Uplifting Photo of the Day is of a Very Special Lady…

Bless her heart.

Kindness Blog

Susannah Jones has just celebrated her 116th birthday!

She is the last living American born in the 19th Century as well being the oldest Woman in the World.

Susannah Mushatt Jones

Susannah celebrated her 116th birthday surrounded by family and well-wishers at the Vandalia Senior Center in Brooklyn, New York

“You are a true American hero and a living legend right here in Brooklyn,” Hakeem Jeffries, who represents the borough in Congress, told Jones, eliciting cheers.

“In 1899, when [Jones] was born, William McKinley was president. By the grace of God, 116 years later, Barack Obama is president!”

State Assemblyman Charles Barron at one point leaned over and kissed Jones. “I kissed the oldest woman in the world and guess what?” he joked. “I’m leaving my wife and marrying Miss Susie.”

The secret to Jones’s long life? “She eats a lot of bacon,” the supercentenarian’s nephew, Callie Mushatt Jones, told Newsweek. (Jones’s massive birthday cake was decorated…

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About Xena

Blogging on Word press since 2012. Retired senior citizen interested in equal rights, democracy, music, movies.

Posted on 07/09/2015, in Happiness and Kindness, Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 33 Comments.

  1. Linda Andersen

    That’s beautiful, Xena! I agree with the bacon part….

    Liked by 3 people

  2. yahtzeebutterfly

    Happy Birthday, Susannah. You are amazing!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Amazing!

    Liked by 5 people

  4. WOW! That means I can live a long life eating bacon which I LOVE!!! Happy Birthday! May you have many many more!!!!!

    Liked by 4 people

  5. kindheart101

    Just went to the store and bought bacon………….:)

    Liked by 3 people

    • yahtzeebutterfly

      Liked by 3 people

    • Linda Andersen

      Kindheart and shyloh, I have an old Tupperware container that is supposed to be used for marinating meat. Instead, whenever bacon is on sale, I separate the bacon strips and put them in the container between layers of waxed paper and FREEZE them. Then I will take out a layer or two at a time to cook.

      Liked by 2 people

      • kindheart101

        That is so smart Linda! I have always just put the whole package in the freezer, which of course means I have to defrost the whole package to use it. Using your method I can defrost only what I need.

        Thank you

        Liked by 2 people

        • Linda Andersen

          I saw an episode of Rachael Ray once where she froze the entire package, then just cut an inch or so off the end to use in recipes. She put the remainder of the package in a freezer bag. Good if you’re going to just use cut up pieces in beans or greens!

          Liked by 2 people

          • yahtzeebutterfly

            Okay, you two. 🙂 Now, I am ready to come to dinner and have some of your culinary treats.

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          • Linda Andersen



          • Linda Andersen

            Unfortunately, since I got divorced, I’ve discovered the joys of carry out and microwave! Since I can’t afford carry out, it’s mostly microwave and slow cooker for me!


          • kindheart101

            That would work, but I sure like your idea much better. I love to cook, (and eat) but I can wind up with a lot of waste if I have large amounts of food in the refrigerator waiting to be cooked. So, I package everything in single portion, dated freezer bags, and only thaw what I need. (Also makes it very easy when I have company)

            Now when I want to enjoy bacon and eggs in the morning, I can! But because I had to thaw a whole pound of bacon, I don’t need to eat bacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner until it’s gone.

            Liked by 2 people

          • Linda Andersen

            Glad I was able to help! If you live long enough, you pick up a lot of tips and shortcuts over the years! Now, if you’d like to hear my solution for washable, reusable incontinence pads…. (I’m being serious here! It’s an inconvenient subject, but there ARE workarounds for the wasteful disposable type).

            Liked by 1 person

          • kindheart101

            I would be lying if I said I was even close to being a “Spring Chicken” Linda….though I still make an awesome Chicken Marsala. LOL

            Now, about the “solution for washable, reusable incontinence pads,” you have my attention. Having been a Hospice Caregiver, I fully understand the need for dignity, comfort and confidence when being in public. Unfortunately, everything that is needed, comes at a cost that when marketed to the public is sometimes outlandishly expensive.

            I don’t know that everyone here would be comfortable speaking about this, but I have a suggestion? I’m sure Xena has access to our email addresses through wordpress, so I will give her permission to give you my email address, if you would like.

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  6. Linda Andersen

    Xena, if you will send me Kindheart101’s email address, or send her mine, we can discuss this uncomfortable situation. Just please don’t banish me for being offensive!

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    • kindheart101

      You are too funny! “Banish You?” You are a straight talker, and I admire that.

      I was up before dawn, and traveled to Columbia, SC for the removal of the Confederate Banner, so I am really in need of some sleep. This has been a very long day, though peppered with great accomplishments.

      My pillow is calling me…………….

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      • Linda Andersen

        Unfortunately, I don’t know how to talk any other way. I am definitely NOT a politician! Get some sleep, These “uncomfortable situations” will wait another day!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Linda Andersen

        Another possibility is if Xena would be willing to be a “go between” for the discussion. That way, she won’t feel as if she is compromising anyone’s privacy. Of course, she may learn more about incontinence than she ever wanted to know!


        • LOL@Linda. No thanks. I’ll leave that subject to you and Kindheart. LOL! With your permission, I’ll send her your email address.


          • Linda Andersen

            Chicken!!! Yes, you may send her my email address. My only other option would be to issue a SPOILER ALERT and post it all here! LOL!


          • Linda Andersen

            Don’t worry, Xena. I wouldn’t do that to you!


          • If it’s information we and the public need to know, then of course you can do that to me. 🙂 By the way, I don’t know if you already replied but do you want me to give Kindheart your email address?

            Liked by 1 person

          • LOL! Linda, I can actually open a thread for you and Kindheart. I don’t however, know if I can be creative with the title. 🙂

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          • yahtzeebutterfly

            I’ve been laughing and enjoying this exchange, all of you.

            Don’t know what you would title an article, Xena, but I would title this exchange “Dry Humor” 🙂

            Liked by 2 people

          • Linda Andersen

            Xena, this is the only place I could find a “reply” button… Yes, it is okay if you want to send my email address to Kindheart. I know it’s not something that other people may want to know about, but, on the other hand, I think most people are just too embarrassed to admit it. Being in the hospital for a month after my stroke and hooked up to a catheter destroyed any shred of dignity I have left! I think it is USEFUL information, and I was so proud of myself for figuring it out, I wanted to share it.

            I’ll just go ahead and share it here–anyone who reads this does so at his/her own peril and should have changed the channel already!

            Other than the usual Poise, Tena, etc. products, it’s nearly impossible to find similar products that are washable and reusable. Those that ARE out there are ridiculously expensive and mediocre. Believe me, I tried!

            In a similar vein, you CAN find washable/reusable menstrual pads and cloth diaper liners. I just lay a diaper liner on top of the menstrual pad (the kind I use don’t accept inserts).

            Since Amazon is my department store of choice, here are the links:

            It’s best to get more diaper liners in relation to the pads. I will often go through 2 or 3 liners before the pads even start to feel damp.

            There you go. Now all of you know my deepest, darkest secrets! I don’t drink (can’t), don’t smoke, and don’t do drugs (other than my prescription meds), so my vices are watching The Bachelor/Bachelorette while eating popcorn and drinking Coke! To most people, my life is pretty boring. But, I always say, “I like boring. It means nothing is going wrong!”


  7. Just imagine the things she has seen~

    Liked by 2 people

    • Linda Andersen

      Years ago, an elderly woman told me how she used to boil potatoes to make laundry starch. It’s amazing to me how people got by in the pre-modern era. Our current lives would have seemed like science fiction to them!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Hey Gator Woman! Indeed. From ink pens that have to be refilled from an ink bottle, to ball point pens. Pencil sharpeners. Ice boxes to refrigerators to refrigerator freezes. Wash boards and wash tubs to ringer washers, to automatic washing machines. Dish washers. TV dinners to Stouffers. Microwave ovens. Gas light to electricity. Televisions and televisions from 3 channels to cable. Batteries. Calculators.

      Oh — I’m talking about during my lifetime. LOL!

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  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MS. JONES! Happy, happy birthday!

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