Taking a Break

Hello everyone.   There are no words sufficient to express my appreciation for followers, old and new.   Will you accept flowers instead?


As most if not all of us know, things are hectic in the United States.  Everyday, Trump has said or done something that stresses the masses.   Remember to vote. 

My yards are telling me that giving them two days of attention a week is not enough.   It’s now August, and I’m way behind. Rabbits have built themselves a condo underneath my deck.  They have a front, back, and side door that they dug out.  I don’t mind that but a neighboring cat who is left outside at night is visiting.  It either lays in wait for a rabbit, or tries to reach the bird’s nest that is by my bedroom window.  (Nosy animal neighbors.) My dog doesn’t like cats so she wakes me up all through the night to let her out to run the cat off.   My son has suggested that I install a motion light that might run the cat off if it scares him/her.

I don’t want to put food out for the cat because we have wild critters, including raccoons, and I don’t want to attract them to my yard.  It’s time I find out who owns the cat.

On the subject of blogging, blogging to me is more than just what I do on my blog.  It also means visiting the community and paying it forward as much as time allows.  When I get behind and notifications reach 300, I don’t feel a panic because I can usually catch-up on a Saturday, but now I have over 900 notifications.   In other words, I need a break from writing to catch-up, and then a break to rest up.

I was going to follow the trial of Paul Manafort, but changed my mind.  Federal courts do not allow electronic devices inside the courtrooms.  That means finding reputable news sources that are reporting on the trial.  That means running into online news sources that only allow 3 to 5 visits before they blank the scene and tell you that you’ve exhausted your number of free views and need a subscription.

This past Monday, the documentary series about the Trayvon Martin Story began.  I do plan on posting comments, (if I have any), on the same thread until that series is finished.   I don’t plan to write a new blog post for the next week or so.

If you want to share news, comment, post an opinion, or share otherwise, feel free to use this post for open discussion in the comment section below.  While having my morning coffee, I’ll check for any comments that might be in the moderation queue.


Remember . . .



Posted on 08/03/2018, in open discussion, Potpourri and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 27 Comments.

  1. I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself. In due time, I’m sure you can catch up on the rabbits…and the notifications. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Xena,

    Enjoy the break. Thanks again for all your help. It has been a relief to no longer be dealing with you know who. What a menagerie of critters you have which are messing with your peace of mind.

    Hugs, Gronda

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gronda,
      I know what you mean about relief. At times, we don’t realize how much a person traumatizes us until we are free of them.

      About the critters; at 3 in the morning, an owl decided to start hooting.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Enjoy your very well deserved break. Tell your rabbits to install deadbolts on their condo doors! 🙂


  4. I can definitely relate to all you say. I swear the dust on my furniture is 4″ deep now, and the snail mail is piled high. Enjoy your break … take a few minutes to talk to the rabbits — they’re more sensible than most humans! Hugs!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jill,
      Last year, I told one of the bunnies that they needed to leave or I would make a coat out of them. He just wiggled his nose at me. I guess he could tell that I was bluffing. LOL!

      Liked by 2 people

      • 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 🐇 Just remember … they multiply!!! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        • Jill,
          Don’t I know it. They can be expensive too. I have a really deep window well and the other year, discovered that a baby rabbit had fallen into it. (There were also two toads that had fallen in.) It was interesting rescuing it, then I paid almost $200 to get a cover to prevent it from happening again.

          A funny thing is that this past winter, it has snowed but most of the snow melted leaving some small mounds here and there. I was looking out of the window and thought I was looking at a small mound of snow when it moved. IT HAD EARS! It was a white rabbit. 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

          • Two thumbs up to you for rescuing the bunny and toads!!! 👍👍 Many people wouldn’t have bothered.

            OH MY!!! That is so funny!!! I can imagine your confusion for a minute until you figured it out. We had a similar situation many decades ago when we lived in the mountains of Virginia. One day my husband saw his belt lying on the floor and he reached down to pick it up just as it started moving! It was a snake! 🐍


          • Jill,
            SNAKES!!! Those slithering, slimy, ugly, slithering, slimy, ….. YUK!

            We have garner snakes here. There’s a guy that sprays repellent around my yards that keeps them out. Only, last summer it rained too much for him to spray. This summer it’s been so hot that they haven’t come on the deck or patio to sun. My son saw one this year on the property next door. If they get closer, I’ll put down some moth balls. I don’t like those slithering, slimy, ugly reptiles.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Ha ha … you learn to expect these snakes and other critters occasionally when you live in the mountains, in the woods. Frankly, I don’t mind snakes or any other critter, though I keep my distance when I see a snake, for some of them can be a bit on the grumpy side. I find that I trust most critters more than I trust most humans these days.


          • Thought you might like this. Not only do some of us trust critters more than humans, but there are critters who trust that we do the right thing for them. They don’t ask if we know what we’re doing, or why we are doing things a certain way. They simply —trust.

            Liked by 1 person

          • I LOVED this video!!! Thank you so much for sending it … it made my Sunday!!!


          • I LOVE it!!!! Thanks!


          • Jill,
            The garner snakes were feral to this area. Farmers imported them to eat the mice who were destroying the corn. Now most of the corn fields have been turned into housing developments, but the snakes remain. YUK!

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Enjoy your break, i am sure you will feel better for it.


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