Michael Slager Indicted on Civil Rights and Federal Murder Charges


Michael Slager at his bail hearing

On April 4, 2015, Walter Scott was stopped for a traffic violation by South Carolina police officer Michael Slager.  Fifty-year old Walter ran, and Slager shot Walter 8 times in the back, killing him.  A man walking by captured the event on video.

Slager made a report to the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division investigator saying that he shot Walter as Walter was moving towards him with the officer’s taser.  The video shows differently, and also that Slager placed his taser on the ground beside Walter’s dead body.

Slager was arrested and charged with murder.  He was fired from the police force and placed in solitary confinement. In January, Slager was released on half a million dollars bail and placed under house arrest, allowed to only leave for work, church, medical appointments and appointments with attorneys.


Walter Scott

CBS news reports that today, a federal indictment was unsealed charging Slager with murder, depriving the victim of his civil rights, obstruction of justice, and unlawful use of a weapon during the commission of a crime.  The federal indictment says that Slager allegedly made the false statement to “hinder, delay and prevent the communication to a federal enforcement officer and federal judge of truthful information.”

Slager is due to appear before a judge in Charleston later today.  Walter’s family said they planned to meet with reporters after the hearing.

The prosecutor in the state trial is Scarlett Wilson, who has asked that Slager’s trial be postponed until May of next year because she is also the prosecutor of Dylann Roof and has to prepare for that trial.  Roof, whose trial is scheduled to begin in January 2017, is charged with the murder of 9 Black church members who were attending a Bible meeting.

North Charleston approved a $6.5 million settlement with Walter’s family.  It provides annuities totaling $1 million to 3 of Walter’s 4 children.  Walter’s estate will get $3 million, and 3 law firms that represented Walter’s family will divide about $2.4 million.  Another $17,000 will pay Walter’s child support that he owed at the time he was killed.  Walter’s family says that the child support arrears is why Walter ran from Slager.





About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 05/11/2016, in Cases, civil rights, Walter Scott and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. Phenomenal news!! YES!


  2. Two sides to a story

    About time!


    • Hey Two sides! I’m wondering if the feds monitored his conversations while he was in jail with Roof in the next cell to hear something that gave them evidence of a violation of civil rights? I mean, we had Zimmerman using racial slurs and Holder wouldn’t charge him for violating Trayvon’s civil rights.


  3. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    For real? Or just for show? Only time will tell.


  4. chuquestaquenumber1

    Let’s not forget ,this is the same police department whose officers didn’t kill white terrorist Dylan Storm Roof. Killer of NINE who also got cops to take him to burger king.


    • Chuquest,
      I have not forgotten. But, weren’t those were state and local cops? Slager is suppose to come to court later today so I’ll keep my eyes and ears open — wondering if the feds are going to set bail or no bail?


  5. Slager, I assume with Dutch ancestors, his name means BUTCHER in Dutch. So glad the bystander got it all on tape although we know by now that this does not guarantee justice


    • Hey Mavadelo. It is good that the bystander got it on tape, or Slager’s lies would not have been challenged. Even with Walter shot in the back, Slager might have told another lie to explain it. Right — we know this does not guarantee justice. Actually, I wish it had never happened.


  6. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  7. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Slager in pre-trial hearing Tuesday”


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