Hurricane Irma

It skirted Puerto Rico, caused death in the Caribbean islands, and is heading to Florida with winds up to 180 mph.  And, it is HUGE!

The following video is live tracking.

I have a doctor’s appointment and anticipate being placed on knock-out medication, so would appreciate that those following this event post follow-up comments in the comment section below.

About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 09/07/2017, in Potpourri and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 67 Comments.

  1. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Hurricane Irma 8 a.m. update: Hurricane watch likely will be issued for South Florida, Keys this morning”

    “The National Hurricane Center will likely issue a hurricane watch for the Florida Keys and parts of South Florida on Thursday morning as the Category 5 storm rolls toward the state.

    “As of 8 a.m. Thursday, Irma was moving off the northern coast of Hispaniola and toward the Turk and Caicos Islands, the U.S. National Hurricane Center’s latest advisory said. Maximum sustained winds are 180 mph, and the storm is moving at 17 mph.

    “The forecast cone shows Irma reaching South Florida early Sunday morning as a Category 4 storm.

    “The entire state of Florida is in the cone of uncertainty, with the eye of the storm hugging the east coast as it heads north. The storm also likely will impact Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, forecasters said.”


  2. yahtzeebutterfly


  3. I like your post 😊.


  4. Thank you Xena for this post. Hope all goes well at the doctor. Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I baaack!

    Thanks for the updates, Yahtzee.

    I have some calls to make, then I’m going into a coma-like sleep. Here’s praying the best for the people in Florida.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    The National Hurricane Center’s forecast now has Miami in the direct path of Hurricane Irma.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. yahtzeebutterfly

    From the article linked here:

    Florida residents racing to get out of Hurricane Irma’s destructive path have encountered a serious obstacle: gasoline shortages.

    At least 40% of gas stations in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale region are without fuel, according to estimates from crowdsourcing platform GasBuddy.

    About one-third of the gas stations in the West Palm Beach and the Fort Myers-Naples regions are in the same position. Central population centers like Tampa are also being affected, as well as the northern Gainesville region, GasBuddy numbers show.

    The shortages have been sparked by a powerful one-two punch to the nation’s energy infrastructure: huge demand from residents fleeing highly-populated regions and refinery disruptions caused by Hurricane Harvey.

    “It’s like the church on Easter Sunday getting a tornado warning,” said Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at the Oil Price Information Service.

    Kloza predicted gas shortages will worsen in the coming days as Hurricane Irma — a massive Category 5 storm — as “panic buying” continues and gasoline deliveries are blocked by Florida port shutdowns.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. yahtzeebutterfly

    From ACCU weather:

    From another National Weather Service:

    Liked by 2 people

  9. yahtzeebutterfly

    Good article here:

    “‘Ahead of the game’: Florida seniors, nursing homes prep for Hurricane Irma”


  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    “As Hurricane Irma bears down, most Florida flood zone property is not insured”

    Florida’s property owners still buy far more federal flood insurance than any other state — 1.7 million policies, covering about $42 billion in assets — but most residents in hazard zones are badly exposed.

    With 1,350 miles of coastline, the most in the continental United States, Florida has roughly 2.5 million homes in hazard zones, more than three times that of any other state, FEMA estimates. And yet, across Florida’s 38 coastal counties, just 42 percent of these homes are covered.

    …In the counties being under at least partial evacuation orders Wednesday (Collier, Broward, Monroe and Miami-Dade), where 1.3 million houses are estimated to be in flood hazard zones, the percentage is an even lower 34.3 percent.

    …The declines in coverage started after Congress approved a price hike in 2012, making policies more expensive. Maps of some high-risk areas were redrawn, removing a requirement that these homeowners get the insurance. About 7 of 10 homeowners have federally backed mortgages, and if they live in a high-risk area, they still are required to have flood insurance. But many let their policies slip without the lender noticing; loans also get sold and repackaged, paperwork gets lost and new lenders don’t follow up.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. After waking up, having something to eat and then coming online, I read more bad news. There’s been a powerful earthquake in Mexico and they are expecting a tsunami.

    Liked by 1 person

    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Oh no! It was an 8.1 earthquake!

      The President of Mexico said it is the worst earthquake in 100 years.


  12. yahtzeebutterfly

    Updated path forecast of Irma:


  13. My prayers and thoughts are with everyone in its path. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  14. yahtzeebutterfly

    Power outages predicted:

    Liked by 1 person

  15. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Florida has asked 5.6 million people to evacuate ahead of Hurricane Irma, or more than one quarter of the state’s population, according to state emergency officials.”


    • Yahtzee,
      Words cannot express my appreciation for you keeping this updated. I’m not feeling well and haven’t kept up on the news, but I did catch about 5 minutes on CNN reporting that some people are staying and not evacuating. Some are hoping that Irma will take another direction.

      Even if it takes a easterly path, it is said that the winds will still cause devastating damage and probably enough rain for flooding above 3 feet.

      Liked by 2 people

  16. yahtzeebutterfly

    Warning from this CNN link:

    “The strength: Irma is a Category 4 storm now, but it is expected to make landfall in the Florida Keys as a Category 5 hurricane.

    The path: Southern Florida is bracing for a direct hit early Sunday. The storm will drift over the entire state.



  17. yahtzeebutterfly

    Here is the Florida Evacuation Helpline: 1-800-342-3557


  18. yahtzeebutterfly


  19. yahtzeebutterfly

    Potential storm surge map:


  20. yahtzeebutterfly

    Potential rainfall mapl:

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Greetings from North Florida! Xena I’m so glad you’re home!

    Our rain is expected to begin in a few hours. We’ve done everything possible to prepare.
    I’ll be at a son’s house close by with another son and his family of 10, including 3 furries and a bird, who are leaving a mandatory evacuation zone in a county north of Duval.

    The problem with this storm is it’s more than twice the width of Florida meaning no matter where you are, you’re going to get ‘something’.

    The worst is forecast to be upon us here in North Florida Monday morning. Anyone traveling to a safer location has missed their window of opportunity if they haven’t left already.

    Those poor people in the islands… the damage will take years to repair. I can’t imagine what it must have been like, the most vulnerable taking the worst of those winds and rain.

    Liked by 2 people

    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Stay safe, Mindy. Good to hear that your son’s family is evacuating to safety.

      You and you family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. yahtzeebutterfly I adore you!!!! Thank you for all you do. Xena you take care love. Always in my thoughts. But you know this!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. yahtzeebutterfly

    Excellent and very helpful advice page from CNN is at this link:

    What to do as storm approaches

    — Download an application to your smartphone that can notify people where you are, and if you need help or are safe. The Red Cross has a Hurricane App available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store as well as a shelter finder app. A first aid app is also available.
    — Use hurricane shutters or board up windows and doors with 5/8-inch plywood.
    — Bring outside items in if they could be picked up by the wind.
    — Clear gutters of debris.
    — Reinforce the garage door.
    — Turn the refrigerator to its coldest setting in case power goes off. Use a cooler to keep from opening the doors on the freezer or refrigerator.
    — Fill a bathtub with water.
    — Get a full tank of gas in one car.
    — Go over the evacuation plan with the family, and learn alternate routes to safety.
    — Learn the location of the nearest shelter or nearest pet-friendly shelter.
    — Put an ax in your attic in case of severe flooding.
    — Evacuate if ordered and stick to marked evacuation routes if possible.
    — Store important documents — passports, Social Security cards, birth certificates, deeds — in a watertight container.
    — Have a current inventory of household property.
    — Leave a note to say where you are going.
    — Unplug small appliances and electronics before you leave.
    — If possible, turn off the electricity, gas and water for the residence.

    There is also a checklist of supplies you should have on hand on that page.



  24. yahtzeebutterfly

    According to this map, traffic is good right now:

    Liked by 1 person

  25. yahtzeebutterfly

    Excerpt from

    “Habitat for Humanity has trained disaster response personnel on the ground now as a part of the initial response and assessment, which includes basic cleanup work. The next phase will be to repair and rebuild. This will take months and could take years to complete. These efforts are often the most difficult as media attention tends to move on before the work has even really begun. Please don’t let timing discourage you from being a part of the recovery efforts for Hurricane Harvey and hurricane Irma.

    “Although currently conditions do not allow for outside volunteers in the affected areas, once the water recedes and supplies stabilize there will be a great deal of work to do. Sign up below to join our hurricane recovery volunteer registry. This will give us the ability to keep you up to date on the situation, and call on you as volunteer teams prepare to deploy.

    “In the meantime, if you would like to provide immediate help, please consider donating to hurricane disaster response” :–impact_our-work_disaster-response_hurricanes_2017_volunteer


  26. yahtzeebutterfly

    Irma has slowed down to a category 3 but, as it leaves Cuba and passes through the warm waters of the Strait of Florida, it will reenergize to a category 4 as it impacts the Florida Keyes Sunday morning. It will arrive in the Ft. Myers area Sunday afternoon during low tide.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. yahtzeebutterfly


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  28. crustyolemothman

    yahtzeebutterfly, You have done a great job at keeping up with this storm! The real problem is that it seems no one really knows where it is actually going to track to at this time! Let’s keep our fingers crossed that as it goes north it does not swing west to New Orleans! Keep up the good work! It really is appreciated…

    Liked by 2 people

    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Thanks, Mothman. What is also scary also is the possibility of tornadoes…one warning over South Palm Beach county at this moment. They are pointing out these cells in the live stream I posted below this.


  29. yahtzeebutterfly

    This is a live streaming newscast on Youtube:


  30. yahtzeebutterfly

    Tornado warnings around Boynton Beach, Ft. Pierce, Vero Beach.



  31. yahtzeebutterfly

    Tornado warnings:


  32. yahtzeebutterfly

    Latest Irma map:


  33. yahtzeebutterfly

    Two more live broadcasts:


  34. yahtzeebutterfly

    Live broadcast:


    • Yahtzee,
      Again, words cannot express my appreciation for your reporting. I slept all morning through the afternoon and woke up about 2 hours ago. After downing another pill, I’m ready to go back to sleep.

      I did catch a few minutes of the news about Irma laying over in Cuba, much like Harvey laid over Houston. I didn’t know that hurricanes could stay in one place and not move.

      There have been deaths caused by Irma, and I’m really praying that those who decided to stay and weather it out in Florida are safe.

      Liked by 2 people

      • yahtzeebutterfly

        You are very welcome. Please take good care of yourself and rest.

        One meteorologist explained that Irma stalled because its eyewall collapse and a new one was forming. It is now moving at 9 miles an hour.

        I am praying for the safety of everyone in its path.

        “As Hurricane Irma’s winds and thunderstorms swept through South Florida on Saturday, more than 119,000 homes and businesses in the tri-county region lost power, according to Florida Power & Light.

        As of 9 p.m., there were 94,553 outages in Miami-Dade, 16,522 in Broward, and 8,436 in Palm Beach County.”


        Liked by 1 person

  35. yahtzeebutterfly

    Hurricane force winds are nearing Florida:


  36. yahtzeebutterfly

    I am headed to bed. If anyone of you here are up during the night, perhaps you might be able to post some updates for all of us.


  37. yahtzeebutterfly

    The first hurricane force wind of 74 mph has been recorded at Key West.


  38. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Hurricane Irma Live Updates: Packing 130-M.P.H. Winds, Storm Roars Into the Florida Keys-8:59 AM”


    • More than 300,000 people in Florida were without power Sunday morning. Keys Energy Services, which supplies electricity to Key West and the Lower Florida Keys, said that all of its 29,000 customers were without power.

    • Gov. Rick Scott warned on Saturday night that the state could get as much as 18 inches of rain, with the Keys getting up to 25 inches. Southwest Florida could see a storm surge of 15 feet above ground level, and entire neighborhoods stretching northward from Naples to Tampa Bay could be submerged.


  39. yahtzeebutterfly

    Excerpt from this link:

    While local news broadcasts have been dominated by images of people flocking to stores all week to stock up on water, nonperishable food and supplies to ride out Hurricane Irma, many families can’t afford to do that. In Miami-Dade, about 530,000 of the estimated 3 million residents live below the poverty line.

    Johnson, 65, lives in an affordable housing complex in Miami and, like many of his neighbors who are also on fixed or limited income, he doesn’t own a car.

    “I have to depend on other people to bring me water so I have a friend who said they gonna bring me some water,” he said.

    He says shopping for hurricane supplies is difficult on a fixed income and with no car.

    “How can we get resources to help them before the storm?” asked Valencia Gunder, a community activist in Liberty City. “Are there any resources from larger institutions to help purchase these things?”

    Gunder sat back in her chair and put her head down. She said local institutions have failed the most vulnerable as a Category 4 hurricane barrels toward the state.

    “This just needs to be a learning lesson for us,” said Gunder. “After this storm we need to be on it. Talk about true equity when it comes to resiliency.”

    With Harvey And Now Irma, Federal Funds And FEMA Are Put To The Test
    Gunder said the working poor and people who rely only on social security are invisible in hurricane planning because there’s no one coordinated system to help people who lack the financial resources to buy hurricane supplies ahead of a storm.


  40. We lost power Monday around 11 am. It just came back on today, Thursday, at 3 pm. We’re all in 1 piece and have very little to complain about


    • Mindyme,
      Thanks so much for letting us know you are okay and about the power in your area. I have a friend in Georgia who got off work early on Monday because the power went off there. He had not gone to the store to get food and everything was closed because there was no power.

      It’s amazing how much we depend on things such as electricity. I think back to the days before electricity, telephones, cars, and now understand what people meant when saying “make haste while the sun rises.”

      Liked by 1 person

    • yahtzeebutterfly

      I am so glad to hear that your power is back on, Mindy. Whew!


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