For Encouragement and Any Discussion

Caterpillars, moths, butterflies, and all creatures great and small,

Computer problems are making it difficult for me to write new posts.   I’m replacing my computer, but it will still be a few days before things are back to normal.  I might be able to reblog posts from other blogs that I hope you enjoy.

Meanwhile, here’s a refill for those who are passionate about equality for all, gun violence, and other issues that touch our hearts.  You will never walk alone.



Posted on 08/30/2015, in open discussion, Potpourri and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. Like

  2. yahtzeebutterfly

    deray mckesson ‏@deray 55m55 minutes ago
    FASCINATING QUICK READ: Because of an electoral mishap, a US tax vote will be decided by a single woman

    Liked by 2 people

  3. yahtzeebutterfly

    deray mckesson ‏@deray 1h1 hour ago
    ABSOLUTE MUST READ: Whites Quit Working With Black Mississippi Judge, Then He Got Sacked

    Liked by 3 people

  4. yahtzeebutterfly

    Jury selection for the Kelly Thomas civil suit trial is set for October 13 according to Matt Coker in the OC Weekly an Orange County, CA internet news page.

    “Kelly Thomas Civil Trial Pushed to October”

    Kelly Thomas’ father Ron Davis filed the lawsuit July 5, 2012.

    Here is the link to the PDF of the 31 page lawsuit:

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Wanted to share my story why I stand against gun violence his is what happened to my daughter at the hands of her mothers boyfriend.

    Friday, April 9, 1999 – Page updated at 12:00 AM

    E-mail article Print

    South Sound Briefly

    Renton Man Gets 15 Years

    SEATTLE – A Renton man with a history of violent crime has been sentenced to 15 years in federal prison for storming an ex-girlfriend’s home last year with a pistol and holding police at bay for several hours.

    U.S. District Judge William Dwyer sentenced 24-year-old Ryan A. Yocum this week after the court convicted him of being a career criminal in possession of a firearm.

    A federal law calls for prison for anyone caught with a firearm who has had three or more violent felony convictions or serious drug convictions. The same law says Yocum will receive no credit for good behavior and has no hope of parole.

    Last July, Yocum shot out a glass door to the 22-year-old ex-girlfriend’s home in the Cascade Park-Fairwood neighborhood of Renton and stomped through the house threatening to kill the woman. She escaped out a basement door with her 6-year-old daughter and called police.

    A King County sheriff’s SWAT team fired tear gas into the house, then dragged Yokum from his attic hiding place.

    Court records show Yocum has a long juvenile and adult record, including assault with a deadly weapon, burglary, theft, communicating with a minor for immoral purposes and other assault convictions.

    But only one of his convictions – for assault with a weapon – qualifies as a strike under the state’s “three strikes” law for persistent offenders.

    Liked by 2 people

    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Scary. I am glad they got away from him safely. I hope your daughter is doing well today. I can imagine that the memory of a nightmarish experience like that is hard to overcome.

      Today, so many people who have loved ones who have been the victims of gun violence are advocating for gun control.

      Hopefully, the ranks of those against gun violence who advocate for better gun control laws will be joined by thousands and thousands of people before those people themselves or their loved ones are the targets of gun violence.

      Liked by 2 people

      • scrodriguez

        Thank you for your kind words, yes it has been tough for her dealing with what happened. The story isn’t exactly accurate they didn’t get out of the house then call 911 they were still in the basement and it wasn’t a door they escaped from it was a small window in which my daughter was pushed through first.


  6. yahtzeebutterfly

    Shaun King ‏@ShaunKing 14m14 minutes ago
    Please, please, please READ + SHARE my full story on the arrest, incarceration, & starvation of #JamychealMitchell

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Thinking about buying some sorta business.. Maybe a franchise.. Here’s a new service oriented business, whadda y’all think?


  8. yahtzeebutterfly

    Link to page with all of the case dockets for the Curtis J. Reeves case:


    • Yahtzee,
      Thanks for the link. So, he has to have his SYG motion filed by November 16th if he’s going to file one, and trial is not scheduled until January.


  9. yahtzeebutterfly

    The jury of the DOJ’s trial of Alabama Ofc. Eric Parker, charged with using excessive force, went into deliberation late yesterday afternoon.

    Parker, responding to a 911 call of a resident reporting a suspicious person walking on the sidewalk of the neighborhood in broad daylight, found non-English-speaking Sureshbhai Patel from India who had been visiting his son, Chirag, an engineer for a government contractor in Huntsville.

    Parker used a take-down maneuver on Sureshbhai which has left Sureshbhai partially paralyzed.

    Here is the video of Parker slinging Sureshbhai to the ground, injuring Sureshbhai’s vertebrae which a Huntsville hospital had to fuse together. Notice that Parker put one of his legs out as part of the take down maneuver. Parker denies that he intentionally put his leg out saying that his leg went to that position because he was falling down.

    Published on Feb 12, 2015
    “Watch dashboard camera footage of Madison police officer throwing Sureshbhai Patel to the ground and paralyzing him.”

    I will post two article links under this post as replies.


  10. yahtzeebutterfly

    There will be a hearing today in the Freddie Gray case to determine the venue for the trial of the six Baltimore officers:

    “Hearing on Freddie Gray trial location to play out amid tensions”


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      MikeHeard ‏@MikeHeardCNN
      Judge Barry Williams will announce decision on whether 2 move #FreddieGray trials out of #Baltimore this morning1045am ET #CNN LIVE

      Kevin Rector ‏@RectorSun
      Defense argued taxpayer funded settlement for #FreddieGray family adds to prob finding impartial jury, bc every city juror is a taxpayer

      #FreddieGray defense argued every potential juror in Baltimore was impacted with settlement because taxpayers are ones paying it.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      WJZ | CBS Baltimore ‏@cbsbaltimore 8s8 seconds ago
      #BREAKING: A judge has ruled that the #FreddieGray trial stays in Baltimore


  11. yahtzeebutterfly

    At Michael Slager’s bond hearing today his attorney asked for house arrest. The judge said he would rule on the motion later. Slater is still in jail.


    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Keegan Stephan ‏@KeeganNYC 29m29 minutes ago

      Judge denies bail for cop who shot & killed unarmed #WalterScott:–327519231.html


      CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — A white former South Carolina police officer charged with murder in the shooting death of a black motorist won’t be released before his trial.

      Circuit Judge Clifton Newman on Monday denied bond for Michael Slager. In a brief order, he said releasing Slager would “constitute an unreasonable danger to the community.”


  12. yahtzeebutterfly

    “Civil rights legends preach activism at MTSU”
    September 17, 2015

    Excerpt from the article:

    Fifty years after the Voters Rights Act was passed on Aug. 6, 1965, to prohibit racial discrimination in voting, Lawson blames the lull in American progress for equality on the four worst kinds of what he calls “spiritual wickedness” — sexism, racism, violence and “rich get richer” socioeconomic practices that he referred to as “plantation capitalism.”

    When asked by an audience member how college students could stir proper conversation to incite a movement to fight such inequality, Lawson said, “To create change, you have to become a mirror of the change you’d like to see.

    “We must believe that we are all created, and we are all created equally,” he continued. “That we live in a world where we all are gifted, and we must use our giftedness on the side of truth and justice. That’s critical for the new world that is being born.”

    As for the Voting Rights Act itself, Lawson said: “Voting, as critical as it is, is not the primary responsibility of citizen engagement. Being a learned, loving, passionate, caring person who sees all other human beings as human beings is the first task.”

    Note: It was the Rev. James Lawson who trained John Lewis and the other early members of SNCC in the methods and philosophy of non-violent protest.


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