Sunday Smiles – Bernie and His Mittens. Gotta Love It!

Wonderful! I almost fell off my chair when I saw the photo from Twilight: Breaking Dawn 1.

By Hook Or By Book


One of the surprising highlights of the inauguration were Senator Bernie Sanders and his delightful mittens. Naturally they’re appearing all over the internet in the form of clever memes, so here are some of my favorites.


























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Posted on 01/24/2021, in Happy Place, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 18 Comments.

  1. Which house is he in??!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sira,
    The one with the monitors in the background? I don’t know, but it reminds me of a Michael and Janet Jackson video.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sorry I missed this one, Xena, but no, I was referring to the last pic, the one with Prof. McGonagle (sp?) holding the sorting hat over Bernie, which Hook or Book thinks will put him in Gryffindor house. I’d tend to agree, with her! 🙂

      He’s definitely not a Slytherin, smart enough, like Pavarti Patel, and Hermione, to be a Ravenclaw, but values loyalty and courage over intelligence, and not just your ordinary guy, so not a Hufflepuff.
      Ok, Gryf. it is!
      Now, my question is would he join the Anla’Shok?


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks again for the reblog Xena. There are so many out there I think I’ll be postin a Part 2 next Sunday.😁

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Those were some funny memes. Another good one was an ex-college roommate showing one parodying Gendo from Neon Genesis Evangelion since we both like anime.

    That’s for extra context, just so you know. I’ll even give that Lion King meme a pass despite my strong feelings against that movie. Hahaha!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This was so so funny. Truly hilarious moment in history. The Ross painting took me out because I could hear his voice while reading it 😂 I’m so glad I saw this again today.. much needed smile. Thanks my friend. I pray you’re doing well and smiling.


    • Virgobeauty,
      So happy to hear that this brought a smile to you.

      I’m hanging in — stitches in foot, going to the doctor after the sun rises and hopefully, the stitches will be removed. Two diagnostic tests still pending. All health providers act on the side of caution. I appreciate that, but am still tired.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Aww it will go well when you get them removed. Take it easy until then… and even after that. Sending good vibes on diagnostic tests results. I know that tired feeling. Let’s challenge ourselves to relax more this week than we usually would. We deserve it. Plus, we need it.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Two more stitches to go. It didn’t help this morning that I saw an episode of Judge Mathis, where the defendant’s son had foot surgery. She said he was doing well then felt sick. Turned out his foot became infected and the infection moved to his heart. He died. It took me several minutes to collect myself after remembering that I was given an anti-biotic via IV during surgery.

          Liked by 1 person

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