Defining Black Lives Matter – Part 1


“We shouldn’t get too caught up in this notion that somehow people who are asking for fair treatment are somehow, automatically, anti-police, are trying to only look out for black lives as opposed to others. I think we have to be careful about playing that game.” Statement of President Obama

As a Pacifist, I believe that every life matters.  For the last two weeks or so, I’ve watched town hall meetings with people speaking about the Black Lives Matter Movement.  I listened.  I learned.

After watching a town hall meeting on CNN called Black, White and Blue, I asked myself why are people who have had no experience whatsoever being discriminated against in America because of the color of their skin, arguing over the meaning of Black Lives Matter?

Each generation sits around the dining table and shares stories of their lives.  They talk about the challenges and struggles. First generation immigrants had struggles, but Black Americans have had continuous struggles. Many of the struggles are because of laws, policies and procedures that were intended to keep people of color in their place.  For example, employment is one area where systemic racism has resulted in the trickle-down effect where people of all races are now faced with student loan debt and low wages because of employers raising the bar for educational qualifications.  But, that’s another subject for another post.

On a gun control basis, I could very well argue that the problem with violence and killings is rooted in the lax procedures for getting guns in America and particularly, assault rifles.  The illegal distribution and selling of guns is like the distribution and selling of illegal drugs in America.  The root issue is that those distributing and selling are not the people who are bringing the products into this country. Those caught with them are punished in the legal system, but the origination of drug traffic is never stopped. But, that’s another subject for another post.

On a political basis, I could very well argue that discretion to prosecute or not prosecute is decided by career-oriented State and District attorneys and not the people in uniform on the streets.  Police make arrests all the time that state prosecutors decide not to prosecute.  However, once the person is arrested, the damage is already done.  Background checks drip from the trickle-down of the bar for educational qualifications that have resulted in student loan debt.

To most employers, an arrest is an arrest is an arrest.  Their decision makers might not know, nor care to know the difference between a case dismissed by the state and an arrest resulting in sentencing.  Any arrest can be the difference between getting employment or being perpetually unemployable.  But, that’s another subject for another post.

Black-Lives-Matter-quotesThere are many people who are uncomfortable with the phrase Black Lives Matter, and even more who outright hate the phrase.  Tim Wise has approached this relating to Black Lives Matter, as Jane Elliot has when people say they are color-blind.  Both believe that being uncomfortable seeing people as they are, or facts as they are, makes people alter what they hear and/or see into something that makes them comfortable.

Why should the phrase be “Black Lives Matter Too” or “Black Lives Also Matter” to make people more comfortable?  It shouldn’t, and this is why.

According to Alicia Garza, co-founder of the movement;

“I created #BlackLivesMatter with Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi, two of my sisters, as a call to action for Black people after 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was post-humously placed on trial for his own murder and the killer, George Zimmerman, was not held accountable for the crime he committed.” 

For those who do not know or need to be reminded, George Zimmerman was not a cop.  Thus, Black Lives Matter was not originated because of a cop killing an unarmed 17-year old.  It was not created and still is not an anti-cop phrase.

As a reminder, the first vote by the 6-women jury in the case of George Zimmerman was that one voted guilty of second-degree murder; 2 voted guilty of manslaughter, and 3 voted not guilty. The conclusion however, was that all 6 voted not guilty.  After the verdict, two of the jurors interviewed with the media.

The juror known as Maddy, Juror B29, said that Zimmerman got away with murder because he killed Trayvon but there was no law to convict him.


what racism looks likThrough a tactic that I refer to as bigotvoyantcy – the ability to see into the future and predict that had a person lived, they would have been a menace to society, Trayvon was put on trial rather than his killer.

There is something very wrong with a system that has no law to hold people accountable for killing unarmed people.  Three women, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi spoke up about that system.  It’s the attitude that Blacks are not deserving of life that is ingrained in the system.

Can anyone name one person who has ever been arrested, brought to trial, and convicted for any of the more than 3,000 illegal White mob action lynchings between 1865 and 1968?  See what I mean?  It’s ingrained in the system.

Let’s fast forward from July 13, 2013 to now.  What we have recently witnessed is a Baltimore, Maryland judge acquit three police officers for the death of Freddie Gray.  It falls under the same category that there is no law to convict the officers for Freddie’s spine being 80% severed while in their custody.

On July 4th of every year, this nation celebrates Independence Day, but many forget that the very wording of the official document that declared America’s Independence says;

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

sufragistaWhen women were told they were too stupid to vote, were they accused of believing they are superior to men, or was it considered that their arguments were for equality?

Back in the 1980’s, the church I attended held a seminar on counseling. One of the things I learned is that in order to understand grievances, we must validate the feelings of the other person AND THEIR EXPERIENCES.  Until we validate their experiences, we are impotent to give them advice and unjustly judgmental to tell them what they should change.

As an analogy, there are many men, fathers, who say that they understand what women experience when going through labor and childbirth.  They are not biologically capable of giving childbirth, and so should never dismiss the actual experience.  The worst would be to dismiss the experience of the woman in labor by saying something along the lines of, “Women have been having babies since the beginning of mankind.  Suck it up and stop crying.

Not validating her experience can lead to blaming arguments – it becomes her fault for getting pregnant, notwithstanding that she is biologically designed for that purpose through no fault of her own.  Let me emphasize that — through no fault of her own.

So now, people are being blamed for being Black and the stereotyping is still alive and being applied.

For many days now, I’ve thought about the validation lesson and analogy and compared it to what I’ve heard from the opponents of the Black Lives Matter movement.  Moreover, I’ve thought a lot about the opinions of those who are not comfortable with that phrase and prefer that it be “Black Lives Matter Too” or replaced with “All Lives Matter.”

I wonder.  I wonder if during the murdering sprees of Jack the Ripper, the Boston Strangler, or Ted Bundy, had women taken to the streets with signs that said “Women’s Lives Matter,” would people dismiss it as saying that women believed themselves superior to men, or that men’s lives don’t matter?  What if law enforcement was disinterested in arresting the killers, or they were arrested and all acquitted on the basis that their victims were prostitutes who deserved what they got?

Those holding white supremacist ideologies are attempting to define the Black Lives Matter movement, and it is their descriptions and claims that are perpetuating a greater racial divide than the one that has consistently existed in this country.  In fact, their descriptions and allegations confirm the divide and historical injustices against Blacks in America.   So many Whites unfamiliar with that racial superior ideology do not know the root of the criticism.

“For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? 1Timothy 3:5, KJV

The old folks had a practical interpretation of 1Timothy 3:5.  They would say, “Clean your own house first before telling others how to clean theirs.

The late Dr. Martin L. King said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Well, all lives do matter, and I have earned the right to use that phrase because I report on victims and perpetrators regardless of the color of their skin, and regardless if the killer is a private citizen or member of law enforcement.  What I don’t see are opponents to Black lives matter using “all lives matter” to advocate for justice for those such as Kelly Thomas, Ethan Saylor, 6-year old Jeremy Mardis, or Misty Holt-Singh, along with Brown, Black, Red, and Yellow citizens who are killed and the killer not held accountable.   Until that happens, then get comfortable with the phrase “Black Lives Matter.”

In this series, I plan on approaching this issue head-on.  People are saying that we need to listen and talk.  Let’s do that.

Posted on 07/22/2016, in Black lives matter, civil rights and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 81 Comments.

  1. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.

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  2. Yes, you are morally right on every point.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. An officer who openly says that he is afraid of Blacks is incapable of serving and protecting the people he is biased and racially prejudiced against.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Very well written. Found you by accident. I rarely plug my blogs but there is much I write on my main blog you might be interested in. I write mostly about our prison system and racism. I have a monthlynewsletter and am nearly done writing a book. I will definitely be back to read more.

    Liked by 6 people

    • SonniQ,
      Plug away. As part of the Word Press family, I welcome others to promote their blogs especially when we share a common topic of interest. Feel free to put a link to your blog, and/or any particular posts that you’ve written.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Great – you could let me have your email address or go to my blog because I have a link to it at the bottom of most of my posts if you aren’t comfortable with giving out your address, and when I do the next one I’ll send you a copy. I’m always looking for good things to point on it and if it can bring people to your blog, too then that is even better. I still have to poke around on your blog and see what all you have.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Roger Ailes is finally booted out in disgrace. For awhile all of the pundits on Fox TV were defining and classifying the “Black Lives Matter” movement as anti-police and a hate group. It was as if they were encouraged to use this rhetoric because it resonated well with their followers. In my mind, Roger Ailes created the environment for Donald Trump’s success.

    The right conservatives would like to deny the existence of pervasive racism in the U.S. and so, the “Black Lives Matter” movement needs to be discounted by them. Unfortunately, they cannot continue to exist in a world of denial.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Good morning Gronda! Thanks so much for your comment. Since 2008, I’ve watched Fox News once — when Trayvon’s killer interviewed with Hannity. I tired of their propaganda and lies wrapped around 24/7 politics.

      It was when forces came out in Ferguson dressed like the military, making the United States look like an occupied war zone, that some folks produced the “anti-police” rhetoric that Black Lives Matter is anti-police. Yet, it was the Department of Justice who stepped in and said that law enforcement was wrong in the manner they were handling the marcherers. Is the Department of Justice anti-police? I think not.

      Liked by 3 people

  6. Reblogged this on My Name is Jamie. My Life in Prison and commented:
    I have been trying to find the right words to explain “Black Lives Matter” to people who have missed the point completely – often deliberately because they don’t want to appear to anyone that they do understand. You can’t keep up the hateful offensive rhetoric if you understand. They want to stay openly hostile to impress their friends that they can say racist things as well. I am appalled by people I know, even family members, who deliberately misunderstand the meaning of Black Lives Matter. Even those who know the years I have put into researching and understanding the racial divide and the superiority white people feel and think it’s to constantly put down black people and call them derogatory names because they think they somehow have to keep them on the top rung of quality people.

    I have 2 half black grandsons. I’ve been told not to worry, they well be okay. They are being taught to respect authority. But how are they safe when no one is teaching the cops to respect them. There are so many statistics proving the racism of many cops. Please note I did not say ALL cops. The ones who shoot using the excuse they are afraid as a reason to shot someone in the back. A cop that tells a man named Sterling to get of his ID but uses that as an excuse to kill a man who works with kids.My grandsons aren’t any safer than any other black man who has been killed by a bad cop.I don’t want to hear any more but..but..but and bring anything else into this discussion. Fire bad cops who have proven they are unstable. Arrest and prosecute those who kill unjustly, no matter what race they are. Fire the cops who protect and lie for bad cops. Stop defending cops who kill. There has been too much of it. If anything happens to my grandchildren there will be one very angry grandmother to deal with.

    If you are someone who insists on not understanding the issues and encourages more harm to black people and also wants to let the cops off the hook when they kill without just cause then I feel bad for you because of the divide you continue to encourage. The writer of this post is right. We need to talk. We need to find a way for this to stop.

    Liked by 8 people

  7. My god I’ve been irritated with the same rhetoric. These ppl are screaming BLM is a hate group & that its terrorist org or something i saw last week by someone who suddenly decided he didn’t like BLM hash tag& “BLM hasn’t done anything”, that BLM only cares about black ppl, its discriminating while arguing against discrimination. All kinds of new definitions for BLM are popping up in the same spirit that MLk was disparaged & “causing more harm than good for his cause”.
    Its the same old thing. When black ppl’s voices are being amplified, racists start coming up with their usual attacks to try to silence them.
    But, just like in the past, their arguments are nonsense. And eventually they give up the arguing & result to something more drastic like physical violence & murder.
    Then 50yrs later, some of the dust settles & any progress that the earlier episode started, is by now realized & normalized.
    And then it begins again, and the cycle starts over.

    The bigots are cranky again. Especially because their voices are being drowned out by an even larger & louder antiracism crowd & the shrinking number of their fellow racists. They’re only hope is getting/keeping fellow racists in the positions that effect the most damage. Like cops, judges, political offices. One judge/cop can hurt many ppl.

    Personally I get depressed & overwhelmed when confronted with each new injustice.
    But then something happens & again I’m optimistic.
    We’re the ones with the numbers.
    We have the right character & the perseverance to win. Just wanna hurry up about it. We gotta get these racist losers gone. They’re the reason we can’t have nice things.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Hey Shannon,
      You wrote:

      “All kinds of new definitions for BLM are popping up in the same spirit that MLk was disparaged & “causing more harm than good for his cause”.
      Its the same old thing. When black ppl’s voices are being amplified, racists start coming up with their usual attacks to try to silence them.”

      If I remember correctly, I asked you what the hashtag “BLM” means. I was accused of being a “cop-hater” by a person in the group with the Canadian who stated she wanted to destroy “BLM” and I had no idea what she was talking about. Civil rights movements are never destroyed. Blood spilled is like seeds. Now is the time when the blood of civil rights activists that was spilled in the 50’s and 60’s have produced strong trees, and those trees have produced trees and they all have produced seeds.

      Anyway the phrase for the movement never concerned me until I saw what was being said CNN’s town hall. I suppose that just goes to prove that even someone like myself, a blogger, didn’t know of the misrepresented descriptions until most recently. In other words, the opposition isn’t making a dent in getting their opinions across. Now that I’ve heard them, I can see the ideologies behind the false descriptions. One of the parts that I’ll post in this series will address that.

      Liked by 5 people

  8. Can I please clarify why I believe all lives matter? Blacks are killing blacks, whites are killing blacks, everyone is killing police regardless of their colour, the killing has to stop somewhere and yes I agree that anyone who takes a life should be held to account for it, black lives matter I agree with you on that point. However, black lives aren’t the only things being taken away. For every unarmed black man killed, regardless who fired the kill shot, the family deserves to see justice being carried out by the system! That means a cop, gangsta, or even a civilian MUST answer for the death. Blacks are still treated as second class citizens, and not just in the USA! Every life is precious, we are all equal and unique and deserve to be treated with respect. Every life is important regardless of skin colour, sex, sexual preference or being born in the wrong body. We can change things if we change a little at a time. Yes black lives matter, Trayvon Martin’s family deserve to see his killer tried by a jury of his peers. That won’t bring him back but it will give the family closure. Anyone can surely see that this will happen only with an attitude shift. One change at a time and every death deserves to be investigated, where the deceased was killed by a cop the investigation should be carried out in public. Why? Because every life matters!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dave,
      Welcome to We Hold We Truths to Be Self Evident. Thanks for your comment. It’s rather extensive but deserving of response, so I might have to post more than one response.
      You wrote:

      “Blacks are killing blacks, whites are killing blacks, everyone is killing police regardless of their colour, the killing has to stop somewhere…”

      I believe in the Bible and if I’m not mistaken, the first murder was that of a brother against his brother. So, the claim that Blacks are killing Blacks, etc., is a distraction. It distracts from the fact that people with authority to use deadly force are killing unarmed people. I want to emphasize “unarmed” because I went through a database and searched for people killed by cops this year by race. I didn’t finish reading all of it, but the majority of Whites killed by cops were armed.

      If I’m not mistaken, you do not live in the United States??? Trayvon’s killer was tried by a jury of his peers. He was acquitted. I wrote in the post that a member of jury said that Zimmerman murdered Trayvon, but there was no law to convict him.

      You see, the problem here is that there are laws that give people the right to kill under certain circumstances. The problem is that the living person is generally the only one to testify as to what happened. With technology,there are now videos capturing at least part of the incidents, but we already know that defense attorneys and authorities who investigate argue that the excessive or deadly force was justifiable because of behavior before the camera began recording. That goes back to 1991 when Rodney King was beaten within an inch of his life. It was the first incidence of a police beating caught on camera.

      The defense argued that the video did not show what happened before the beating. Common sense was not used. The camera captured punishment for something that had already occurred. It’s likened to finding someone stealing from your home, stopping them and putting them out, then following them to put a can of whoop-ass on them after-the-fact. That is unnecessary force, but the jury acquitted the cops.

      You wrote:

      “Every life is important regardless of skin colour, sex, sexual preference or being born in the wrong body.”

      I totally agree. But, Black Lives Matter is not an exclusion of people of other colors. It’s an inclusion. As NavyDad posted, all lives matter when Black lives matter.

      Liked by 6 people

      • Thank you for your response, you’re absolutely right that I don’t live in the USA. However justice is supposed to be blind, cops who use deadly force should use their body cams to prove it was justified. Anyone killing an unarmed civilian, or even one who has told them he has a permit to conceal, should not be allowed to use the defence of prior motive UNLESS the body cam shows said motive. If the cops are above the law then no-one is safe, armed or unarmed. They will kill more blacks than whites, lock up more blacks than whites because civil liberties won in the 1860’s weren’t given until the 1970’s. The killing started when Cain killed Abel but we have to draw a line in the sand now and say ENOUGH! Every BLACK LIFE MATTERS because every life matters. I refuse to feel intimidated and would gladly stand shoulder to shoulder with anyone trying to make a difference to our society. Just as I stood up for the rights of my gay brothers and sisters in the 1970’s and against the war in Vietnam, even though I saw the justification for the start of World War 3 (the war on terror is another global war) I stand against that war. After September 11, 2001 the world changed but Americans are still killing Americans.

        Liked by 1 person

        • yahtzeebutterfly

          Good Morning davebarclay1954,

          The civil rights bills and acts you are referring to when you write

          …civil liberties won in the 1860’s weren’t given until the 1970’s.

          were enacted in the 1960’s rather than in the 1970’s.

          And, yet they were still not becoming a reality in practice as noted by Ralph Abernathy in this excerpt below:

          Excerpt from “The Poor People’s Campaign Speaks to: U.S. Department of Justice
          PPC Spokesman: Rev. Dr. Ralph David Abernathy – President, SCLC – April 29, 1968”

          Despite the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, and 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, justice is not a reality for the black, Mexican-American, Indian and Puerto Rican poor. Discrimination in employment, housing and education not only persists, but in many areas is rapidly increasing. So is disrespect for law because of weak enforcement. Large responsibility for this worsening crisis must rest with the Department of Justice and lack of affirmative, rigorous enforcement of existing laws…

          … School segregation has grown rather than decreased in the last decade to further sap the hope of minority groups for equal chance and status in this country. Little, if any, attention and effort have been given by the Department of Justice to confront the deteriorating urban school crisis, North and South; and insufficient enforcement of school decrees in rural southern areas has resulted in snail-like progress in desegregation and quality education for Negroes and other minorities…

          Liked by 3 people

          • I wasn’t referring to the Acts but when they began to be implemented. There is still rampant racism in the USA, and inequality between whites and others that is why I say Black Lives Matter BECAUSE every life matters. Don’t convict someone for being poor, and trying to raise themselves out of poverty, we should give them a helping hand.

            No-one deserves to be treated as a criminal based on nothing but the colour of their skin. No-one deserves to be killed because of the colour of their skin. No-one deserves special privileges because of their skin colour. Yet that is happening right across the USA.

            Liked by 1 person

          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Thanks for reading and responding to my comment, davebarclay1954 🙂


          • Weird. EVERYTHING Rev Abernathy said in ’68 is still true today! I had to double check your post because I thought you finished it in your own words about today’s conditions.

            I don’t see DOJ taking action against police individually. I see the “thorough investigations” & sternly worded memos accusing police departments of all kinds of civil right violations.
            But where are the charges? BECAUSE THOSE ARE CRIMES!

            I see the DOJ suing or threatening law suits against police departments – unless they implement changes. But even that seems more like an award when police departments are given shitloads of FED money as incentive.

            And these civil lawsuits are not supposed to be INSTEAD of criminal charges. They should be in addition to criminal charges.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Hey Shannon!
            If you’re interested, here’s a link to the manual for U.S. Attorneys regarding enforcement of criminal civil rights laws.

            I agree that civil lawsuits are not supposed to be INSTEAD of criminal charges.

            Liked by 1 person

          • yahtzeebutterfly

            “Weird. EVERYTHING Rev Abernathy said in ’68 is still true today!

            Sadly, yes.

            Have a great weekend, Shannon! 🙂


        • It can be difficult to understand how insidious and pervasive racism is in the USA. As a long time registered older (mature) Italian descent republican, I came to realize how true this was with the Trayvon Martin case. I also came to the conclusion that the Republican party was heading down the wrong road in supporting the likes of a George Zimmerman on FOX TV and the thrashing of a kid’s reputation. The proof is in their presidential nominee, Donald Trump. The hard facts prove that racism and injustice is a real problem that needs to be faced and addressed in the USA..

          Read my blog, .The Conservative Right Is Plagued By Denial Of Racism.

          PS. You couldn’t have come to a better blog to ask this question about BLM. Many of us hooked up and started blogging because of the Trayvon Martin case. You ask the question that many others are asking. Thanks for giving us a chance to share our knowledge on this subject in a respectful way.

          Liked by 3 people

          • Respect is the only way I know for a debate. Without a debate the racists go on being mean to others and spreading their lies to foster the inequality. Trayvon Martin may have been an innocent victim too far, I hope so, and I really hope the pressure cooker blows up in Trumps face, but I doubt it will unless Americans are ready for a female POTUS, but is Clinton the answer?


        • Dave,
          Thank you for your contribution to and willingness to discuss this. I think you and I are on the same page when it comes to respecting life. You have an advantage over us here in the United States because law enforcement in the UK does not carry guns there. America has a serious problem with guns, guns, more guns, and bigger guns.

          Did you know that the protests against the war in Viet Nam was where the word “pig” started being used towards cops? It was because the cops used tear gas masks when they came on college campuses to disburse protesters, and those masks made them resemble pigs. Now, opponents to Black Lives Matter appropriate that word to Black Lives Matter. If I remember correctly, the word “pig” started up again in Ferguson, MO when the cops there came out looking like military occupy forces.

          Thanks again for your participation and willingness to share your views.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Thank you Xena, let’s join together and make a real difference to life on this planet. Everyone has the right to live in peace, without fear, and be educated to the best of their ability to learn.


          • Dave,
            Since about 2013, we here have promoted love and peace as the correct path in life. It starts with each individual. Thanks so much for your kind words that support that path.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Happy to join with you, Xena, let’s move forward and try our best to remove hate and fear a little at a time.


          • Dave,
            Yes. I believe that part of that moving forward is informing others. Let’s use massive amounts of hope and faith in believing that people will remove hate and fear from their minds and hearts, and pass that on to others who pass it on to others who pass it on …..


    • Dear Dave, Welcome to the Real World!! Over 80% of Whites kill Whites and Blacks kill Blacks because that is who they mostly hang out with on a daily basis. What you don’t see in the White world (by police or volunteers) is (UNARMED) white teenagers being killed while walking home; unarmed white men being killed while selling unlabeled cigarettes, having a broken taillight; shoplifting less than $15 worth of cigarillos from a local convenient store; opening a door; driving a bicycle with a legal army type knife; etc. etc. etc. Ask a white teenager, how many of his friends are in jail because of smoking pot. Ask the same thing of a Black young person. You will get vastly different answers. Ask a White young person how any times he is followed home by a cop when driving the family upscale car like a BMW; and then ask the same thing of a White young person. Frankly justice in America is different for our Black brothers and sisters. With BLM they are simply asking for fairness.

      Liked by 6 people

      • Thank you Gronda, my point wasn’t that Black lives don’t matter, they do. There are laws and no-one should be above the law, certainly not white cops who kill unarmed or non-threatening Black men. Just because I don’t live in the USA doesn’t mean I don’t know injustice when I see it. How did the sniper in Dallas know the cops he killed were guilty? Prior actions is no defence against deadly force the cops body cams should be used to prove or disprove justification and if by some miracle the body cams weren’t working then that defence should be thrown out. I know Black Lives Matter and I applaud everyone who stands up for injustice regardless of colour.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Here is the problem in a nutshell. The Dallas BLM protestors had a peaceful night walking hand in hand with police. Dallas police in the years 2013- 2014 have undergone extensive retraining in how to de-escalate potentially violent situations. Thus, the number of police being accused of excessive force dropped dramatically as well as deaths and injury to local police officers. The mentally challenged individual who targeted police had nothing to do with the BLM protest. The BLM participants uniformly decried the actions of this sick juvenile. What is really sad about this event is that the Dallas Police Department is a model of what other cities should be emulating. That’s the real story.

          And then there is the Donald Trump party which wants to define BLM as a hate group and anti-police when neither is true based on facts. This is part of today’s US politics.

          Liked by 4 people

  9. NavyDad0007

    Thank you for this Post!!! I’ve said this on twitter Twitter when Black Lives start to matter then all lives will matter

    Liked by 4 people

  10. NavyDad0007

    Reblogged this on neonthegreat132321's Blog.

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  11. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    This is exactly the point … “Why are people who have had no experience whatsoever being discriminated against in America because of the color of their skin, arguing over the meaning of Black Lives Matter?”
    There are perfectly valid reasons for the creation and continued activism of this movement … at this time, black lives are the ones in continued danger and unprotected.
    That’s a reality I know and there’s not a thing that will change my mind until these “numbers”, who are PEOPLE, change, until we can actually say ALL lives matter!!

    Liked by 3 people

  12. GM, Xena … Hugs! Great post, as always. Don’t forget … Latino lives matter also. They are persecuted, abuse, killed and not even reported….. 😦

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning Horty! Thanks for the reblog, dear friend, and your comment. The situation involving Jose Torres Campos is one that I plan on writing about in the next part. That was a case of judicial nullification, the same as we recently saw in the case of Liang.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. How about that man who with his hands up and lying down, gets shot. When he asks the cop, “why did you shoot me?” The cop replied, “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey Juan! I’m catching up on that story now. It’s being tweeted that the officer said he was aiming for the autistic patient. I have to read the actual news sources and hope they give some background on the cop.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Did you hear David Duke is running for the senate… What is happening to this country. The dog whistles are being replaced by bullhorns…

        Liked by 1 person

        • Juan, I hope he wins so come Mardis Gras, they can run him out of the state on a rail. It will be good for the economy also — probably lots of voodoo dolls will be sold. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

      • It’s scary to even know his AIM was OFF. Doesn’t he go practice at the range? Just saying.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Hey Shyloh! It’s now being reported that the cop who shot Charles Kinsey is a member of SWAT. The Police Commander has been suspended because of inconsistent stories in what happened and why. The story now is, the officer claims he was trying to shoot the Autistic patient to save Charles’ life. As Charles’ attorney said however, why was Charles then handcuffed?

          Liked by 2 people

    • This was a bad shooting and then bad spinning by the police union. I don’t see how it is better to have been aiming at an autistic person playing with a toy truck.

      The police have to learn that when they are not in danger to step back to assess the situation before reacting with a gun, already drawn.

      Liked by 5 people

  14. yahtzeebutterfly

    Everything in your post is superb and right on point, Xena.

    Thanks for explaining everything with such clarity!

    I especially think you did a good job calling out those who complain and try to derail/disrupt the justified message of the Black Lives Matter movement by focusing on their slogan instead of addressing the unfairness that the Black community faces.

    And, I love how you addressed those who distract with “ALL Lives Matter” which is obvious to everyone, but which historically in our country has not been true in practice with regard to our fellow Black Americans with what you say here:

    “Well, all lives do matter, and I have earned the right to use that phrase because I report on victims and perpetrators regardless of the color of their skin, and regardless if the killer is a private citizen or member of law enforcement. What I don’t see are opponents to Black lives matter using “all lives matter” to advocate for justice for those such as Kelly Thomas, Ethan Saylor, 6-year old Jeremy Mardis, or Misty Holt-Singh, along with Brown, Black, Red, and Yellow citizens who are killed and the killer not held accountable. Until that happens, then get comfortable with the phrase “Black Lives Matter.”

    Liked by 4 people

  15. I absolutely love this post. Please continue writing and using your platform. Thank you for your perspective on this matter!

    Liked by 5 people

  16. This is a 10 star post. Congratulations

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Attorney speaks who was found in contempt for not removing a Black Lives Matter button.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Where is NavyDad on twitter????


  19. Ok never mind I found him. YAAAAAY


  20. I have no patience for anyone who pretends to misunderstand the meaning of the three very clear and easily understandable words, “Black Lives Matter.”

    White people have scolded me for saying Black Lives Matter, and even a couple of black people have, for some reason, rejected my right to say Black Lives Matter, and my answer to everybody is the same as it has always been. I’ll say whatever I feel, right up to my dying breath.

    There was a time when people told me I should hate a bunch of Asians from some country I never heard of before, but like Muhammad Ali said, “I got nothing against no Viet Cong.”

    There was a time when my mother wouldn’t let me play with the little boy next door, probably because his father drank, or his mother’s clothes were too revealing, or some crazy reason that had nothing to do with me and Harry digging holes in the back yard. I was only 5 or 6 and didn’t have the words to articulate the monstrous injustice, but the fire of burning resentment was lit that day and it has never gone out.

    Nobody gets to tell me who I’m supposed to hate. Nobody gets to tell me who I’m supposed to love. And nobody gets to tell me that I can’t say “Black Lives Matter.”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey Pat!
      Thanks for sharing your story and experience. .

      I have no patience for anyone who pretends to misunderstand the meaning of the three very clear and easily understandable words, “Black Lives Matter.”

      Some people are uncomfortable with the word “black.”

      Years ago a group of us ladies were together. The Polish-American talked about traditional Polish dishes that her grandmother taught her to cook. Everyone piped in. The Italian-American talked about Italian food. Everyone piped in. The Black-American talked about soul food. The group became quiet until one woman spoke saying, “Why is it called soul food? It’s American food.”

      I thought, my goodness. Everyone can have and talk about their culture and it’s enjoyed until a Black person speaks about the culture of soul food.

      Liked by 2 people

      • That reminds me of the latest RWNJ hissy fit about Michelle Obama’s speech mentioning ppl who built the whitehouse were enslaved.
        I watched a TYT video where they articulated exactly what causes these racist fits!
        Racists are triggered by words like BlackLivesMatter, slavery, racism, et al.
        I say to the racists: #StayTriggered or #TriggerHarder 😂 😘 lmfao!!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Shannon,
          You know you’re my “go-to” person when it comes to acronyms. 🙂 What does “RWNJ” mean? I figure the RW means “right wing” but I don’t know what “NJ” means.

          I figure that the triggers are because if they hear the word “Black” or “race” it means that Blacks acknowledge their race and that they are equal to other races. It’s the opposite of what slave owners told slaves of African descent. If they can make people ashamed of the color of their skin, then they think it will silence so they will not speak about the inequalities and oppression.

          It’s not different than how some cringe when hearing people say they are “gay.” It’s like, “How dare they! They are trying to make it normal and acceptable.”

          Liked by 1 person

          • That totally makes sense. That’s why the massive butthurt about BlackPower! They really hate that! Lmfao
            That NJ means Nut Job, which I personally find demeaning to jobs for nuts.


          • Shannon,
            LOL! Thanks for the explanation of RWNJ. I remember when “I’m Black and I’m Proud” became a saying and a song. It was after Dr. King was assassinated and in response to years of Blacks being told they had nothing to be proud about; had not contributed anything positive to this country; were mere slaves subjugated to White rule. Then, (HA!) Whites went out and got perms to wear Afros.


  21. People are so weird. There are so many much more important things to worry about than race – things that are trying to kill us all, without discriminating. The whole country is run like a gigantic prison, where the bosses benefit from causing friction between the races. They keep us busy fighting with each other, and while our attention is diverted, they can get away with anything.


  22. yahtzeebutterfly


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