Three Los Angeles Sheriff Deputies Convicted

In February 2011, Gabriel Carrillo came to the Los Angeles county jail to visit his brother. He had a cell phone, and mouthed off to the deputies when told that it was a misdemeanor offense to bring a cell phone into the visitation room.  Deputy Pantamitr Zunggeemoge arrested Gabriel, and took him into a break room where there is no video.  Zunggeemoge handcuffed Gabriel, and confiscated the cell phone.

Gabriel Carrillo who usually looks like this …

Carrillo today

Gabriel Carrillo

came out of the break room looking like this.


Five deputies beat, kneed, and pepper sprayed Gabriel.  Once they were content that they had taught Gabriel a lesson, the five deputies in the room gathered to concoct a story to justify the beating. Sergeant Gonzalez, the supervisor, told them to say that Carrillo had one hand free from handcuffs so he could be fingerprinted, when he began swinging wildly with the loose handcuff using it as a weapon, giving the deputies no choice but to beat him within an inch of his life.

That was their story, and they were sticking to it. They repeated the same story to internal affairs, the district attorney’s office and Gabriel’s defense attorney’s during depositions.   Eventually, two of the deputies, Zunggeemoge and Womack told the truth. This is why; the injuries to Gabriel’s arms supported that both of his hands were handcuffed.

The feds indicted all five deputies for assault and civil rights violations. Their trials were scheduled to begin in May 2015. Two of the deputies, Zunggeemoge and Womack, decided to strike a deal, agreeing to plead guilty to criminal charges as well as to testify against the other deputies.

Deputy Zunggeemoge said he was annoyed that Gabriel had mouthed off to him, so while Gabriel was handcuffed behind his back, he lifted Gabriel’s arms behind his back “so he could feel some pain.” According to Deputy Zunggeemoge, he left the room to run Gabriel’s name in a criminal database, leaving him in there with other deputies. When he returned, he found deputy Fernando Luviano struggling with Gabriel as Sergeant Eric Gonzalez and deputy Sussie Ayala watched. Zunggeeemoge said he jumped in to help Luviano with Gabriel, bringing Gabriel to the ground and slamming his face against the floor, continuing to beat him even though it was clear the man was handcuffed.

Zunggeeemoge said that Luviano pepper sprayed Gabriel and when Gabriel turned his face to avoid that, Zunggeemoge punched him twice. Another deputy, Neil Womack, entered the room and began beating the handcuffed man, who was facedown on the floor. They then charged Gabriel with felony battery against law enforcement officers.

The Los Angeles Times reports;

“Under the terms of the agreement he signed last week, Deputy Noel Womack gave prosecutors a new version of the violent 2011 encounter in a windowless, secluded room in the Men’s Central Jail facility. Deputies, he said, beat the jail visitor even though the man was handcuffed and not resisting as he was held on the floor, according to a copy of the agreement reviewed by The Times.

Womack has agreed to plead guilty to a felony charge that he lied to FBI agents during an interview last month when he told them he did not know if the visitor was handcuffed, the agreement said. He admitted to lying again when he told the agents his supervisor had ordered him to punch the man and a third time when he said the strikes he inflicted on the man had been necessary, the agreement said.”

In their plea agreement with Womack, prosecutors said Womack’s actions highlight the pressures that deputies put up a united front. “Womack understood that he was never supposed to go against his partners.”

Womack’s agreement bans him from working in law enforcement, and requires him to resign from the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department.  Prosecutors will recommend to the judge that Womack receive no time in prison. The judge could opt to disregard the suggestion and sentence Womack to as many as five years.

The second deputy, Pantamitr Zunggeemoge, entered a guilty plea earlier this year, and his agreement with prosecutors was sealed by U.S. District Court Judge George H. King, keeping the details secret.

That left three deputies, Gonzalez, Ayala and Luviano, who all pleaded not guilty.

On June 17, 2015, Pantamitr Zunggeemoge told jurors the truth. It took the jury less than an hour to reach a verdict. On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, Sgt. Eric Gonzalez and Deputy Sussie Ayala were found guilty of conspiracy to violate constitutional rights, deprivation of rights and falsification of records in the Feb. 26, 2011, beating of Gabriel Carrillo. Deputy Fernando Luviano was found guilty of deprivation of rights and falsification of records. Their sentencing is scheduled for November 2, 2015, with another hearing scheduled for next week to determine whether the deputies should be taken into custody pending their sentencing.

The felony assault charges against Gabriel were dismissed and Gabriel has since been awarded a settlement of over a million dollars.

Jurors were shown the following video.


Posted on 06/25/2015, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 31 Comments.

  1. Jackie Saulmon Ramirez

    I am so disgusted with abusive people. These are law enforcement officers that are supposed to serve and protect – not bully and abuse.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. scrodriguez

    These cowards should all be facing attempted murder charges, look at him for crying out loud they beat him to a bloody pulp. Each time a person gets hit in the head like that it puts the victim at risk of brain hemorrhaging which can lead to permanent disability and or death.

    Being that he was handcuffed he had no means of defending himself and these crooks knew that. I am sorry but though I am happy they are convicted for their crimes there should have been a much heavier charge here this man was beaten with in a half inch of his life.

    and after they beat this man down like this they video tape this interview with him basically forcing him not to snitch, in other words using intimidation tactics as a means to get away with the crimes they have committed.

    This is everyday police culture in Los Angeles especially in the County Jails where 9 & a half times out of 10 stuff like this goes un noticed & un reported

    Liked by 2 people

    • Santiago,
      Do you remember the story of David Castellani? That happened in New Jersey. He was handcuffed while beaten, and then a K9 was allowed to chew half of his head off.

      In April of this year, a judge ordered the police department to turn over all complaints involving officer Wheaten, (who released the K9) because there are 21 of them but Wheaten was never disciplined.

      From the East to the West coast, this is happening and is a worst fear to American citizens than getting on a plane with a terrorist.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. yeseventhistoowillpass

    I get the old excuse of, “He slipped in the bathroom didn’t work this time.” Funny how often that excuse had worked…. It’s not funny..

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey Juan! And, how do you like those stories that suspects handcuffed behind their back somehow manage to get a “hidden” gun and shoot themselves in the head?


  4. Two sides to a story

    This is what Zimmerman claimed happened to him, more or less, despite contrary evidence with his little booboos . . . and what goes on for real all too often when cops aren’t confronted by cameras. LAPD, especially, thinks they’re above the law.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hey Two Sides! Yeah, a blind person could see that Zimmerman wasn’t punched by Trayvon. Even O’Mara had to lift the dummy up by the shoulders to get its head to hit the ground, which is just opposite of what Zimmerman said Trayvon did to him.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Mr. Militant Negro

    Reblogged this on The Militant Negro™.


  6. you can tell he was terrified to even say they were the ones that hit him…….amazing…..the officers are trying to put on tape we dont know what happened and use his words to show that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bill, Yes. Indeed Gabriel was terrified. He was also arrested so knew to “know nothing” until he was released. Nothing something while in jail could have led to silencing him permanently.


  7. roderick2012

    Ex-Baltimore Police Officer Rails Against His Department’s Many Wrongdoings

    Following the suspicious death of Freddie Gray while in police custody, Baltimore erupted into a city of peaceful protest turned violent riots, in which demonstrators clashed with police officers on national television. Six officers were eventually indicted. Yet even if anything comes of these charges, many point to the lack of desired results in the court hearings following the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

    Enter Michael A. Wood Jr., a former Baltimore police officer and member of the United States Marine Corps who’s been calling out the BPD for some time now. In a candid three-hour radio interview back in may, Wood detailed the department’s many failings — including poor management at all levels and entrenched corruption. At one point, Wood concludes that “BPD started the Baltimore riots.”

    Yet nothing ever really came of the PhD candidate’s interview and statements — until now. That’s because Wood took to Twitter on Wednesday with a special announcement:

    Seems like more talk, but his tweets began just a minute later:

    They go on for awhile:

    Liked by 2 people

    • here’s a new video about the other Ex Baltimore cop Joe Crystal
      X did a post about him awhile ago too.

      But i have some of the same issues w/ this new guy on twitter that other ppl have mentioned.
      His twitter profile pretty much self promotion. which is sorta off putting when we’re discussing shit as serious like police beating & murdering innocent citizens w/impunity. He’s selling a book he wrote, he’s a “PhD candidate” (from some online college) etc.. it’s not that i don’t believe him cuz i do, it’s really his intentions that I question..

      Liked by 1 person

      • Shannon, I understand what you’re saying, but what Crystal is doing is called “marketing and promotion.” He would probably not have a reason for being on Twitter otherwise. So many marketing and public relations companies do not understand “social media”, limiting it to promotion of books and such rather than actual interaction with others. IMHO, if people don’t want to interact with others while promoting a message, book, movie, etc., they should simply open a website to give info and promotional material and not go on social media that is intended for interaction.


        • Sorry I think my post was confusing! my issue is with Michael Wood’s twitter acct not Joe Crystal. (i didn’t know Crystal has an acct,but I’m gonna find out & follow him if he does)
          Its Wood’s agenda I’m suspicion of. And in a way I feel bad being so quick to question his intentions. cuz no matter why he’s doing it, I definitely want to encourage ppl to expose police corruption!
          And yep the marketing thing rubs me wrong. he’s trying a little subtle marketing. not coming right out and saying it.

          i don’t know if he’s (Wood) receiving the feedback he expected.
          I saw some interactions with his ‘critics’ on twitter. seems like most ppl like him. but then there’s the cynics like me, not exactly patting him on the back! LMAO
          But most ‘critics’ i saw were bitching at him for not coming forward when the crimes happened. His explanations are what i expected. he wasn’t trying to lose his job, he was caught up in the mentality, culture.. & i think he admitted that he wasn’t especially sympathetic to black ppl. he was a bigot & of course fear of retaliation. ( wow, did ya see a Kentucky “FOP’s Open Letter”/ TOTALLY Blatant, Public THREATS to Protesters/Criminal Element/Liars/Agitators/Black ppl specifically! ( & any ‘white quilt idiots’) LMAO but they’re fuxen really THREATENING citizens- for get this; “The Liars out there” Serious!

          The video is about Joe Crystal. I think he’s sincere. i think most ppl who aren’t witness or subjected to police violence imagine most cops are like Joe Crystal.
          As a kid I was WAY more scared of my mom, not cops, if i wasn’t home before dark.
          A few times i’d end up frantically pedaling my purple bike w/glitter banana seat to the 1st cop i’d see & beg him to protect & serve me a ride home.
          AND walk me to the door if it was actually dark! Thinking she wouldn’t yell in front of a cop! LMAO

          But most cops aren’t like Crystal & he’s helping more ppl see how out of control our criminal justice/police are!
          But more ppl are seeing for themselves tho too.
          They see real good like when police are attacking them, a middle aged white guy from Newark!
          When police attacks one of their kids’ classmates at a pool party.
          Or when they finally see “that video” of a cop killing someone who
          Looks. Just. Like. Them! Someone doing something they’ve actually done or totally imagine doing!

          OMG I WROTE A NOVEL IN LIKE 3 HOURS! I always do this! LMAO
          Ok here goes submit; hope it goes thruuu..,,, oh wait, i can actually copy before i try to submit this time!


          • I can understand Woods and Crystal now coming forth to share their experiences. Those who are hard on Woods, i.e., (why did you wait and not do something then), should read Crystal’s story of what happened to him when he did report what was happening. It’s a miracle that he’s still alive.

            As far as using Twitter to promote books, etc., I personally have problems when people do that and have no interaction with others. I realize that if they have many followers that it is impossible to respond to all tweets, but there are some people whose timelines consists of just them telling others what they are doing without any interaction with their followers.

            Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m so glad there is SOME semblance of consequences for these cops. But It’s a little annoying to see most of the charges they ended up with, that we know of, was lying to cops & on reports. basically they got in more trouble for what they did to their superiors!!
    so its still like ‘comply or die’ type scenario except it’s among the Law Enforcement ranks.

    its also less than satisfying because of the sweetheart deals. so reward the one who admittedly started this savage attack? and why believe him anyway? they were all there they were all complicit. just like the prosecutor knew physics & common sense says they were lying about the one hand handcuff, a reasonable jury would too.

    and of course this story reminded me of Darren Wilson’s lies about Mike Brown trying to fight with him! like his claims Mike Brown ‘charged’ him after he’d already shot him several times!
    instead of believing a far more reasonable scenario that the physical evidence does NOT contradict nor need mental gymnastics to make a square peg fit into the round hole.
    the story the 11 witnesses said happened, the ones without a motive to lie!


    • Shannon, I know what you mean, but all the deputies were indicted by the feds and not the State. The feds have limited jurisdiction over charges when federal employees are not involved and even less power when its not a member of law enforcement. Had Zimmerman been deputized law enforcement, the feds could have brought charges of violation of civil rights, just as in Gabriel’s case, without boxing it into a hate-crime.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah its amazing that a rabid pack of your local sheriffs can attack you in a private room &you realize there’s absolutely NO ONE to save you.

        Remember those kids watching the cop attacking a 14yr & how horrified & scared just the witnesses were? That one kid’s brain kept telling him to ‘call the police’ because someone was abusing another boy right in front of his eyes!

        And Omg Trayvon! The terror!
        The POS state of florida shoulda had Zimmerman locked up no problem. They had some punk ass loser on tape calling him a coon, stalking & shooting his neighbor’s kid, a suburban, unarmed teenager as he’s screaming for his life.
        The witnesses who saw what Zimmerman did to Trayvon after he shot him prove he was trying to play cop by jumping on his back & smothering a helpless kid.
        But the feds wanna act like if it were their kid they just wouldn’t have enough evidence to lock that coldblooded child murdering slob up for a hate crime? Esp after the state complete failure! No way! Cuz the day he murders one of their 17yr kids he wouldn’t be on Hanity snickering about how he terrified the kid into literally running away from him!


  9. Looks like there is a few things wrong with the the qualifications, selection, training and supervision of police, unless this end result is the intention.

    Liked by 1 person

    • From what I can see, it’s the lack of discipline in real life beyond that in the military, where authority role models use yelling, demand immediate obedience without question, and issue physical discipline for imperfections. When police academies train in the same manner, what we have are quasi-military personnel on police forces.

      Along with this, most members of law enforcement do not live in the communities they patrol and so, do not know the people in the community. 911 calls for help with mentally ill people is one example. If law enforcement actually knew the people in the community and who is mentally ill, they might not have such great fear of bodily harm that they end up killing them.

      I’m thinking out loud here, but maybe the Chiefs should have community meetings where officers patrolling the community can meet with residents and get to know each other. However, it might be too late to establish trust at this point.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Hmmm. The police fancy themselves as soldiers minus the risks? Doesn’t sound too healthy. Your description of training explains a lot. So the system is wrong. So is it wrong by accident or on purpose as in ” nothing in politics happens by accident”. Is there any difference between North America and South America now? Is that the intention? Anticipatory socialisation – merging cultural norms?
        The story is very disturbing. This is tyranny. So thats how the police operate – cowardly attacks on helpless people. It makes you wonder if they are all being recruited from prison or mental asylums.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I can’t say that I keep up with politics nationwide nor globally, neither what certain political descriptions mean. I do know right from wrong, and the carnal human nature to judge people as deserving of death is wrong. That is what I see more and more as victims are degraded into being less than human, or a burden on society, to justify the increase in law enforcement killings. That is wrong.

          Since the early 1990’s, the majority of those attracted to enlist in the military do so because they saw no future for themselves working otherwise, and the same is true for many who applied for law enforcement. It’s a position with a high bar, but that bar is now on the ground in many cities and frankly, I don’t see how trust and respect can be recovered since they are not held accountable for their actions that harm and kill humans.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. Uh, beating anyone like that is NOT merely being a “bully” engaging in “abuse.”

    Thats a severe beating and the FACT that a deputy and his buddies did it in the LA County Jail speaks volumes of how out of control the government really is.

    Look at this. They charged the cop, NOT with assault even, but with merely depriving the victim of his constitutional rights.

    Thats your failed government for ya. The cops involved beat the victim so severely that it included great bodily harm and possibly permanent injuries about the brain such as a concussion. But the cops are always protected with lesser criminal charges…. if they have to prosecute, the hypocrites in government always seek out a way to lessen the criminal charges against the criminals with a badge.


    • Hi Jason and welcome to Blackbutterfly7/We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident.


      Look at this. They charged the cop, NOT with assault even, but with merely depriving the victim of his constitutional rights.

      It looks that way, but this was a situation where the federal government took over and prosecuted. Federal jurisdiction is very limited. It prosecuted based on violation of constitutional rights, rather than California state law where the crime occurred. Whenever I hear a person or politician say that the federal government has too much power, I think of cases such as these where the federal government doesn’t have enough power.


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