about how GZ took the posture of the aggressor during his re-enactment. He did not look up as if he was on the ground. When he demonstrated smothering, he placed his hands if though smothering someone rather than being smothered himself. She has since deleted that article.

      Know what? Trayvon could have been out at 2 a.m. He could have been on powerful drugs. That still did not give GZ the right to get out of his truck and follow anyone who ran from him.

      When the anti-Trayvon camp demeans Trayvon, Tracy and Sybrina, what they promote is the ideology that private citizens have the right to kill whomever they believe will live to be a burden on society. That is one reason I call them “bigotvoyants.” Not only did they claim to know Trayvon’s thoughts that evening, but they claim to also know his future had he not been killed. They would make Hitler proud.


  4. How could we forget !

    Several times my friends, my son and I would attempt to pull a gun as Fogen claims he did. It cannot be done. When the trial was on I thought they would use his reenactment and interviews to chop him into pieces. Every lawyer and cop I know was waiting for the same thing, you know……being competent and all, not the prosecution…..my guys.

    For the prosecution to go the route they did was shocking.

    Not only did Fogen say his holster was on his butt, the Sanford Police said that’s where it was when they got there. That fact is what I was really waiting for them to hammer.

    Fogen’s nose may have been cut from the recoil. There’s a very high probability of that, but he may have run into the dog poop sign at the “T”. The lower edge is exactly the height as his boo boo.


    • And, gz said he mentioned a sign…..but as a ridiculous possibility that Trayvon might have been hitting him with a sign!

      Singleton interview of GZ 2-26-12:

      GZ: “I just remember…..I couldn’t breathe, and then he still kept trying to hit my head against the pavement, or, I don’t know if there was a sign or what it was.”


    • Racer,

      Fogen’s nose may have been cut from the recoil. There’s a very high probability of that, but he may have run into the dog poop sign at the “T”. The lower edge is exactly the height as his boo boo.

      GZ did not go down the “T.” Before he had a chance to change his story, he said that when the dispatcher said, “We don’t need you to do that,” that he was standing on Retreat View Circle.

      You know cops. They are trained not to chase suspects by going directly behind them. They look for a way to cut them off from the side. That is what GZ planned to do. He was going “in the same direction,” which he assumed that Trayvon was headed for the back gate. Both paths, the one that Trayvon took, and the one that GZ took, lead to the back gate.

      As far as the head wounds, I looked at a close up and those were not fresh wounds. They had already began to scalp. The shape that some think is from the gun is not what I see. I see that shape as a carabinder, holding down cable, that’s attached to a bracket with screws and those screws sticking up — like on gym equipment.

      Then there’s the unidentified DNA on GZ’s jacket. He had been in a fight, but not with Trayvon, and not the evening of Feb. 26, 2012. Shellie knows.


      • Also, don’t forget that there are tree-like bushes on RVC….like those in Jon Manalo’s driveway. They could have blocked the view for both Trayvon and GZ until the last moment when they saw each other.


        • True that is and we all talked about that. Remember that in 2 interviews Taaffe said “…and that’s when George confronted Trayvon”

          It seems even Taaffe didn’t listen to or at least remember the facts. As I’ve said a million times “The truth never changes, but the lie always morphs”


      • I hear you loud and clear, believe me.

        Harken back to May thru Sept. 2012 when we were on HP, which is where we first “met” How many times did I “joke” about Fogen and “SheLie” having a fight and she whacked him upside the head and he went off to “Target” someone.

        Fast Fwd to last year when Shellie said they had a fight on Sat. night and she left him and stayed at here dads. Little did we know, despite the jokes that his scalp wounds for sure were inflicted anywhere but on the concrete and anytime but that night.

        Yep……..Shellie knows.

        And despite the truth Papa Phucking Z says Fogen cooked dinner that night as is his custom. I’ll bet he can’t heat oil to make fries without a fire….but that’s just me.

        Fogen may very well have stood up while he was under something (like metal gym equipment) and gotten cut. His truck was never looked at for blood stains nor anything else. What we all had wrong was saying she was with him that night. I still think someone may have been……Taaffe maybe ??

        I still get feedback from my Fed guys who say there is a reason his phone records were never published. I still say he was on the hunt and Trayvon was boxed in by at least 2 people.


        • Don’t forget – the lying dad also said he mentored the (black) kids as was their (GZ & Shellie) custom. WHAT BLACK KIDS DID HE MENTOR? Where the HELL are they? What program did he “mentor” through? LIARS LIARS all of them!!!!

          I want those phone records race, I want them!!!


          • Racer and Rachael, I had GZ’s cell phone log but don’t remember what folder I saved it in. Parts of it are redacted. The only thing that I specifically remember is that the last number he called was to NEN, and the timing was after he killed Trayvon.


          • There is a reason they’re locked up……so we forget, that’s why.

            He went the “mentoring the black kids” again a month or so ago in one of his “…leave me alone so I can live a normal life……..is the camera on….? interviews.

            BULLSHIT Fogen…..no kids of any kind did you mentor……abuse……we know the answer to that one.


        • Trayvon was boxed in by at least 2 people.

          If I went by my gut feeling, I would agree with you.

          Perhaps Trayvon said “Why are you following me?” to one person and ran him up to GZ who said “What are you doing around here?”

          But, I just haven’t given into my gut feeling at this point.


        • Racer,

          Fast Fwd to last year when Shellie said they had a fight on Sat. night and she left him and stayed at here dads.

          Yep. You were on point.

          There was much to be gleaned from their jail house phone calls too. Some said then that Shellie humored GZ like a mentally abused woman. It was my suspicion that Shellie was hoping to hold on to at least that $10K in her safety deposit box as get-a-way money from George.


          • Some said then that Shellie humored GZ like a mentally abused woman

            Yep, that candy-sweetie talk had no feeling behind it.


    • towerflower

      Unfortunately Off. Smith does not describe where the gun holster was located, in his statement he only says “inside of his waistband” but doesn’t elaborate any further. Page 14 of the 183 page evidence dump.

      I think the most telling part about the location is the re-enactment video and where Z places his hands as if to grab the gun (right rear on the hip). You do have some tactical trained people who will put the gun behind them and some who will keep it on their side.

      I would have loved to see some gun person re-enact the shot, with a blank round of course. I too think that the recoil caused his nose boo boo. He was shooting with one hand and it wasn’t his dominate hand. His arm was not fully extended when he took the shot and as such his arm would not be able to absorb the recoil. It seems that someone would be able to redo this shot with protective face gear and with a blank round (gun powder and no bullet) to see if the recoil would force the gun back into the shooter’s face.


  5. All this is just too frustrating for me. None of it is new. We all knew it. I guess there is a small amount of satisfaction that now other people know too, but there is no satisfaction in knowing that GZ is still out there “protecting” his “family.” His WHAT??!! What kind of Good Christian doesn’t stand by his wife and in fact cheats on her and gets another woman pregnant while married to her? Oh yeah, the kind who shoots unarmed black kids and lies about it. I am just far too disgusted and frustrated to talk about this rationally.


    • Rachael,

      What kind of Good Christian doesn’t stand by his wife and in fact cheats on her and gets another woman pregnant while married to her?

      Uh — the David Koresh kind. GZ already has the arsenal, is sleeping with more than one woman, and he has even driven into Texas. The only thing that’s he missing is the following — but he’s trying to work on that.


  6. towerflower

    race….I’m still wondering why nothing was brought into the trial about his texts, phone records etc. They were damning enough to be sealed but they never came in, I wonder why.


  7. Here is one young man (Stacy Robinson) you probably won’t hear about at the outhouse – watch the video and you’ll see why:


    Thank God for men like him and the others who saved the lives of those children.


    • Rachael,
      Yes! The video wouldn’t play for me, but I read the story. One man, two miracles and because he brought attention to the situation, another miracle.


  8. Personally, I found Bloom’s book disappointing. She basically boils the prosecution’s failure down to this single inconsistency in Zimmerman’s “re-enactment”. I mean, really, does Bloom think Mark O’Mara is so stupid he couldn’t have rebutted this point had the prosecutors pressed it at trial?

    MOM: “Dr, Di Maio, if Mr Zimmerman was lying with his back on the ground, struggling with his body to get away from Trayvon Martin, is it possible that his pants could have shifted around his waist to the point where his holster moved enough to the side to be in view?”

    DDM: “Yes, that’s certainly possible.”

    MOM: “So it’s not possible to make a definitive statement like ‘Trayvon would have needed X-Ray vision to see Mr. Zimmerman’s gun’?”

    DDM: (with a small dismissive laugh) “No, you can’t conclude something like at all. based on the scientific and medical evidence.”

    There is no single falsehood that implicates GZ beyond reasonable doubt. Many of his individual mis-steps can be given at least somewhat-plausible explanations, and while these explanations may seem a bit of stretch, as long as the jury can think “well, I guess that could have happened,” the counter-arguments will be enough to ward off a conviction.

    The thing is, GZ built up a massive pile of Zimmercrap. It’s only when you put it all together that you get a convincing picture of GZ’s mendacity and guilt. The prosecution’s failure to make a proper point of the gun-on-the-back-hip is just one drop in bucket full of incrimination their either failed to introduce entirely or adequately explain. Bloom’s book is no help at all in revealing this bigger picture.

    At a minimum, I would have liked to see her go into the “map-and-stopwatch” material, which is IRREFUTABLE evidence that the events of 2/26/12 could not have occurred the way GZ claims they did. And of course, I would have liked her to address tchoupi’s analysis of the clubhouse security videos, and my sync between the security videos and the police calls. Finally, Bloom has the resources to consult the appropriate top-notch medical experts not only to refute Di Maio’s testimony, but to establish whether or not the apparent injury to the bridge of GZ’s nose in the infamous “bloody nose” is even an anatomical possibility. I am amazed that more than two years after Trayvon’s death, NO ONE has produced an analysis of that photo from the standpoint of a maxillofacial surgeon…


    • “NO ONE has produced an analysis of that photo from the standpoint of a maxillofacial surgeon…”


    • Whonoze,
      Suspicion Nation does not re-litigate the Zimmerman case. IMHO, some who analyzed discovery material, such as yourself, are disappointed because of that. Lisa Bloom writes so that anyone, even those without any knowledge of the discovery material and GZ’s interviews, can see what she saw while observing in court.


    • blushedbrown

      I found the book disappointing also for various reasons. I believe Xena is correct by saying it is more meant for people who didn’t follow or know about the case.

      We have examined every possible piece of evidence we could get our hands on, viewed countless videos, listened to many jail calls, read texts etc etc. We tend to judge a lot harder then most because of the work we have done here at Blackbutterfly, BccListers, Whonoze’s blog, DPTM and Leathermans.

      I’ve always believed with the knowledge of some bloggers here on the internet ie Xena, Racer, Whonoze, CherokeeNative, and some others including myself would be able to produce a book reflecting our knowledge regarding the murder case of Trayvon B Martin a lot better than most. JMHO


      • Blushedbrown,
        Good to see your fonts.

        We tend to judge a lot harder then most because of the work we have done here at Blackbutterfly, BccListers, Whonoze’s blog, DPTM and Leathermans.

        TheJBMission, Marinade Dave, LLMPapa, stateoftheinternet (who, since the verdict, made his demonstrative videos private), xy11xy, EyesforLies, and Lonnie Starr. Each of us had an area of concentration, so it seems.

        We questioned and discovered things that we expected the prosecution to introduce at trial with experts, or at least with questions for professional witnesses that were called. For example, because of Lonnie’s work, I expected the prosecution to question the EMT about the blood on GZ’s head being dry and ask how that was possible if the wounds were fresh and with the weather conditions. Couple that with the crime scene workers who found no blood on the concrete.

        There’s so much that the prosecution failed to present.


        • blushedbrown

          Thank you so much of reminding me of other outstanding Bloggers & Videographers.
          They too deserve a lot of credit for a lot of dedication and work they have done for Trayvon Martin and family.
          I wrote the post too quickly and should have been more careful with my words.
          I see now that I did not do a good job of expressing myself on Lisa Bloom’s book.
          I believe the disappointment comes from wanting so much for a person like Lisa Bloom to get “All of it in” a book. Meaning, evidence, pictures, timing of calls, maps etc. The way we have done here on the internet. It is so frustrating for me, knowing how much other stuff is out there that people don’t know or understand.
          This is why Blogs like yours and others are so important. The information keeps flowing.
          All and all I do think her book is good, just not what I wanted. Most of her book validates points we have pointed out and the world saw folding out right before they’re very eyes.
          I do hope and pray that someone is putting a book together right now and when we read it we will say; “This is the most comprehensive and well laid out book regarding the murder of Trayvon Martin from start to finish”.

          PS Thanks’ again for the reminder, that is why you are BIG Sis and I am Lil Sis. 🙂


          • Blushbrown,

            I wrote the post too quickly and should have been more careful with my words.

            I’m sorry. I did not mean to convey that you erred in any fashion. There are so many that there’s a possibility we still left out some who continuously worked for justice for Trayvon. Now, I remember SDunn5 who continues in that effort on her blog till this day.

            Stupid me — Just look at the right border under videos. Sanford Watch is right there yet I forgot to include that in the previous comment. Then too, there is axiom amnesia who provided discovery material and court documents.

            I see now that I did not do a good job of expressing myself on Lisa Bloom’s book.

            No, you expressed yourself very well. Before I got the book, I read some people express disappointment with what she didn’t present. I know those people put in much work analyzing discovery material. Today even, they continue to re-litigate the case by debating evidence. Lately however, I’ve noticed on Twitter that the haters distracted from case evidence to demeaning Trayvon, regurgitating lies and making up new lies.

            Overall, “Suspicion Nation” is based on what Lisa Bloom observed in the courtroom during trial, as a lawyer would judge the presentations of the defense and prosecution. Her interview of Maddy gives us an understanding that there were biased members on the jury.

            I’m just now getting to the second part of the book.

            Most of her book validates points we have pointed out and the world saw folding out right before they’re very eyes.


            I do hope and pray that someone is putting a book together right now and when we read it we will say; “This is the most comprehensive and well laid out book regarding the murder of Trayvon Martin from start to finish”.

            That would have to be a collaboration. Each one of us seemed to focus on a certain area. For instance, I could never plainly write to describe what you guys found in the clubhouse videos. The only thing that I saw in the clubhouse video that stood out to me, was seeing Trayvon leave out of the mail shed with GZ driving on his heels.

            Love U, sister.


          • blushedbrown


            love you too, Big Sis. 😀


    • Shannon,
      Thanks for the link. I read it. One thing that should be corrected in that article is that while 200 attended the gun show, only about 20 met Zimmerman. From one photo, we can say that the 20 included at least one child.

      Zimmerman would like to be a hero, but he’s not. Many gun-rights advocates have no respect for him.


      • like the way he thinks! lol but we need changes to the laws and no thinking person can deny that. there’s too many subjective elements and not enough common sense.


        • Shannon,

          but we need changes to the laws and no thinking person can deny that.

          Absolutely! Listening and reading, it appears to me that people debate and confuse the Castle Doctrine with SYG. They are not the same. Some want to apply SYG to the inside of their own houses, but SYG applies to public places; hence, the reason for conceal carry.

          That no duty to retreat while in a public place is based sorely on fear. That should be repealed because as long as the other person has a right to be in that public place, they have no duty to retreat either.

          When they are unarmed and the other individual gets non-life threatening scratches and alleges that he/she was hit first, that doesn’t give them the right to kill.

          Watching post-verdict interviews, that seems to be the position that Corey took in Zimmerman’s trial; i.e., that Trayvon had the right to stand his ground.

          I like what a portion juror said during his voir dire. He said when the only other witness is dead, it’s murder.


  9. International community slams ‘Stand Your Ground’
    by Kunbi Tinuoye | March 26, 2014 at 11:37 AM<blockquote

    International community slams 'Stand Your Ground'


    WASHINGTON D.C. – Ron Davis, the father of slain teenager Jordan Davis, gave heart-wrenching testimony Tuesday against the controversial “Stand Your Ground” laws at a hearing before a transnational human rights commission.

    Davis was part of a delegation of high-profile activists, including Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, who argued that the laws are not only flawed but also rife with racism.

    “’Stand Your Ground’ all over this country is trumping the rights of human rights,” Davis testified before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.


  10. i’m getting ready to watch it & thought others may like to before it’s removed.

    @miamidecor #JH2014 #MeAt17 #TrayvonMartin inspired film, Exclusive online viewing as promised 8p.m-8a.m. http://youtu.be/_aHeOLijcMo


  11. Some people respect those who are successful, and some envy and demean them because of their success.

    In case you didn’t know that D.P. has once again changed his Twitter handle, here is his newest one.



    • Is this him?

      Dave says:
      March 26, 2014 at 10:02 pm

      I curse our founders daily for importing these savages for cheap labor.
      Their hate crimes against whites are 95% of the reason for the huge demand for concealed carry in the US.
      About 25% of Blacks belong in cages away from humans.


      • Rachael,
        That would be D.P. It’s his mantra and a good reason why unbiased legislatures should repeal SYG. What D.P. means about “hate crimes against whites” is when he has to walk on the sidewalk with Blacks who don’t step into the street until he passes-by.


    • The more hate they spew about you, the better at your job / task you are, then they are at theirs….

      Did that come out right ? That being said, Xena……I know you don’t drool, but then again, you’ve never had my BBQ !! And that’s the humor that race baiting hate mongers like DP will never get, but despise us for.

      I doubt DP uses toilet paper anyway, but that’s a topic for another day.

      Note to DP & co…….a Trombone won’t rust, it’s made of brass.


      • racer,

        I know you don’t drool, but then again, you’ve never had my BBQ !! And that’s the humor that race baiting hate mongers like DP will never get, but despise us for.

        BBQ sounds so good. When should I reserve my plane ticket?

        Smelling BBQ


  12. So far someone has managed to stay out of the headlines for two weeks.


    • Rachael,
      He’s probably looking for Twitter Bible; verses in 140 characters of less. Then too, NBC has filed a motion to dismiss GZ’s lawsuit, and there’s still his divorce case, so maybe he’s distracted working on his cases.


      • Pick me teacher…….pick me…….I know some.

        “Thou shalt not kill” Self evident on this one

        “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” Same applies here

        “‘You shall have no other gods before me.” “I love my guns…..I love my guns so sayeth the serpent PhuckingFogenPhoole”

        I missed the NBC filing !!!!! All together now Team Trayvon…..pull our spirits and thoughts together and say it “Motion Granted……Motion Granted”


        • LOL@Racer!

          “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

          “If a man doesn’t work, neither shall he eat.”

          “For God has not given us a spirit of fear,…”

          … pull our spirits and thoughts together and say it “Motion Granted……Motion Granted”

          So it is spoken. So shall it be.


          • Well…..looks like I missed the obvious again. Guess I’m not getting an “A” this marking period.


          • Racer,
            No, no, no. You get an A+.

            We can go through the Bible for a year and find instructions that GZ violates. 🙂


  13. Like

  14. No, D.P. I deleted both comments because:

    1. You know that you have been blocked from commenting here. Coming through the computer network at Cal. State U. is not to your benefit. It circumvented moderation provided by Word Press. You, David Piercy, trespassed.

    2. The video was nothing more than GZ’s re-enactment showing where he carries his gun.



    • DP couldn’t be more stupid if he tried. Once again, he is proving FogenPhoole lied.


    • Note to DP (and all you other race baiting hate mongers) Trayvon was to busy screaming for help to see any gun.


      Trayvon SAW the gun in Fogens hand as he was confronted and was to busy screaming for his life to take it away from him, ya know, some gun nut walking up to you with a pistol out and all.


      • Racer,

        Trayvon SAW the gun in Fogens hand as he was confronted …

        In a post verdict interview, Bernie de la Rionda said that he believed GZ had his gun out long before he says so.

        Sure he did. Post verdict, GZ gave us proof that he doesn’t drive with his gun holstered on his hip. Remember the traffic stops and where he said his gun was?


        • Yep, Yep, Yep……..Soooooo, he lied…..I’m shocked.


        • I’m with Bernie on that one.

          But the one other thing that’s always bothered me about CAC’s monkey trial is that the prosecutors NEVER mentioned the “second,” deeper voice – in contrast to the voice screaming for help – that can be heard during the 911 call placed by Jeremy’s lying hussy (another J name, I think?).

          We KNOW Bernie heard it – no expert witness needed! – because he brought it up in a pre-trial hearing. Yet NOT ONE WORD about it at trial.

          GMAFB, Bernie.
          Shame on you! (Tha’s polite for what I really wanted to say….)


          • groans,

            But the one other thing that’s always bothered me about CAC’s monkey trial is that the prosecutors NEVER mentioned the “second,” deeper voice – in contrast to the voice screaming for help – that can be heard during the 911 call placed by Jeremy’s lying hussy (another J name, I think?).

            We KNOW Bernie heard it – no expert witness needed! – because he brought it up in a pre-trial hearing. Yet NOT ONE WORD about it at trial.

            You, myself and others, recognize GZ’s voice. I wrote a fairly lengthy article about the Lauer 911 call and how, after hearing GZ speak in court at his first bond hearing, and then on Hannity’s program, I recognized his voice in the background of that call. He was not screaming but using profanity.

            It all boiled down to voice recognition. Because GZ stole Trayvon’s screams, O’Mara could say that the deeper voice was that of Trayvon’s. Yes, Bernie acknowledged at a pre-trial hearing that there are 2 voices in the background of that tape, but attorneys and prosecutors cannot testify at trial. Judge Nelson threw a monkey wrench in the case when denying expert voice analysis witnesses.


  15. trent makes a stunning observation abt Trayvon’s route!!


    • Shannon,
      WOW!!! I’m so happy to see Trent is back and doing videos. Thanks for sharing it.

      Here are a few videos to witness to what Trent said. These are things that those making excuses for Zimmerman don’t want to talk about.

      The first video is of the clubhouse video showing Trayvon leaving the mail shed with GZ following in his truck, on Trayvon’s heels.

      The second video presents what Trent said about GZ’s testimony of falling down with the first punch.

      The third video presents that GZ said he was on Retreat View Circle when told “We don’t need you to do that;” that he was going in the same direction as Trayvon without “following.”


  16. Although not much attention was given in my country to this trial (the coldblooded murder yes, the trial no) I have been trying to follow a bit of it. Few things I could not understand (and still don’t btw)
    Many of them are addressed in this article and the following comments (thanks all, it was enlightening) but one question remains and probably always will remain

    How by the love of whatever deity you pray to, can a law like the stand your ground law ever have been approved, it is a free rein for murder. Just make sure you have a good story, the right victim and dare I say a right wing state.

    weird people those floridians, weird people (well a lot of them anyways, I assume most of them will be “normal” individuals)


  17. This is a couple of the pundits, including lisa bloom, discussing zimmerman’s inconsistent story, how every single one of them are lies to pain himself as the innocent victim. not the usual forgotten elements one might forget during a traumatic event, but actual self serving admissions to Zimmerman’s narrative that either couldn’t have happened or obviously didn’t happen ie the dispatch telling him to get to a place where he can see Trayvon. i like how Marsha Clark explains how these types of lies are evidence of conscience of guilt.


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