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Off Duty LA Cop Fires Gun Into Group of Unarmed Teens Walking Home From School

These were kids. The physical restraint questions if what the off duty officer did was a violation of law.

The video on the original post has been removed by Youtube.  Here is another video of the same.


Btx3's Blog

An off duty LA Cop fired his service pistol into a group of teens after escalating an argument over a kid walking over his lawn. There were a lot of opportunities to deescalate this one, and the Cop chose none of them, manhandling an unarmed 13 year old teen as the crowd around him grew. This is one of those neighborhood spats that should have been taken up with the boy’s parents in a neighbor-neighbor discussion.

Protests Erupt After Video Shows Off-Duty LAPD Cop Firing A Gun In Dispute With Teen

Police have arrested two teenagers in connection with Tuesday afternoon’s confrontation, but Gaby Hernandez, a spokesperson for a group that organized the protest, told The Huffington Post that activists want the “immediate arrest” of the officer for “child abuse” for the incident.

In the video, the off-duty officer can be heard saying that the boy threatened to shoot him…

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