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Wrongfully Convicted (Former) Skinhead Changes Paths


Kevin Baruxes at his parents’ home after his exoneration. — Peggy Peattie

Kevin Baruxes of Rancho Bernardo, California was 17 years old when 20-year-old Courtni Mahaffy invited him into her apartment for a water or lemonade.  He thought she was being nice.  In 1996, Courtni told police that three men, including Kevin Baruxes, who had just turned 18, raped her at knife point. She vividly recalled the “Skinhead” tattoo on Kevin;s’ back. She said that even though she was white, Kevin told her to “go back to Africa.”

Every time Courtni spoke to detectives, her story and description of Kevin changed.  In spite of her changing story, a lack of physical evidence, and Kevin’s alibi that he was home with his family, the jury convicted him. He was sentenced to 18 years to life.   Kevin went to prison so afraid that he didn’t use the bathroom for 4 days.  He didn’t want the other inmates to know the crime he was convicted of committing, and that went well until about 5 years into his sentence. Read the rest of this entry