Shellie Zimmerman Owes Another Apology

Shellie in court

Shellie Zimmerman in court during jury selection in her husband’s case.

Shellie Zimmerman, wife of George Zimmerman, was charged with felony perjury, which carried a possible sentence of five years in prison.  Before his arrest in April 2012, George Zimmerman opened a website and asked people to give him money for a legal defense.  After his arrest and while in jail awaiting his bond hearing, George and Shellie’s phone calls were recorded.  They spoke in code regarding the amount of money given to George through PayPal, and transfers of same into various accounts and a safety deposit box.

At George’s first bond hearing, Shellie misrepresented her knowledge of that money.  She testified that the couple had no money, although more than $130,000 was received, and Shellie used over $35,000 to pay personal debts and $3,500 to George’s parents.

On August 28, 2013, Shellie agreed to a plea deal.  Shellie Zimmerman had no prior criminal record, and Assistant State Attorney John Guy of Jacksonville agreed to allow her to plead guilty to the lesser charge.  Shellie was sentenced to one-year probation, fines, 100 hours of community service, and a letter of apology to Judge Lester.

Since then, Shellie has appeared in the media, filed for divorce from George, and called the cops to report that George threatened her and her dad while carrying a firearm.

In setting the slate clean for a fresh start, there is one more matter that Shellie has left undone.  She owes Tracy Martin an apology.  The video below speaks for itself.

(On a personal note, due to a family member having surgery, I will not online much for several days.  Please forgive my absence in comments.)



Posted on 09/24/2013, in George and Shellie Zimmerman, Videos and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 30 Comments.

  1. She will understand one day, hopefully not the grief and loss that the family of Trayon Martin have had to deal with, but with holding her baby and feeling that depth of love knowing you would die for that child. Knowing that a great part of yourself would die if anything happened to your child. Then she will understand.


  2. Xena, positive thoughts coming your way for a quick comfortable recovery for your family member.


  3. Xena….this would be a good start for Shellie,but I am sure her list of apologies are ENDLESS with so many others as well being with ZimASS for this long.All we really know is a short time of their marriage.I shutter to think what ALL she has done standing by her so called man.I think when this happened during the trial…everyone with half a brain knew this was some kind of set up BS!! O’smeara was overly pissed about the whole family being kept OUT!
    I’ll be sending PRAYERS your way for your FAMILY…..God Bless You All.


  4. Great video xena, we all know shellie most likely won’t apologize for this one though. Hope all goes well with your loved one. God bless


  5. george said the same shit. her apology sounds as contrived and practiced as gz’s. i really don’t see any true remorse for her part in the cover up or the way she behaved toward Tracy at trial. i’m serious, i don’t see it.


  6. Xena, take care and I’m seeing positive with the family member. I have you and yours on my prayer chain and me and God have a pretty cozy thing.

    Shellie has a lot of apologies to make, but I don’t see them happening at all. I really don’t think she understands what really happened. I don’t think any of them understand the finality of what pulling the trigger is about. And if many of us are on the mark with Fogen using this to play any games as far as Burgess and anyone else he was in cahoots with, anything even close to honesty is out of the question.


  7. Take care Xena!!!!


  8. Saying prayers for a speedy recovery for your loved one.


  9. There are no excuses for Shellie Zimmerman. If she really is an abused spouse, she could have left George at any time and her parents would have helped her with whatever she needed. She stayed with George and she must have had a reason. And, even after he murdered a child, she stayed with him.

    So, the question is, where does one draw the line? Does a decent, honest person “stand by her man” even after he kills someone? Or, would he have to kill two, or three? How many killings are acceptable before we expect the “abused spouse” to do what is right and what is moral and have the killer put behind bars where he belongs? The correct answer is zero.

    Shellie knows her husband murdered Trayvon Martin and she helped him evade punishment. She knows plenty, bet on it.


  10. (My niece should be out of the hospital today, so I might be back on a regular basis tomorrow. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers.)

    Shellie said that she saw a look in George’s eyes that she had never seen before.


  11. Regarding the traffic stop in Brevard County, Christi O’Connor reports on her blog

    But, there is much more to this story. It is not what’s happening here. It is what is NOT. Exclusive details involving a knife and a new Kel Tec Shotgun this afternoon. Stay tuned, here.


  12. He made the news again. Michelle Dean (Shellie’s mom) called police to the home where the altercation took place saying there had been a theft and/or burglary. Police said it is a Landlord/tenant dispute. That’s all that has been said on click Orlando (Channel 6).

    To me it sounds like George helped himself to some of his in-laws property.


    • Two sides to a story

      Response to Shellie’s interview this morning?


    • What the…. . Yup, I wonder if Mr. Dean will DO something this time.


      • towerflower

        Sounds like the cops ignored it by telling them it was a civil matter. I can see it now, z claiming that Shellie’s parents did the damage themselves to make him look bad.


        • @two sides

          I’m just getting in and will catch-up in a bit, but wanted to say that George Zimmerman knows all too well how to commit crimes that the police take as “civil matters.”

          Remember, he called the cops on his Landlord who wanted him to pay rent. That’s a civil matter.

          He called the cops on the server at his (non) graduation party who wanted to get paid. That’s a civil matter.

          He cheated his civil attorney in the Aames case out of fees and costs. That’s a civil matter.

          Cops do not arrest when tenants vandalize where they rent, neither steal items that came with the house. Landlords need to make sure that all items that come with the rental are on the lease. Many Landlords no longer provide appliances because tenants steal them. Tenants need to CYA by having a “walk-through” with the Landlord who signs off on the condition of the premises. (I highly doubt that George did that.)

          Where does this leave Shellie’s parents? They would have to prepare a complaint for damages. They will have to pay the filing fee to the court to file that complaint. The Sheriff will need to serve George with summons. (They can’t seem to find him to serve summons on the divorce papers.) The court sees landlord/tenant issues as causes in equity, so if Shellie’s parents prevail against George, the court awards them a judgment for the value of the property removed and damaged. Those judgments generally include costs so the filing fee paid by the Dean’s is included.

          Do ya think for one minute that George will pay them?

          However, if I were the Dean’s, I would file that complaint, get the judgment, and file liens against George’s truck and defense fund. I would get court approval for a citation of assets or if Shellie knows where George has his bank account, get an order to collect directly from his bank account. I would get an injunction on his PayPal account for the amount of the Judgment. IOWs, I would give George headaches.


          • Two sides to a story

            Reasonable people would do all those things by now. The Deans seem to be avoiding shaking things up because of Shellie’s probation and Mr. Dean’s previous scrapes with the law. But perhaps that’s why Mrs. D is doing the calling. Maybe because she made the call, she’ll follow up with some big guns this time. Lord knows that you know who needs a few swift kicks by now.


          • @Two sides.

            Lord knows that you know who needs a few swift kicks by now.

            Uh — Yeah! 🙂 The thing is, not many people are confident going to court representing themselves. When there is little to no chance of collecting the judgment without spending more time in court, lawyers will not take the case. Another thing is when those harmed go to court without a lawyer against a party they know is a liar and throws crap against the wall, they shy away from starting that battle. It’s just too stressful.

            My theory is that anyone who goes into business should know enough about the area of law that applies to their business so they are able to represent themselves in court. I would never, ever, become a Landlord without first arming myself with knowledge of tenant/Landlord law, observing such cases in court, and being familiar with all the paperwork.


          • Two sides to a story

            I agree for the most part. But Florida – or at least the county I lived in – has a system of landlord / tenant court conciliation to work these issues out. They helped me regain half my deposit when my lying landlord accused me of some damage that was present when I moved in back in 1991. They knew him well because he tried to take everyone’s deposits and apparently other tenants had gone to the system for help. They were about to award the entire deposit to me because he nearly failed to appear, but he rushed in at the last minute and to be fair, they gave us each half.

            If FL still has that system, I’m sure they’d take a dim view of Fogen’s maneuvers and would work with the Deans.


          • @Two sides.

            If FL still has that system, I’m sure they’d take a dim view of Fogen’s maneuvers and would work with the Deans.

            Thanks for the info. I hope the Deans get informed AND get active for redress.


          • Two sides to a story

            Me too. I hope they follow through.


        • Two sides to a story

          I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s exactly what he told police today, towerflower.


    • I’ve got this feeling that the Lake Mary redneck lawmen wish that Shellie and George would get their sorry a$$es out of that otherwise peaceful little town. Don’t think that Shellie is the only one worried about what George is capable of. We all know what has crossed our own minds and other folks are thinking the same things whether or not they talk about it publicly. Deep down, most people know he’s a killer, and most people would not welcome him into their neighborhoods. Such is the life of someone who got away with murder.


      • Sucks to be him Liza!


      • Come to think of it, he must be having a devil of a time. I’d guess that when he walks into a store, the staff tenses up and customers leave quickly. I’d guess he has to send his girlfriend into the stores to shop for him. People have a way of acting that, while not offensive, is off putting and makes them unapproachable. Store clerks acting gingerly around him and tense enough to notice, is not a very pleasant feeling. So, I guess that even when he goes to buy gas, the attendants keep their eyes on him at the pumps from behind the protective glass. All that wide eyed watching is enough to make a normal person cringe at the thought of even leaving the house. So I can’t imagine he’s very comfortable with his new image.


        • Two sides to a story

          My experience living in FL was that, people are watchy-watchy and not particularly friendly anyway. You don’t walk down the street and say hello to strangers, for example, and clerks tend to watch you in stores as if you’re about to grab something. I was relieved to move back to the SW, where people are a lot more relaxed and casual.
