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Michael Brown’s Friend Files Lawsuit and Grand Juror’s Suit is Dismissed


Dorian Johnson

Dorian Johnson, the man who was with Michael Brown when they encountered Darren Wilson who killed Michael, has filed a lawsuit against the City of Ferguson, former Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson, and former police officer Darren Wilson. Dorian filed suit in the St. Louis County Circuit Court. Dorian’s complaint alleges constitutional violations, assault and intentional infliction of emotional distress. It mentions many of the Justice Department’s findings.   Click here for the lawsuit.  It can also be found on the right-side border of this blog under “Documents.” Read the rest of this entry

Ferguson Grand Juror Sues Robert McCulloch


Robert McCulloch

It’s on the basis that Robert McCulloch’s “public characterization” of the grand jury does not reflect the juror’s own views.

Talking point memo reports that the juror is anonymous, and

“In [the grand juror]’s view, the current information available about the grand jurors’ views is not entirely accurate — especially the implication that all grand jurors believed that there was no support for any charges,” the lawsuit says, per the news outlet. “Moreover, the public characterization of the grand jurors’ view of witnesses and evidence does not accord with [Doe]’s own.”

The juror is represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri. It asks the court for an injunction that would allow the juror to speak publicly about the Darren Wilson case, who killed Michael Brown.

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