Happy Birthday Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin - dptm picHe was 17 years old on February 5, 2012. George Zimmerman took his life 21 days later, on February 26, 2012. Today would have been Trayvon’s 21st birthday.

We shall not forget.  His life mattered.







Posted on 02/05/2016, in Conceal Carry & SYG, Justice For Trayvon, Trayvon Martin and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 31 Comments.

  1. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  2. Trayvon’s life did matter. And it’s so horrific to even think that someone like Fogen had an agenda like he did. Those of us who have the ability to see through a charade, see through this one.

    I hope when Shellie’s probation is done and she can speak 100% truthfully, she dimes Fogen out. The more time went on when the split, the more unbelievable his story became.

    In 2012, when the pictures of his boo – boos surfaced I said flat out on HP Shellie whacked him over the head with a frying pan after an argument. Tooooooo many unexplained things here.

    Trayvon……..Happy Birthday…….!!!! On a positive note, we have all “meet” here to express what we feel about these topics. So, I must say, as horrible as it is to think some piss ant like Fogen confronted and grabbed Trayvon and shot him for no reason whatsoever, progress will be made.

    My heart goes out even more to his family. When I see marches with people of all colors attending for his cause, I can tell, PROGRESS…….will overcome the likes of Fogen and steamroll right over his pea brain thinking.

    Liked by 7 people

  3. Darn it. Made me cry again. For some reason , Trayvon’s death and that 12 year old boy’s affected me so much. Not that the other’s mattered less, but, I hope you know what I mean.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Liked by 3 people

  5. Liked by 5 people

  6. I can;t get over that it has been 4 years already since Trayvon passed away.I still get upset over his senseless death. In my mind he has been like the canary in the mines. His death has been a turning point in history.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. Deborah the Closet Monster

    I will never forget.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    #TrayvonMartin …. Never forget!!

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  9. yahtzeebutterfly

    Live on, Trayvon, LIVE ON!

    You will always be in my heart.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    May the future be brighter:

    from Repainting the future blogspot

    Liked by 4 people

  11. yahtzeebutterfly

    The echoes of your cry for help seem to never seem to go away, Trayvon

    That moment

    That very moment

    Crying out for help

    Not able to escape the attacker

    Not understanding why

    Just wanting desperately to live

    Unable to escape the vicious shot

    Your unanswered cry, cut short by the bullet

    If only prayers and tears could bring you back, Trayvon
    Back to your family and friends
    Back to your future and your dreams

    May the Lord bless and keep you throughout eternity, Trayvon

    Liked by 4 people

  12. “17 years and 22 days forever, and the last thing he did on this earth was try to get home.”
    John Guy 07/12/2013

    …and if you really think about it, he actually made it home!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. I’ll never forget and will never believe GZ shouldn’t be in prison. HBD and RIP Trayvon 💔

    Liked by 4 people

    • Chosenpaths,
      I know what you mean. If George had not stayed in the news, I might not feel as I do, but he keeps reminding us that he is in a prison of his own making.

      Liked by 5 people

  14. Two sides to a story

    Bright blessings, Trayvon!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. So sad. Wish you were here to celebrate your big day, Trayvon.

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Thanks so much for following http://fonzandcancer.wordpress.com I really do appreciate it – Fonz


  1. Pingback: Happy Birthday Trayvon Martin | SherayxWeblog

  2. Pingback: To start the day …. “Trayvon Martin: Remembering his birthday …. “!! | It Is What It Is

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