Suspicious Person Call Ends In Police Going to Wrong House And Officer, Homeowner, and Dog Shot

Reported by the Associated Press.

A police officer was shot and critically wounded Monday when he responded to a call of a suspicious person and showed up at the wrong house, authorities said.

The homeowner was also shot in the leg and his dog was killed in what DeKalb County police Chief Cedric Alexander is calling a complicated shooting. Officers fired their weapons, the chief said, but it’s not clear if the homeowner had a gun.

Alexander said his department would typically handle the investigation since it did not involve a fatality, but because of the unusual situation, he asked the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to look into it. “We did respond to the wrong residence tonight and then these other circumstances unfolded,” he said.

Alexander said the situation happened like this: A neighborhood resident called 911 at 7:34 p.m. to report a suspicious person and described a home to the dispatcher. Three officers responded to a house that fit the description the caller gave 911. The officers went to the back of the home and found that a screen door and a rear door were unlocked.”That in and of itself would probably suggest to anyone that it is possible that there could be intruders inside, but it turned out not to be the case,” Alexander said. “Somewhere at the rear of that home, some things happened that have yet to be determined.

“The officers had just entered the home when the gunfire erupted.”There was gunfire, I just cannot tell you who fired and who did not,” he said.

An officer was shot in the leg and lost a lot of blood. He was rushed to the hospital and was undergoing surgery. The homeowner was also taken to the hospital.  The homeowner’s girlfriend was at the home at the time of the shooting and called 911.

Derek Perez told The Associated Press that he reported the suspicious person. He said he was walking his dog when he saw a man knock on a neighbor’s door and then just stand in the yard. He said he then heard a loud noise, a dog barking and didn’t see the man anymore. There had been break-ins in the neighborhood recently, so he called 911, he said.

Just as he was about to go into his house, he heard the gunshots, but they didn’t come from the house where he had reported the suspicious person.  Police were still investigating whether there was a burglary at the home where the suspicious person was spotted.

All three officers have been placed on administrative leave.The shooting happened in a neighborhood about 5 miles from downtown Atlanta.Associated Press

Source: Police officer shot after responding to wrong home – Chicago Tribune

About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 09/01/2015, in Cases, Potpourri, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 22 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on studiotj and commented:
    This is one of those stories that make you cringe.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a problem. If someone came into my house unannounced, unexpected with guns, and if I had a gun, what would I do?

    Liked by 5 people

    • Good afternoon, Gronda. Yes — it is a problem. The girlfriend called the police because she apparently didn’t know that it was the police who entered the house.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. so now IF you leave your back door unlocked at around 8PM that is reason for police to think you have intruders in your home? amazing how utterly dumb that comment made by an officer was.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Bill,
      My eyebrows went up and my mouth fell oped when I read that. The Chief did not say there were signs of a break-in so what did the suspected burglar do — use a key?

      Liked by 2 people

      • also the news reports today are saying it was a “burglary” call they were on, NOBODY reported any burglary, the report was a “suspicious” person in the area, nothing more……the police entered a private residence with no warrant and NO legal reason to enter and then they shoot the dog, the home owner and each other? the FIRST rule of firing a deadly weapon is you NEVER shoot except in self defense and then ONLY when you have your valid legal target in your sights……..these guys are firing weapons wildly inside homes!

        Liked by 4 people

        • Bill,
          That “standing in the front yard” sounds so familiar. Remember Zimmerman and Taaffee’s reason for suspecting Trayvon although there was no proof that Trayvon was ever standing in anyone’s front yard? Let’s hope and pray that no innocent person walking home from the store is killed by a citizen and the previous “front yard” excuse is used to justify suspicion.

          Liked by 2 people

      • This case at least has the neighbor who called to help highlight the breakdowns in procedure intended to prevent these kinds of miscommunications. IMO the officer deserved to get shot by the partner if this is how they were trained.

        Why didn’t the officers make contact with the homeowner/resident or caller…
        before assuming the back door indicated a burglary?
        Or to verify they were looking at the right house or find out where the suspicious person who prompted the call went from time they got call to when they arrived?
        Or to make sure this wasn’t some sort of prank swatting call?

        Liked by 1 person

    • I know, i had to read that part twice bcuz i couldn’t believe that he actually said that.


    • Hey Glenn!
      Right. Too many now have been killed or wounded due to people calling the police for what they “suspect.”

      I hope that the homeowner and officer recover. It’s too late for the dog. 😦

      Liked by 4 people

  4. yahtzeebutterfly

    “DeKalb Co. officer accidentally shot by another officer, not homeowner”

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Interesting case in Florida. The defendant is representing himself and claims that he is only being prosecuted because of the George Zimmerman case.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Stuff like this makes me so angry! why was a trained electrician earning a living as an untrained armed security guard for a club? Trained electricians are in high demand in South Florida, unless they’re stoned out of their gourd or unstable liability risks. This guy who failed at least two trial competency exams was playing dress up commando stuffing weapons here there and everywhere then says he was scared and standing his ground against unarmed victims?

      The article mentions the victim’s family advocating for mental health gun regs but doesn’t say if the defendant had a registered weapon or not. I’m fine with excluding incapacitated people from legal gun ownership and/or jobs that require weapons but wonder how it would be enforced?

      I’m curious to know if the club is being held accountable for their obviously poor choice in security personnel? Some states & municipalites have laws for hiring armed security. Not sure about clubs as my experience relates to commercial banking where one of my duties was ensuring we had correct paperwork and background checks on branch personnel. When a floater (temp covering sick or vacation) guard showed up before their paperwork their gun went into a dual-control locked safety-box in the vault until the runner brought the right papers. Obviously clubs are run in a much more lax atmosphere than FDIC insured commercial banks but it seems futile to expect mental health gun ownership laws could be effective unless paymasters are required to ensure those they hire are competent for the job. To me this holds true if it’s a armed club bouncer, private security firm, or municipal police force.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Am I correct in thinking that Florida allows concealed weapons in places where alcohol is served?

        There is a very thin line between having a database of people with mental health problems, and invasion of privacy. In some states, mental health facilities report the social security numbers of people treated, and that goes into a data base where, if they apply for a gun license, their application is rejected. But, as Towerflower has mentioned here several times, not all states require a license to own a gun. They might require a concealed carry license, so in some manner, there is need to combine or coordinate between the two.

        Qualifying what types of mental health qualify and disqualify for gun ownership might open a huge can of worms also. For example, would it be the diagnosis, or the medication, or both?

        One thing for sure is that America must do something about gun control.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Xena, Insightful questions like this vs snap judgements have me wishing I could send you a fresh hot pot of gourmet coffee to enjoy at your leisure 🙂

          70 years ago activists demanded we de institutionalize mental patients. 40 years ago funding was cut to close the doors that remained open. Meanwhile families unable to care for or cope with the demands of mentally ill loved ones were devastated and increasingly faced the additional burdens of what amounts to criminalization of untreated mental illness.

          Will poverty or the need for public assistance become a disqualifier?

          Will urban kids be labeled as dysfunctional or mentally ill because the coping skills they are forced to acquire and use to survive are out of place in a suburban or rural environments? Vice versa & will these labels be temporary or lifelong?

          No will about it! It’s already happening with massive disparities between rates of urban/rural kids being referred for diagnosis & treatment of ADHD with amphetamines simply because the hypervigilance of urban life is not condusive to well ordered optimal classroom management. The trend of slapping a diagnosis w corresponding medication onto kids in grade school is a proven factor in how we create educationally failed felons with mental illness labels.

          Arrrrghhhhh what we do and allow to be done to children coming up behind us makes me so pissed off I probably ought never drink caffeinated coffee 😉


  6. yahtzeebutterfly


    ATLANTA — A dog charged police officers who entered the wrong Atlanta home searching for a burglar, prompting gunfire that seriously wounded an officer, injured the homeowner and killed the animal, according to a police report released today.


  7. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Victim’s attorney in accidental DeKalb Police shooting says report false”


    Homeowner Chris McKinley met with G.B.I. investigators Friday morning. His attorney, Jeff Brickman, said he was shocked when Channel 2 Action News first showed him the initial police report detailing the shooting.

    “It almost makes you think they’re talking about a different case,” he said.

    The report states the officers were responding to a call of a burglary in progress when they went in an unlocked back door of the McKinley’s home on Boulderwoods Driver Monday around 7:30 p.m.

    It says they “announced their presence by calling out, ‘DeKalb police’”, something the attorney says is a lie.

    “Nobody ever announced before they came into the house that they were DeKalb police,” said Brickman.

    The report also says McKinley “burst out of a closed door with a pit bull that charged at the officers.” Brickman says there was no burglary.

    The family was watching a movie, heard a noise in the kitchen and McKinley went to investigate.

    “Chris McKinley didn’t burst out of any closed door,” Brickman said. “He doesn’t have a pit bull.”

    The dog was a 10 year old female Boxer named Yana that the family’s lawyer called so docile, it would cuddle up with their 1-year-old boy.

    “The baby would lean over on her like a pillow,” Brickman said.

    Photo of 10 year old boxer (Yanna) with Chris and Leah’s one year old son:


    • So, the officers were so afraid of the dog that one shot the other and are now trying to hold the dog at blame, when they had no business entering that house in the first place. I do hope that the officer and homeowner recover from their injuries and the city gives Yanna’s owners redress.

      Liked by 1 person

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